Pregnancy- July 2011



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Rachael -- Congratulations on your disgusting mucousy fun!! :laugh: I've been feeling like I'm leaking off and on for a couple of weeks now but it's just discharge apparently.

    Julz -- Yay for passing your glucose test! People couldn't really tell I was pregnant at 26-27 weeks but I was definitely not wearing my regular pants without a belly band!

    Anne -- :frown: I'm so sorry you got sick in the parking lot. I guess better there than while you were in the store.

    I tried leaving work around 1 but we were having a terrible thunderstorm. The parking lot is huge and I park at the back of it. Lightening was crazy so I figured I'd just wait it out. Yeah... it lasted for 2 HOURS. I hadn't brought my lunch to work because I had planned to leave so early so I was super hungry by the time I got home around 3.45. I at least did get a chance to talk to my supervisor. She was totally surprised I was even at work and said it would be totally fine to "play it by ear" from this point on. She doesn't expect me to show up for work at all but I'm welcome to go in if I feel like it. I really appreciate that she's being so flexible and supportive.

    I feel like I got a lot of stuff squared away at work today but getting "stuck" there really kind of made me think I should just give up and use some leave before the baby comes. Maybe active labor will start sometime in the next 12 hours and make the decision for me. Fingers crossed!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Racheal: Yay for the mucous plug!! Mine wasn't quite so obvious in fact i don't think i would have noticed if Julie didn't mention hers. Sorry bout that guys comment i think i would have def taken that personally. *hug*
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    So I went for my follow up sonogram today and the kidney thing is improving - YAY ! For those of you who don't know, I went for my 20 week scan 4 weeks ago and they said that LO had mild pyelectasis and wanted me back for a follow up. So today the levels were lower = good, almost in the normal range but they still want me back for another scan in 4 weeks. Thinking of declining but will talk to my midwife first. The place where I get my scans specializes in high risk mamas so they are super cautious.
    Anyway I'm very happy and we actually got some good photos (she was hiding last time) She was sucking on her little arm, so cute. They said she is approx 1lb 10oz.

    If your insurance covers it I'd recommend just going to the next scan too. Better to be overly cautious than presumptive (even though this is why our health care costs are outrageous! I can't really comment though, we're probably going through 1/2 a million worth this year alone!). If it's not up to par by then they can monitor it and have a special team on hand in the delivery room if by any chance it is needed. If my anatomy scan had revealed that my son has no pulmonary artery I can guarantee they'd have had a specialist / neonatal team in the delivery room waiting for him vs not knowing and a nurse just noticing overnight that he looked blue!

    Hi Mel,
    I might just go in 4 weeks but want to ask my midwife if I can maybe go in 8 weeks or something less frequent. The scanning place just want to make more money I think. It's such a mild version of the condition and neither my midwife of genetic specialist were worried when the result was even higher than today. I'm def in the better safe than sorry camp though.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Rachael- Probably he doesn’t realize how big he really is… and I am sure he was trying to insult himself. Don’t worry you look adorable! Congrats on losing your plug :)

    Mukie- oh Boston sounds nice right now :) I had no stretch marks until about 33 weeks… and then they appeared :( I don’t think there is anything you can really do… it either happens or it doesn’t. and I feel you on the movement… my LO is moving like CRAZY lately. I can’t remember, do you know if you are having a boy or girl? Name picked out?

    Julz- So glad it went well! That’s great that you passed. And oh gosh on wearing regular pants at 6 months, that’s funny.

    Julie- So glad that your work is being flexible with you, that makes things a lot less stressful for you! Sorry you got stuck at work today. I will be thinking about you and hoping!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Jen - try not to stress about the weight - I gained 3 lbs in 1 week recently and my midwife just shrugged and said "growth spurt". I had not eaten any more or exercised any less than normal. 18 in 25 weeks is normal, don't think you should worry. Try this, it might put your mind at ease:

    Anne - so sorry for your little public outburst. I would just want to cry.....

