

  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Went to PT this morning, they iced it, massaged the leg/knee, and did some warm ultrasound treatment. I did take the 2 vicodin last night, did sleep most of the night, woke up to potty several times, started on colace to soften stuff up, and hoping I will get some relief, OFF the IRON pills, nasty stuff, plugged me all up.
    Lost another 2 oz.... nothing significant.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    It's been a busy couple of days! I hope everyone is doing well. I got to the gym today...early because it was very hot here this afternoon.
    I've tried to increase my water with all this heat. Yesterday I traveled to a funeral that was a three hour drive away. While there I had a small plain salad at the collation afterward and then we drove back to RI (another 3.5 hours). By the time I got home I was tired and very hungry. My husband and I went out to grab dinner and I ordered a lobster roll...definitely not a good choice.

    I need to plan some meals that are No Cooking for this time of the year. I cannot put the oven on....even the stovetop is too hot.
    Have a good night!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning my friends.

    I'm flagging a little today - feel like I need a massage, a caffeine boost and a holiday in the sun.

    Tomorrow is the christening of my gorgeous grandtwins and I'm doing all the prep for that. DH is going to have to leave straight after the service as he is hoping to get down to see his father before he passes. It will be an emotional day for us all.

    I've accidentally lost another three pounds this week. I'm not very happy about it as I'm trying to maintain and I know that I'm losing because I'm not eating properly. I'm not going to change my ticker just yet, as I'd like to stabilise first.

    Got to run. But I send my thoughts and love to you all.

    Have a good weekend if you possibly can.

    Amanda x
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning Ladies

    I haven't been on since March and have stayed the same. I'm going through tough times and It just does not seem to be getting better. I have so much to say, but just do not have the energy to type it all. All I can say is that I'm lonely with very little money because I'm not working and just living off my husbands retirement check and it hasn't been easy. We are still watching over my Dad, who lives alone but doing ok. His memory is a little off but does so well with all the help from family. I want to lose this weight but over eating at night just does not seem to be stopping. I have a thyroid problem and that has gotten me in a lazy slump, but it seems I TRY,every day to get better. I am not the happy lady that I was way back in 2009 when I lost my lowest weight in years So, I'm trying to get back on track with the help of all of you!

    Barbie I know you are my rock on this site and will be a friend forever.!

    It will be one year August 26th that I lost my lovely mother (my rock), and it is still hard for me to believe she is gone.

    Every week my husband will say we have to get back into the gym but, I say yes and don't get there. I need you all to help me.

    Love Kathy ( Plantlady)
  • tobeygirl45
    Hello all..... It's the last week of July and I thought I would be further in my loss of these unwanted pounds.... Between the summertime cookouts and vacay I went from being at a plateau to gaining 3 lbs last week and made myself get on the scale even though I honestly did not want to b/c was afraid but then I chilled out and got on the scale and came to terms that getting on the scale is actually a good thing to not completely lose track of myself.... I was not logging as good as I should this past month and now It's been a week now that I have logged every single thing and need to keep doing that (including my social beverages and fitting them into my day without guilt)......Now that the crackers chips peanuts and other bad things are gone from my cabinet that I brought back with me from vacay they are NOT entering my cabinet for awhile as it is sooo easy to just reach in and start binging. Out of site out of mind for me....Been on this site since January of this year and I need to stay true and stay FOCUSED!!!! Thanks to everyone for your support and love!!
  • tobeygirl45
    Good Morning Ladies

    I haven't been on since March and have stayed the same. I'm going through tough times and It just does not seem to be getting better. I have so much to say, but just do not have the energy to type it all. All I can say is that I'm lonely with very little money because I'm not working and just living off my husbands retirement check and it hasn't been easy. We are still watching over my Dad, who lives alone but doing ok. His memory is a little off but does so well with all the help from family. I want to lose this weight but over eating at night just does not seem to be stopping. I have a thyroid problem and that has gotten me in a lazy slump, but it seems I TRY,every day to get better. I am not the happy lady that I was way back in 2009 when I lost my lowest weight in years So, I'm trying to get back on track with the help of all of you!

    Barbie I know you are my rock on this site and will be a friend forever.!

    It will be one year August 26th that I lost my lovely mother (my rock), and it is still hard for me to believe she is gone.

    Every week my husband will say we have to get back into the gym but, I say yes and don't get there. I need you all to help me.

    Love Kathy ( Plantlady)
  • GentlyLosing
    GentlyLosing Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone. Just a quick post to say thanks to all of you for sharing on this board....the good and the bad. It helps to know I am not alone when I struggle and that there are those who will rejoice in any victory I have, no matter how small. I am cheering all of us on and praying esp. for those who are experiencing weakness against moments of temptation. I know that trap well, having been an emotional eater a long, long time. The comfort it gives is fleeting, the self-loathing is long-lasting. Thankfully, we can come here for a self-confidence boost, listening ears when we want to vent or rant, encouraging words, tips and advice, a good laugh or two, and maybe a way to give back by reaching out to someone else in need. I believe I can reach my goals because of you guys!

