Pregnancy- July 2011



  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Thinking of all of you ladies in the heat. We had a heat wave last week (temps 90-100 all week) but today it is raining and 60! Yay! I am sure it will warm up as the day goes on though (it's only 9:30am here).

    Anne- Really glad that everyone is being supportive and not just throwing their unwanted opinions at you. Too bad about your dog though!

    Meokk- I think invite the gay friends, but maybe leave the strait ones out of it, unless you decide to do more of a "baby welcome party" and have your hubby there and everything- then invite everyone. The doula visit was amazing- I am short on time today but will be back later this afternoon to share.

    AFM: thank you everyone for the comments on the nursery! I have really tried hard to make it nice. Everyone (friends and family) who see if though say "you are totally planning for a boy!". I am not really- it just seems like reds and blues and greens are more gender neutral than pink!

    I am off to town today- groceries, drs appt, swimming, and going into my work to say hello to all of the girls. Will be back later to update ya'all. Have a good day!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    I have moved into the last box on the ticker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Julie: Def craving carbs!! Pastas and breads especially and i just can't stand the thought of red meats this last week or so. I really want a smoothie right now. I would bet you're pretty close to 4cm right now I wish i knew and now i regret not asking for a check at my last appt. I was tempted to try the eggplant Parmesan at the last restaurant we ate at (olive garden) :) just to see if it works but i really wanted my usual so, so much for that :laugh:
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Danielle - Baby S loves to hide from the dr. They all have a REALLY hard time finding her heartbeat cause she moves around once they get the doppler out. I giggle. She has kicked the dr before too!

    I logged in hoping to hear that Julie or Maria had a baby... but no luck. Off to walk the mall maybe get her moving and grooving
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Funny little side note: My mom said that she had 3 of her 6 kids on a full moon. Her water broke at that time. And my MIL said that when she worked on labor and delivery she more often got called in on days that there was a full moon because more babies were born. :) Here's hoping.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Danielle- I feel you on the heat. We have 98 degrees right now with 109 heat index :( YUCK. Glad that your apt. went well… I know about the US… we got to have one more to check on growth because of my belly size so I was happy to see her again.

    Victoria- I think you can invite straight men too as long as it is just a brunch type thing. We did just women but my sister wanted to have some games and stuff. I think if we did one for any future babies it would be more like a BBQ. Glad you got most everything picked out! I only accept friends that I know or that type me a message that makes sense… I hate the ones that are from strangers.

    Jen- Thanks :) My family is generally very supportive about everything so I am glad they are being the same about this :) I appreciate the supportive words… that must be killing you to not know but if your DH really didn’t want to then I think you made the right choice. The surprise will be SO amazing!

    Melissa- Thanks :) I think (and could be very wrong) that they go through different ways of getting trained to deliver babies… also I think generally midwifes use more natural methods than regular OB’s. My office has both and the midwife I went with was just way easier to get into see at the start so I choose her. Just read further, Julies answer is much better than mine :)

    Julie- I think ours was a belly upset issue with our pupster (at least I hope so) it was YUCKY. Your apt. will go fine tomorrow!
    Did they tell you they wanted to do anything at your apt?

    Maria- I would say you are in early stages of labor if your contractions have the cramping, at least that’s what my dr. described to me.

    Ronya- GREAT CHOICE on doing the test before ice cream sundae work day :) That’s sweet of your hubby, I am sorry about your wrist, that’s awful for during pregnancy.

    Rachel- Sounds like a great day! I am glad the doula apt went so well! Congrats on the last box!

    Maureen, Rachael, Julie, Maria- Here is to hoping you all get your little ones before the full moon or on the full moon day!

    Any non-FTM's know if there is any difference being in the hospital on a weekend vs. a weekday when you have your little one?
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Funny little side note: My mom said that she had 3 of her 6 kids on a full moon. Her water broke at that time. And my MIL said that when she worked on labor and delivery she more often got called in on days that there was a full moon because more babies were born. :) Here's hoping.

