Pregnancy- July 2011



  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Hello everybody,

    My wife and I are in the process of trying to have a baby. My wife is wondering what she will be able to do safely to stay fit while she is pregnant.

    Right now we workout out with Insanity and she previously did 2 rounds of P90x. Obviously, both of those will probably be too intense during pregnancy.

    She does plan on consulting her doc before starting an exercise regimen, but I was wondering if anybody here has any advice on some good workout DVDs safe to do while pregnant.

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    As I have understood it, if she is doing something before pregnancy and continues to feel okay, it's fine to do during pregnancy. Exceptions are any exercise that has her flat on her back (I don't remember how soon, 2nd tri I think), and anything that includes excessive heat (I think there's some "hot" yoga classes, and saunas, hot tubs, etc are no-nos). It is important for her to listen to her body and stop when she starts getting tired, rather than pushing through it like you might normally do. One lady on here did spin class, walking, and swimming right up until the morning of the day she was induced.

    I personally love swimming, especially as pregnancy progresses, because of the relief the buoyancy gives to the swelling and extra weight on joints. I swam up until the day of/day before my boys were born. Bellydance is another GREAT prenatal exercise as long as she starts slowly. It actually can help condition the muscles for childbirth as well as loosen things up. Yoga (as long as she follows the above caveats) is another great one for conditioning and loosening - but since hormones already loosen ligaments it's important to be especially careful to not push stretches too far, and there are some poses that get very difficult as the belly grows. The breathing is also great for relaxation (I plan on trying the yoga breathing to get through labor this time).

    Good luck in TTC. Being in shape before helps with being in shape through the pregnancy, which helps with easier childbirth and recovery in many cases, so it sounds like you're on the right track. Like you said, consult with the doc every step along the way, but don't be afraid of some exercise, too :)

    Oh, and if she isn't taking a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid, she should start now. It helps prevent certain birth defects of the neural tube (brain & spine) that occur in the first 8 weeks or so, sometimes before women even know they are pregnant.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Collinsclan - thanks - let your lady know we're back to just pumping for a while or possibly pumping and feeding sometimes, but probably not. He's back in the hospital and I'm a little worried about keeping up supply w just pumping.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Last night I had to sleep on the couch. It felt good to get some sleep but also kinda depressing knowing bf is upstairs sleeping (I guess lonely was more the term).

    I have been having a lot more contractions/pains but nothing consistent still.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Jen- I understand what to have a gender specific room… but wow you are brave for waiting :) I was done at like 20 weeks because I was so excited haha. Maybe that’s a 1st one thing.

    Maureen- Sorry you had to sleep on the couch but it may be worth it for some good sleep! I have been thinking about trying the couch the last couple nights.

    AFM: I sent out an email update to all family and friends last night. I was nervous about telling them about my choice because they are all very natural birth folks… even me using an epidural was not normal. But so far everyone has responded just being supportive not with any opinions so that’s good. Last night one of our dogs wanted us to practice being parents so he had diarrhea all over his bed and the hallway… FUN! I also had a small panic attack when it came to be that I was going to have to GIVE BIRTH to get this baby out in a couple of weeks…
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    9 am and it's already 80 FREAKING degrees here..... but because of the humidity it feels like 100 :noway: :sad: This heat is killing me!

    Anne- I'm glad everyone thus far is being supportive of your decision for labor/delivery. That's the least they could do :flowerforyou:

    Rachel- Cute cute nursery!!!

    Maureen- I hope you have that baby soon... :heart:

    Had the usual OB check up yesterday. Avery loves to play games when they are trying to hear his heartbeat and move all around and kick it off :love: I'm measuring right where I should be and have zero problems which is great but it means that we won't be having another ultrasound unless something is wrong. How do they expect us to go 20 weeks without seeing our babies?!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Rachel - LMK how the Doula meeting goes, I'm thinking of having one too. Nursery is super cute !!!!

