Senior Golden Sneakers..........July, 2011



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Ooooops. Thanks Connir and yes SANDY that comment was meant for you. I guess winging it doesn't work for me. So sorry.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Good news, bad news. The cancer was non invasive and no lymph nodes are involved. Bad news, they didn't get a clear margin and I have to have further surgery to make sure they got it all. That shouldn't be too much of a deal as they go in through the original scar and they know exactly where to shave off just a little bit more So after a couple of months after my next surgery I will only need to have radiation. No chemo.

    Can't wait for it to be all over.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jeri, this sounds good. No invasion. Let them do what they feel is needed. You will be fine. :heart: Just continue to stay with us. You know that you have friends who love you here.:heart: By the way....I have several times posted to the wrong person.:blushing:

    :flowerforyou: buzz, I hope that with the weekend you will be able to relax some.:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jeri, I'm glad there is a solution for you and that you have a good positive attitude about it.

    :bigsmile: Irene, I love the idea of kids watering the plants with a water pistol:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Marie, I have a friend here who lives in Waco and comes to my town in NW Washington because of the heat at home.:laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sandy, Jake hasn't been on the computer much today but I'm going to tell him to read the jokes. He will love them :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, I don't know where the time goes, either, I compose notes to all of you in my head, but never get to the computer to post them :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Becky, I don't work, but I try to go to bed before 9 PM most nights because I get up before five to walk the dogs, eat breakfast and take them for a long walk for an hour or more and still get to my dance class before 9:00

    :flowerforyou: Life is suddenly moving very fast :bigsmile: our house is in escrow and will probably close in about three weeks.:bigsmile: it took two days to get a response to the offer we made on the house we want to buy but now a deal has been made and will go into escrow on Monday:bigsmile: Jake is very busy packing and keeps trying to pack things I need.:laugh: we have company coming tomorrow----the girls who groom the dogs, then they and their mom will stay for dinner. I'm making beef stew with a ton of vegetables, brown rice, salad, and homemade applesauce for dessert :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: the house we're moving to has a small fenced yard for the dogs and a small deck for Jake to sit outside and watch the dogs in the yard......the house backs up on the neighborhood "green belt" so there will be a good place for me to walk the dogs first thing in the morning and a lot of private roads for me to take them on the morning neighborhood walk. We'll be about five miles from the dog park instead of a mile and a half but that will be no problem.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: both of the small bedrooms are not carpeted so one of them will be designated the hobby room with room in the middle for "Barbie's dance floor":bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: this is the weekend of the lavender festival and we went today and visited two of the farms and had lunch including lavender white chocolate ice cream :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: the last time I had ice cream was last year at the lavender festival.:bigsmile:
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello Sneakers. What can I say except sorry for not being with you for the past few weeks. Time is just flying by and I do feel bad about not checking in regularly to see how my friends are doing because I miss so much and all of you. It seems as soon as I plan to get back something crops up to get in my way but I'm determined to make the time and get logging my food again because otherwise a slippery slide will occur!!

    I've had a quick run through the past few days and am delighted to see IRENE checking in. What a bright star you are!:heart:

    Barbie and Jake ~ I was so sorry to read about Haifa. Sixteen years is a long time to have the little fella around and they do leave such a big gap in our lives when they have to move on. Those wonderful memories of his antics will see you through I'm sure.

    Buzz ~ I read one of your posts about recognising our limitations and it struck a cord because I'm finding myself in conversations about the things I plan to do in an afternoon, especially in the garden, that in reality I know will more than likely now take me a week to achieve. I hate the idea of slowing up but have to accept it comes to us all. A friend keeps trying to get me to join a pensioners group that meets up for different events but I tell her to come back in ten years when I might just start feeling like a senior!!

    I'm going to leave you with a little joke I received today. Apologies if you've all seen it before.

    A teenage granddaughter
    comes downstairs for her date
    with this see-through blouse on and no bra.
    Her grandmother went mad,
    Telling her not to dare go out like that!
    The teenager tells her
    'Loosen up Gran.
    These are modern times.
    You gotta let your rose buds show!'
    and out she goes.
    The next day the teenager comes down stairs,
    and the grandmother is sitting there with no top on.
    The teenager wants to die.
    She explains to her grandmother
    that she has friends coming over
    and that it is just not appropriate....
    The grandmother says,
    'Loosen up, Sweetie.
    If you can show off your rose buds,
    then I can display my hanging baskets.

    I'll come back this evening for a proper catch up to see how SANDY, MARIE, CONNIE, DEBS and all my other mates are.:heart::heart:

    Take care
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jackie...welcome back and thank you for the funny joke.:laugh: Stay with your plan. You can do it. Glad that you realize that posting at MFP and keeping up with your friends is important to stay on track.

    :flowerforyou: Good morning Barbie..You life sounds so nice and relaxing. I am hoping to get to that point in my life at sometime. It may not happen because I really can not retire. I do take time off (vacation), and will be flying to Florida in two weeks.:love:

    I didn't not eat too well last night. Actually, the food I had was not bad but I ate too much of it. That steak was the BEST. It could be cut with a fork.
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    Ah the jokes the jokes!!!! Both good you guys are making me blush, I'm just a shy Jewish kid with a strong Buddhist leaning and I am very naive also. But -But!! Here's another one.

