Pregnancy- July 2011



  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    My Dr. stripped my membranes with ds without telling me or asking me. I can't even remember her telling me after she was done. I think I found out when she said something to me about it working after the baby was born. I had my Dr. appointment in the AM and went to Walmart in the afternoon and kept feeling worse and worse. On the way home I finally realized that I must be in labor. I agree that it was pretty much like a regular check except for just a little longer and a bit more uncomfortable. Lynn - Glad I was to busy earlier to tell you first thing how quick it worked for me. That would have been a bummer to get your hopes up. Goes to show that everyone is deffiantly different... Gotta go get something done whiole DS is sleeping. He's been a real pain the last week - hope I get my happy boy back sometime!!!
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member

    I feel you. My daughter was born at 41w5d- and that was with a c-section after 4 days of induction. If she had her way I would still be pregnant with her.

    Oh gosh, how did you do that??? That is such a huge fear of mine, going way over the due date.

    I don't really think being overdue was a bad thing. Maybe there's something about your baby that needs some final touches that you don't know never know why the baby is still "baking" haha! I think sometimes we tend to rely on doctors to say when our baby should be born instead of just letting the miracle of birth happen when it happens. To me, sometimes a birth in the hospital becomes a condition or emergency instead of an intimate experience. And I mean, of course you have a fluid and placenta life so there are certain precautions you have to take in order to make sure the baby stays in a comfortable and healthy environment, but the baby won't stay in there forever. Just relax and let God take care of the timing. I was also 41w5days overdue but he came on his own without any help! There's no need to be too fearful! You'll be just fine. :)
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Why do people think that they have the right to give opinions about pregnancy and birth when not asked? It is the same as all of the comments we have all vented about. I asked you guys, I asked so close friends and family opinions on my induction decision (which I still have not made) and yet people seem to want to tell you all about what they think about birth (even when they don't know I am considering being induced)... I DON"T CARE. uhg sigh. vent over.

    Sorry, very grumpy... just puked up my dinner (that I ate before going out with friends because I am sick of throwing up in public places) and got puke all over my face and had to re-shower... and I get mad thinking about all the random people and their opinions.
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Why do people think that they have the right to give opinions about pregnancy and birth when not asked? It is the same as all of the comments we have all vented about. I asked you guys, I asked so close friends and family opinions on my induction decision (which I still have not made) and yet people seem to want to tell you all about what they think about birth (even when they don't know I am considering being induced)... I DON"T CARE. uhg sigh. vent over.

    Sorry, very grumpy... just puked up my dinner (that I ate before going out with friends because I am sick of throwing up in public places) and got puke all over my face and had to re-shower... and I get mad thinking about all the random people and their opinions.

    So sorry Anne!!! :heart: I honestly can't even begin to imagine!!! Hope you have a good evening out despite everything. :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I feel you. My daughter was born at 41w5d- and that was with a c-section after 4 days of induction. If she had her way I would still be pregnant with her.

    Oh gosh, how did you do that??? That is such a huge fear of mine, going way over the due date.

    I don't really think being overdue was a bad thing. Maybe there's something about your baby that needs some final touches that you don't know never know why the baby is still "baking" haha! I think sometimes we tend to rely on doctors to say when our baby should be born instead of just letting the miracle of birth happen when it happens. To me, sometimes a birth in the hospital becomes a condition or emergency instead of an intimate experience. And I mean, of course you have a fluid and placenta life so there are certain precautions you have to take in order to make sure the baby stays in a comfortable and healthy environment, but the baby won't stay in there forever. Just relax and let God take care of the timing. I was also 41w5days overdue but he came on his own without any help! There's no need to be too fearful! You'll be just fine. :)

    Well I have to say I disagree with you on this. There are plenty of babies who have died before birth who could have probably been easily saved if proper interventions had taken place. After a certain point, the rate of stillbirth really does begin to increase rather dramatically (one study I've seen shows the risk actually starts increasing after 37 weeks). Anyway, that seems to be the reason most docs and midwives don't want you to go more than 10 days or so past your "due date." A "better safe than sorry" approach in an effort to save babies that would potentially otherwise be stillborn.

    Modern medicine has surely saved the lives of many babies that would have died under natural circumstances. After all, death is a very natural occurrence. I'm not someone who believes that nature has any intentions. So I don't mind a little intervention (or a lot if it's needed!) if it increase the chances my baby will live instead of die, especially when the downside is relatively minimal. I'm not an "everything happens for a reason" or "whatever happens happens" kind of girl so I guess that's the reason I think the way I do. I don't want to debate & I fully respect the way you feel about it! I just can't keep my big mouth shut about stuff like this. :wink: I know plenty of people feel differently than I do and that's fine! :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Why do people think that they have the right to give opinions about pregnancy and birth when not asked? It is the same as all of the comments we have all vented about. I asked you guys, I asked so close friends and family opinions on my induction decision (which I still have not made) and yet people seem to want to tell you all about what they think about birth (even when they don't know I am considering being induced)... I DON"T CARE. uhg sigh. vent over.

    Sorry, very grumpy... just puked up my dinner (that I ate before going out with friends because I am sick of throwing up in public places) and got puke all over my face and had to re-shower... and I get mad thinking about all the random people and their opinions.

  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Just checking in to see if any babies have been born. Sorry no baby yet Maureen, but 80% effaced sounds promising!! I bet the little one will be here before your induction date.
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member

    I feel you. My daughter was born at 41w5d- and that was with a c-section after 4 days of induction. If she had her way I would still be pregnant with her.

    Oh gosh, how did you do that??? That is such a huge fear of mine, going way over the due date.

    I don't really think being overdue was a bad thing. Maybe there's something about your baby that needs some final touches that you don't know never know why the baby is still "baking" haha! I think sometimes we tend to rely on doctors to say when our baby should be born instead of just letting the miracle of birth happen when it happens. To me, sometimes a birth in the hospital becomes a condition or emergency instead of an intimate experience. And I mean, of course you have a fluid and placenta life so there are certain precautions you have to take in order to make sure the baby stays in a comfortable and healthy environment, but the baby won't stay in there forever. Just relax and let God take care of the timing. I was also 41w5days overdue but he came on his own without any help! There's no need to be too fearful! You'll be just fine. :)

    Well I have to say I disagree with you on this. There are plenty of babies who have died before birth who could have probably been easily saved if proper interventions had taken place. After a certain point, the rate of stillbirth really does begin to increase rather dramatically (one study I've seen shows the risk actually starts increasing after 37 weeks). Anyway, that seems to be the reason most docs and midwives don't want you to go more than 10 days or so past your "due date." A "better safe than sorry" approach in an effort to save babies that would potentially otherwise be stillborn.

    Modern medicine has surely saved the lives of many babies that would have died under natural circumstances. After all, death is a very natural occurrence. I'm not someone who believes that nature has any intentions. So I don't mind a little intervention (or a lot if it's needed!) if it increase the chances my baby will live instead of die, especially when the downside is relatively minimal. I'm not an "everything happens for a reason" or "whatever happens happens" kind of girl so I guess that's the reason I think the way I do. I don't want to debate & I fully respect the way you feel about it! I just can't keep my big mouth shut about stuff like this. :wink: I know plenty of people feel differently than I do and that's fine! :smile:

    Like I said, there are certain precautions you have to take. But yes, I agree with medicine as well for interventions and saving lives!
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    I am really sorry you are having a hard time. Please remember your decision is exactly that your decision. Unfortunately, some people don't know how to keep their mouths shut! You are an amazingly strong women and mom for going through what you have. I know I couldn't handle being sick all the time as well as you have.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Thanks ladies :smile: I knew you guys would understand... other people have had this too on here... people saying what they should be eating/drinking/exercising... people saying you are too big you are too small... uhg. I hope no one says anything tonight :laugh:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    So I honestly didn't know what stripping the membranes meant, so I looked it up. Now I am starting to wonder if my mw did that and didn't tell me. The only reason I think she may have is I have read you can after being 1 cm dilated. And this last check was considerably more painful than the 2 previously, she also was up there a bit longer. And shortly after I lost quite a bit of my mucus plug and I still am. Everytime I go to the bathroom more comes. She may not have, but it does make me wonder. Which I am ok with if it does help speed things up.