    Melissa - the Boppy Wedge is not the C shaped one, it's shaped like a chunk of Edam cheese. If you google it you will see what I mean. Yep, my first baby too! JenZ is due around the same time too.

    Rachael - Sorry about your Grandpa but glad that your family now has some relief. :heart:
    Em, ewww about your FIL wanting to be in the delivery room with you. That's a bit creepy..... There is NO WAY even my Dad would be in the room.

    Danielle - glad the babymoon worked out in the end :bigsmile:

    Anne - wow, you are so strong dealing with all that you have during this pregnancy

    Elizabeth - only 4 days till your wedding, try to stay calm :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Exercise challenge:
    1 day - 40 mins swimming
    1 day - 30 mins walk
    1 day - 15 mins walk + 20 mins swim
    NOT ENOUGH !!!!!!

    Our friend gave birth to a healthy baby boy this morning - Little Hayden So cute!!!!
    I'm super crazed with work and all my clients are driving me nuts !!! What's new......
    We did finally decide on our crib, mattress, stroller, car seat and our registry is about 95% complete. I cannot get over how ugly all of the high chairs are so have not picked one yet. I'll tell you that when you are a designer, choosing baby stuff becomes way more challenging :grumble:
    Now my sister is full on planning the shower - how many of you invited men and women vs just women ?? I'm in NY so I have tons of gay male friends as well, I have to invite them but what about the straight guys ?? We are not doing a traditional thing, just a brunch. NO GAMES!!!! no pink decorations !!!!!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Oh and Julie - get that baby out !!!!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Jen- I understand what to have a gender specific room… but wow you are brave for waiting :) I was done at like 20 weeks because I was so excited haha. Maybe that’s a 1st one thing.

    Maureen- Sorry you had to sleep on the couch but it may be worth it for some good sleep! I have been thinking about trying the couch the last couple nights.

    AFM: I sent out an email update to all family and friends last night. I was nervous about telling them about my choice because they are all very natural birth folks… even me using an epidural was not normal. But so far everyone has responded just being supportive not with any opinions so that’s good. Last night one of our dogs wanted us to practice being parents so he had diarrhea all over his bed and the hallway… FUN! I also had a small panic attack when it came to be that I was going to have to GIVE BIRTH to get this baby out in a couple of weeks…
    It's been rough not knowing. With DS it really didn't matter cause it was my first. But this is our last and I really want to know! But my DH was pretty firm that he wanted it to be a surprise so I caved and we didn't find out. I have a 4d ultrasound next Friday so that should be interesting! I can't wait to see my LO!

    Good for you sending an email! I didn't tell anyone what my plans were about my labor/birth except for my DH and my OB. I came to my appt with a written out plan for my Dr for my labor. It said NO vac and NO forceps for the baby. I told her under NO reason should these be used. I work in neuro and did a rotation at Childeren's hosptial in Milwaukee and saw way to many bad things (and fatal things) happen to newborns because of these to things so I was really freaked out. (again, just me, to each his own). I still feel that way and have already reminded her. Anyway, you need to do what's best for YOU and your baby! There is no way you can prepare for what is coming so have an open mind! Don't listen to anyone or any advice (even mine LOL!) I'm sure you are going to rock it out in that delivery room! :laugh:
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    9 am and it's already 80 FREAKING degrees here..... but because of the humidity it feels like 100 :noway: :sad: This heat is killing me!

    Anne- I'm glad everyone thus far is being supportive of your decision for labor/delivery. That's the least they could do :flowerforyou:

    Rachel- Cute cute nursery!!!

    Maureen- I hope you have that baby soon... :heart:

    Had the usual OB check up yesterday. Avery loves to play games when they are trying to hear his heartbeat and move all around and kick it off :love: I'm measuring right where I should be and have zero problems which is great but it means that we won't be having another ultrasound unless something is wrong. How do they expect us to go 20 weeks without seeing our babies?!