    Rachael - ignore that big guy, he probably has a combination of poor self esteem and poor social skills. You look fantastic !!:flowerforyou:

    Julz - that's great news about the glucose test !!! Ridiculous website - I've not worn regular pants since about week 17 :laugh:

    Mukie - sorry forgot your name already ! I'm in NY so climate is very much like Boston. I chuckled at your post because if you think the summer is bad...........wait for winter :sad: A Boston winter can make you forget what warm feels like.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Racheal: Yay for the mucous plug!! Mine wasn't quite so obvious in fact i don't think i would have noticed if Julie didn't mention hers. Sorry bout that guys comment i think i would have def taken that personally. *hug*

    TMI alert: You know... I thought all of mine was gone because seriously, how freaking much could there be?! It seriously came out all day last Thursday. But um.... the rest of it came out tonight and it was by far the grossest part yet. :sick: I mean I guess it could've been something else related to the membrane stripping but... ugh. Pregnancy/childbirth may be beautiful/wonderous/magical but it sure is disgusting, too. :tongue:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Rachael – I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time sleeping. I am not a very nice person when I don’t get a good nights sleep. At least you don’t have to worry about getting in full time hours anymore. It seems like your co-worker was putting himself down.

    Julie – I’m pretty sure you’ll know when it’s time to go to the hospital. I’m glad your supervisor is flexible with your hours now, fingers crossed you’ll go into labor soon!

    Victoria – yea!!! I’m glad everything looks ok with your LO!!

    Jen – 18 pounds at 25 weeks is great! I have no advice on how to keep it under 35 total because at 26 weeks I was already up 27 pounds. I say just keep eating healthy and staying active. And even if you gain more than 35 pounds it’s not like you don’t know what to do after the baby is here to take to weight off again.

    Anne – ugh, I’m so sorry.

    Julz – yea for your glues test!!!!! And I had to laugh at what you posted; “subtle change” yeah right! I was in maternity clothes at 17 weeks! :laugh:

    Mukie89 – The heat is killing me too, the only thing that gets me through the day is constantly drinking ice water. I signed up for a childbirth class for next month. I wanted to wait until I was father along, but the next one offered is the week before my due date and I didn’t want to cut it that close. I don’t have any stretch marks from pregnancy yet, but I have plenty from just being fat.:ohwell:
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    Anne Elise – Some guys are too funny. They would have to be seriously well endowed and also curved in the right direction to reach the baby! They often have no concept of internal female anatomy! Sorry about the cleaning out and getting sick in the parking lot. I know I would have been really upset by that. And my second labor wasn’t fast – that was just how long I was at the hospital. Labor started around 8 pm the night before and I delivered at 5:49 am. My 4th was 5.5 hours from my bag being broken during a check and delivery.

    Jen Z. Glad you are feeling better. And I wouldn’t focus on the number on the scale – just focus on making healthy choices for yourself and the baby!

    Lindsay – I’m so sorry about your cousin’s baby. That is very sad news that is especially hard to hear at this time in your life!

    Ronya – I’m sorry you’re feeling gross today. And a lot of women go to L&D prior to delivery for complications or early labor, so It may not be that you look ready to pop, just pregnant!

    Rachel – what brand of diapers are you looking at? Did you purchase them and get the price you wanted? And so long as they are washed well, I don’t see that it makes a difference!

    Rachael – I’m sorry you are having so much difficulty sleeping. For the back pain, try a rice sock heated in the microwave for 2 minutes. It made a lot of difference to me when having a posterior baby. As for the leaking feeling – you get more humid, for lack of a better description, as labor starts getting closer and your cervix starts thinning and opening.

    Kerri – glad that you feel better after the dietician appointment and good luck on repeating the glucose test. Why did they test you so early, if you don’t mind answering?

    Cloth Diapers – for those of you starting out with them, get liners or plan to use disposable until the meconium passes. That stuff is a sticky mess and very hard to get out of cloth! I generally purchase one package of newborn diapers (the smallest I can find) and use them up, then switch over to cloth.