    I've heard that to! I'll be praying for ya! Hey, has anyone ever told you you look like Rachel McAdams (she was in the Notebook, Wedding Crashers, and The time travelers wife)?
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Funny little side note: My mom said that she had 3 of her 6 kids on a full moon. Her water broke at that time. And my MIL said that when she worked on labor and delivery she more often got called in on days that there was a full moon because more babies were born. :) Here's hoping.

    I've heard that to! I'll be praying for ya! Hey, has anyone ever told you you look like Rachel McAdams (she was in the Notebook, Wedding Crashers, and The time travelers wife)?

    Haha thanks. I have only ever heard it from one other person and it was another friend on My Fitness Pal. I'll definitely take that as a compliment.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Racheal: I agree with Jenz you could totally pass as her sister.

    So, i've been timing my contractions for the past hour and they are now about 9 mins apart some with cramping and some without, hopefully this is early labor. Crossing fingers AND toes :D
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    So, i've been timing my contractions for the past hour and they are now about 9 mins apart some with cramping and some without, hopefully this is early labor. Crossing fingers AND toes :D

    whoo hoo! Hoping this is the arrival of your LO!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Maria: I'll cross my fingers too!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Maria -- Oooooh! I have everything crossed for you!! Mine have been their usual 10 minutes apart all day so they're not giving me much hope.

    Anne -- I'm nervous about my appointment because last Tuesday my OB said they would very likely offer to break my water tomorrow ("if I even made it to the appointment" she said.. ha!). I'm a bit conflicted about whether or not that's something I want them to do so I keep hoping she'll come before I have to make the decision. I think I'm leaning toward letting them do it because I'm already so dilated & effaced I feel like my risk of c-section is pretty low. If they still think it's something they want to do tomorrow, I guess I'll just talk to them about it and decide from there. I know hubby is pushing for it but it's 100% out of impatience so I honestly don't care what he thinks. :laugh:

    I'm feeling quite a lot of pressure down below right now. :indifferent: I've felt like maybe baby hasn't been in a great position to make the progress with my cervix happen and that's why I'm still here despite how sure my OB was that I'd have a baby by now. So maybe she's there now? Because wow, something feels different.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Maria -- Oooooh! I have everything crossed for you!! Mine have been their usual 10 minutes apart all day so they're not giving me much hope.

    Anne -- I'm nervous about my appointment because last Tuesday my OB said they would very likely offer to break my water tomorrow ("if I even made it to the appointment" she said.. ha!). I'm a bit conflicted about whether or not that's something I want them to do so I keep hoping she'll come before I have to make the decision. I think I'm leaning toward letting them do it because I'm already so dilated & effaced I feel like my risk of c-section is pretty low. If they still think it's something they want to do tomorrow, I guess I'll just talk to them about it and decide from there. I know hubby is pushing for it but it's 100% out of impatience so I honestly don't care what he thinks. :laugh:

    I'm feeling quite a lot of pressure down below right now. :indifferent: I've felt like maybe baby hasn't been in a great position to make the progress with my cervix happen and that's why I'm still here despite how sure my OB was that I'd have a baby by now. So maybe she's there now? Because wow, something feels different.

    Understandable, that is a hard choice to make. I would talk with your doctor and make sure you get your questions answered. My sister was dialated 7 cms when she went to the hospital (she was kind of like you) she had very easy labor from about 9 till 2. At 2 am they broke her water, almost immidiately she went into heavy labor... she had the baby 3.5 hours later. Just wanted to share my only expierance with that :) She didn't need any extra drugs or anything like that.

    Hmm... feeling something different sure sounds like it could be good progress!
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member

    So, i've been timing my contractions for the past hour and they are now about 9 mins apart some with cramping and some without, hopefully this is early labor. Crossing fingers AND toes :D

    Yay! Hopefully they keep coming and you'll be holding your precious LO soon!!!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Maria -- it is hard to tell about the eating lightly thing. My OB actually hasn't said anything about it to me but I personally don't feel like barfing up a huge amount of food when labor starts. :laugh: I've just been eating whatever I want & trying not to stuff myself. Last Tuesday I was already 3cm dilated so who knows how dilated I am now (my guess is still just 3-4cm but of course it's possible it could be more). Whenever I eat a little too much I start to get scared that I'm really going to regret it in a few hours. :laugh: Are you craving carbs? That's like all I want to eat -- fruit and toast and pasta. The only protein that goes down easy right now is eggs or dairy.