    My LO kicks the doppler every time to! So funny!:laugh: We are paying to have a 4d ultrasound next week. I'm so excited!

    What state do you live in? I LOVE being pregnant in summer and I just saw you and I are a couple of weeks apart (didn't really realize that till now lol!) I had DS in April and I hated it! The winters in Wisconsin are horrible and super long. It snows from Oct till April! It just took FOREVER. My whole pregnancy was in winter and all I did was sleep and eat (hence the 50 pound weight gain):grumble: This time it's going really fast. We get out and walk every night. Lots to do also so it's making it go so fast. The other perk this time is that I have like 8 months before next summer to get the weight off. Again, having DS in April sucked because summer was right around the corner and I was fat and nursing. It's hard to cover your fat when it's summer! :ohwell:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Anyone else getting tons of friend requests from strangers with no message in the request?? I'm declining them all and it's getting annoying. :angry: Not a single one of them has had any type of interaction with me ever.....
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    wow omg the nursery looks sooooooo beautiful!!! lucky baby :)
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Julie- If your contractions are getting stronger and more crampy that has to be a good thing! I would say even if not faster your labor should be shorter with all of these contractions… hopefully! At least you know that they work :)

    Ronya- When is your diabetes test this week? I hope you pass with flying colors :) I didn’t really think it was that bad. It is fun to see the belly move when the baby kicks :) I am sorry about your wrist, that sounds like no fun. That’s really wonderful news about your friend!

    Maria- Sounds like you are on your way!

    Rachel- It is great you are keeping busy, I am not and I feel like it is driving me crazy. Wow, that is amazing the c-section rate of those women, very high. I have been feeling that way too, I think it is an end of pregnancy thing. I hope that the doula you meet will help you to feel the most comfortable at your labor. I also hope your birth plan discussion goes well, I am sure that it will! I don’t know all of the answers to your questions but my mom swears her feet got bigger and never went back to normal size. Also my baby has dropped and I couldn’t tell one bit so it wasn’t obvious to me.

    Mel- Thanks but I don’t like Old Navy :( There clothes never hold up for me.

    Caperfae- glad that things are going well.

    Katrina- I may ask you advice when my LO comes along.

    Maureen- Contractions are good! I will be hoping you go anytime!

    Julz- yuck, hope you can tame the hemorrhoids down some. My flaps down there are just skin from pressure according to the dr.

    Jen- hope things are going well.

    Okay this may be long :) Just got back from my apt. I gained no weight, I measured at 32.5 weeks fundal height when I am 36.5 weeks along. She isn’t worried about this she thinks it is my body type. I don’t have strep B. I told her the other midwife said that the head was low and she said okay well let’s check your cervix to see… well she said WOW the head is really really low, probably from all of the puking… you may puke this baby out (hehe). The cervix was around the side so she said she was going to have to reach really high up and around to check for dilation and that it would be aggressive and painful so she didn’t want to. She said that she would guess 1-2 cm’s because of the low head but she doesn’t know for sure. She said the baby being low doesn’t mean it will go earlier but should mean a shorter labor. She said she is in a great place for 36 weeks. We talked about the induction. She was in NO MEANS pushing for it. She said she is worried because she can see my body breaking down and she said she doesn’t want me to get worse and worse and have no energy for labor. We have decided that we will induce no later than 39 weeks unless something changes for the better. She said to see how this week goes and if I am still feeling terrible next Monday we may look at scheduling it more towards 38 weeks. Basically, we will pick a date Monday and I have till then to change my mind. Oh and we talked about the iV fluids, she wanted to send me to the hospital to give me nutrients and see if it helps and if it does we would do it a couple times a week BUT every visit my urine shows that I am not dehydrated (somehow) so she can’t get my insurance to cover it. ---- so looks like I may have a July baby afterall... whew that was a long one, sorry I was trying to sum it up. and oh yea, I cried in the midwifes office when describing how awful I have been feeling (embarrassing). SO glad my DH decided to come to this apt. with me.
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    oops didnt quite work out the "quote" thing right. Just wanted to add that its great your baby is already lying so low and that your most likely dialating nicely :) Setting the induction date will be so exciting!!! then the real countdown can begin. As for crying in the midwifes office-must be an everyday ocurrence for her :tongue:

    Am wondering, whats the diffrence between a doctor and a midwife? i have an obgyn but no midwife currently. is it usual to get a midwife later in the pregnancy?
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Rachel: I love the nursery!!! So adorable!