    An Italian man, Luigi Galardi is hit by a car on a city street. Help arrives quickly and he is transported to the nearest hospital. In the Emergency room the head nurse asks the paramedic for any information he can give. The Paramedic says:

    "Well he was hit by a car in the crosswalk so he wasn't at fault."
    "Go on," says the nurse.
    "He appears to be in his late 80's"
    "Yes, anything else?"
    "He's a tourist from an ocean town."
    "How do you know that?" Inquired the nurse.
    "Well because when I asked him where he was from or anything else he kept saying, 'Sono va Beech."

    Well, that's it from Sunny Sequim from me. Come to the Lavender Faire sometime it's worth the trip and remember if you're resting you're rusting.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jackie welcome back. I certainly have missed you. so good to hear from you. And I love that joke.. Thanks.

    Becky. i have venture off into another diet.It is called the carb lovers diet. Ita all about resistance starch. Which I have heard about before. I have had the book for several month but never look at it. sounds pretty interesting Here is what the internet have to say about it

    I realized any good diet would work but Not going to hurt to try this one.

    here is my plan today
    Breakfast one banana milk shake will have this everymorning for 7 days.

    Lunch and supper
    1/2 beans,1 cup of veggies Lots of water and tea.

    3 pm snack fruit
    bedtime snack glass of 1 % milk, fruit
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    Sandy, I just saw the joke, thanks it's nice to know someone understands. I wear a black arm band when I four putt.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,116 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: CALIECAT, the diet sounds good. Is that enough food? It looks like a diet that would be good to jump start some weight loss.

    Thanks for the joke Jake.:laugh: :laugh:

    My daughter and I went to WalMart this afternoon. This one has a Subway in it. So, I bought us lunch. I had a 6 inch veggie delite on 9 grain wheat bread. Plus, we shared a bag of baked Lays. Tonight I am roasting some meat with turnips, carrots and parships. My daughter has asked us to take her to breakfast tomorrow morning. I think that she is enjoying being the baby of the family. Her sister still lives with us, but now that she has her license...we hardly see her.:sad:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey guys what is a 4 putt?

    Becky for the first 7 days you get 1200 calories After that you get 1600.
    Sounds like you had a good carbs lovers meal for lunch. Not bad. they have some TV dinners listed too. O course I love my beans. May have to go get me one when My 7 days are up. For it is on the list to have. And I do need a good jump start. it is not a fast losing plan. they say 2 lbs a week. Which is not bad. Will keep you inform.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Barbie said:
    Life is suddenly moving very fast :bigsmile: our house is in escrow and will probably close in about three weeks.:bigsmile: it took two days to get a response to the offer we made on the house we want to buy but now a deal has been made and will go into escrow on Monday
    I'm so glad for you guys - having to keep a house in "show case shape" is a burden, especially when you have pets. I can appreciate what you've gone through.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: the house we're moving to has a small fenced yard for the dogs and a small deck for Jake to sit outside and watch the dogs in the yard......the house backs up on the neighborhood "green belt" so there will be a good place for me to walk the dogs first thing in the morning and a lot of private roads for me to take them on the morning neighborhood walk. We'll be about five miles from the dog park instead of a mile and a half but that will be no problem.:bigsmile:
    Sounds perfect for two people. We downsized, too, when moving here then had to add more square feet because most company drove so far they had to stay overnight! :)
    this is the weekend of the lavender festival and we went today and visited two of the farms and had lunch including lavender white chocolate ice cream :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: the last time I had ice cream was last year at the lavender festival.:bigsmile:
    Our son's company owns the Oregon Lavender Farm. ( They had their festival a few weeks ago. He sent me Lavender Honey, Marionberry Lavender Jam, Lavender Shortbread Cookies, and a gift set with Lavender Water (spray), Lavender/Citrus Lotion, Lavender Castile Soap, and Lavender Sachet. It was a wonderful surprise.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My first full food log for weeks and I feel so much better for doing it. It makes me think twice before heading for the food cupboard! You're right BECKY, support does keep me on the straight and narrow as I don't want to let others down, never mind myself.

    I had fun in the rain this evening as I tried to put my hens to bed because I have 2 new additions, a couple of Columbian Pekin pullets, only a few weeks old. I had been keeping them in a run during the day, then lifting into the hen house at night but decided to let them out into the garden this afternoon. They had a great time exploring, although they didn't wander too far because the wild birds were spooking them and a cat wandering past ~ well!!!! Anyway, when it came to bedtime they seemed confused about where to go and came walking up the garden to find me as if to ask me to carry them into the hen house. I did put them in but then when the other hens went in the babies came running out so I put them back in and the regulars then wandered out. That went on quite a few times while I got wet in the rain. I'll have to think of a plan B for tomorrow evening. At least take an umbrella with me!!

