Things/topics that bother you the most in the forums...



  • FitCoachJen
    FitCoachJen Posts: 139 Member
    - If you want a workout plan based on your goals/equipment/experience level, hire a trainer. It's too much to type.
    - "Someone told me I should lift weights, but I'm afraid of bulking up. What should I do?"
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I agree with a lot of what has been said above, and even though my responses would be the same, I will repeat them anyway. :flowerforyou:

    1) I absolutely hate it when people not only tell me that carbs are evil and make you fat, but also cause you to be bloated and sick...

    2) The whole "starvation mode" thing is soooo misunderstood and misused around here that it pisses me off. People honestly don't know what it is concidering that they believe eating 1100 calories will cause me to stop losing weight and actually gain fat. SMH...

    3) "Waaa, waaa!!! I was doing so good but I caved in and ate a cookie!!! I am such a bad person and want to die because I ate 1 cookie today!!!" No explanation needed, but we see way too much of that kind of nonsense.

    4) The people who think it is bad to go over on protein, fiber, etc. Good grief. I wonder if I should worry if I went over on vitamin C from that orange I had this morning???

    5) many "what equipment do I need to do P90X" threads do we need? If you bought the program from a reputable place...NOT ebay, Craig's List, or Costco where there are lawsuits against them for selling fakes...then read the first page of your manual and it tells you what you need...

    6) And how many people whine about P90X or Zumba not being in the exercise database on the "Suggestions" forum daily? We know you want it. If you'd have searched, you'd discovered the other 2398723874658935628345 people that want that too. It's not there, add it yourself and get over it!

    7) I hate reading people's rants. They even title the thread "Sorry but I need to rant" or something like that and then they complain about all the users they don't like. Put that crap on your own page, your own blog, etc and stop cluttering the boards with it!

    8) People that still think that they can do a million crunches...yet practically no other exercise and eat not-so-great...and still end up with a flat stomach.

    9) People who ask for ways to spot reduce. "Even though I have about 45 pounds left to lose, all I want to do is thin out my thighs...what exercises can I do to target the thighs and nothing else?" Will people ever learn that this just isn't going to happen?

    OK...I guess that's all for now. If something else comes to mind, I will be back, lol!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    - If you want a workout plan based on your goals/equipment/experience level, hire a trainer. It's too much to type.
    - "Someone told me I should lift weights, but I'm afraid of bulking up. What should I do?"

    OMG, the bulking up thing!!! That totally pisses me off when I read about it. Some of them will even say stupid crap like "just use 5 pounds weights and do like 25 reps and you won't bulk up but you will gain lean muscle." What planet does that work on???
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    people who assume i am anorexic or something, because of my goal weight. When I mention my height (I'm a legal midget), the people who accuse me of being anorexic love to ignore me too :angry:

    Also, there are some people I disagree with, but I won't get into that too much...We are all welcome to our own opinions, although someone who defended child molesters/rapists/murderers and said she wants to "help them" really disturbed me. :sick:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    people who assume i am anorexic or something, because of my goal weight. When I mention my height (I'm a legal midget), the people who accuse me of being anorexic love to ignore me too :angry:

    Hey, it's not just really short people that are accused of that! I am 5'5" tall, and according to every calculation I have ever made on various websites, to get down to 12% body fat which is my goal I will weigh around 115 pounds. I get the "that's too light" and "you are anorexic to get that little" and "you are fine as you are now" bull honky all the time. I might be "fine" to them, but I have 32% body fat. And to cut away all that body fat, isn't obvious that I have to lose weight? I eat a minumum of 1500 calories a day...yet I am sometimes called names like that.

    People are really judgemental and they don't even care to hear the whole story before they open their mouths!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    EXCUSES!!! Some people are just full of them!
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    They're often the same people who have posted in their signature or in their profiles that they are proud of how rude they are to everyone else, but when they are rude it's apparently called 'honesty'.
    Oh, yes, the "honest" ones...
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    They're often the same people who have posted in their signature or in their profiles that they are proud of how rude they are to everyone else, but when they are rude it's apparently called 'honesty'.
    Oh, yes, the "honest" ones...

    Like the one who was so "honest" that he called everyone stupid last week? Hmmm...

    I went away from my computer after posting my pet peeves for about an hour, and when I came back, I saw another one of those annoying "how do I lose my belly fat" threads in the exercise forum. It's no wonder that the majority of my posts this week have been in this particular forum because I am fed up with people beating the dead horse and not learning...
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Several things:

    1st: people asking medical questions that they should really ask a doctor (things like: when I walk more than 10 feet blood starts pouring out of my eyes, is this normal? - This is an over-exaggeration but you get the idea)

    2nd: people complaining about jokes and funny topics; the "this is a diet and fitness site not facebook" people. Lighten up, life doesn't have to be serious all the time.