    Julie: We just might all pop on Friday. I do feel like my contractions are getting a bit stronger they just feel like strong menstrual cramps. Here's to all the clean out fun! :drinker: lol My doc told me to eat lightly once I am in the early stages of labor but it's so hard to tell.

    Jenz: Yay for 4D!! I thought about having one but decided not to because it would have to come out of pocket. :happy:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Maureen -- You're a trooper, that's all I can say. Also, I need for you to have that baby because you still being pregnant when you were due 8 days before me really scares me. :tongue: I'm thinking the full moon on Friday is going to keep you from being induced on Saturday though!

    Anne -- So glad to hear your family is being supportive. :smile: And fun practicing cleaning up poop! Our dogs have been giving us WAY too much practice with that lately. It's like one of our greyhounds was a bit off for a few days and suddenly completely forgot how to poop outside or let us know that he needed to go out. Ugh. I also started panicking a little about labor/birth a few weeks ago but now that I'm here, I don't care what I have to do to get her out. All I know is that she needs to come out SOON. :laugh:

    Danielle -- I know you're not complaining to a bunch of pregnant women in the southeast about how hot it is where you are. :laugh: :tongue: Just kidding -- To me, once it's over 90 degrees it doesn't even matter anymore. This is our forecast for today from "Sunshine and a few afternoon clouds. A stray afternoon thunderstorm is possible. Heat index near 115F. High near 100F." :laugh: But seriously, 90 degrees or 115 degrees, it's all just hot. Going so long without an u/s has been hard for me, but now I'm actually glad I didn't have a 4d ultrasound because what she looks like is going to be a total surprise! :heart:

    Victoria -- We don't have a highchair. My mom has offered the old wooden one she used for us but I'm not sure we'll take it. Not sure what we'll do later but early on I'm thinking we'll just use our Bumbo on the floor. We had more men than women an our "shower." All of the men who showed up were straight. A few of them even showed up without female counterparts. Our party was late at night (we had a couple of guests stay past 3am... I was about to die) and alcohol was served. Basically it was just a regular house party plus baby gifts. :smile:

    Maria -- You've been gone for a while... you know that's not allowed this close to your due date unless you're busy having a baby! Edit: Oh, nevermind. There you are! :smile:

    Nothing super new to report here. I'm starting to get nervous about my appointment tomorrow.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    oops didnt quite work out the "quote" thing right. Just wanted to add that its great your baby is already lying so low and that your most likely dialating nicely :) Setting the induction date will be so exciting!!! then the real countdown can begin. As for crying in the midwifes office-must be an everyday ocurrence for her :tongue:

    Am wondering, whats the diffrence between a doctor and a midwife? i have an obgyn but no midwife currently. is it usual to get a midwife later in the pregnancy?

    An OB is a doctor. A midwife is a nurse with specific training in pregnancy/childbirth but is not a medical doctor like an OB. If you have an OB, you'll just have an OB. If you have a midwife, you'll probably just have a midwife unless you develop complications they feel would be better monitored by an OB.

    In many countries, most women use midwives unless they've deemed high risk for some reason. In the US, it's very common for women to use an OB regardless of whether or not they're high risk.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Had the usual OB check up yesterday. Avery loves to play games when they are trying to hear his heartbeat and move all around and kick it off :love: I'm measuring right where I should be and have zero problems which is great but it means that we won't be having another ultrasound unless something is wrong. How do they expect us to go 20 weeks without seeing our babies?!

