Pregnancy- July 2011



  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Welcome to all the new comers!!! :D

    Anne: Yeah, I started to have the clean out about 36 weeks and now it's mostly soft bowels very often. I'm tired of the poops almost as much as i am of the small bladder issue. Last night I barely made it to the toilet again.

    Julie: Glad you're going to start working half days. I don't know if I can afford too but if my body pushes me I will maybe next week.

    jenzimmer: My DH is the same way right now and this is our first. Aye ya aye!! So i doubt i'll be successful in persuading him to try that method in starting labor. Oh well :laugh:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Anne: Yeah, I started to have the clean out about 36 weeks and now it's mostly soft bowels very often. I'm tired of the poops almost as much as i am of the small bladder issue. Last night I barely made it to the toilet again.

    I have been having soft bowels 2-4+ times per day since about week... um.... (does anyone remember when I first brought it up?) 25 maybe? It is not "loose" just soft.

    I mentioned it to my dr but they didn't say anything about it.

    I am going to the city today to look at some used cloth diapers. I know, I know, some of you might think it is gross, but she has 37 (with lots of covers) of them and is asking $130obo. This brand retails for about $15 per diaper here. I hope they are good, and if they are I can swindle her down to $100! :-)
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Danielle: I am sorry the migraines are coming back. That really sucks!!! :frown: Your name blocks are super adorable! I do also love the little owl on them!

    Ronya: Hope you are feeling better and were able to recoop.

    Jen: I am sorry you felt yucky! I hope you have managed to get a hold of it and get back to yourself.

    Mamarandall: Don't get down! You are beautiful. I know it is hard when we get stretchmarks or anything less than beautiful from pregnancy, but what you are creating is so beautiful and so worth it. Just try to keep your chin up, you are awesome.

    Anne: glad the appointment went well. I am sure that as uncomfortable as it may be, low is a good sign. :) Way to be positive! That story about your hubby is funny. Once you get closer to the end, I would recommend doing the deed often... my MW says it is my friend when wanting to go into labor. :)

    Maria: I know how you are feeling! Here's hoping we both go sooner rather than later.

    Lindsay: That is hard when things go wrong with family or friend's pregnancies. You shouldn't feel guilty though. You deserve a healthy pregnancy.

    Julz: I think you are doing great on your weight gain. It's good they aren't too worried anymore! I hope everything goes smoothly for you.

    Katrina: Thanks so much for the advice on the poses and positions. I will definitely give them a try! I am glad to hear you are doing well! You deserve it. :smile:

    Rachel: Glad your apt went well! That's a relief your bp is good. I am also glad that the baby turned head down yay!!

    Victoria: I hope all is well with you! And yes, bh usually doesn't hurt, it's just a hardening of your lower stomach. I get them a lot doing water aerobics.

    Maureen: I am hoping to hear you have your LO really soon!!

    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    AFM: Sleeping is not only uncomfortable now, but it is getting really painful. I am constantly get sharp pains in my hips and legs and my back throbs. I have gone two nights with hardly any sleep. Boo... hopefully this won't last much longer. So, I decided I am going to drop down to part time. Mostly because my last period I didn't have full time hours because of my anniversary and Fri. was a company shut down day. Well HR asked me if that meant I was going to part time status now, I said no I just can't use any extra vacation time because I need it all for when the baby comes. And then she said well because I don't have benefits (all through hubby) she was just going to switch me to part time status. Well, that does change how I gain vacation and sick leave, and if she is going to change that (and how much I get for the 4th), well than I guess I am not going to bust my butt trying to be here full time when I am so tired. It's kind of a relief.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Thanks for the membrane stripping info… that is one way they usually try to start an induction (as I read anyways).

    This was the first thing they did for me pretty much right away - the first time they checked me after admitting me. It didn't hurt, per se, but it was not comfortable. If I were comparing it to something else I might have said it hurt, but comparing it to the rest of labor, it's nothing. :laugh:
  • klmmoore
    klmmoore Posts: 98 Member
    I went to my appt yesterday with the dietician and feel better now. I decided that I didn't want to take my blood sugar 5 times a day so I am going to talk to my doctor about doing the glucose test again. In the meantime, I am watching my diet and cutting the carbs. Thanks to all for the support!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Rachel -- I don't think used cloth diapers are gross! I would've gone that route if I hadn't found such good deals on the new ones I've stashed. Glad to know another first timer is planning to take the cloth plunge with me. :smile: I figure if I start out with them as soon as she's big enough (8lbs+), I'll never know any different.

