diet soda is HORRIBLE



  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Diet soda is the #1 killer in America, AND WE WON'T EVEN ADMIT IT!

    Look at all these articles linking it to so many horrible diseases.

    You're all going to die if you keep drinking this crap!

    Wow....trusting WebMD?

  • Catiec76
    Catiec76 Posts: 55 Member
    You lost 191 lbs!! I need help! I have been stuck at the same weight since 06. PLEASE HELP!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    The poster is talking about government conspiracy theories regarding the legalization of aspartame for government profit.


    Bringing me again back to my original point, it's not THAT crazy considering the government is corrupt in other ways (cigarette example).

    We can agree to disagree, though. :)
  • tlems
    tlems Posts: 104 Member
    I was planning to never die. This changes everything.

  • wjewell
    wjewell Posts: 282 Member
    Who needs to follow studies when you can use your own common sense? If its artificial it shouldn't go in your body. Simple as that.

    What about artificial parts that are put into bodies to help the person continue life as normally as possible? Oorrrrr what about fake boobs?! Who doesnt love those?! ;) jk. but seriously.. we have all something artificial every now and then : )
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Everything is always about money, but I personally believe I'm worth more to the government as a living voter and taxpayer than as a dead diet soda drinker.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Okay okay now for something on topic:
    The AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY says Aspartame is safe. :P I think they know their stuff....
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Bringing me again back to my original point, it's not THAT crazy considering the government is corrupt in other ways (cigarette example).

    We can agree to disagree, though. :)
    Is the government claiming cigarettes to be safe?
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Bringing me again back to my original point, it's not THAT crazy considering the government is corrupt in other ways (cigarette example).

    We can agree to disagree, though. :)
    Is the government claiming cigarettes to be safe?

    Ahhhh you're missing my point. O_O But okay, there's no arguing with you...
  • mynameisuntz
    mynameisuntz Posts: 582 Member
    Ahhhh you're missing my point. O_O But okay, there's no arguing with you...
    No. YOU are missing MY point.

    FDA claiming aspartame is safe =/= legalizing cigarettes. No one in the government is saying cigarettes are safe; in fact they are legally obligated to put a warning on every carton saying there is a health risk involved with smoking.

    You are pretending the ruling regarding cigarettes has ANY bearing in determining the safety of aspartame even though cigarettes are recognized by the government as being dangerous. You, and the other poster, conveniently overlook that fact.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    If you never drink a diet soda, you are still gonna die :laugh:

    This is very surprising news. :frown:

    BWAH HAH HAH!!!...
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I snort lines of aspartame
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    No. YOU are missing MY point.

    FDA claiming aspartame is safe =/= legalizing cigarettes. No one in the government is saying cigarettes are safe; in fact they are legally obligated to put a warning on every carton saying there is a health risk involved with smoking.

    You are pretending the ruling regarding cigarettes has ANY bearing in determining the safety of aspartame even though cigarettes are recognized by the government as being dangerous. You, and the other poster, conveniently overlook that fact.

    OMG I have told you multiple times I do not think the cigarette rulings have anything to do with aspartame, and was simply using them as an example of the fact that there is a possibility for corruption in the government, therefore demonstrating that it is not completely insane to have beliefs about government conspiracies. I am NOT defending the other poster's argument, and you will see that I just posted a American Cancer Society link that states aspartame is safe. My point this whole time was that you should post evidence if you have a problem with someone's argument, not just insult their personal character and call them crazy because they are misinformed combined with having an unconventional belief in government corruption or whatever.

    I have made this as clear as I can, and if you STILL don't understand the point I am actually trying to make I'm just going to assume you're a troll and move on. O_o

    TL;DR - Let's all be nice to each other.
  • Chuckw40
    Chuckw40 Posts: 201
    You ingest chorine anytime you eat anything with salt in it noway

    It's CHLORINE, for one, and two, that's sodium CHLORIDE. Chemistry, learn it. Different things. ChloRINE when ingested is a carcinogen, no different than smoking a cigarette. Specifically, it's been used in poisonous gases (read: bombs).

    Not gonna argue chemistry here but the fact is that sucralose/Splenda and all of these artificial faux sweeteners are NOT no calorie and that's why the person who said about cutting it out of your diet can make a difference. This is because in a cup of the artificial sweetener, there's about 100 calories. Sure, in a can of soda there wouldn't be a cup of fake sugar, BUT when you drink multiple diet sodas per day and add in the "sugar free" jello and "sugar free" canned fruits and "sugar free" candy... it can easily add up to a cup. Those dieting people don't add in those 100 calories, at least I wouldn't think they would because they think it's diet! So it fudges up your daily calorie intake.

    Table Salt = Sodium Chloride
    Sodium Chloride = NaCl
    Na = Sodium
    Cl = Chlorine

    Chemistry, Learn it
  • wanttogetskinny
    Diet soda is the #1 killer in America, AND WE WON'T EVEN ADMIT IT!

    Look at all these articles linking it to so many horrible diseases.

    You're all going to die if you keep drinking this crap!

    Can you provide actual research instead of news articles, the first of which even admits that the study done was 'weak' (which is an understatement - studying 16 people is NOT a reputable way of conducting research).

    Also, nothing's been proven except correlation.

    Correlation is NOT causation. Take a statistics class.

    Also, we're all going to die, no matter what we drink. Avoiding diet sodas will not make you immortal.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    Table Salt = Sodium Chloride
    Sodium Chloride = NaCl
    Na = Sodium
    Cl = Chlorine

    Chemistry Learn it

    "Sodium ion is soluble in water, and is thus present in great quantities in the Earth's oceans and other stagnant bodies of water. In these bodies it is mostly counterbalanced by the chloride ion, causing evaporated ocean water solids to consist mostly of sodium chloride, or common table salt. Sodium ion is also a component of many minerals."

    Chloride is a chlorine ion that has picked up one additional ion to become an anion, and thus is soluble in water. The difference is that table salt is soluble in water, which by the way, is what your body is mostly made of. ChloRINE in a PURE form is used as a disinfectant, which is why you don't store pool cleaner and pool water balancer in a hot area... cause why? It can leak and cause toxins to be spread throughout the air, which can be life threatening to a human, especially a child. But I'm not gonna argue with you -- my main issue with the aspartame/sucralose/fake sugar argument is the calories and weight inhibition, not so much the chemical aspect of it. I don't get why people are okay with ingesting chemicals but won't ingest natural cane sugar.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    Table Salt = Sodium Chloride
    Sodium Chloride = NaCl
    Na = Sodium
    Cl = Chlorine

    Chemistry Learn it

    This is my favorite post from this whole thread. :laugh:

    Oh, and tap water also contains chlorine... ;P ohnoes.
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member

    This is my favorite post from this whole thread. :laugh:

    Oh, and tap water also contains chlorine... ;P ohnoes.

    It contains minute traces of it, as a sterilization tool. Some areas have higher chlorine amounts than others. But, if you do some google research, you'll find that many cities have stopped use of it, as *gasp*, they're finding health problems related to drinking it!
  • cydonian
    cydonian Posts: 361 Member
    I think we can at least all agree that sucralose is better than high fructose corn syrup, yes? Anyone?
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    "Sodium ion is soluble in water, and is thus present in great quantities in the Earth's oceans and other stagnant bodies of water. In these bodies it is mostly counterbalanced by the chloride ion, causing evaporated ocean water solids to consist mostly of sodium chloride, or common table salt. Sodium ion is also a component of many minerals."

    Chloride is a chlorine ion that has picked up one additional ion to become an anion, and thus is soluble in water. The difference is that table salt is soluble in water, which by the way, is what your body is mostly made of. ChloRINE in a PURE form is used as a disinfectant, which is why you don't store pool cleaner and pool water balancer in a hot area... cause why? It explodes? But I'm not gonna argue with you -- my main issue with the aspartame/sucralose/fake sugar argument is the calories and weight inhibition, not so much the chemical aspect of it. I don't get why people are okay with ingesting chemicals but won't ingest natural cane sugar.

    I'm sure you never eat any canned vegetables, processed food, commercially raised animals, or drink tap water either right? :P
    Oh, also ... there are chemicals in natural cane sugar, and chemical reactions happen in your body ALL DAY. Your body is even made almost entirely OF chemicals! :noway: Freaky, right? So unnatural....

    "In chemistry, a chemical substance is a form of matter that has constant chemical composition and characteristic properties.[1] It cannot be separated into components by physical separation methods, i.e. without breaking chemical bonds. Chemical substances are often called 'pure' to set them apart from mixtures. A common example of a chemical substance is pure water; it has the same properties and the same ratio of hydrogen to oxygen whether it is isolated from a river or made in a laboratory."