    3rd: people posting on topics to complain that they don't like the topic. No body is forcing you to read it, if you're watching TV and something comes on that you don't like you change the channel. Do the same with the threads, if you don't like why are you reading it?


    I'll get down off my soap box now. :embarassed:
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Lol you guys should go check out the thread under Success Stories entitled, "MY RAPID WEIGHT LOSS IN JUST ONE WEEK!!"
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Lol you guys should go check out the thread under Success Stories entitled, "MY RAPID WEIGHT LOSS IN JUST ONE WEEK!!"

    Um, yeah...

    "I just answered an ad in the newspaper to let someone stick my body with needles [because I am too lazy to exercise and I can't push my plate away and getting poked with needles sounds much less painful], and now I am so shocked to see that I lost weight [after someone injected me with God knows what that probably made me sick but I ain't tellin' you in this thread]."

    [added for emphasis of COMMON SENSE]

    I chose not to comment on that one. Like all those HCG threads where people brag about their socially accepted anorexic state of mind, there are just no words...
  • SweetToothMelissa
    SweetToothMelissa Posts: 137 Member
    This is really terrible, but when people complain about how hard they have struggled with their weight and then you click on their profile and it says they are trying to lose 10-15 pounds or they are trying to get down to 110 or under, I just roll my eyes. I know I shouldn't. I know, I know, I know... but I can't help it!

    Hi!! I'd just like to point out that some people, like myself, lost weight before joining here. I started out at 233 and am now down to a healthier weight. However, when I started here, I only had like 20-30 lbs to lose. I didn't put 233 as my starting weight...I put the weight that I was at that time. So...just something to think about when you see that people only have a 'small' amount of weight to lose. :flowerforyou:
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    Several things:

    1st: people asking medical questions that they should really ask a doctor (things like: when I walk more than 10 feet blood starts pouring out of my eyes, is this normal? - This is an over-exaggeration but you get the idea)

    Love this! The answers annoy me more.....

    loose and lose, weight and weigh
    p90x stuff
    people asking for advice and then not listening to the answers only to what they want to hear.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Lol you guys should go check out the thread under Success Stories entitled, "MY RAPID WEIGHT LOSS IN JUST ONE WEEK!!"

    Um, yeah...

    "I just answered an ad in the newspaper to let someone stick my body with needles [because I am too lazy to exercise and I can't push my plate away and getting poked with needles sounds much less painful], and now I am so shocked to see that I lost weight [after someone injected me with God knows what that probably made me sick but I ain't tellin' you in this thread]."

    [added for emphasis of COMMON SENSE]

    I chose not to comment on that one. Like all those HCG threads where people brag about their socially accepted anorexic state of mind, there are just no words...

    You really should reply. There's a lack of sane people in that thread. Just a lot of "YOU SHOULD BE SUPPORTIVE!" type people.
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    6) And how many people whine about P90X or Zumba not being in the exercise database on the "Suggestions" forum daily? We know you want it. If you'd have searched, you'd discovered the other 2398723874658935628345 people that want that too. It's not there, add it yourself and get over it!

    YES! When I started doing Insanity, it wasn't in the database either. When I searched for it, it came up with no results and gave me the option to add it... so I did! It wasn't difficult or time-consuming, and I don't understand why people don't just do this themselves.
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    -- Gender wars. I can deal with the relationship threads, just not some of the gender-bashing responses. For example, all of the folks piling on telling the poster to leave/divorce their SO. How can you make that drastic a recommendation based on one post? Professional marriage counselors can't even do that.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm all for drinking water, but the people who tell you to drown yourself in consumption. Anything is excess is bad, even water. It does make me giggle though, "Yeah, I had to go to the bathroom 20 times today, but it's SOOOOOO worth it!"
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    People who are SOOOOOO bothered by "loose" and "lose" that they feel the need to comment on every post that ACCIDENTALLY (giving the benefit of the doubt) posts them incorrectly, AND then don't respond to the actual question.

    Like your grammar has ALWAYS been perfect.... :bigsmile:
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    I guess everyone is bothered by different things. Grammar and spelling is a big one for me, anyone seen the movie "Idiocracy"?
    The biggest one that gets me is watching people blindly support others even if their choices are dangerous and unhealthy. This site is about tracking calories and nutrients, not about miracle drugs, injections and 500 calorie diets.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I guess everyone is bothered by different things. Grammar and spelling is a big one for me, anyone seen the movie "Idiocracy"?
    The biggest one that gets me is watching people blindly support others even if their choices are dangerous and unhealthy. This site is about tracking calories and nutrients, not about miracle drugs, injections and 500 calorie diets. If you use these ways to lose weight, good for you but it has no place here. Maybe you can come back after you gain all of your weight back and do it the healthy way.

    Really I think it is up to the site creator and not you to choose what has a place here.