    MARIE, I missed you too.:heart: What sort of beans do you eat? Do you make a casserole or are we talking a can of baked beans? 2 lbs loss a week is very good. I'm averaging 2 lb a month!!!

    Nothing on tv worth watching tonight so I've been sorting out photos stored on the computer and deleting a few before the memory crashes from overwork. If the promised rain arrives tomorrow I'll sort myself out with Photobucket and post a couple. It takes time for me to figure it all out! Meanwhile, it's time for my bed and I've just heard Jasper my cat head in that direction so it will probably be a case of me sqeezing into any space he might leave as usual.:bigsmile:

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flwerforyou: Jackie, I used to have orpinton chickens. (I really mis-spelled the name). They are known to be great layers. I have been reading that some towns are now allowing chickens to be raise in the city limits. I am waiting til mine agrees to this. I would love to have some hens again.

    Lavender !!! Love it. I even have lavender scented candles everywhere. If it isn't lavender then it is vanilla.

    :flowerforyou: CALIECAT, I really hate to eat processed frozen foods but they are so convenent to take to work. Subway is not my first choice either. I am really interested in what you are trying. Please keep us up to date on how it is going.

    Our roast is sitting on the stove. All cooked but I am really not very hungry. I know that evenually I will have to eat dinner.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Jackie, i have been eating canned beans rinse realy well. I read where you wash away 60 % o the sodium. So Don't know how true that is but it got to help some. Here how i fix them . I put 1 1/2 cups of mixed chopped onions. peppers and celery in a wok with 1 T olive oil cook them and add pkg frozen mix veggies such as carrots, brocolli and caluiflower 2 cans of beans rinsed Yesterday I used 2 cans of black eye peas Add a can of low sodium broth Add 1/2 t of seasons salt. And let it all cook down eat with 1 corn muffin. slice tomatoes, and 1/2 c of lite canned peaches. And call that supper. It just too hot to do much cooking.

    On my black beans I do the same thing only added chille powder, , garlic.Can of dice tomatoes, hot peppers, towards the end of cookin I add a couple cut up corn tortilla. really good. even in this hot weather. and have a small salad and a fruit. I also uaed the nothern beans and navy beans. I just like beans. I am not a big meat eater.
    So I wouldn't bother your chickens. If you live close to me. Plan on cooking black beans tomorrow for my Daughter may be out or maybe pintos beans. I love them all.

    Have a great night everyone.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Peeking in; I finally found all the posts I had missed, and again, Barbie, my deepest sympathy along with best wishes for your whirlwind life! I always loved Haifa's name, you know! He was a beauty!

    I just can't go through every post separately for awhile, everyone; please forgive me. But I must mention all the talk of lavender reminded me of my Woods of Windsor bottles and lotions that I tucked away in my closet after an indulgent order of that hard to find favorite Lavender brand of mine! It's been a standby of mine for many years. One of the things I adored about our stay in Tuscany was that just outside our villa was a huge stand of lavender, through which we'd pass everytime we went outdoors. I'd just close my eyes and breathe deeply! Pure heaven!!!

    Sandy...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: and thank you! And Jake and Jackie, and everyone else who has been brightening these pages with laughter!

    And Marie, enjoy the new diet, and hope it's easy and successful!

    Black outside and thundering, so I'll log off now. Take care, have a great weekend, and Connie, that blog you sent us to was just breathtaking...literally! Gives us a whole new perspective on worrying! Thank you...
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: buzz...get off here. Not that we don't want you here but you shouldn't be online with a bad storm.:noway: I hear that it is dangerous. Well, I have not had dinner yet. Just been too busy. I guess that I should go see what I can have. I cooked a roast with vegetables but I really don't feel like having that.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Happy Sunday to everyone!

    BECKY ~ I adore Orpingtons and a few years ago had a couple of buff Orps called Charlotte and Emily, the Bronte sisters!! They were wonderfully calm and gentle birds and I'd have more but these days they are very expensive because they are so popular and more and more families have hens in their gardens as pets. I'm sure you will get permission to keep them one of these days because attitudes are changing about such livestock. Hopefully this photo will appear; it's Emily.


    MARIE ~ Thanks so much for the recipes. They both sound delicious and I will definitely try them because I think those sorts of dishes will be very satisfying and filling. I have a tin of mixed beans in the cupboard that I didn't know quite what to do with so you've solved that problem.

    On the subject of lavender, I have a pot near the beehives because the bees love it so much and the other day I dead-headed it and the scent was amazing so I scattered the dried heads on to the ground so when I walk over it I can smell it. I can see why it is such a good thing to put under your pillow to help you sleep.

    This is just a quick check in while the rain comes down. Every now and then it stops so I go outside where there are jobs needing to be finished but the heavens open and I get a drenching. The sun's popped out again so I'll take my chances.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jackie Emily is so Adorable AND SO CUTE. Do your hens lay eggs for you.? How are your bees doing?

    Becky hope you are more up to par this morning, And got your appettiet back.

    All of you Sneakers have a wonderful day!:heart::heart::heart: :heart: :heart: