Pregnancy- July 2011



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Ronya- That is so sweet about your DH!

    Katrina- Yes, we have debated our adoption options because I really feel it is something important for me to do… it is very expensive though :( Yuck, I am sorry about your contractions! I only had them exercising so early on. I am glad you are getting to relax (even a little) and hopefully that will help.

    Bethany- I am sorry about your dr. apt. I hope that your next US shows that everything is just fine! I understand about the throwing up…. I never got a break :( I hope that it goes away for you!

    Julie- That is evil! What mind torture having to wait with all of the contractions! I wouldn’t get upset about not wanting sex right now… I don’t think it really works for most people anyways (no one I have heard of…) You are doing AWESOME just what you are doing.

    Maria- I am sure you can asked to be checked if you want to be! Here’s to hoping your LO comes before your DH leaves. I have had some random weird dreams… but haven’t had a cat yet haha.

    Julz- glad the head ache went away and that you got some rest this morning!

    Rachael- Haven’t heard from you today… did you get a surprise last night?
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    I'm in the process of dropping weight before TTC. We haven't had any luck trying, and I think my weight was playing a big part of that. The husband doesn't get home from Afghanistan till 2012 so I'm still waiting to TTC =] =]
  • eleeseeC
    eleeseeC Posts: 21 Member
    I have been searching for a group to join! So glad I saw this one! My husband and I are expecting our second child due February I'm almost 10 weeks. With my first pregnancy, I gained 40lbs. After joing MFP I lost all but the last 7lbs of it before I got pregnant again. My goal is to stay within a healthy weight range gaining maybe 30lbs max. I haven't really done an exercise routine since May since I was so sick, but I think I'm ready to start back again. I am luckily not craving junk food this that's a plus!
    What should I set my calorie intake to and how much should be eaten back after exercise? Any other information to share that I should know about?

    I am due the day after you! I also gained too much during my first pregnancy. I am setting my calorie range to maintain my weight during the first trimester and then to gain .5 pounds per week for the second and third. MFP allows you to select those options. Because I am still carrying around extra weight , I am recommended to gain only 15-20 lbs. If you should gain more you could up it to 1 lb a week. Of course that doesn't take into consideration the wonderful water retention that comes with pregnancy.

    Awesome! Glad I have someone to go through this with til the end! With my track record though...I'll probably bake my bun for another 12days after my due date! hahah! I have home births, so I don't use medication to induce so I wait...and wait...and wait! lol

    I feel you. My daughter was born at 41w5d- and that was with a c-section after 4 days of induction. If she had her way I would still be pregnant with her.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    No I am still here. Last night was rough. Got the call that my grandpa might not make it through the night and so I was at my grandparent's from 3-9pm. We had all the family there and we said our goodbyes. He is still hanging on, but it won't be much longer. He isn't conscious and we think his kidneys have failed. I am getting super nervous about a funeral and this baby! I hope they won't interfer with each other. I am doing ok though. I hate to see him suffer and I just hope he does go today. It is getting way to hard on my mom and grandma.

    Maria, I am having weird dreams too. Last night I dreamed my mom told me she was having a baby girl! I freaked out and was pouting in my bed. I kept thinking my little girl cannot have an aunt younger than her, and I cannot have a sister that I am 24 years older than! So I was mad as heck, and then my mil for some reason comes to make me feel better, and I am expressing how frustrated I am that my parent's would do this. Then she tells me that she is pregnant too and she is having a little girl. Then I get really mad. And later in the dream I find out my grandmother of all people is pregnant! I am like what the heck is going on??? It was crazy.
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member

    So, about dreams I used to have really vivid dreams from week 20 to about week 30, almost every night. Well, the past two nights it has started again. Last night's dream was really weird I dreamt I gave birth to fully grown cat and I thought I was crying because I didn't want a cat and I wanted my baby. It was really, really weird. Anyone else experiencing crazy dreams lately?

