Laboring Towards Labor Day (CLOSED GRP)



  • FitJ1210
    FitJ1210 Posts: 754
    The 150's didn't stick around for long. Congrats to everyone that have lost this week! :smile:

    7/04: 163.8
    7/11: 162.4
    7/18: 162.2
    7/25: 163.6
    8/01: 165
    8/08: 161.4
    8/15: 160
    8/22: 158.4
    8/29: 160.2
    Goal 152.8
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    ::::::Team Orange:::

    7/04/11 132.1
    7/11/11 132.7
    7/18/11 130.7 Yay!!! I hit my pre-vacation weight!! Next week it's the 120s!
    7/25/11 129.2 --> finally the 120s!
    8/01/11 127.9
    8/08/11 126.1 My week of hard work paid off!
    8/15/11 127.2
    8/22/11 126.5
    8/29/11 125.9
    9/05/11 GW: 123.1

    Not gonna make that goal, but that's okay. I'm lifting and getting stronger!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    July 4 - 172.2 Red, White & Blue Challenge
    July 11 - 175.8 vacation week - Sailing, biking, walking
    July 14 - 172.3 Jimmy Buffet concert - Sailing over
    July 18 - 172.4 Not too much damage over the weekend will
    try harder next week.
    July 22 - 168.2 Next level goal is 165
    July 29 - 170.0
    August 6 - 170.8- Best I could do
    August 15- 173.8 Peach Festival/Corn Roast
    August 22 - 174.0
    August 29 - 173 Concert Great Big Sea
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    sho_barnes - Congrats on getting to "179.0 this week. Finally the 170's!" :flowerforyou:
    Great job! I'd love to be there, too!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Starting Weight: 175
    Goal Weight: 166

    7/02: 175
    7/11: 174
    7/18: 176
    7/25: 176
    8/01: 176
    8/08: 183.8
    8/15: 180
    8/22: 177.8
    8/28: 177.2
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    7/3: 157.8
    7/10: 156.2
    7/17: 155.0
    7/25: 154.6
    7/31: 153.2
    8/7: 151.8
    8/14: 149.2
    8/21: 149.2
    8/28: 149.2

    My weight is still up but I don't want to report a gain. I have big big plans to have a nice loss next week. We're almost done ladies!!!!!!!
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    179.0 this week. Finally the 170's!

    Yay! Good for you!
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Starting Weight: 160.2
    Goal Weight: 151.2

    7/05: 160.2
    7/12: 159.4
    7/19: 158.0
    7/26: 157.0
    8/02: 155.6
    8/09: 153.8
    8/16: 153.2
    8/23: 153.2
    8/30: 151.8
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    bluiz13 said -- "i'm more than willing to "give" the spreadsheet to someone else if you guys want to continue onto another challenge thread.....just let me know....."

    I'm seriously thinking about taking this on and doing the challenge from 9/5 to 12/24... so a Christmas challenge! How many of you would be willing to keep going with a challenge that long? Do you want to continue with teams or do we want to go back to just be accountable to the group as a whole and ourselves? If we did it as a group, we could leave it open for a little while so that others who are looking for a Christmas challenge could find/join one. One other thing... I'm terrible about issuing other challenges (like water, exercise, etc.) so if you want those also, someone else would need to be in charge of that aspect of it. Please post here if you'd be interested in a Christmas challenge. It could be something like Svelte for Saint Nick or Curves for Christmas or... ? Or Hubba Hubba (or something with an H) for the Holidays since not everyone celebrates Christmas.

    P.S. This challenge would be about 16 weeks long.
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    kcthatsme - Congrats on your weight loss!

    I'd join a challenge from 9/5 to 12/24. I'll need one to get me through Thanksgiving! I agree it might be better to not do it as teams so that "we could leave it open for a little while so that others who are looking for a Christmas challenge could find/join one".

    "Hubba Hubba for the Holidays" cracks me up! That challenge name would probably help me not take myself so seriously! Let's ENJOY our journey to a healthier us!

    Thanks for offering to get us going on the next challenge! I appreciate all the work Denise has done for all of us and I'm eager to stay focused on making healthy choices.
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    170.2 today hopefully see the 160's next week
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am deffently interested in being in the next challenge ! These challenges are great they keep me on track !
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Weighin 138 today. We have not had power for a couple of days. Not sure if my last post posted.

    Love the name of the next challenge
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    I'm in for the next challenge! I'll be trying to lose a little/ maintain and I like the idea of having you guys keep me honest!
  • CrysButcher3
    I would definitely do another challenge. I agree that the challenges keep me on track. Without them I'm not so sure I would be as motivated to be honest. So....if ya do one, I'm in!!!!

    Weighing in for today also...I am a steady 220. Stayed 220 for the past few this is gain!
  • cmpettey
    cmpettey Posts: 223
    I am so in for another challenge. Not only does it keep me on track and accountable but I also have gotten to know you guys and the thought of not having a challenge with you made me a little sad. One that goes through the holidays is actually perfect to keep me on track and losing during the holidays instead of gaining. I'm so happy. :happy:
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member

    Love the name of the next challenge

    Which name?
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    I like the Hubba Hubba for the Holidays name too! I'm already in a Christmas challenge, but since it's a challenge, I will also stay with our group! No reason I can't post on 2 :happy:
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
  • shannonaufman
    I'm in for whatever. Tell me where to be and what to do... and I'll do it! :laugh: I really enjoy these challenges and have grown to love posting with y'all and sharing this journey with each of you.

    Hubba hubba for the holidays would be a-mazing.