Laboring Towards Labor Day (CLOSED GRP)



  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 221 Member
    I won't have access to my scale the rest of this weekend so I have to weigh in now.

    183.6 Exactly the same as last week. I've been sick and haven't been able to exercise as much but I did compensate with lower intake. Oh well. I'm going out of town for the weekend. Wish me luck. Vacations kill my weight. Going to work hard to hopefully have a loss to end the challenge.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Thanks Denise for keeping us going for another couple of weeks.
    Good Luck with your journey.
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    Denise Your threads have been a mainstay here for me at MFP... I am going to miss them. Your not going... right?
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm not going anywhere....i'm just not "running" a challenge group....i'm doing the move your *kitten* again with dinos but that doesnt require any work for me lol...i just report like everyone else does and dinos does the work lol.....i dont want to do weigh ins for a while so that is why i'm not doing another "weight loss" challenge....back in june/july we talked about making this challenge thru labor day or halloween so i WAS going to start another halloween thread after labor day ended and then i decided to take a break for the scale so how can i participate and "run" a weight loss challenge if im not weighing in.....

    I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE...i'll still be on MFP, i'll still be posting to your statuses, i'll still be posting threads about stuff that interests me, i'll still be writing on your walls, i'll still be logging my food and my exercise, i'm just not doing a challenge with a weigh in.....

    got it???? you can't get rid of me that easily lol....

    and guys make a girl feel really good about herself with all the love and worry....
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Thanks for the thread Denise!
  • Bumpin' :)
  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    i'm not going anywhere....i'm just not "running" a challenge group....i'm doing the move your *kitten* again with dinos but that doesnt require any work for me lol...i just report like everyone else does and dinos does the work lol.....i dont want to do weigh ins for a while so that is why i'm not doing another "weight loss" challenge....back in june/july we talked about making this challenge thru labor day or halloween so i WAS going to start another halloween thread after labor day ended and then i decided to take a break for the scale so how can i participate and "run" a weight loss challenge if im not weighing in.....

    I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE...i'll still be on MFP, i'll still be posting to your statuses, i'll still be posting threads about stuff that interests me, i'll still be writing on your walls, i'll still be logging my food and my exercise, i'm just not doing a challenge with a weigh in.....

    got it???? you can't get rid of me that easily lol....

    :wink: :happy: :bigsmile:

    and guys make a girl feel really good about herself with all the love and worry....
  • vkpmusic
    vkpmusic Posts: 343 Member
    Heading to DISNEY tomorrow so weighing early! 153 even! :bigsmile:

  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    i'm not going anywhere....i'm just not "running" a challenge group...

    DARN... :sad: that you're not doing our next challenge group.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    Good morning my scale sid 139 for two days now...I'll take it. SPoke to my doc yesterday and she said 140 was a good weight for me. LOL Ive been trying to loose these last tn pounds by her recommendation but now.....140 is a good weight. I tell ya....

    Im shooting for 130 still.
  • bump
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Denise I totally understand where u coming from i really need to focus also to get to where I want to be my weight has been all over the place for over a yr driving me insane I am hoping since moving from family will help me refocus and see a big change by Christmas my gift to myself since my birthday has come and gone so my hat off to you for putting u first and doing whats best for you. Maybe we can just have a thread going to motivate and vent or celebrate non scale victories just a thought. I havent finished unpacking yet so thats why i been distant and now we are without power due to Irene.

    All in all I have really enjoyed you all and appreciate everything you have done for us Denise and the time you have taken away from work I wish you well with all your goals
  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    Down 2. I'll take that. Looks like I won't make my goal of 208. But who knows...there could be a miracle!

    7/04/11 225.0
    7/11/11 222.6
    7/18/11 222.0
    7/25/11 218.4
    8/01/11 217.4
    8/08/11 217.4
    8/15/11 216.4
    8/22/11 214.2
    8/29/11 212.2
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,275 Member
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Starting Weight: 222
    Goal Weight: 207

    7/01: 222.0
    7/10: 221.8
    7/18: 221.4
    7/24: 221.4
    8/01: 222.0
    8/08: 220.6
    8/14: 220.2
    8/22: 217.8 .
    8/29: 215.6 - down another 2.2 this week!
    9/05: GOAL 207
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost half a pound this week to be weighing in at 184.5 this morning .
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    2 lb loss...I actually saw 202.6 on the scale earlier this week, but I'm reporting my current weight of 204. Good luck to us all as we head into our final week! Go Teams!
    7/1: 217.8
    7/7: 214.4
    7/14: 211.8
    7/25: 210.8
    8/1: 211
    8/8: 209
    8/15: 209
    8/21: 206
    8/29: 204
    I used to log my food but I decided to take a break...since it really got me so focused on thinking about food all the time! For this challenge I've been working on seeing "food as fuel" only. I think I really screwed up my metabolism by not exercising and weighing 229. My doctor convinced me that I would lose more weight by focusing on what I'm eating and when I'm eating it rather than spending hours in the gym. I do walk or get on my elliptical daily for 20-30 minutes.
    I'm retired and home what I'm doing is eating mostly whole foods every hour or 1.5 hours. I think I'm keeping my blood sugar at a very even level by eating something healthy every 1 to 1.5 hours. I set my cell alarm to read EAT.
    Everyday is different but my servings at home are usually just one food or two, low in sodium and high in protein or complex carbs....usually 1 to 1.5 cups in size. I make pinto beans, spaghetti squash, hard boiled eggs, grilled veggies, salads and eat peanut butter and fresh fruits. When we go out to eat I've ordered something I really like and take half home (no bread basket and only water to drink). When I sit down to a full meal, I'm focusing on not eating to be full, just satisfied is good enough for me. I do stay away from fried, battered foods. I'm paying more attention to what I'm eating and how much of it I really need to fuel myself for the hour or two till I get my next food/drink.
    I think I will go back to logging food when I get to the 170's because then every calorie will really matter more. Right now I'm focusing on feeling fueled rather than feeling hungry. I've also prayed a lot since March for help with my overeating and lack of exercise...I firmly believe that if I do what I can do, then God will do the rest. I just wasn't doing all I could do to take care of myself and now I can tell I'm trying harder at doing that.
  • 7/04: 170
    7/11: 169
    7/18: 169
    7/25: 169
    8/01: 169.5
    8/08: 169.5
    8/15: 168.5
    8/22: 167.5
    8/29: 169

    Ugh. I was really, really hoping this was just water weight... but it appears it's 'real' weight. But, I know how I gained it and I know how to get it off. Here's to a sweet loss to finish up this great challenge.
  • Sho_Rowell
    Sho_Rowell Posts: 104 Member
    179.0 this week. Finally the 170's!
  • Gerkenstein
    Gerkenstein Posts: 315 Member
    Starting Weight: 268.2
    Goal Weight: 265

    7/04: 268.2
    7/11: 268.2
    7/18: 268.2
    7/25: 272.2
    8/01: 271.4
    8/08: 274.2
    8/15: 272.8
    8/22: 274
    8/29: 275 Was even more disappointed this week to see that number especially since I had done so well all week. I did get TOM and I know my muscles are retaining a lot of water from my workout on Saturday, but that's very little comfort. A couple weeks ago I thought it *could* still be possible to hit 265...I now know that's impossible which makes me very sad. I'm still working hard to hit my goals and drop this weight, but it feels pretty lousy ending a challenge heavier than when you started it. Denise, I'm sad you won't be leading another challenge, but I also think I need to focus more on myself too so I won't be joining in the September challenge. Really staying focused this week so I can actually report a loss next week.
    9/05: GOAL 265
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