    Haha! That's a good one!! I've had some crazy dreams my whole pregnancy. But my favorite would have to be me dreaming about smoking weed in my dad's jeep with my dad.... First of all, I don't ever smoke weed (even when not pregnant :wink: ) and my dad is VERY religious in the mormon church and anyone who knows about that, knows that they don't believe in smoking or drinking.... so why I had a dream like that is crazy! I also had a dream that I gave birth to a toddler... I wake up a lot and just start laughing at what I am capable of dreaming up!!!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Rachael- Praying for you, your grandpa and the rest of your family :heart:

    We're actually getting ready to leave on a mini "babymoon" :happy: We're going to the coast and staying on the beach for the weekend. One last us thing before Avery is here :smile:

    Hope you all have a great weekend and I hope that some little one's are here by Sunday :wink: Julie, Maureen :wink:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    I feel you. My daughter was born at 41w5d- and that was with a c-section after 4 days of induction. If she had her way I would still be pregnant with her.

    Oh gosh, how did you do that??? That is such a huge fear of mine, going way over the due date.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Just a story i had to share........

    So, there's a new employee here and she's about 20 years older than me and I really hit it off with this lady since she started about three months ago. She's sort of my work mom, well i was just talking with her today kinda complaining and she told me about one of her pregnancies. It was her second pregnancy and her husband was in the military and stationed in Germany and she got to go along with him. Well, the biggest shocker to me was that she was pregnant for 11 and 1/2 months!!!!:noway: She said in Germany they don't do C/S unless it was absolutely necessary to save a life, so as long as the baby's heartbeat was fine and baby was still moving they allowed her to continue her pregnancy. I was in shock i couldn't imagine being pregnant for that long!!! Well, she said she started to worry and made arrangements to get back to the US and once she arrived back in the states they got her in for an emergency c/s. Well she had a healthy baby girl who weighed about 10lbs (i thought the kid would be like 12) but just the length of her pregnancy well needless to say i'm not complaining to her anymore about being tired of my pregnancy :laugh:
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Rachael - I'm sorry to hear your grandpa took a turn for the worst. At least you were able to say goodbye.

    Welcome to all the new ladies!

    Did Jessica have her baby yesterday? I think I remember her saying she was going to be induced on Thursday.

    Also, my DH and I are planning a babymoon when I'll be about 24 or 25 weeks. If it's a long flight, do you guys recommend a direct flight, or break it up into a short flight and a little shorter long flight? We're thinking about going to Hawaii.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Racheal: My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. I hope everything works out for you w baby coming and the arrangements. :flowerforyou:
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Anne- my names melissa, ive added it to my signature now :)

    rony- As for the stretch marks, i also have some on my back and sides already from just general growth but i think your right in saying that your either gonna get them or your not

    meokk- i just went through a LOOOONG boston and winter and holy crap it was as intense as you said! Id come to believe that id never feel natural heat ever again:laugh:

    collinsclan- im also wondering when is the usual time to get braxton hicks and what the heck they feel like. are they obviously different to the normal discomfort and strange pains of pregnancy?

    bethany- good on you for joining the site, i think its such an awsome, convenient and easy way to keep yourself accountable. maybe add a friend to your page too for extra support and accountability. Did everything go ok with the second ultrasound?

    mel- my screen name is a combination of my dogs name (mukie) and my birthday year

    maria- your cat dream really made me giggle :laugh: and ive been experiencing the same thing!! the horrible thing for me now is that all nightmares involve something negative happening to my baby :sad:

    Rach- im so sorry to hear about your grandad, i hope you have lots of support around you during this time :heart:

    So its friday and ive decided to attempt to pull out my sweet tooth!! A drastic step maybe but after the self-induced neausea i felt after eating an apple blossom and smore chocolates (aka gods gift to womankind) from trader joes last night its given me the incentive i needed to kick the sugar. I went to my six up doctors appointment yesterday which went super well. they said ive gained 12 pounds so far (which was supposedly ok), and they've given me the infamous glucose drink to chug down before next time :sick: I sent out the 'save the date' invites to my upcoming wedding this week which was really exciting :) soooooo much more to do though. Physically im feeling good except the skin over my tummy seems to have tightened up a whole bunch over the past few days and sleeping is uncomfortable as it is for most of us.

