July 1st - 30DS



  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    I already share this this with you gd. But the rest of you shredders - Level 3 is quite the workout! The first time through is always rather interesting, because it's all brand new. I made it through, but confess that there were a LOT of modified moves for me! I managed a few jumping lunges, but the majority were modified. You guys who are ahead of me didn't warn me about the rock star jump thing and the move before that.....wow, who knew jumping was such a CHORE!

    I burned 298 cals....but it would have been more except that since it was the first time I had to stop and watch the first move before I tried it! I have 9 DAYS LEFT! WOO HOO!!!!

  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    hey everyone! i've been camping with my kids, mom, and sisters for the last few days and have been living off the grid! i missed my computer (just a bit) and all of you shredders! (more than a bit!) i really didn't miss jillian, but i did thank her after several days of long trail walks carrying one of three 4-5 year olds along the trail. occasionally i would leave the little kids with my mom and run ahead to check on the older kids, then run back and carry another little one! there's no way i could have done that a month ago! i feel so much stronger and my endurance is def. better too!

    i STILL haven't lost any more weight, but that's okay, because i look and feel better! i'll probably measure again when it's time to move on to level three saturday, but i'm like gd... i keep looking at myself in the mirror, and thinking, "wow!" not that i look drop dead gorgeous with rock hard abs, but i'm amazed at how quickly our bodies change when we spend just 20 minutes a day gurgling our hearts! :-)

    today was a killer... i just kept thinking, maybe i'll take just one more day off... but, i put in the dvd, pushed through it, and feel better knowing i didn't give up. after all, IT'S ONLY 20 MINUTES!!!! my body was shaking more after this workout than it ever has before! my energy must have been spent from camping and hiking. it probably didn't help that all four of my kids were awake, asking constant questions and "mom" -ing me every few seconds! it's amazing what a difference that can make. (any other moms of youngsters notice that?)

    gd- your before and after pictures are amazing! your belly is gone, i can see muscles in your abs, and your arms look smaller, AND bigger at the same time! that really doesn't make a lot of sense as i'm typing it, but when i look at the pictures, it's so true! your muscles are bigger and more defined and the extra "stuff" is gone! way to go! i'm amazed that you stuck through and did 30 days in a row! as the rest of us know, life happens, but you did it! WAY TO GO! what does your wife think? you're an inspiration to all of us, that's for sure!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    keggen- are you over your cold yet? i know what you mean about the shoes! i have a great pair of shoes for running, but they don't work well for jumping jacks, plank jacks, or the plank jumps. i've actually been doing my workout without shoes on my mat! i'm not at level 3 yet, but i do think shoes can make a HUGE difference. i probably need some cross trainers instead of my reebok simply tones?

    toadie- how's the skating going?

    oh, i was mistaken, i don't move to level 3 until monday! i forgot i had to take an extra day off last week. rats! i'm tired of those darn v raises! lol.
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member

    gd- your before and after pictures are amazing! your belly is gone, i can see muscles in your abs, and your arms look smaller, AND bigger at the same time! that really doesn't make a lot of sense as i'm typing it, but when i look at the pictures, it's so true! your muscles are bigger and more defined and the extra "stuff" is gone! way to go! i'm amazed that you stuck through and did 30 days in a row! as the rest of us know, life happens, but you did it! WAY TO GO! what does your wife think? you're an inspiration to all of us, that's for sure!

    thanx j! i've had so many compliments on MFP over the last 2 days i think my head might explode! lol. but i guess u can never really get tired of positive comments! makes all the pain jillian puts us through well worth it when u see the results, feel as good as u do and get nice comments, so thanx again to everyone!

    not sure how much my wife noticed on a daily basis - a bit like myself! i guess when u see yourself everyday its not as easy to see the changes but once i got the side by side pics together she could really see the difference then.

    tonite was the first time in the last 31 days i havent done a jillian workout! but i done a mixture of treadmill and exercise bike with a few sets of proper push-ups and rocky style sit-ups in between just to keep me ticking over til ripped in 30 starts on monday.

    and yeah brendalyne those rockstar jumps etc are a bit challenging! i didnt really get to jump quite as high as natalie for most of the times i tried them. and what about that last strength circuit with the travelling push-ups and then the arm and leg raise on weights. that one was always a toughie for me. maybe i shouldnt say too much about level 3 in case j gets scared! :laugh:
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    gd - Oh yeah, the last weight training circut is a LOT of fun! I admit was pretty wimpy on those.....but that's the way it was on the first 2 levels at firs too. So, I'm sure I'll see improvements over the next 9 days.

    I think when I finish this I may be ready for something very different and may take up the jogging again.....but I also realize now how important it is to continue to work on the strength and abdominal work too. We'll see how I feel 9 days from now!