    I also kind of feel like my baby has turned. I don't know for sure. But her movements seem different, and I don't seem to notice her butt buldging out of my stomach. :) I guess I will find out for sure on Tuesday.

    Anne: Sorry :flowerforyou: I am not a fan of unsolicited advice either, it gets quite annoying. I can't believe how many people have asked me why I haven't been induced yet and they would if they were me. It seems to be a huge thing here, a lot of people schedule to be induced a week before their due dates. I think that is weird if there is no real reason other than convenience, but whatever. Especially family on my husband's side. I have been asked about when my inducement day is scheduled, and then they seemed shocked that I don't have one. I do think it is something that dr.'s can do and mw's can't. My midwife says she isn't allowed to induce unless her patient is late and and at least showing signs of progressing or of course a medical issue like pre-e. If there is no dilation then she can't right off anyway.
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather. I hope there is some peace amongst all the pain. I know no matter what happens he will be either watching over you when the baby comes or very close to you in your heart if he is still fighting his battle.
    May peace be with you and your loved ones.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Maureen – yea for your last day of work! I know so many women who dilated so quickly, you never know what’s going to happen.

    Katrina – oh I hate UTI’s. Sorry you’re having contractions so early, I know they’re common throughout pregnancy but I still haven’t had any yet, or if I have they weren’t strong enough to notice.

    Bethany – try not to stress too much. Doctors can be overly cautious.

    Julie – ugh, I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time. But a least you’re not going back to work anymore.

    Maria – I’ve had vivid dreams for months now. In my most recent one I was slowly turning into a balloon. I watched each body part turn into one starting with my toes and going up. I HATE balloons (childhood trauma, don’t laugh….ok, laugh it is kinda silly) so I woke up shaking. Hubby laughs at me because I call them “evil things of death”. :laugh: As much as I’m enjoying being pregnant I think I’d die if I had to stay that way for 11 and a half months.

    Rachael – I’m so sorry about your grandfather. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Danielle – have fun on your “babymoon”!!!

    Lindsay – part of me says a direct flight to just get it over with, but on the other hand you might want breaks to get up and walk around. Sorry, that was really no help was it?

    Melissa – 12 pounds at 23 weeks is great. And I have to get my glucose test next weekend, but I had to do it at 9 weeks too when my m/s was horrible, so I’m not dreading it too much.

    Anne – people can be idiots. Sorry you’re having a rough day ::hugs::

    Hi to everyone I missed! I had a lot to catch up on.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Is anyone else dealing with horrible heartburn? I’ve had it off and on for my whole pregnancy but the past few days have been really bad. I don’t think I’m eating any differently then before, maybe it’s just because I’m farther along and she’s pushing everything up? I swear I’m single handily going to keep Tums in business. :laugh:

    When I got home from work today hubby had moved everything else of out of Kathryn’s room, so hopefully he’s going to start painting sometime this weekend. He also surprised me by having dinner ready. Granted I boiled and shredded the chicken last night so all he had to do was put some of that and cheese in a tortilla and throw on the griddle to heat, but it was nice to come home to everything ready.
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Is anyone else dealing with horrible heartburn? I’ve had it off and on for my whole pregnancy but the past few days have been really bad. I don’t think I’m eating any differently then before, maybe it’s just because I’m farther along and she’s pushing everything up? I swear I’m single handily going to keep Tums in business. :laugh:

    When I got home from work today hubby had moved everything else of out of Kathryn’s room, so hopefully he’s going to start painting sometime this weekend. He also surprised me by having dinner ready. Granted I boiled and shredded the chicken last night so all he had to do was put some of that and cheese in a tortilla and throw on the griddle to heat, but it was nice to come home to everything ready.

    I hadn't had any trouble with heartburn so far, but I think I did last night and it was a terrible experience!!! I had an episode before I went to bed and didn't think much of it. And it wasn't just a burn - it was almost like throwing up a little bit, but not enough to really get anything out. Then I woke up in the middle of the night choking. My only guess to what happened is that some stuff came up and I inhaled it back into my lungs. I couffed for SO long! I ate a couple crackers, drank some milk and ate some Tums and went back to bed. Well, changing positions made me cough more. Poor DH!!! I thought I was never going to quite!!! I think I actually went to sleep coughing. It felt a little like I was drowning. Is that heartburn? I sure hope it isn't a permanate thing that's for sure!!!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    BIG HUGS Anne!

    I have been on morning sickness high the last few days. I completely understand how you are feeling.

    As to heartburn... wivestale says heartburn = lots of hair on the baby! I have been lucky to not have much heartburn. I dont think I could handle a lot of nausea/vomitting and heartburn also.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Whew- sorry about earlier, I was being a serious grump. Nothing was working how I needed it too and I got very annoyed… still kind of am feeling grumpy actually haha. Thanks for the support everyone.

    Rachael- I hope that the baby did turn! I know that all of you must be getting the same advice from random people as I am because most of the time they don’t even know my situation… I think I have just been sensitive to it because I am trying to figure this all out. Hmm.. I really don’t know if the midwife can or not (schedule inductions) I guess I will find out Monday when I chat with mine. I think it has to be equally as annoying for all of you to hear people’s opinions.

    Ronya- I have had some heartburn… it is mixed in with the throwing up so sometimes it is hard to tell the difference. My sister had it really bad and tums didn’t work for her. She tried a medicine called Reglan (I think that’s the name) and it worked like magic. The heartburn I have had has been awful, wouldn’t want anymore of it! Have you decide what color you are painting?

    Elizabeth- Thanks for the support :) Hope you are doing well.

    Regina- uhg, that sounds unpleasant… I hope that doesn’t last long heartburn or not! I am not sure you really cough with heartburn but maybe indigestion with it? Sounds kind of like the stomach acid problem I have sometimes, did it burn?

    Maureen- Thanks, I really hope that the throwing up goes away for you NOW. Not fair for you to be sick and so close to your LO. It is really awful.

    Kind of a busy day tomorrow… errands in the AM and babysitting my 1 year old niece from 11-5. It will be fun :)

    Hope you are all having a nice start to the weekend.
  • bzima
    bzima Posts: 10
    :cry: thanks to everyone with thier concerns and everything. I pray every day that there is nothing that is horribly wrong with her, but I also think that I am just worried because of the fact that I don't want her to have any problems. But then I also don't think that is nothing wrong either. :frown:

    Anyway lets talk about something new. I just got home and the hubby forgot to put sunscreen on the little one, but in his defense he was able to get her to sleep before I got home from work. He said that she crying because she hurt so bad from the sun burn.:sad:

    But Once again I am going to go to bed because tomorrow is going to be a long and hot day for me that I am not looking forward too.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    anyone else not able to shut of there minds lately at night? She has been moving so much at night it is hard to sleep and then my brain will not shut off thinking about things... (not even stuff i have to do because I don't have that much to do)... wierd

    one of mine last night was breastfeeding... getting a little worried about that... it just seems so wierd that in a couple weeks I could be feeding a baby out of my boobs, what if it doesn't work? ay

    Bethany- Sorry about the sunburn DD... I am sure that will happen to the best of us. Hope you have a nice day today (even if it is long and hot).
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Regina – for me heartburn feels like my chest is on fire, I can’t get comfortable and almost start to cry it hurts so much. It will got away for a little bit them come back with a vengeance. I think my problem was I loaded way too much salsa on my quesadilla last night.

    Anne – the nursery is going to be Baby Noah’s Ark. Hubby is a really good artist so he’s going to paint an ark floating in the ocean with lots of baby animals in it on the biggest wall. The rest of the walls will be white with some type of matching trim (haven’t figured that part out yet). Have fun with your niece today!

    Bethany – sorry about the sunburn, but like Anne said I’m sure that will happen with a lot of us.

    Today we’re going to meet hubbys friend and her husband and kids for lunch at Smokey Bones. I don’t know if any of you have a Smokey Bones near you but right now it’s my favorite place in the world. Thankfully the closest one to us is over an hour away or I’d be there almost every day! But it’s the halfway point between us so we always go there when we get together. Then we’re going to BBB to get Kathryn’s crib (thank you FIL) and finally to hopefully agree on some paint colors for her room. :happy:

    Hope everyone is having a great Saturday and some babies are born this weekend!!!