    What does everyone have planned for the weekend?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I have been searching for a group to join! So glad I saw this one! My husband and I are expecting our second child due February I'm almost 10 weeks. With my first pregnancy, I gained 40lbs. After joing MFP I lost all but the last 7lbs of it before I got pregnant again. My goal is to stay within a healthy weight range gaining maybe 30lbs max. I haven't really done an exercise routine since May since I was so sick, but I think I'm ready to start back again. I am luckily not craving junk food this that's a plus!
    What should I set my calorie intake to and how much should be eaten back after exercise? Any other information to share that I should know about?

    I just set mine to gain 1/2 lb per week, but upped it a couple of weeks ago to 1 lb per week (since I haven't been gaining a whole lot). Maybe start with the 1/2 lb per week ... for me it was about 2000 calories, with a mildly active lifestyle.

    I set mine to maintenance, but ate about 200-300 calories over. I on purpose did not set to gain because I knew that I would still probably still eat a little over and then I would gain more than I wanted to.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    My apt was rather disappointing. She did a cervix check. Baby is sitting at my back so checking my cervix was hard (and painful). I am barely 1 fingertip dialated but she did say my cervix is prolly about 80% ish thinned. She was not able to sweep my membraines due to the lack of dilation and the location of the baby.

    I was ordered to do A LOT of walking this coming week, continue to take my EPO and she said lots of sex. Induction date is tentatively July 16th (I will get confirmation next week about it). She wants me to spend plenty of time on my hands and knees (child's pose almost).

    I am really worried about being induced and not being able to be med-free in that case.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Rachael - sorry to hear about your grandpa, I hope he goes painlessly. :heart: :flowerforyou: Oh and that's one freaky dream.....

    Lindsay - We went to Hawaii in May. I would recommend a direct flight if you can get one but most flights to HI stop in LA or SF on the way. I was about 18 weeks at the time and the travel was tiring but worth it. We went to Kauai which I LOVE. Maui is great too but I would avoid Oahu if you want peaceful and relaxing - it's like Vegas on the beach. LMK if you want any more Hawaii tips.

    Danielle - yay for a babymoon - have a fab trip!

    Melissa - Yeah, this past winter felt like the worst since I've lived in the region, about 18 years...... To beat the summer heat, we always like going up to Maine. When it's 90 in NY is about 75 in Northern Maine....dreamy. I'm about a week ahead of you and I just had my first BH contraction about a week ago when swimming. It felt like a tightening of my lower abdomen, no pain at all, it just sort of clenched up for about 30-40 seconds and that was it. We are also gaining at the same rate. I was up 12 lbs at 24 weeks too ! For the sleeping, I got a Boppy Wedge from BBB for about $15 and am so much more comfortable now. Highly recommend it.
    Are you getting married before or after the baby? Exciting and soooo much work at the same time. I got married last October.

    Julie - I got a bargain today !!!!! A cute summer top from Anthropologie marked down to $19.95 from $68. If anyone lives near a store - they have tons of cute summer tops and dresses on sale right now and plenty of them are either generously cut or empire waist and will easily accommodate a bump.

    Calories - I eat maintenance, which for me is about 1750 and eat my exercise cals for the most part. Because I started the pregnancy approx 20lbs overweight, my midwife advised to just eat maintenance and see how it goes. I have been gaining on track and as long as that continues I won't be adding the typical 300-500 cals extra at all. That said - some days I am more hungry than others. Unlike when dieting, I definitely will eat something now if I feel hungry even if it means I go higher than 1750.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I have been searching for a group to join! So glad I saw this one! My husband and I are expecting our second child due February I'm almost 10 weeks. With my first pregnancy, I gained 40lbs. After joing MFP I lost all but the last 7lbs of it before I got pregnant again. My goal is to stay within a healthy weight range gaining maybe 30lbs max. I haven't really done an exercise routine since May since I was so sick, but I think I'm ready to start back again. I am luckily not craving junk food this that's a plus!
    What should I set my calorie intake to and how much should be eaten back after exercise? Any other information to share that I should know about?

    I just set mine to gain 1/2 lb per week, but upped it a couple of weeks ago to 1 lb per week (since I haven't been gaining a whole lot). Maybe start with the 1/2 lb per week ... for me it was about 2000 calories, with a mildly active lifestyle.

