Laboring Towards Labor Day (CLOSED GRP)



  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    Here is the link for our new challenge so we can start thinking about it, and getting ready for it, as this one winds to a close. I've enjoyed being a part of this one and am looking forward to the next! ---Kristen

    I love the name and I will be joining this challenge and will be ready to kick some Fat!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Thanks Denise for all your hard work with this Challenge.
    Thanks Green Team for sticking it out with me.
    Only one week left. We can finish this don't quit now.
    I will be joining the Hubba Hubba Challenge for next month
    and kick some *kitten* in my weight journey until Christmas.

    Just think ladies, if we kick this weight until Christmas
    we can really enjoy that day of goodies without any guilt.
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Thanks Denise for all your hard work with this Challenge.
    Thanks Green Team for sticking it out with me.
    Only one week left. We can finish this don't quit now.
    I will be joining the Hubba Hubba Challenge for next month
    and kick some *kitten* in my weight journey until Christmas.

    Just think ladies, if we kick this weight until Christmas
    we can really enjoy that day of goodies without any guilt.

    I second everything you said (except putting Red Team
    instead :wink: ) and I'm planning on kicking it enough to
    enjoy the food on Thanksgiving also! And stealing just
    a few pieces of Halloween candy... :-) Let's DO IT!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    really really really really hoping to get below 175 for monday....i CAN DO IT!!! i started on 7/5 at 175 i HAVE TO END BELOW IT so i did "something" over the last 9 wks...
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    really really really really hoping to get below 175 for monday....i CAN DO IT!!! i started on 7/5 at 175 i HAVE TO END BELOW IT so i did "something" over the last 9 wks...

    Good luck! We're rooting for you!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    I'm going to shatter my Team Teal but the scale said this morning 143.6 Its TOM for me. Hopefully it will be gone by Monday. Gotta keep it real though.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm holding off on updating anyone's weights until monday....i know some of you weigh friday, saturday, sunday but if you post now and i update now then you post a better weight monday i'll have to change it....dont worry about posting more than once for the FINAL weighin...i dont mind...just know i'm taking the last thing you post as your FINAL weight.....good luck everyone this weekend and do your best....i'm looking forward to ending this challenge and starting fresh as this has NOT been my best one and i have had quite a few...i actually think i have been doing challenges with some of you since last summer when we did the labor day one with trace....anyway, have a good weekend...
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Denise, we'll finish this one up for you right...we're in this to make it to 100 lbs! Let's Give It Our All!

    P.S...sure glad I'm not posting my final weight today! I'm up 2 lbs! I swear I'm never having Chinese food again. I haven't had my weekly Chinese food fix since I started this challenge and I swear it's made all the difference! Went to a party and fell off the wagon. Chinese food's got mega amounts of sodium...just not worth it to me. Maybe when I'm 10 lbs within my goal, I'll try it again. I'm determined to stay away from it till the end of the upcoming HHH challenge!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Denise, we'll finish this one up for you right...we're in this to make it to 100 lbs! Let's Give It Our All!

    P.S...sure glad I'm not posting my final weight today! I'm up 2 lbs! I swear I'm never having Chinese food again. I haven't had my weekly Chinese food fix since I started this challenge and I swear it's made all the difference! Went to a party and fell off the wagon. Chinese food's got mega amounts of sodium...just not worth it to me. Maybe when I'm 10 lbs within my goal, I'll try it again. I'm determined to stay away from it till the end of the upcoming HHH challenge!

    i have chinese every thurs...have for majority of my journey....everything in moderation my dear...
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    100 pound group 100 pounds!!! We can do it. Get your water on!!
  • jllipson
    Not sure if I will have time to post tomorrow - so decided to do my final weigh today...

    Starting Weight: 222
    Goal Weight: 207

    7/01: 222.0
    7/10: 221.8
    7/18: 221.4
    7/24: 221.4
    8/01: 222.0
    8/08: 220.6
    8/14: 220.2
    8/22: 217.8 .
    8/29: 215.6 - down another 2.2 this week!
    9/05: 214.0 - Not to my goal, but I did lose 8 pounds during this round! OH YEAH - ALSO HIT MY HALFWAY POINT ON THIS JOURNEY TODAY!!!!!!! :happy:
    GOAL 207
  • FitJ1210
    My weigh-in... I didnt reach my goal but I still call -6.8 lbs from my highest a success!

    7/04: 163.8
    7/11: 162.4
    7/18: 162.2
    7/25: 163.6
    8/01: 165
    8/08: 161.4
    8/15: 160
    8/22: 158.4
    8/29: 160.2
    9/05: 158.2
    Goal 152.8
  • FitJ1210
    Not sure if I will have time to post tomorrow - so decided to do my final weigh today...

    Starting Weight: 222
    Goal Weight: 207

    7/01: 222.0
    7/10: 221.8
    7/18: 221.4
    7/24: 221.4
    8/01: 222.0
    8/08: 220.6
    8/14: 220.2
    8/22: 217.8 .
    8/29: 215.6 - down another 2.2 this week!
    9/05: 214.0 - Not to my goal, but I did lose 8 pounds during this round! OH YEAH - ALSO HIT MY HALFWAY POINT ON THIS JOURNEY TODAY!!!!!!! :happy:
    GOAL 207

    WOOO- HOO Jennifer!!! G0-G0 BLUES
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Starting Weight: 160.2
    Goal Weight: 151.2

    7/05: 160.2
    7/12: 159.4
    7/19: 158.0
    7/26: 157.0
    8/02: 155.6
    8/09: 153.8
    8/16: 153.2
    8/23: 153.2
    8/30: 151.8
    9/05: 151.2

    Yay! I made it to my goal! I wasn't sure if it was going to happen since August was such a sloooooow month for me.
  • shannonaufman
    7/04: 170
    7/11: 169
    7/18: 169
    7/25: 169
    8/01: 169.5
    8/08: 169.5
    8/15: 168.5
    8/22: 167.5
    8/29: 169
    9/05: 168

    Well... a loss is a loss!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    !42 todays weighin....Thank you Denise for all your work You are utterly amazing!!!. Love you Team Teal!!! You are a great bunch of team mates.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost half a pound to be at 184.0 this week !
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    CW: 201
    Really pushed it this week with water and lots of extra fruits & vegetables and no bread!

    I'm proud of my RED Team! And all teams for sticking with the Laboring Towards Labor Day challenge. Wishing good luck to all of us with our continuing journey to good health and fitness! Thank you, Denise, for all your work and inspiration!

    7/1: 217.8
    7/7: 214.4
    7/14: 211.8
    7/25: 210.8
    8/1: 211
    8/8: 209
    8/15: 209
    8/21: 206
    8/29: 204
    9/5: 201
  • cmpettey
    182.8. I made my goal!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • cmpettey
    Love ya Teal Team! You were so awesome to have as teammates!