Pregnancy- July 2011



  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    hi everyone,
    My name is melissa reti. Im currently almost 6 months pregnant and my fiance' and i are expecting our little miracle on october 30th. I will be 22 years old next month and recently moved to the united states from new zealand, so have found it hard to find much support and motivation as most of my friends and family are back home. This message board looks great and ive enjoyed reading all of your posts :)
    The first thing im wondering is how you are all managing to survive the heat? coming from a place where we never reach extreme temperatures its definitly been a huge change, so any advice would be appreciated :)
    other than that, im just trying to keep fit and healthy for this little guy and id really really appreciate some support and motivation to help me to accomplish this.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Welcome to all the newly pregnant women!

    No baby yesterday... not looking like any baby today either.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member

    Here is the link to photos they took of Emma at the hospital. I'll post more later. I'm just so overwhelmed by all of the pictures we already have that I can't pick one! We are doing well. I'm oober constipated and trying to solve that issue, but other than that my incisions and everything are healing well. Baby is good. We have her newborn appointment tomorrow, so I'll get all of my millions of questions answered then. Being a new Mommy is crazy. I get worried over the silliest things. Mostly it's related to breastfeeding and whether or not she is getting enough. I just want my baby to be healthy, which tomorrow's appointment will confirm.

    Can't wait for the close mommy's to pop out those little ones! Any day now!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh my gosh, Brittony! I know you and your husband have to be in love with that gorgeous sweet girl! After just watching "A Baby Story" and seeing Miss Emma's pictures, I'm definitely all teary now. :laugh: Is it too insane that I still have a hard time believing I have one of those inside me right now?

    melissa -- What state are you in? I'm in central South Carolina (which is the Southeastern US) and the weather in the summer is pretty miserable. Pretty much the only way to deal with the heat is to stay inside in air conditioning most of the time & only go outside for extended amounts of time early in the morning or if you're going to be near water you can cool off in.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Hello Ladies Hope you all had a great holiday weekend. I haven't quite caught up w everyone.

    Julie: Glad you're home and not having to run that orientation while feeling awful. I hear ya on the crotch cramps i have them seems like more and more each day.

    Anne: I think you should do what you feel is best for you I know that most of your pregnancy you've been so sick and for that i'm sorry. I'm glad you are doing your research though. *hug*

    Mamarandall: You are not alone w the stretch marks i feel the same way. I really didn't think it was going to be this horrible with this being my first but my entire belly is covered :( I did everything to try to prevent it but nothing helped hopefully we can have the laser treatment someday.

    AFM: i'm def feeling like i'm ready to be done with this heat, the swelling, crotch cramps, small bladder, and omg the waddling i can no longer control this. EVen shaving my legs has become a huge chore when i lift my leg the crotch cramps increase but i know its up to my LO hopefully we're not going to go over my due date.

    Brittony: Emma is absolutely precious!!! Congrats on your beautiful little one. :heart:
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Rachael- Let us know how your dr. apt. went! Hope you got some good news!

    Jen- Thanks for the advice :) I am glad to hear that yours wasn’t so bad, it’s nice to hear those stories :) I am sorry you aren’t feeling well either… it seems like this happens to us all at the same time. It probably was the activity and the heat, make sure you get some rest tonight!

    Danielle- Sorry about the migraines! I hope you can get rid of them soon! I haven’t ever had a real migraine I don’t think, just headaches. Um, I LOVE your blocks, I wish I had your artistic talent!

    Julie- ahh so your measurement has been on, I wouldn’t worry either. I shouldn’t and I usually don’t. I just have fleeting moments when every person I see says that now. She was 48th percentile at 32 weeks so it is silly to worry. Let us know how your apt. goes today! I hope it is something exciting. I am sorry that you aren’t feeling well but glad you aren’t at work.

    Lily- Welcome to the group! Congrats!

    Mamarandell- I have them :( Don’t worry, I had a panic attack/pity party for myself when they first came and they keep growing in number. They are awful. I am so mad about them because I haven’t gained too much weight even and I still go them. I don’t know how long it will take me to lose the weight but it looks like it will be a tankini for me too!

    Kerri- Welcome and congrats on your LO. I haven’t done the program… do you have MS still or are you eating healthier? I lost weight at the start but mine was due to the joys of puking :)

    Victoria- Hope you are having a good day!