    Today is a "get ready for vacation day"...can't stand to leave a messy house behind, as I don't want to come home to it later. So first order of the day has been cleaning and laundry. We don't leave until Monday, so I have time to get things done. Taking a break now for a mid-morning snack. A friend has given me fresh peaches off her tree and they are superb! I love this time of year for fresh fruits and veggies from the orchard or garden.

    Hope your weekend is FantabulousMcWow!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Amanda,can I have the 3 lbs u lost?Enjoy the Christening.
    Cathy-have a nice vac.
    Everyone who is struggling to get motivated,hope you find the willingness to do it.
    You deserve to be happy and healthy.
    have a great sat.
    We`re bailing 6 in out of basement after the floods and storms last night.I`m sure I`ll burn some calories doing it.
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
    Hi everyone !:flowerforyou:
    A new member. I read this post since a couple of days but I was a little bit shy to jump in but here I am.

    I'm 52 and retired from family practice physician for health condition since 3 years. I live alone forever with my two lovely dogs, my children as I tell them.
    I'm a French Canadian from Québec Province so my English may sound funny sometimes but I make big efforts. I keep Webster's and Harrap's dictionary near my computer and use them a lot. I apologise for all the mistakes I'm going to make in the future. :blushing:

    On MFP since a little more than a month, I have lost 5 pounds already. I'm very happy but have expected more.
    My strength is I changed totally my nutrition since a month. I'm very proud of it and not ashamed anymore of my diary.

    My weakness is: I don't move. I really don't. I stick to my computer all day (looking for exercise programs and gadgets:noway: ) searching forum and the web and playing games. It is so hard to me to move. I don't have the motivation and I'm not in good shape. I began Leslie Samsone walking video this week but I stopped because of the heat. I bought myself a rower 2 months ago and I did a lot in the beginning but I over exerted myself and I had to stop for 3 weeks. I now stay sit for so long that I can't use my rower because of my sore buttock. Every excuse is good to do nothing.

    They say you can only improve one habit at a time. Now for me it is time for this one but I would like to have some help. If anyone can share experience on how they get thru this I would appreciate greatly.
    I like the atmosphere on this post. You are genuine women struggling with life issues and you are in my thoughts for already a couple of days.
    Have a nice day everyone and I my thoughts are with you.:flowerforyou:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    NIKI!hi!Getting motivated is hard at times.Be proud of the changes you have made so far.Everything doesn`t happen at once.
    Maybe scheduling some exercise a day.Start slow and work up. Maybe just a walk.Try little things,like stairs instead of elevators.
    If i find an exercise you enjoy,you are more apt to do it.
    Making friends online,has helped with my motivation.
    I`m glad you posted today.I know this has helped me.
    Have a good day!
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Happy Saturday ladies,:flowerforyou: I hope everyone is having a good weekend and it is not too hot wherever you are. It has been scorching hot here in OK, we were on the way home from the gym this afternoon and the big thermometer said 98 and I actually said it my husband we are ha ving a cooling trend..because it has been well over 100 for what seems like forever.:explode:

    There are a lot of people who are having a hard time right now :brokenheart: but first, tiarapants, you said you accidently lost 3 pounds by not eating right...honey, that is not such a bad thing, when most of us don't eat right we gain, gain, gain! I love your ideas, a massage, a caffeine boost. make mine a non-fat latte and a holiday in the sun, that is something we all would enjoy.:love:

    Plant Lady,:heart: can you call a friend and invite her to lunch or do you know someone who might take a walk with you ? A little interaction and friendly laughter goes a long way to helping chase away loneliness.

    Tobeygirl45 I know what you mean, I was so hoping to have lost 15 pounds by the end of this month...but it looks like it is not to be right now..but it will come as long as we both stick with our program and track our food...hang in there girl.:flowerforyou:

    Niki, :flowerforyou: so nice to meet you. I had medical problems and didn't lift a finger for almost 2 years...used my knee problems and surgery as an excuse until I was the heaviest and most out of shape I have ever been....I started exercising just a little bit at a time...I am sure it both lifted my spirits and lowered my weight at the same time. Maybe your dogs can be your exercise buddies and would enjoy a walk with you, do it on your own pace, start our slow and build up.

    Greek salad and cantalope for dinner...won't have to cook...yippee! xoSissy:heart:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Still taking lots of meds for pain .. my knee... surgery Aug 4.
    Same weight, have maintained, not lost anything more.. but maintain is ok, I will lose some more being in hospital, not having appetite, and being on pain meds...
    have a good evening,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,931 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Kathy (plantlady) I have missed you so much and I'm so glad to see that you posted again.......maybe today will be the day that things turn around for you........the day of the miracle strikes us all by surprise.....just keep showing up :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile

    :flowerforyou: we are busy with our moving plans and still getting lots of exercise so there's not much time for the computer.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: we'll go to bed early again tonight because we keep waking up in the middle of the night, making lists, reading for awhile, then going back to sleep, then doing the same thing again two hours later......then we're up at 5 AM to walk the dogs at sunrise.