    Rachael -- I'm so sorry you're not sleeping well. At least you're in good company. :wink: I woke up with some woefully sore hips this morning. Very painful indeed. :frown:

    Mel -- :laugh: at your discription of the discomfort/pain of the membrane stripping. I totally agree. I want to say that yes, it was pretty much painful. But then part of me thinks if I really want to admit that I thought membrane stripping was painful then I'm going to be in a whole heap o' trouble in a few days. I mean, it *was* painful and it was very uncomfortable (hi, near stranger's arm in my foof!) but I don't think it was really comparable to the worst pain I've ever felt or anything. Just a new and unusual kind of painfulish discomfort, I guess. :laugh:

    I'm feeling a little less uncomfortable (or maybe I'm gettin used to it?) so I think I may stay at work past 1pm today. As long as I stay seated I'm okay. When I get up, baby feels really, really low. Still having funny feeling contractions. So... I know this is totally crazy and unrealistic, but I'm starting to get a bit panicked that I'm not going to know when I need to get to the hospital. I know odds are I'm REALLY going to know but people keep coming by my desk and asking about my cervix (lol) and then telling me stories about how someone they knew didn't know they were really in labor and barely made it to the hospital or whatever. I know it happens, I just seriously doubt it would happen to me (but then again, I bet everyone it happens to seriously doubted it would happen to them). I know, I know, worried for no reason. If only that was a realistic concern, right? Right? RIGHT? :laugh:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Julie - I'm guessing you'll know, unless you are really NOT pregnant like your coworkers seem to think:laugh:

    Collins - I meant to say how impressed I am with all of the bike riding you are doing with the fam. Are you a fan as well? I've been watching the tour de france......

    Rach - sucks about sleeping. My sleep has really improved since I got a boppy wedge pillow last week.

    So I went for my follow up sonogram today and the kidney thing is improving - YAY ! For those of you who don't know, I went for my 20 week scan 4 weeks ago and they said that LO had mild pyelectasis and wanted me back for a follow up. So today the levels were lower = good, almost in the normal range but they still want me back for another scan in 4 weeks. Thinking of declining but will talk to my midwife first. The place where I get my scans specializes in high risk mamas so they are super cautious.
    Anyway I'm very happy and we actually got some good photos (she was hiding last time) She was sucking on her little arm, so cute. They said she is approx 1lb 10oz.
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Yeah, DS says it freaks him out that the baby is "right there". Whatever. It's only 40 weeks right?!:laugh:

    Joonzgurl-Me to! I'm SO freaked out to get pre e again!

    On another note, I'm REALLY having a hard time with my weight gain in the last couple of weeks. I've gained like 5 pounds since June 16th! :noway: I'm concerned that I'm gonna be huge. So far I've had a very slow gain. Over all I've gained 18 and I'm 25 weeks so I guess it's not so bad. I just hope it slows down! I've increase my water like others have mentioned. I have NO swelling so I can't even blame that! It's been like 90 here so I haven't been walking as much maybe that's it. IDK, all I know is that I have 14 weeks left and I really want to keep it at a 35 pound gain this time. Any other suggestions?
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    I'm at work. Gah, I'm so uncomfortable. There are times when I'll get a shooting/stabbing pain that almost makes me uncontrollably vocal. It's the same place I've been getting those types of pains for weeks but they're a WHOLE lot more painful now. I can squeak and whimper at home and apparently that actually helps because it makes me a lot more uncomfortable to force myself to stay quiet. I never thought I'd be very vocal during labor because it seems like a waste of energy but I guess you end up doing whatever you need to do to get through.
    I can't believe I've only been here for an hour. I'm just trying to make it to 12.30 or 1 I think but to be honest I'm not sure I'm going to make it even that long. The contractions I can pretty easily handle while working but these shooting pains are killer. My supervisor isn't in the office which blows because I wanted to let her know I only want to work half days from this point on.

    Low vocalizations definately help. Go HOME and take a nap! You're in early labor and need to get your rest!

    Don't wish for your water to break early. Have them need to break it right was the baby is being delivered otherwise you can lose all your cushioning and the labor gets much more intense. Two of mine were born with intact waters until right before their heads were delivered.