    I set mine to maintenance, but ate about 200-300 calories over. I on purpose did not set to gain because I knew that I would still probably still eat a little over and then I would gain more than I wanted to.

    Yeah, I was thinking of just going with maint + 300 cal (esp since I started 20 lbs overweight and wanted to not gain too much), but realized that I'm obsessive enough that I stay under the calories and would even then. Ends up it was a good plan for me, so far...
    But (to whomever posted the question originally), I would find what works for you as long as your doc is okay with it :happy:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    ARW- Welcome!

    Rachael- I am so sorry about your grandpa. I hope that he goes peacefully and that the funeral/baby plans aren’t complicated. And your dream sounds awful!

    Mamarandall- so funny you are dreaming about smoking weed… WEIRD.

    Danielle- Have so much fun on your babymoon!

    Maria- OH MY GOSH 11.5 months? That’s so crazy. I don’t even want to pretend that is an option!

    Lindsey- how fun! Hawaii! When I was 20 weeks I flew to Michigan (only like 2 hours) and I think the shortest total time you can travel is best… didn’t have any issues with that trip.

    Melissa- Good luck with kicking the sweet tooth! I am glad your dr. apt. went well.

    Maureen- I am sorry about your apt :( I am sure that is disappointing to hear. There are a lot of women who don’t dilate much before labor though so it could still be right around the corner. I will be hoping your go before your induction. Will your midwife/dr not let you go later if you wish?

    Victoria- Sounds like you are doing great on your weight gain so
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Rachael -- So sorry about your grandpa and your worries about potentially missing his funeral. :frown: My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Danielle -- YAY for a mini-vacation!! Have an awesome time!

    Maureen -- 80% effaced is GOOD! Once you're pretty well effaced, the dilation can happen quickly. There's plenty of time for you to go naturally before you'll be induced. I'll be walking my butt off over the next few days. I don't think you really missed out on anything other than some discomfort by not having the sweep. You see how much good it did me. :smile:

    Victoria -- Hooray for your bargain!!

    I didn't mean to skip people but I'm doing this from memory and of course that never goes well for me.

    I left work at 1.45pm. I don't think I can work anymore and I told my supervisor that before I left. She was very understanding and said she was surprised I worked until 39 weeks anyway. She also told me if I'm somehow still pregnant & feeling better on Monday that I'm welcome to come in (since I haven't been written out of work by my doc or anything) but that she very much understands if today needs to be my last day.

    My ridiculous box of headbands and flower clips arrived today!! Now I just need a baby head to put them on...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oops, dummy mistake!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Thanks everyone for your sweet comments.

    Maureen, I am sorry about the disappointing apt. I hope something happens this weekend for you! Julie, you too!
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    I have been searching for a group to join! So glad I saw this one! My husband and I are expecting our second child due February I'm almost 10 weeks. With my first pregnancy, I gained 40lbs. After joing MFP I lost all but the last 7lbs of it before I got pregnant again. My goal is to stay within a healthy weight range gaining maybe 30lbs max. I haven't really done an exercise routine since May since I was so sick, but I think I'm ready to start back again. I am luckily not craving junk food this that's a plus!
    What should I set my calorie intake to and how much should be eaten back after exercise? Any other information to share that I should know about?

    I just set mine to gain 1/2 lb per week, but upped it a couple of weeks ago to 1 lb per week (since I haven't been gaining a whole lot). Maybe start with the 1/2 lb per week ... for me it was about 2000 calories, with a mildly active lifestyle.

    I set mine to maintenance, but ate about 200-300 calories over. I on purpose did not set to gain because I knew that I would still probably still eat a little over and then I would gain more than I wanted to.

    Yeah, I was thinking of just going with maint + 300 cal (esp since I started 20 lbs overweight and wanted to not gain too much), but realized that I'm obsessive enough that I stay under the calories and would even then. Ends up it was a good plan for me, so far...
    But (to whomever posted the question originally), I would find what works for you as long as your doc is okay with it :happy:

    It was me! haha! Thanks for all the information ladies. My midwife just checks up on my diet a couple of times through the pregnancy, so I think I'll be okay since i've been through this before. I just wasn't sure about tracking it on here...I think I'll just watch what I eat and leave it at that.