    AFM: Well I got to my apt. this morning and my midwife had woken up with a fever so I had to see a different one. She checked everything and things are all okay so that’s great news. She also did my strep B test which wasn’t nearly as bad as I was expecting. She said my little flaps down there I mentioned earlier are just from pressure. She didn’t check me as she said my midwife would on Monday (they kept my Monday apt. so I could see my midwife) but she said that she could feel the head doing the strep test and that she was very low! I don’t know what that means but it has to be kind of good right? Haha. She said that could be causing some of my issues. She said she isn’t putting me on bed rest but she doesn’t want me to be very active (no more walking for long periods of time) and she was me mostly resting. She didn’t want to talk with me about induction stuff as she doesn’t know the history of my pregnancy. So basically everything with baby is still great so I am just going to have to deal for awhile :) I have decided no more bad attitude, no more whining, no more negativity. Maybe being more positive will be enough to help me feel a little better on its own. I will know Monday more about inducing or not.
    Yea it wasn't bad. I didn't feel "sick" or anything. I mean your in labor so it's not like you are going feel a 100% because you are in pain! :laugh: But my labor went really fast. I was 36 weeks and at 0. I got to the hospital at 6 pm and they hooked me up to the pic. I felt nothing. Then they broke my water and maxed out my pic. WOW, what a change. By 10 I was asking for the epidural. Well the only anistheologist (sp?) was suck in surgery so he couldn't get to me till midnight. My contractions were a min long and a min and a half apart for 2 hours. That was hell. But once I got the epidural I was able to relax and rest. Then at 2am I told the nurse I felt pressure. She laughed and said we just checked you an hour ago and you were at 5 cm, you have a way to go. Well.... then she check me and I was at 10! So they paged my Dr. and she got there at 2:30. I pushed 5 times and my son was out! So the WHOLE labor was 9 hours on the dot. So, not all inductions are bad! :happy: Mine was pretty good!
  • lilibe
    lilibe Posts: 51 Member
    Steph – Congratulations on having twins! Hopefully you’ll start feeling better soon.

    Ron – Haha, I love the comment from your cousin’s wife. Sometimes guys just don’t get pregnancy. One of my guy friends asked me a few weeks ago if I was doing anything like keeping my belly at a certain temperature to control the gender. Um, I’m not an alligator!

    Maureen – I’m glad you’re feeling better. I could really go for Indian food!

    Rachael – I’m sorry to hear you’re having a hard time getting around. Your LO will be here soon though!

    Katrina – Great job on the exercise challenge!

    Anne – I’m glad your appointment went well. Sounds like your LO is doing great.

    Mel – I take my rings off several times a day. I don’t usually wear my rings when I’m cooking messy stuff like raw meat, cleaning, or sleeping. We have ring holders in the bathroom and kitchen, so I’m either wearing the rings or they are on one of the holders. I usually just wear the band if I’m exercising.

    Rachel – I’m glad you had a great time camping, but it’s too bad you had a falling out with your friend. I wouldn’t worry too much about a big baby. My SIL has vaginally delivered healthy 9 lb and 10 lb babies.

    Julz – Yeah, that sounds like nickel allergy. I’m allergic to nickel too. I used to be able to wear any kind of jewelry and then all of a sudden I started getting rashes. Pregnancy has made my allergies worse.

    Danielle – I’m sorry to hear you are getting migraines again. Hopefully this won’t last too long. Those blocks are so cute!

    Julie – I’m glad you didn’t have to do the training by yourself, but it’s too bad you really weren’t feeling well. Maybe this means she’s coming soon!

    Sexylily, Kerri and Melissa – Welcome and congratulations!

    Jen – Sorry you aren’t feeling well. I’m sure all the sun and activity contributed.

    Mamarandall – I’m with you on the bikinis. I spent the weekend with friends and all the other girls were in bikinis. And two of my good friends are getting in better shape and it makes me feel frumpier since my belly keeps getting bigger as theirs gets smaller. My DH is great though and keeps telling me I look great.

    Brittony – Great pictures. Emma is adorable! I’m so glad you and her are doing well.

    Maria – Hopefully the end of you pregnancy won’t get too bad!

    AFM – I’m having a rough morning. My DH’s cousin and his wife are expecting their second child on Dec 30. I was really excited that our due dates were so close. But now they have gotten sad news about her pregnancy. I don’t know details, but I think it’s Trisomy 18 (based off of a Facebook link her MIL liked). Now I’m alternating between feeling sad for their family, feeling guilty for having a healthy pregnancy, and worrying if there may be something wrong with our baby but we just don’t know it yet.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Danielle – those blocks are so cute!! Sorry about your migraines.

    Julie – fingers crossed for “progress” at your appointment!

    Jen – I’ve been exhausted for a few days now too. I think it’s because we were really busy this past weekend and spent a lot of time out in the heat too. Hope you can get some rest and feel better soon.

    Mamarandall – I’ve had stretch marks long before I got pregnant. :grumble: Every pregnancy and body is different, I know people who left the hospital in their pre-pregnancy clothes. I KNOW I’m not going to be one of those women. :ohwell:

    Anne – the naive FTM in me thinks if she could feel Elise’s head that maybe you’ll go into labor soon?

    Brittony – Emma is absolutely gorgeous!!!!! :heart: :heart:

    Lindsay – did your DH’s cousin have an amino? That’s really the only way to tell for sure. During my genetic testing blood work I was told I had a higher risk for Trisomy 18 (I pretty much had a mental breakdown). They told me that if she did have Trisomy 18 there would be a physical defect that showed up on the ultrasound, but my level 2 ultrasound showed that Kathryn looked perfectly healthy.

    Welcome to all the new mommies, this is a great group of ladies!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Julie- So question, did all of the your small comments ever make you have paranoid moments where you were like, maybe I AM too small and she isn’t growing right or something like that? haha. Everyone I see tells me I am too small right now and even though she was checked at great 1.5 weeks ago I had a couple paranoid thoughts like oh no, maybe she hasn’t grown at all since last week hah.

    I never let them bother me. I actually enjoyed it. :smile: Mine was 6lb 1oz, which is on the small side, but if I went to 40 weeks he'd have probably been closer to 6 1/2 which is only 1/2 lb smaller than my first. I wasn't expecting him to be much if at all more than 7. Plus, the MWs never expressed any sort of concern and I trust their opinion way more than Flo at the supermarket who thinks I'm not big enough because her and all her sisters had basketballs and gained 60 lbs. :laugh:

    I never had anyone say i was TOO small though, they were just shocked at how far along I was. Probably usually because it was always only people at the gym so they were also surprised I was working out at 38 or 39 weeks...
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Ron – Haha, I love the comment from your cousin’s wife. Sometimes guys just don’t get pregnancy. One of my guy friends asked me a few weeks ago if I was doing anything like keeping my belly at a certain temperature to control the gender. Um, I’m not an alligator!
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    WOOHOO! I just got back from my appointment. I'm 3cm dilated and completely effaced. My OB actually stripped my membranes. She says she expects I'm going to pop at any time and she'll be very surprised if I make it through the week. I'm trying not to put too much hope into that but with the way I've felt today and the way I've felt since my appointment, I really think something may be happening soon. She also said that if I haven't gone by my next appointment July 13th, they'll probably just go ahead and break my water then. I'm pretty excited that means it's unlikely I'll have to be induced and it's very unlikely I'm going to be pregnant for longer than another week or so. :bigsmile:

    My hubby is insanely excited but is also pretty much freaking out. :laugh: I think he thinks the baby is just going to fly out of me at any time. :laugh: He wouldn't even leave me to go pick up dinner & we're both too hungry and tired to cook so we're having Chinese food delivered. He also really hates the idea of me going to work tomorrow (which I think I will be, at least for a half day... assuming nothing happens tonight). All I keep thinking about is how much I need to get the rest of my house cleaned. I need to vacuum the rug, get the slipcovers back on the chairs, clean the bathroom, and sweep & mop the hardwood floors in about 50% of the house. Sounds like a good way to kickstart some active labor. :wink:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    aww Brittony! Cute! I can't believe her eyes are open in just about all of them!

    "Good luck" at your newborn apt - don't be worried about her healthy or your supply if she's lost weight - it's very normal for BF babies to go down before they go up. For an 8lb baby, expect around 8-9oz weight loss in the first week as completely normal.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Brittony, she is so stinkin cute!! Aww! I am so happy for you.

    Julie: I am happy for you, but I am super jealous! :wink:

    AFM: I had my apt. Good news, my blood pressure was 118/68. Also she has grown quite a bit so we aren't worried about her being too small now. The bad thing is even though she is head down she is facing the wrong direction. My mw said that is why I am not hardly dilated and not having contractions because she is not putting the right pressure down there. She said that I will go to my due date or later unless my water breaks sooner. But by dilation alone I will not come early. I was actually 1 cm today. She said she could finally get through and feel her head. So I guess that is something. I am just praying my water will break. At least I have the go ahead to walk and do things again. I don't have to take it easy like last week. Oh, and the other good thing, I asked who would deliver my baby if my mw happened to be out of town. She listed two other midwives names, both women and both I have friends or family who have gone to and said good things about , so that made me feel better about that. Especially since my mw will be out of town this weekend, and then right after my due date.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Julie: Wow you're so close!!! I wonder if i'm at around dilated I sure feel like it. My doc hasn't check me yet I'm so curious. It's so exciting!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Melissa- Welcome. I live in TN and it has been SO hot. I have basically had to stay inside in the air conditioning a lot of the time in order to make it :(

    Maureen- You are doing great! Hang in there.

    Brittony- She is so cute, I love the pictures. I hope her newborn apt. goes well!