    And you'll know that you need to go when nothing is funny or amusing and you wnt to rip your dh's head off for rubbing your back the wrong way or when you start thinking "There is no way I can do this". With my second, we got there 20 minutes before he was born iwth a 50 minute ride to the hospital that dh made in less than 30 because he was convinced I was going to deliver the baby in the car! It only took that long after getting there because they kept telling me not to push because the doctor wasn't there and finally I said "screw this" and pushed anyway. She walked in when he had crowned!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Jen- I am glad that you are feeling somewhat better at least! Oh men, I am sure that he meant it in a positive way ah! My DH was all about doing it still until the baby dropped, now he is freaked out. I don’t have good weight gain advice, sorry. I don’t understand my weight gain and loss at all with this pregnancy. The only time I gained more than I expected was a month where I didn’t exercise very much so maybe that would help?

    Lindsey- I am very sorry about your cousin’s baby. That has to be very hard. Just remember that it doesn’t reflect on you or your pregnancy!!

    Julie- haha it is funny we both had the same discussion yesterday… those DH’s :) Girl you need to GO HOME and relax! Rest up and save your energy for labor! I have that same fear, and I am sure it is unwarranted… You have had a lot of contractions though… I don’t really know how you know haha.

    Ronya- If it makes you feel better people keep telling me that Iook the same size as 3 months ago… Sorry that you aren’t feeling well :(

    Maria- I am guessing that it will keep up until the baby comes :( I guess it is the body preparing though.

    Rachel- If I were doing cloth diapers I would look at used ones, not gross at all. I hope you get a good deal!

    Rachael- I told my DH it helps labor to come… he still looked freaked out haha. I am sorry that sleep is so painful! It has been uncomfortable for me but not painful yet. That has to be very frustrating, I am sorry. I am glad that you are going to get to work a little less and get more rest!

    Mel- I guess that makes sense in comparison to labor :)

    Kerri- I hope it works out to take the test again and pass! Good luck!

    Victoria- SO glad that the kidney condition is improving! That’s great news.

    Katrina- oh my, as great as it sounds to have the baby that fast… I think I don’t want to cut it quite so close at the hospital! Haha.

    AFM: Well I had an embarrassing shopping trip. I was getting groceries and stuff for nursing to start packing my bag… Went to target, needed to eat so I stopped at subway for lunch, got my groceries and in the Wal-Mart parking lot I puked up my whole lunch :( This elderly lady was all upset and trying to help me and I was trying to tell her that I throw up all the time, it was awful. I have thrown up A LOT of public places this pregnancy but I at least have always made it to the bathroom first. Not a pleasant and encouraging experience. On a brighter note, I got 2 nursing bra’s and 2 nursing tanks to get me started.
  • bzima
    bzima Posts: 10
    Bump to introduce myself later!! :flowerforyou:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I'm feeling a little less uncomfortable (or maybe I'm gettin used to it?) so I think I may stay at work past 1pm today. As long as I stay seated I'm okay. When I get up, baby feels really, really low. Still having funny feeling contractions. So... I know this is totally crazy and unrealistic, but I'm starting to get a bit panicked that I'm not going to know when I need to get to the hospital. I know odds are I'm REALLY going to know but people keep coming by my desk and asking about my cervix (lol) and then telling me stories about how someone they knew didn't know they were really in labor and barely made it to the hospital or whatever. I know it happens, I just seriously doubt it would happen to me (but then again, I bet everyone it happens to seriously doubted it would happen to them). I know, I know, worried for no reason. If only that was a realistic concern, right? Right? RIGHT? :laugh:

    Maybe if you give birth on the office floor your coworkers will finally believe that yes you are pregnant?!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    So I went for my follow up sonogram today and the kidney thing is improving - YAY ! For those of you who don't know, I went for my 20 week scan 4 weeks ago and they said that LO had mild pyelectasis and wanted me back for a follow up. So today the levels were lower = good, almost in the normal range but they still want me back for another scan in 4 weeks. Thinking of declining but will talk to my midwife first. The place where I get my scans specializes in high risk mamas so they are super cautious.
    Anyway I'm very happy and we actually got some good photos (she was hiding last time) She was sucking on her little arm, so cute. They said she is approx 1lb 10oz.

    If your insurance covers it I'd recommend just going to the next scan too. Better to be overly cautious than presumptive (even though this is why our health care costs are outrageous! I can't really comment though, we're probably going through 1/2 a million worth this year alone!). If it's not up to par by then they can monitor it and have a special team on hand in the delivery room if by any chance it is needed. If my anatomy scan had revealed that my son has no pulmonary artery I can guarantee they'd have had a specialist / neonatal team in the delivery room waiting for him vs not knowing and a nurse just noticing overnight that he looked blue!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    And you'll know that you need to go when nothing is funny or amusing and you wnt to rip your dh's head off for rubbing your back the wrong way or when you start thinking "There is no way I can do this".