    Keep it going fellow shredders!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    brendalyne- i'm thinking about starting c25k... maybe we could try that together? i might do another jilllian too...don't want to lose the strength i've gained! maybe i'll just run and do v-raises for fun. (NOT REALLY!)
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    j-glad you enjoyed your time camping :) and that’s awesome that you could tell that your endurance has improved! Way to stick with it!

    brendalyne - great job pushing through! You’ll be a rockstar in no time :)

    I’m currently doing the C25K, and I have to say….wow! I’ve never been able to jog more than 30sec before in my life…but here I am on week 5, I jogged for 8 mins straight twice yesterday, and tomorrow I have to jog for 20mins straight!! I’m a little nervous about that, but I have to say the C25K is definitely working for me :)

    I am starting the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Slimdown after the shred…I’m thinking I’m going to like alternating some of Jillians DVD’s instead of doing the same thing every day :)

    Keep it up! The finish line is in sight :)
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member

    I’m currently doing the C25K, and I have to say….wow! I’ve never been able to jog more than 30sec before in my life…but here I am on week 5, I jogged for 8 mins straight twice yesterday, and tomorrow I have to jog for 20mins straight!! I’m a little nervous about that, but I have to say the C25K is definitely working for me :)

    I am starting the Jillian Michaels 30-Day Slimdown after the shred…I’m thinking I’m going to like alternating some of Jillians DVD’s instead of doing the same thing every day :)

    Keep it up! The finish line is in sight :)

    c25k sounds like it might be a winner for me! when i was in jr. high i ran the mile and the half mile, but that's been a LONG time! now i'm doing well if i can run three telephone pole lengths before i have to walk again. i can't imagine going from 8 minutes to 20, though. yikes! let us know how it goes for you! so you're doing this WITH the shred? wow!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    gd- i just did the math and you've lost 37 pounds in just over a year! wow! that's awesome! woy to go!

    i don't know what's going on with my body and mind, but maybe i'm just trying to catch up on sleep from my camping excursion? at any rate, i have woken up for the last several mornings trying to talk myself out of shredding... just one more day off... i just don't feel like it. wow! i'm really fighting the mental battles this week for sure! still, i'm forcing myself to get 'er done. it's ONLY 20 minutes! thinking that keeps getting me started and through it, but wouldn't it be great to wake up eager to get started?

    still, i am seeing some incredible results and i love the way i feel, so i'll trade some pain for gain! hang in there fellow shredders! the word of the week is perservere!

    (has anyone heard from toadie? hope she's doing okay)
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Level 3, Day 2 is DONE! 8 more days of shredding left for me! Today I accidently banged my knee down on the corner of the coffee table! OUCH!!!! And that knees been bothering me a bit....so we'll see how it goes tomorrow. I plan on doing it, but I do not want to end up on the injured list, so I'll play it by ear.

    Boy - I was feeling a little stiff and sore this morning too! Level 3 definitely is raising the bar. I'm even struggling with some of the ab excercises....and I hadn't been on the prior levels! I HAD BEEN feeling like a bit of smarty pants about that, but Jillian kicked my butt once again! :ohwell:

    Okay - you guys get to hear me whine a little now too. I have not lost a single OUNCE since starting the shred. Not one! I am still just going up and down the same 2 pounds. :sad: And I measured my waist this morning, and no change there either. I pretty much threw the tape measure down after that. I have tried very hard to stay positive, but this 6 week plateau is killing me. I am frankly utterly discouraged today. :cry: I don't know what to do. I've tried reducing my calories and then I tried upping my calories. I really do think I eat pretty darned healthy....and you all know how much work the shred is. Yes, I know I'm building muscle.....but still. I am beginning to wonder if the darned scale will every move again. Okay.....done whining.....for now.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    brendalyne- go back and read the blog that started the turtle post... we all need to be reminded of that once in awhile. i know where you are with no results on the scales, because i haven't lost anything for about a month either, but we are gaining!!! we are stronger, we have more endurance, and more energy. this is a journey. just keep plugging along and one day you'll wake up, look at your driver's license picture and say, "wow, i didn't realize i'd come so far!"

    i have a guess that running will take the pounds off. maybe that's all we need to break through??? i'm going to give it a shot! in the meantime, enjoy your health and the benefits that come with exercise.

    something else i'm going to research is dr. mercola's peak 8 exercises... http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/01/24/8-tricks-for-boosting-your-metabolism.aspx

    especially see the section on peak 8

    keep your chin up! you're doing great!
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    i almost started the 30 day slimdown in stead of the 30DS so i will be interested to see how that goes for u cmg!

    the c25k also sounds good to me but have decided to go for ripped in 30 from monday. although no reason why i couldnt do both i guess! i reckon i could run/jog for 1 mile no problem but would be cool to increase that. and i always think running and exercise bike helps me with the weight loss. most days after shredding i hit the bike and treadmill - if even only for 5/10 mins.