    :bigsmile: escrow will close on the house we're selling on August 9 and on on the one we're buying on August 10 and we have until August 19 to get moved completely.......a lot depends on when our young strong friends can help move the heavy furniture.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Amanda, you're right to not post the new weight just yet......my weight often varies as much as three pounds within the same week depending on what I'm eating and how much water I'm drinking and whether there is too much sodium in what I'm eating....don't let the fluctuation concern you, just put your energy into the christening of those darling babies.

    :bigsmile: we bought a giant cat tree for Bernie because he'll be an indoor cat in the new house and will need some place to play and get away from the dogs.......we put catnip and treats on it and he played and scratched and napped and had a great time.

    :bigsmile: I'm still reading "The Thin Commandments" and am learning a lot ......I'll share more when I have more time at the computer.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: and to everyone who is struggling.........get up off the couch and walk for five minutes or do 10 squats and never, never, never give up.........:bigsmile:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi Ladies

    :flowerforyou: Welcome back Kathy (plantlady) , sorry you are having such a bad time. As Barbie said maybe today will be the day that things turn around for you! :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Kathy (pmjsmom) and Denise, thanks for letting me know it's the meds that caused the weight gain, I should have realised it myself :huh: glad to say that I am now getting back to my pre surgery weight, slowly. I'm feeling a little better, I went for a short walk yesterday to the shop, it was harder than I thought, but I rested up when I got back and had a cat nap after dinner.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome all newcomers you've found a great group of ladies, I consider each and every one of you a good friend.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, where do you get your energy? Hardly any sleep and still up at 5AM to walk the doggies.

    :smile: I've nearly finished reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, it's very good, once I got into it, I couldn't put it down. Had to finally call it a night last night when I was falling asleep, but I've only a few chapters left. This was suggested by a member of a book club I go to. I've quite enjoyed this one, better than the last one which was Alan Sugar's autobiography.

    Well I'm going to get a bit of breakfast, still need a painkiller every now and then, but I'm pleased and surprised that I've been able to manage the pain without relying on them too much.

    Take care everyone and have a wonderful Sunday.

    Viv xx
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Today does seem like a better day. Just spilling out my guts was a step for me. I'm usually the one who would have something funny to say and I want that person back.

    yesterday on my eating I did not do well with my choices again but I did not eat at night.

    today I'm looking up.

    Plus, I went to church last night. Something I haven't done in so long. I drifted away from God for reasons I can't explain but my husband & I decided it was time to go back and have God on our side to help us through our journey of life. So glad we did. We went to a new church and it was wonderful great music and praise.

    Well, I hope sometime I will be able to respond to you all as I had done in the past.

    Thanks all for your support.

    Love <3 Kathy (plantlady)
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I hope everyone is doing well. I got too far behind in the posts again. This next week and the whole month of August will be just as hectic as July has been so far.

    Everything Ok at this end, except for my not loosing any weight since January.

    Take care, thinking of everyone new and old,

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    the sun is finally shining and I am smiling. We bought a flat of local, huge and sweet raspberries yesterday.:bigsmile: They are so good so tonight is some salmon on a bed of spinach leaves with feta, walnuts and a homemade raspberry vinegariatte with a bunch of fresh raspberries sprinkled on top. :happy: Oh so good it makes me smile all day. :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I only have 3 days left at my old job and then Friday is orientation and beginning my new job. The weather is supposed to be nice all week so I feel a change in mood and motivation coming on.

    I hope you all have an absolutely fabulous day!:flowerforyou:
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Haven't checked in for a while - you know life catches up and there wasn't time to post. However I have been logging my food each and every day regardless of good or bad.

    Yesterday I was lawn bowling all day - it was very, very hot (not quite as hot at Thursday when the humidex was 46c) and I am happy to say that my team and I came second. We had a good day.

    DBF is still in a lot of pain - he had a broken leg in 2004 just after having a hip replacement. It was a spiral fracture and the surgery to repair it was with a metal plate and pieces of wire twisted round to hold the pieces of bone in place. Since then he has had 2 surgeries, one to remove the metal plate and a second to trim off some of the pieces of wire which were sticking out into his leg. Now, more pieces of wire have come untwisted and are sticking into his leg on the inside. He is always in pain and doesn't enjoy his life and of course that reflects on his attitude towards me.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 733 Member
    Welcome, Niki and 3Kathy (plantlady) .....you will find so much support and love here....you can't help but smile and be motivated. Please feel free to add me as a friend.

    I have been MIA....working 4pm to 2am and catching up on errands before work. Now, I am back to a normal schedule so posting will be easier. But I have kept up my food diary which is so very important to me. I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks, but I have been putting in 2 new flower beds that are just huge! So now all the edging, mulching, shrub trimming is done...all the lugging bags of soil is pretty much done....very hard work. But I bought more plants that need to go in since now I can see where there is empty spots that need planting....so that will need to be done now. Thank goodness that I still have a small pile of mulch from the huge pile that the landscapers brought in their dump truck for me.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!!!!!!!