    The "only" reason they say don't eat when i labor is because of the chance of needing general anesthesia and aspirating if you vomit. You may or may not puke during labor (I puked like 6 times this go round - but it was from the magnesium and pit combo) but that's not really why they say don't eat. Some hospitals are even advancing to the point where they don't make laboring women NPO. You're going to be hungry and you need energy - before you go to the hospital, stop and have dinner! My midwife actually suggested to me to be sure to eat before I came in because they would not let me eat there. Funny story - my mom when she was in labor with her 3rd didn't tell my dad for like 6 hours because she wanted to eat and knew as soon as she told him he would not let her - since it was very common instruction back then not to eat at all when in labor.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Glucose test is tomorrow morning. I was originally going to wait until Saturday but tomorrow is Ice Cream Sunday day at work and I really want some. So in my pregnant head, I won’t feel guilty about eating it if I don’t have my results yet.

    I finally called my doctor about my wrist last night. He said exactly what I thought he would. Going in would be a waste of my co-pay since he can’t send me for an x-ray and I can’t take anything other than Tylenol. :ohwell: So right now I’m wearing a heat wrap with a brace on top of it. I really need to take a few days off so I don’t have to be a computer all day but I really don’t want to waste my leave time for this. Hubby just surprised me at work and dropped off a stronger brace and more heating wraps for my wrist. :happy:

    You can take hydrocodone (AKA vicodin). Maybe he can give you a script for that. There are most definitely things you can take when pregnant! I had back surgery and recovery definitely on more than Tylenol :laugh: :wink:
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Maria- I'm thinking of you. Crossing, fingers, toes, etc :happy:

    Rachael- You could totally pass as that girl from the Notebook. I noticed that before but forgot to mention it! I can't believe people don't say it to you more often! And that's crazy about the full moon thing- maybe you are all holding out till then!

    Ron- You poor girl and your hand injuries lately :( Do you think you sprained it or that it might be really bad carpel tunnel?? I know that pregnancy can create carpel tunnel but if it was something you already suffered from, being pregnant will make it worse. I find mine has acted up a lot since being pregnant. I hope it goes away for you and soon. I know a lot of people say acupuncture works wonders for it- I think we can do that pregnant.... not positive.

    Julie- I was so crabbing about the heat... I found 80 by 9am to be ridiculous it's now almost 100 with a heat index of 110. :noway:

    It's funny that a lot of our little one's react to the doppler :smile: Speaking of reactions, I don't know about your LO's but Avery goes nuts just as soon as DH puts his hands on my belly and starts talking. It's almost immediate. This is how I'm woken up every morning.... can't say I don't love it though :love:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Okay, so I had a conversation with my husband about his dirty mouth last night. I'm not going to lie -- I swear like a sailor and it's something I'm working on now in preparation for baby. But he's absolutely ridiculous. He's in the kitchen simply making peanut butter toast right now and I've heard GD-it twice and the eff bomb at least 3-4 times. Seriously?! How could it possibly be so frustrating to toast bread in the toaster & then put peanut butter on it to warrant that much swearing? :laugh:
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    crossing my fingers for you maria!

    Back from the mall... I am so tired and sore now. But no contractions... lots of down pressure though. Bf is mad at me that i ended up taking a 2 hour phone call from work. He doesnt understand the commitment/obligation I feel towards my job. I
  • CorinaMakaea
    CorinaMakaea Posts: 2 Member
    Yay! thats exactly why i joined because I am only newly pregnant.. well 13 wks now and i have 2 children already. I carried both whilst heavily obese. I lost 25 kgs after my son recently but then fell pregnant.. I was gutted at first because I was enjoying my weight loss but now I'm ecstatic with the new one on the way.. HOwever I want to stay as healthy as possible and watch what i eat and still keep up the exercise.. I've put on more in the first 3 mths coz i was really sick and just wanted to eat whatever would stay down. Bt now i'm feeling better... I"d love help and to join the pregancy group but how?? I'd love to add my baby picture progress too like your baby gaga ones if someone can help? Thanks so much!! Cori