    37lbs? i hadnt even counted! sounds a lot when u say it like that! definitely happier at this weight! - but the bad part is i actually got there in about 6 months doing weightwatchers then put a good chunk of it back on again- then had to lose it again! maintaining seems to be a bigger issue for me. i can put it on and lose it easily. i'm happy working out like a trooper when i have a target to aim for but then i seem to go back to my bad habits. only 3lb away from where i want to be so feel free to shout at me if u see me slacking! lol

    brendalyne - dont get disheartened by ur lack of weight loss. as said before u will have gained so much from this in terms of fitness/toning/energy etc etc and u will feel great when u complete the full 30 days. i think i lost weight coz i was being so bad with beer and food before i started doing 30DS! i'm also lucky coz i have a treadmill and exercise bike in the house so i could easily jump on them after the 30DS to make my workout up to 30/35/40 mins. u know plenty of cardio moves from the 30DS so maybe try doing some of them once ur finished the 30DS even for just 5 mins extra. might help. but ultimately u know its doing u more good than bad - despite what the scale or tape measure say!

    PS. hope ur knee is ok!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Thanks gd & j - my little pity party is over now! Today my hubby and I are taking our bikes over to a trail for a nice long ride. I may or may not do the shred later today - depends on how the knee is feeling after a long bike ride! Taa taa for now!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    :flowerforyou: good morning everyone! i woke up a little later than normal this morning and didn't put jillian in first thing. (my husband is home on the weekends and i'm a little self-conscious about shredding in front of him!) :blushing: anyway, i knew he'd be out working on our new house addition but i wasn't sure when, so i went ahead and ate breakfast. i think maybe i'll have my breakfast before my workouts from now on! it gave me the energy i needed to sustain and even go WAY above and beyond what i'd normally do. in fact, today after level 2, i decided to try level 1 again. i was just going to do whatever felt good, but i ended up doing the WHOLE level! that's just crazy!

    well, i guess i'm off to burn more calories mowing the lawn! 5 acres takes a L-O-N-G time to mow, even with a 60 inch deck!! :-) :glasses:

    have a great weekend everyone!

    brendalyne- i want to go for a bike ride too!!! my dad is tuning up my rock hopper mountain bike (did i ever tell anyone how much i love my bike???) so hopefully i'll be able to get back to biking again soon! it's been too long!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    Rode bikes for 65 mninutes, then came back home and popped in the shred dvd! Whew! I am ready to hit the shower!
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    brendalyne - I know how you feel. I lost 3 pounds, but then the scale just stopped. Where I want the size to go down (my butt, to put it bluntly), just isn't budging. But I notice other areas are smaller that I wasn't bothering to measure, plus I notice some stuff in pilates is easier now. Maybe level 3 will give you the extra kick.

    j_c - yes, my toddler has come to "help" me a couple of times. Oh, look here she is now. Gotta make this short.

    Good job everyone. You all have kept me going. I'm just not sure where to go from here!?!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    cmg- i've been dying to hear how your 20 minute run went... i can't even imagine going from 8 minutes to 20 just like that! yikes! do you have a podcast or something to keep track of your time or just a stopwatch?

    gd- i was looking at some of the 30 ds success stories and i laughed reading your posts that mentioned just starting! :laugh: i have to say, i think you're results have been better than any of the others i was able to pull up. way to go! (they need a big thumbs up icon!)
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    30 minute bike ride with my husband followed immediately with Day 24 of the shred! 6 more days to go! Day 4 at Level 3 is still very difficult....but I'm burning calories like crazy! I wonder if I'm burning more the last 2 days because I'm already warmed up from the bike ride!

    Thanks keggen - I hope the extra effort this weekend along with Level 3 will kick me off the plateau!

    I just laugh when Jillian says....by now you should be seeing those 6-pack abs.......I WISH! I told my husband that evidently I have a 6-pack hiding under the jelly belly! Oh well....I really love the way my arms are shaping up and my calves are OUTSTANDING!!! Note to self - buy a short skirt and show em off! :bigsmile:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    Level 3- Day 1 COMPLETED! Yeah! It's always nice to have a change of scenery. I'm not sure what to think just yet, but walking push-ups? Ouch! GD was right about the ab work in level 3... she def. takes it up a notch, doesn't she?

    after level 3 i went back to my super hoola hoop for 10 minutes, then went for a sprint/walk.. the scales are not moving, but that's okay... now for the measurements after 20 days of shredding...

    lost 1 more inch off my waist and 1 off my bust... it's not fabulous, but it is progress. :yawn:

    have a great day shredders!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    j - Welome to Level 3! The walking push-ups are definitely killers. I confess that I am mostly doing the modified version - but I've decided to really focus on making sure my form is correct while doing them.

    On levels 1 & 2, the ab exercises didn't seem that bad. And I admit that I was feeling a little cocky about that. Well....On level 3, I'm having a heck of a time with the scissors move! So I definitely have lots of room for improvement!

    I have only 5 days left! That is really hard for me to believe.....but I am counting down the days!