July 4th 30 Day Shred



  • emyjane84
    emyjane84 Posts: 67
    D9L2 done! ^^
  • Amberlin
    Amberlin Posts: 118 Member
    Day 5 level 2 half way there!!
  • edinphx
    edinphx Posts: 135 Member
    D4 L2 done .

    almost half way there!
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    D4L2 done and D5L2 will be done at 6:30 PM today :)
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    D4 L2 done .

    almost half way there!

    Good job Ed!
  • edinphx
    edinphx Posts: 135 Member
    You too Erika!
    looks like we are on the same day and level.
    You plan on going straight through to the finish or do you plan
    any rest days?
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    Hey Ed! Yes, we seem to be steamrolling through together. I took a couple days leave from 30DS because left for the weekend without weights (whoops). For the remainder of the video I plan on doing it everyday and if I can not fit it in one day, I will do it twice the following day! How about you?
  • edinphx
    edinphx Posts: 135 Member
    going to try to do it everyday. weekends are my downfall. I have all
    intentions of doing it but things seem to pop up (usually involving alcohol)
    once that happens.....
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    Hahaha! Ditto on the alcohol. I am planning on drinking tomorrow night so I am doing the video twice today (did it this morning before work and am going to again after work). Darn alcohol, why do you have to be so enticing?!
  • edinphx
    edinphx Posts: 135 Member
    I know right.. it seems like we always have friends asking us to go out or get together for bar-b-q.
    which is just a reason to get together and have drinks it doesn't help that when I built my house I
    put in a bar that holds two 5 gallon kegs of beer, everytime I walk by i can hear it calling to me.
    nothing better than an ice cold glass of beer. We also have a margarita machine which seems
    to have some kind of concoction in it every weekend. ugh....
  • emyjane84
    emyjane84 Posts: 67
    D10L2 done! ^^ Level 2 finished with. Start Level 3 tomorrow. Only 10 days left. ^^
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    D10L2 done! ^^ Level 2 finished with. Start Level 3 tomorrow. Only 10 days left. ^^

    Woohoo! Happy Friday to you!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    l2d2 done. out of town this weekend so i will be back at it monday. have a great weekend, everyone!
  • edinphx
    edinphx Posts: 135 Member
    D5 L2 done!

    half way there.
  • RubyRed1999
    RubyRed1999 Posts: 233 Member
    L2D7 done only 3 days left on level 2.:smile:
  • emyjane84
    emyjane84 Posts: 67
    D1L3 done! ^^
  • emyjane84
    emyjane84 Posts: 67
    D2L3 done! ^^
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    D5L2 done yesterday and D6L2 done this morning...officially over half way!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Finished up D5L2 friday, really have to get back to it tonight, but after the weekend off it seems so daunting. Like to finish up the last 5days this week so I can start L3 saturday morning!!!!
    Keep rockin everyone!!!
  • edinphx
    edinphx Posts: 135 Member
    got the opportunity to head up north for the weekend so I didn't get any jillian time. Back at it tonight!