    Victoria – not a fan of bike riding as a sport. Our children are very aware of the efforts that dh and I are making to get healthy – counting calories, limiting junk food, working out and we are try to show them better than we learned. How being active and conscious of what you eat makes a difference and that this is not about losing weight so much as getting fit – the weight is a side effect. So we wanted to be able to involve them and they love to bike ridge, but due to our neighborhood, they are fairly limited in what they can do/where they can ride. So this was a way to get a workout in when they are around that doesn’t have them left in the gym kid zone everyday and to make sure that they are getting out and running around during the summer and not just zoning out on TV and video games.
    I’m very happy to read that the kidney levels are improving. We will continue to pray that they become normal.

    Julz – yea on passing the glucose test. I’m in the same boat with Iron – just a little low so they are giving me the opportunity to correct it with diet. As for “gradual changes” I’m 16 weeks and have never looked this pregnant before! It has to be all the weight I lost and the toning I accomplished. That’s the only explanation I can come up with to explain the difference.

    Julie – I’m sorry that you got stuck at work but happy for you to feel like you’ve managed to get a lot squared away. I hate leaving stuff undone.

    Maureen – the messy nature of birth only increases from this point on. Dh was just mentioning that tonight when asking if I wanted relations. Silly man doesn’t see how the two thoughts cancel one another out!

    Had a good day today. Went on a small bike ride this morning, 2nd swim class, found my desk and my daughters’ bedroom, beat back the laundry monster until tomorrow and walked up to dinner so got another little calorie burn in. Tomorrow we’ll go to they gym and then swim class, maybe the library and laser quest since we received buy 1 get one free passes from their summer reading program.

    And this may sound silly since this is my fifth pregnancy, but what do braxton hicks contractions feel like? I don't think I have ever had any - most of mine I felt in the back or like I needed to have a massive bowel movement. After exercising, I get uncomfortable tightening across the top of the fundus for a few hours and then it subsides. I'll call the midwife tomorrow to check in, but they are not there on Wednesday and I didn't want ot bother them over this.

    Thanks and good night!
  • bzima
    bzima Posts: 10
    My name is Bethany and I am pregnant with number three. I was 220 pounds when I started this time around I am down to 196 at the moment. The biggest thing that I want is to be able to keep the pounds off after this one, and also loose a little bit more after she comes too. But my sister and my mother both swear by this so I just hope that I don't fall of the band wagon this time.
  • bzima
    bzima Posts: 10
    And how did everybody get there baby tickers on each post?:flowerforyou:
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Bethany - I added mine to my signature.

    Katrina - Its funny you mention DTD. I wish bf would ask me, maybe that would get things going! I am actually using the Physicians and Midwives practice around here. They have a few offices but one of the midwives does their shift at the Alexandria hospital. I liked knowing that whenever we head to the hospital someone there has access to my complete records and possibly even knows me!

    I am jealous of all the plug lossage this week for peeps! I havent seen mine yet. I am starting to think baby doesnt want to come out at all (though I am not really sure I blame her). Today was rough for me. I felt really sick all morning but managed to recover in the afternoon. I got my car fixed so we are all set now for trips with baby. I got almost all my final leave details ironed out. I just have to hang in till Friday. Once friday is done, I am all done with the stress of work for 12 weeks! I am so ready to be there.
  • bzima
    bzima Posts: 10
    The said thing is that I ate things that I know are so bad for me but I still came in under my calorie intake for the day.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Julie- You make it to this morning :) BTW anytime you aren’t on for awhile I am going to be wondering that now.

    Katrina- He has no idea about female anatomy, I am sure he will change his mind pretty quickly :) I am glad you guys had such a nice day. That’s what Braxton hicks felt like for me early on, always during exercising and my tummy would get very hard and tight but I wouldn’t actually feel that happening until I felt my belly.

    Bethany- Welcome! I made my ticker and then copy and pasted the link into my signature as well! You can eat stuff that’s bad for you and come in under your count… you can eat a lot more that’s good for you for the same amount of calories :) It is all about moderation in my mind, you have to have some snacks just watch portion sizes. (this coming from someone who hasn’t watched what they ate the whole pregnancy because I puke all the time so I am eating crap too haha)

    Maureen- Some people don’t lose their mucus plug at all before labor, every day is one day closer! I am sure you are ready, you are so close to Friday! You can do it!

    Ronya- I did my class at 32 weeks and everyone there was about the same time as I was. It shouldn't be too early for you :)
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Thanks for the sympathies about the parking lot puke :laugh: I was actually more upset that someone saw me and was making a big fuss about it... I could have easily poured my water on it to wash it away (it was mostly fluids), told a worker real fast, and been out of there no fuss.... but this sweet lady was trying to help which made it embarrassing haha.

    I had a fantstic nights sleep last night. I woke up and freaked out because I slept so good i was worried something was wrong haha. Then Elise kicked me. I woke up to pee a couple times but I fell right back asleep. One nights sleep will do wonders, I hope all you poor sleepers can get one soon! :heart:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Katrina – I feel so lazy whenever I read how much you’ve been doing! :laugh:

    Bethany – welcome and congratulations! This is a great site; it’s the only thing that has worked to help me lose weight. And I got my ticker at and pasted it into my signature.

    Maureen – sorry you had a rough morning yesterday, but you’re so close to being done with work!!!! I keep logging on to see if you and Julie had your LO’s yet.

    Anne – yea for a good night’s sleep!!! Kathryn woke me up at 3:30 this morning during her little dance party. I get annoyed for like 2 seconds (I :heart: sleep), but I love feeling her move too, so then I get sad when she settles down.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I apologize in advance because I’m a miserable person today. I was going to be MIA today because I didn’t want to be negative here, but I think I’ll feel better if I just get it all out, and I promise I won’t be offended if you just skip over my post. I’ve been constantly nauseous for the past two days. I hope it’s just a bug and not a repeat of my first trimester. I know compared to a lot of women I’m having a super easy pregnancy and I really have no right to complain, but this just sucks. On top of that I was in the ER last night because the cuts on my hand (thank you Harry Potter and my lack of equilibrium) are infected. I probably should have called my family doctor yesterday morning and not waited until my hand swelled up to the size of a balloon. All that combined with the fact that I’m super constipated, my head is pounding and my fingers and nails are insanely sensitive because I got my acrylic nails removed for the first time in 6 years, makes me crabby and miserable. Today is not going to be a good day for my clients; thank God I have production time and don’t have to answer my phones from 9 to 12:30 this morning. Ok, end rant.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Anne -- Yes, I made it. :frown: :laugh: And I keep wondering whenever Maureen doesn't pop up ever few hours so I know how you feel. :tongue: So happy for you to have a good night's sleep!

    Katrina -- Good idea about the newborn disposables. I have a pack just because I tend to think my baby will be under 8 pounds and not fit well into cloth diapers yet. I also like that newborn disposables have the little notch cut out of them for the umbilical cord, though I guess you could just fold cloth diapers down a little and achieve the same result. My BH contractions have felt mostly like a twisting and tightening of the upper part of my uterus. They started like that when I exercised around 22 weeks or so. Later on I had some menstrual type cramping and a backache with them as well and they'd come and go whenever, with or without exercise. But they would get especially strong and frequent if I had been very physically active over the course of a day.

    Maureen -- Good luck today! :smile: And I think plenty of people don't lose their plugs until labor starts. Apparently instead of early labor lasting the usual 8-10 hours, it's lasting days and days for me. I'm pretty sure I'm walking around at least 4cm dilated right now which I find a bit ridiculous... and scary.

    Ronya -- It's okay. I'm a miserable person today, too. I will say that right around the start of 3rd tri, I became nauseous again for about a week. It DID go away again (ugh, but it sure is back this week). I'm sorry about everything else and I hope you feel better soon!

    I'm also in a pretty rotton mood. When I started being so uncomfortable this past weekend, I convinced myself it was going to be okay because I was probably going to go into labor soon. And well, I guess that was true because I guess I am technically in early labor now. But.. OMG, seriously for how long?! The different contractions and discomfort started Monday night.... IT'S THURSDAY! I have to tell you -- if I had a choice, I'm pretty sure I'd chose quick but painful over long & drawn out but not as painful. I hate not knowing what's going on and when something more is going to happen. If I'm still dilating at the rate I was between my last 2 appointments, I'm probably at least 4cm dilated now. I know it's in my head, but every time I sit down to pee or sneeze or cough or laugh or anything, I feel so much pressure and weirdness that I swear I think baby is just going to pop out.

    I walked into work today and everyone had to drop their jaw & make some comment about me being here. The way I look at it, I can be miserable here for a few hours and save some of my leave or I can be miserable at home and waste my leave. MIL is apparently having a freak out because I'm dilating and have lost my plug but I'm not in the hospital (why would I need to be in the hospital?). My mom is now calling me 2-3 times a day which is driving me batsh*t insane so I've stopped answering her calls (she usually calls once a week).

    I still have hope for today. :smile: Feeling this terrible can only last so long. At some point either this baby is going to come out or I'm going to die. :tongue:
    Sorry for the griping!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies! :smile:

    Brittony- Emma is beautiful!:love:

    Lindsay- Sorry to hear about your DH’s cousin and wife

    Katrina- I’ve had to resort back to caffeine and tylenol because it’s so severe. I don’t think our 100 temp heats are helping much either

    Rachel- I made them with wood, modge podge, cardstock and custom graphics. They were super easy and relatively cheap. I just had to buy the cardstock and modge podge!

    Ron- I have def. been feeling the 1st trimester symptoms for a couple weeks now. I would have loved to have left that there and not brought it back! I hope that you are feeling better soon. And please- vent away! That’s why we’re all here :flowerforyou:

    Victoria- That’s great that your latest US went so well :) Glad to hear that things are looking up and you got some good pictures of your little one!

    Rachael- I think it sounds like he was insulting himself and not you. Sorry he made you feel that way though

    Julz- Glad your glucose came back good! YAY!

    Anne- Getting sick by yourself is one thing but I am def. one who prefers to be left alone when doing so. I would be mortified if someone came up to me while I was just randomly hurling my lunch in the parking lot. More so for them than me! I hope you are able to figure some things out after your appt. on Monday. And can I just say I've been thinking to myself lately "I really hope Anne doesn't get this sick each pregnancy she has!" :flowerforyou:

    Julie- That’s great that your supervisor is being supportive of you being so close delivering. That has to be a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. I got behind here a little bit and was hoping after 4 pages to read that you’d have had her already! Maybe today?!

    My younger sister (14) has been with us for the last couple days, so that's where I've been lately, trying to entertain her on top of photo shoots. She's a great kid though so it's pretty easy peasy. We've had temps in the 100's the last 2 days on top of INSANE humidity and it's just miserable. You don't want to even drink/eat it's that bad. I feel terrible for my DH who is rebuilding chimney tops these last few days too. Makes me love and appreciate him even more if that makes any sense :heart:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Ronya- I am sorry you are feeling so crappy! Sounds like a rotten day yesterday. It is hard when there are a lot of bad symptoms going on at once to stay positive. I hope that you start feeling better soon!

    Julie- I am sorry that it is dragging on for you :( I can imagine for you, Maureen, Rachael, maria… (am I missing anyone else super close?) that it is just wondering with each movement and day and that has to be tough. Hopefully being at work will help pass some of the time for you. That has to be annoying with your mom calling all the time, I am sure mine will be the same way.

    Funny story. So I threw up my breakfast and came back in to watch family fued and the question was: Name another word for throwing up… ha I thought it was very appropriate!

    I am washing all the babies towels/sheets/blankets and such today that I know we are keeping… trying to get everything ready!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Danielle- thanks for the thoughts :) Dh and I have had that discussion. I have told him I would give it one more shot but if I am this sick with number 2… we are having 2 or adopting! (Which we are highly considering either way). I hope you are having fun with your sister! The heat is NOT pleasant. I know what you mean about the eating/drinking when it is so warm. Glad to hear from you again, we missed you!