    My LO kicks the doppler every time to! So funny!:laugh: We are paying to have a 4d ultrasound next week. I'm so excited!

    What state do you live in? I LOVE being pregnant in summer and I just saw you and I are a couple of weeks apart (didn't really realize that till now lol!) I had DS in April and I hated it! The winters in Wisconsin are horrible and super long. It snows from Oct till April! It just took FOREVER. My whole pregnancy was in winter and all I did was sleep and eat (hence the 50 pound weight gain):grumble: This time it's going really fast. We get out and walk every night. Lots to do also so it's making it go so fast. The other perk this time is that I have like 8 months before next summer to get the weight off. Again, having DS in April sucked because summer was right around the corner and I was fat and nursing. It's hard to cover your fat when it's summer! :ohwell:

    The 4d is amazing. Our's was included with the regular US at 20 weeks though. I live in Maine. Our summer has just been awful this year. Temps always 90-100's and if that was all we were battling it would be fine but you throw in humidity too and it makes it miserable. You can't even see straight outside that's how humid it is. Our winters are pretty insane too- we get snow the same months as you do! I'm just not one who deals with being uncomfortable well at all. This was an issue for me pre-pregnancy so I'm not surprised it's even worse now with my belly. I say we'll skip summer next time but in all reality I don't care. I'll go through it all again for another little one :love:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Maria -- it is hard to tell about the eating lightly thing. My OB actually hasn't said anything about it to me but I personally don't feel like barfing up a huge amount of food when labor starts. :laugh: I've just been eating whatever I want & trying not to stuff myself. Last Tuesday I was already 3cm dilated so who knows how dilated I am now (my guess is still just 3-4cm but of course it's possible it could be more). Whenever I eat a little too much I start to get scared that I'm really going to regret it in a few hours. :laugh: Are you craving carbs? That's like all I want to eat -- fruit and toast and pasta. The only protein that goes down easy right now is eggs or dairy.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Anne – maybe since baby is so low you might go into labor soon? I’m glad everyone is being supportive of your decision.

    Elizabeth – yea for hearing the heartbeat!! Glad everything is going well.

    Rachel – LOVE the nursery!!! So cute!!!!

    Julie – :noway: :laugh: @ the TLC baby show. For a much as my mom wants to be in the delivery room I don’t think she’d be ok with me sitting on her while I deliver.

    Rachael – that’s really weird about your FIL. If my dad were alive I wouldn’t even want him in the delivery room, let alone my FIL. Maybe he meant he wants to be in the waiting room so he can see you guys after she’s born.

    Danielle – Kathryn like to make the doctor chase her down to hear her heartbeat too. :laugh: I have another ultrasound in 4 weeks to check her growth and lung development because my Pap A level is low. My doctor is concerned about low birth weight and a pre-term delivery.

    Victoria – I'm sure they’re will only be women at my shower (the only my mom is telling me I’m not having). But I’ve been to ones with both men and women; I thought they were really run. Since hubby is Hispanic his family normally has both men and women at showers. It like a big huge party – so much fun! Very different from the low key, women only ones my family has.

    Maureen/Maria/Julie – I think the 3 of you are going to give birth the same day!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Glucose test is tomorrow morning. I was originally going to wait until Saturday but tomorrow is Ice Cream Sunday day at work and I really want some. So in my pregnant head, I won’t feel guilty about eating it if I don’t have my results yet.

    I finally called my doctor about my wrist last night. He said exactly what I thought he would. Going in would be a waste of my co-pay since he can’t send me for an x-ray and I can’t take anything other than Tylenol. :ohwell: So right now I’m wearing a heat wrap with a brace on top of it. I really need to take a few days off so I don’t have to be a computer all day but I really don’t want to waste my leave time for this. Hubby just surprised me at work and dropped off a stronger brace and more heating wraps for my wrist. :happy: