30 Day Shred Group - July



  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    I'm so far off schedule now I'm not sure what to do. I started 7/1/2011 with all good intentions of doing if every day but I've only done it 6 times now. I've been doing other things on the off days - running on the treadmill, yard work, etc... Am I still going to get the same benefit? any benefit? Should I start over on day 1? Or is it ok to do it every other day or so as long as you're doing something else in between?
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    I'm so far off schedule now I'm not sure what to do. I started 7/1/2011 with all good intentions of doing if every day but I've only done it 6 times now. I've been doing other things on the off days - running on the treadmill, yard work, etc... Am I still going to get the same benefit? any benefit? Should I start over on day 1? Or is it ok to do it every other day or so as long as you're doing something else in between?

    Just keep doing level 1 and move to level 2 when you're ready, you'll know. Don't stress too bad about what you've missed.
  • Oleva
    Oleva Posts: 12
    I did Level 2 day 1 today after doing 15 days of level 1. It wasn't as bad as I expected but bad enough. I guess we'll see how it goes.
  • Kittyfeliz
    Kittyfeliz Posts: 290 Member
    Ok Shredders, I finally finished 10 days of level 1! Woohoo! Took me 14 days with a rest day here and there and the holiday. Big difference from the beginning. Not much more sore, I can do all the anterior raise now with my 3lbs and even moved up to 8lbs for the bicep curls and back flys. Also, I think I did 3 real push-ups!! I'm not entirely sure because I'm not sure if I'm going down far enough but I'll ask husband to watch some and see if they're real. Either way I've come a long way in 10 days! Not sure yet about measurements, I have not been doing awesome on my cals for the last 4 days or so but we'll see, I probably won't officially measure until I'm done with all levels.

    Even though I've finished level 1 I am not sure about moving to level 2. From everyone's comments it sounds ridiculously hard. Is anyone past Day 5 of level 2 yet? Wondering if it gets easier like it did with level 1.

    Also I got used to turning the TV volume all the way down so I could listen to podcasts instead of Jillian so I guess I have to listen to her at least a couple times so I can learn the moves. Darn.

    Ack, I'm so nervous for level 2!!
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    After a long weekend and some tough non-Shred related workouts (boxing Friday, lifting and zumba saturday, boot camp-like workout Sunday and today completely off) I'll be back for more punishment early tomorrow morning.

    Normally I'm a terrible runner and want to die on my first lap on the track, but I did really well on Sunday. I wonder if the Shred's cardio portion has anything to do with that....

    You guys are doing awesome! This thread moves very quickly! Gotta try and keep up.

    Since day 2 of 30 DS I've been shaving right at 2 mins off my lap time! I'm now running a consistent 11.20-30 mile! I'm sure it'll get even better when it cools off some and I can push myself even harder without worrying about getting over heated. Heat index of over 105 I don't push myself very hard.
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    I'm so far off schedule now I'm not sure what to do. I started 7/1/2011 with all good intentions of doing if every day but I've only done it 6 times now. I've been doing other things on the off days - running on the treadmill, yard work, etc... Am I still going to get the same benefit? any benefit? Should I start over on day 1? Or is it ok to do it every other day or so as long as you're doing something else in between?

    Just keep doing level 1 and move to level 2 when you're ready, you'll know. Don't stress too bad about what you've missed.

    Thanks! It does seem to be getting a little easier - all but the anteiror lifts with th lunges. Those are KILLER! I'll just keep doing Level 1 for a while.
  • Bubs05
    Bubs05 Posts: 182 Member
    Just did my first day of Level 2. It was hard but I loved it. I think partly because it was different. Now I have a whole new dialog to learn!!!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    Day 16 done for me! 6th day of level 2. And yes it gets easier as the days go by. But only just!

    16 down, 14 to go. Nice to be past the half way line!!
    MOMSHOME Posts: 72
    Today was D6L1. I am finding it easier to do and can once again walk down stairs and sit on a low seat without feeling like I am going to die or fall over. My hardest time is jumping jacks then jump rope. But what is funny is when we do the 2 minutes of cardio I do it without any problems at all. Guess I will get used to it.

    Oh! I did crank up some music to drown out the talking during the workout and I think that really helped with the workout I did today (most of it anyway). Listening to music has always helped me though. and I do not seem to get bored with it. It helped with making the time we were doing things seem to go by faster instead of just thinking about 25 seconds, 24, 23 22,21...Oh God I'm not sure I can make it to 1. LOL!! So if you have not tried it then you should. You can still watch what they are doing and know when to change without hearing Jullian talk the whole time and showing us that we can barely breath much less talk and work out at the same time. LOL!!!! Have a great day everyone!!!
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    D4L1 done. Along with sone weight lifting and some extra cardio on the treadmill. I hope I'm not doing too much, but I'm going to push pretty hard for the next two months and see where I can get. Good luck to everyone!
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    L1D9 complete one more day of level 1 then onto level 2! So far no days off hopefully I can keep it up!

    Thats awesome that you've done 9 days straight! Keep it up, I'm jealous!
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    Just finished Day 7 Lvl 1 - Cardio was the eaiest it been for me. Plus, the workout just flew by tonight. Looking forward to starting Lvl 2, but I have already done it in the past so I know I should stick with 1 for a couple more days. I will start Lvl 2 next week (probably Mon) after my rest day.

    BTW, I bought a size 8 jeans tonight. It's my 2nd size down since I started MFP in mid-March. When I started I was a 12/14 depending on the jeans.

    Everyone is doing so great.
  • LadyByrd77
    LadyByrd77 Posts: 115 Member
    L1D9 complete one more day of level 1 then onto level 2! So far no days off hopefully I can keep it up!

    Thats awesome that you've done 9 days straight! Keep it up, I'm jealous!

    Thanx it's a constant struggle to get started. Once I get through the push ups I fine. Nervous about starting level 2....I'm going to view it tomorrow after finishing up level 1. Good luck on your shred journey!
  • VaBeachNurse
    Today will be L1 D7 for me. It's still kicking my butt, I do not feel like I am going to be ready for L2 on Sat. It's ALL that I can do to make it through the workout. Hopefully I'll be ready
  • Krizg
    Krizg Posts: 3 Member
    I have joined a biggest loser cometition at the gym. No motivation like money. I am currently weiging in at 159 lbs and need to lose as much as possible in a 6 week period. I would love to win not only to achieve amazing results and see a better me, but that better me would look amazing in these $400 boots I cant afford unless I win the money. So here hoping and great motivation. I'm starting the shred to add to the stuff I alreday do at the gym plus to get workouts in on the days i am not able to make it.

    here we go.....
  • cband
    cband Posts: 45 Member
    D6L1...I kind of cheated today.
    I'm having alot of trouble with my back (can barely walk) but I'm going to continue this till I drop over. I got the circuit 3 strength then did the cool down. Ouch...
  • Bubs05
    Bubs05 Posts: 182 Member
    Today will be L1 D7 for me. It's still kicking my butt, I do not feel like I am going to be ready for L2 on Sat. It's ALL that I can do to make it through the workout. Hopefully I'll be ready
    Nothing says you 'have' to move up to level 2 on a certain day. Stick with level 1 as long as you need to.
    I moved to level 2 not necessarily because level 1 was easy for me but more because I'm a big believer in the theory that when your body gets used to doing the same workout, it doesn't respond as well. I plan on moving around in the levels to mix it up. I have to do a lot of the modified exercises because my knees can't take all the jumping and lunging.
    I changed shoes, which has helped A LOT! I was wearing my running shoes, only because they were the only 'exercise' shoes I had. But they are not great for the side-side movement. So I went and got myself a pair of cross trainers. I don't feel it in the knees nearly as much, but I still can't do all the jumping.
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    Nothing says you 'have' to move up to level 2 on a certain day. Stick with level 1 as long as you need to.
    I moved to level 2 not necessarily because level 1 was easy for me but more because I'm a big believer in the theory that when your body gets used to doing the same workout, it doesn't respond as well. I plan on moving around in the levels to mix it up. I have to do a lot of the modified exercises because my knees can't take all the jumping and lunging.
    I changed shoes, which has helped A LOT! I was wearing my running shoes, only because they were the only 'exercise' shoes I had. But they are not great for the side-side movement. So I went and got myself a pair of cross trainers. I don't feel it in the knees nearly as much, but I still can't do all the jumping.

    What are the modified moves your do for your knees? Just curious, my knees are often sore. I know there is more impact on the knees in Lvl 2.
  • Bubs05
    Bubs05 Posts: 182 Member
    What are the modified moves your do for your knees? Just curious, my knees are often sore. I know there is more impact on the knees in Lvl 2.
    I try to do her modified moves when possible. On days that I have a lot of pain I can't do the jump rope exercises and the lunges. So for the jump rope I just do marching in place and for the lunges I do the lunge position but don't do the lunge part. There are a couple others that I have modified that I can't remember off the top of my head.

    I basically try to stay as close to the 'real' exercise as possible without the pain and keeping my heart rate up.
  • LtAngela
    LtAngela Posts: 35
    Alright ladies, let's do this!!! I am going to start today since I don't have to run today and I need some exercise.

    When is everyone else starting?

    Those who have already started, how was your first day?

    Here is RESULT!