    I agree - When I started thinking "There is no way I can do this" (21-22 hrs in) it turned out to be less than an hour from pushing, and pushing was about 40 mins. It was shortly after I asked the nurse, almost in tears - "how much longer??!"
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    So, I have this co-worker. He is our in-house attorney, and he is massive, like well over 300 lbs. He has broke 2 work chairs here. Anyway, we were both walking up the stairs and he says "Now, I look like you! Except I am not pregnant." Seriously, how do I take that? Maybe he was putting himself down saying he had a big gut, but that made me feel like crap. I really don't think that I look like a 300+ lb. man (who is disgusting btw). Anyway, that kind of irritated me. lol

    So, last night I could of swore I was leaking, I just kept feeling kind of damp, but when I would check there wasn't really anything. It was weird, and then later that night I lost quite a bit of that lovely mucus plug. I guess it is not my water, but at least it is something in the right direction, right? :)
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    So, I have this co-worker. He is our in-house attorney, and he is massive, like well over 300 lbs. He has broke 2 work chairs here. Anyway, we were both walking up the stairs and he says "Now, I look like you! Except I am not pregnant." Seriously, how do I take that? Maybe he was putting himself down saying he had a big gut, but that made me feel like crap. I really don't think that I look like a 300+ lb. man (who is disgusting btw). Anyway, that kind of irritated me. lol

    So, last night I could of swore I was leaking, I just kept feeling kind of damp, but when I would check there wasn't really anything. It was weird, and then later that night I lost quite a bit of that lovely mucus plug. I guess it is not my water, but at least it is something in the right direction, right? :)
    I had the same thing happen yesterday. I was working with a patient (who is 350) and talking to him about his sleep apnea. I was explaining the equipment and said "well this belt is going to go here, but it will fit different because you're not almost 7 months pregnant, ha ha." And he goes, " Yeah, well that's true but my gut's just as big if not bigger, haha." I just smiled. I think he was insulting himself not me. And congrads on the plug! I never got to the point since I was induced, but YAY progress!
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    im in boston, which i know isnt as hot as some states. i guess ill have to shed my nz pre-conceptions of summer and slip into some tough american skin for this summer :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Just got a call from doc's office. Sugar was fine from the glucose test. Yipee! :bigsmile:
    But iron is "a bit low" ... enough for them to talk about supplements. I told them I have OTC vitamins with 18 mg iron, but haven't been too consistent about taking them lately (shame on me...). I can stick with those for now, but have to take them every day. Iron has never ever been a problem for me before :grumble: (okay, maybe once, but I was about 6)

    But still , yay for the sugar being fine and no 3 hour test!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Okay, I just had to post this. One of the side ads was "see how big your baby is now" or something. I put in 27 weeks, and it had a 3-D US (some generic picture). Then there was this:

    "Changes are gradual, and you still may not show much. You may be browsing stores for maternity clothes, which you don't probably need yet. However a subtle change in your body shape which may be only obvious to you happens about now. A pair of pants that zipped up last week may not zip up this week. A blouse that has always fit you well may suddenly feel tight across the bustline. You may experience those classic symptoms of pregnancy or still not feel pregnant at all. (Don't worry: you do not have to experience a lot of symptoms in order to have a healthy pregnancy)."

    I'm wondering what species of pregnant woman they're talking about. 6 months pregnant and "subtle changes only obvious to you" or "you may not show much." Uh, I guess I *could* look just fat to some people, but come on.... (insert maniacal laughter here) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    thanks for all of the welcome messages :) and glad to know im not the only one melting over here. I feel abit like my babies personal jungle gym today, with him squirming up below my breasts and dropping right down below my bladder all day long. He seems to calm down just after i eat a big meal or if im moving around, otherwise he seems to be on the move 24/7 of late. Besides the swelling feet Im physically feeling the best i have since becoming pregnant, largely due i think to my recent return to the gym. Im finding it a huge mental relief from the everyday grind, and the knowledge that ive done some form of exercise seems to stop me from continually pondering weight gain etc.
    Im wondering if many of you have taken any classes? if yes, which ones did you find useful?
    Ive managed to avoid any stretch marks so far, im wondering if its likely that they'll start to show in the next few months? (im 6 months this week).
    Again, its so nice for someone like me who has a severe lack of female friends here to follow your posts :)