    Maria- You are doing great as well! So close! Will your dr. check you before your due date?

    Jen- Thanks for sharing your story! That doesn’t sound so bad. I plan on getting an epi so that isn’t an issue.

    Lindsey- That is really hard to deal with. I hate the situations where you feel guilty for having a healthy baby but you can’t. They will be happy for you. Don’t feel too bad until you know for sure because they could possibly still be having a healthy one too!

    Ron- I would love if that was true but I think it may be one of those things that doesn’t mean much.

    Julie- WOW how exciting! In my research they said a lot of the time if you are already dilated the will strip your membranes and send you home and labor could start the next day! I wouldn’t be surprised if it did for you! I would say tomorrow should be your last day of work if you make it :) Don’t worry too much about the house! Get all the rest you can! YEA!

    Rachael- I don’t know a lot about babies being faced the wrong way, can she still switch? It sounds like most other things are good! Glad that she is growing well and that you like the other people who may deliver you!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    oh Julie, what did having your membranes stripped feel like?
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Brittony - she is a doll! And, like Mel said, don't worry if her weight is down a bit. As long as she's wetting plenty of diapers, you know she's getting enough.

    Melissa - I'm in Utah, and it's been near 100 for the past week. I am dreading the power bill this month, the AC has been going pretty much all day. It's pretty dry here (although humid for us). I try to get to the pool as much as I can - it's good for circulation, besides cooling off (but I have to keep track of my 3 sea-monkeys, so not quite as relaxing as I'd like!)

    Julie - wow, 100% effaced! She'll be here soon now!

    Rachael - by "wrong way" I assume the MW meant posterior (facing your front instead of your back). My first was posterior, and she was 6 days late (and labor started with water breaking), but I never knew there was a connection. Hope she turns herself around! (Be prepared for back labor, and take something to massage your lower back with, just in case). Not every woman dilates before labor (I didn't even with my others, who were standard facing and not late), so you still might go sooner than later -- here's hoping!

    Well, the glucose drink was nasty. I drank it as fast as I could, but still took almost the 5 minutes (I kept feeling like i was going to puke). I could barely taste the fruit punch flavor for the overwhelming sweetness. Really hoping that's the end of it.

    I asked the doc about weight gain, mentioned that the WIC nutritionist was all kinds of worried, and doc said that it's fine. I gained 1 lb since last appointment, so 7 lb total, and he said that since LO is growing fine (fundal measurement was 29, a bit ahead still) to just keep doing what I'm doing. *insert sigh of relief* In all honestly, my biggest concern was that I would have to find ways to get the extra calories and wind up undoing all the good habits I tried to make, and then having to make them all over again after baby, to loose weight (things like very little butter on toast, not putting dip or anything on most veggies, not adding sugar to my cold cereal, thinking about if I'm really hungry or just bored, etc)
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    Rachael - by "wrong way" I assume the MW meant posterior (facing your front instead of your back). My first was posterior, and she was 6 days late (and labor started with water breaking), but I never knew there was a connection. Hope she turns herself around! (Be prepared for back labor, and take something to massage your lower back with, just in case). Not every woman dilates before labor (I didn't even with my others, who were standard facing and not late), so you still might go sooner than later -- here's hoping!

    Yes, she is posterior. That does make sense about the contractions and dilation. Because when my mom was pregnant with me I was posterior. She wasn't dilated at all at her 36 week apt and about a week later her water broke. She also had back labor with me. That might be why instead of contractions I get more back pain than anything. I did buy a hand held massager just in case. :)

    Anne: She can still turn facing the back, but I don't really think she will. She seems pretty content where she is, but who knows.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    oh Julie, what did having your membranes stripped feel like?

    To be honest, I thought it was quite unpleasant (a bit painful, IMO) but at least didn't take very long (30 seconds? a minute?). It didn't really hurt much more than the regular checks have, it just took several times longer & there was a bit more pressure. I didn't really know what was going on until she told me after. If I had been prepared for it, it probably wouldn't have hurt as much. It just never crossed my mind that would be something they'd do to me today. I was just expecting the discomfort of the check and then all of a sudden there was all of this other stuff happening that was more unpleasant than usual. :laugh: I was just thinking "Ouch.. is this woman trying to do to me?!" :laugh: Then when she told me she stripped my membranes & to expect spotting I thought "Oooooh, well, yay then!"
  • DrPooh
    DrPooh Posts: 21
    Hello All, :smile:

    We are (Trying to conceive) TTC :heart: Doctors say I will increase my chances by losing weight, so we shall see. Been trying for years and really not trying to take fertility drugs. Any suggestions/tips to speed up this weight loss & keep it off when baby gets here :wink: