Casey Anthony Trial!!!



  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    Shocked..... her parents didn't even look happy she was found not guilty.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    The verdict does make me angry, but I think Karma will get her.
    Think about it- In trying to save her own *kitten*,she ruined her relationship with everyone who had been supporting her-Friends and her Family for sure. None of them will come to her aid after this.
    She won't be able to make new friends to mootch off of because everyone knows what kind of person she really is now.
    She doesn't have that mask of the sweet girl anymore.
    She'll never be able to get a job. Not even flipping burgers somewhere. Everywhere she goes, everyone will blame her for it.
    She won't be able to go shopping without getting confronted and screamed at or have things thrown at her. Oh, and the whispers. Everywhere she goes, people will point and whisper about how she should have gotten the chair.
    She will constantly be reminded of what she did and constantly be held accountable by society instead of getting to sit in a tiny room and watch tv for 50 years.
    For someone who cared SO much about their self image, I think it's almost poetic in a way.

    well said. i am sickened by the jurors letting her walk, and i could never, ever, as a juror, vote not guilty for her. However, as far as the jurors final decision, my hopes, is they think that life being bombarded every single day of her life, being rejected from jobs as you said, etc etc, will be more torture than jail could provide. in there, she doesn't have anyone beating it into her head what she's done, she can live in la-la land in her own phsyco mind. then once she gets the death penalty, there's no more suffering on her end. in my opinion, this is the verdict in which she will SUFFER THE MOST. Perhaps that IS the justice?
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    I think she was guilty, but I'm not on the jury. I'm not judging by the same standards that they are REQUIRED to judge by. And, from what I've read about the trial, I think I would have had to have returned a not guilty verdict, too. Do I believe that she did it? Heck yes. But that is based on my gut, my emotions. Do I believe the prosecution proved their case? Did they present a situation that proved to me, LOGICALLY (not emotionally) and beyond a reasonable doubt that she did it? No. Not even close.

    All I can say is, that I truly hope little Caylee is in a better place. That little girl should not be gone, and whatever led to her death was a horrible tragedy.

    This deserves to be said again! I 100% agree with you.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    I think the DA acted to quick they had no case at all !
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I'm disgusted and angry. Justice was not served.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Here is my take and it may not be popular. But the prosecution did not prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Did Casey kill her daughter? Yes she did. Did the prosecution PROVE she did it? No, they dropped the ball. Instead of relying on evidence they just played on emotions. The defense was able to poke so many holes in what evidence the State did have and in the end the jury followed the evidence and not their emotions. I think that Jose Baez and Cheny Mason had great closing arguments the other day where they attacked the lack of hard evidence. That said, she did just get away with murder. But we all meet our maker one day and she will have to answer for her actions.

    I completely agree
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Here is my take and it may not be popular. But the prosecution did not prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Did Casey kill her daughter? Yes she did. Did the prosecution PROVE she did it? No, they dropped the ball. Instead of relying on evidence they just played on emotions. The defense was able to poke so many holes in what evidence the State did have and in the end the jury followed the evidence and not their emotions. I think that Jose Baez and Cheny Mason had great closing arguments the other day where they attacked the lack of hard evidence. That said, she did just get away with murder. But we all meet our maker one day and she will have to answer for her actions.


    Most of you have CLEARLY never served on a jury, nor do you have a grasp on how our criminal justice system works.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    Here is my take and it may not be popular. But the prosecution did not prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Did Casey kill her daughter? Yes she did. Did the prosecution PROVE she did it? No, they dropped the ball. Instead of relying on evidence they just played on emotions. The defense was able to poke so many holes in what evidence the State did have and in the end the jury followed the evidence and not their emotions. I think that Jose Baez and Cheny Mason had great closing arguments the other day where they attacked the lack of hard evidence. That said, she did just get away with murder. But we all meet our maker one day and she will have to answer for her actions.

    I have to agree. Do I think she did it? Yes. Did the DA PROVE it? No. They proved she lied, that she was a lousy mother, that she was a waste of a human being.

    But that doesn't prove murder.

    Once again, I think she's guilty as hell, but they didn't prove it.
  • DancingYogini
    I think she was guilty, but I'm not on the jury. I'm not judging by the same standards that they are REQUIRED to judge by. And, from what I've read about the trial, I think I would have had to have returned a not guilty verdict, too. Do I believe that she did it? Heck yes. But that is based on my gut, my emotions. Do I believe the prosecution proved their case? Did they present a situation that proved to me, LOGICALLY (not emotionally) and beyond a reasonable doubt that she did it? No. Not even close.

    All I can say is, that I truly hope little Caylee is in a better place. That little girl should not be gone, and whatever led to her death was a horrible tragedy.

    ^^^That....still didn't stop me from screaming at the TV and bursting into tears...but if they didn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, then they can't convict. But Casey's life is basically over, she will never, ever have a normal life again. Wonder how much $$$ she will make off of her baby's death?? Karma:explode:
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Apparently beyond a reasonable doubt now means on videotape in front of hundreds of witnesses. What @ssholes, those jurors should stay out of public for a while.
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Beyond shocked!!!:mad:
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    It maddened and saddened me because like Nancy Grace said. We are forgetting about the most important thing Caylee.
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    that whole family should be in jail. there is something very wrong there, and that poor little baby paid the price. this is such an injustice.
  • Andythefitfamilyman
    The verdict does make me angry, but I think Karma will get her.
    Think about it- In trying to save her own *kitten*,she ruined her relationship with everyone who had been supporting her-Friends and her Family for sure. None of them will come to her aid after this.
    She won't be able to make new friends to mootch off of because everyone knows what kind of person she really is now.
    She doesn't have that mask of the sweet girl anymore.
    She'll never be able to get a job. Not even flipping burgers somewhere. Everywhere she goes, everyone will blame her for it.
    She won't be able to go shopping without getting confronted and screamed at or have things thrown at her. Oh, and the whispers. Everywhere she goes, people will point and whisper about how she should have gotten the chair.
    She will constantly be reminded of what she did and constantly be held accountable by society instead of getting to sit in a tiny room and watch tv for 50 years.
    For someone who cared SO much about their self image, I think it's almost poetic in a way.

    I disagree. While we all hope that happens, unfortunately, people will forget all about who she is, and I bet within 2 years she can walk anywhere and not be recognized.

    Really? Everyone stills remmebers oj and this will be the same.
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    Here is my take and it may not be popular. But the prosecution did not prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Did Casey kill her daughter? Yes she did. Did the prosecution PROVE she did it? No, they dropped the ball. Instead of relying on evidence they just played on emotions. The defense was able to poke so many holes in what evidence the State did have and in the end the jury followed the evidence and not their emotions. I think that Jose Baez and Cheny Mason had great closing arguments the other day where they attacked the lack of hard evidence. That said, she did just get away with murder. But we all meet our maker one day and she will have to answer for her actions.


    Most of you have CLEARLY never served on a jury, nor do you have a grasp on how our criminal justice system works.

    I honestly commend the jury for what they did, they were able to do something SO hard and take their emotions out of the equation and make their decision solely based on the evidence presented.
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    People are NOT STUPID...You people listen to a BUNCH of TV PUNDITS and go with THEIR Prejudices, they Skew evidence just like in Politics and YOU follow THEM. EVIDENCE...What can the Prosecutor PROVE?! Just like with O.J. the EVIDENCE was NOT there for MURDER! THIS is OUR system, do you want to Trash it because of a case YOU don't agree with every 20 years...HELL NO!

    NOW MOVE ON!!!

    So, in other words the justice system is so fragile that even though you know she alone could have been responsible for the death of her kid, and since all evidence of it lost or destroyed, that she can just get away with murder? Gee, isn't that comforting to know. Sounds like such a great system, doesn't it?
  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    you know what .... this is awful. she killed that little girl. this isn't the end of it though. Casey Anthony will NEVER be able to walk down the street, go into a store, go out to eat, NOTHING without being surrounded by people shouting "murderer!" and trying to harm her, or worse .....

    Yeah, you got that right! ....Casey Anthony won't be able to lead a normal life after this. People will not make this happen for her, better move out of the country!
  • DancingYogini
    Here is my take and it may not be popular. But the prosecution did not prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. Did Casey kill her daughter? Yes she did. Did the prosecution PROVE she did it? No, they dropped the ball. Instead of relying on evidence they just played on emotions. The defense was able to poke so many holes in what evidence the State did have and in the end the jury followed the evidence and not their emotions. I think that Jose Baez and Cheny Mason had great closing arguments the other day where they attacked the lack of hard evidence. That said, she did just get away with murder. But we all meet our maker one day and she will have to answer for her actions.

    I have to agree. Do I think she did it? Yes. Did the DA PROVE it? No. They proved she lied, that she was a lousy mother, that she was a waste of a human being.

    But that doesn't prove murder.

    Once again, I think she's guilty as hell, but they didn't prove it.

    I agree with both of these heart is breaking though :sad: I have served on a jury and you have to follow the instructions given to you, and prove beyond a reasonable doubt in a criminal case.
  • thisismynewmindset
    thisismynewmindset Posts: 273 Member
    I CAN'T BELIEVE IT.... I am also in tears.

    I am a Law student so this stuff really interests me (even though I am studying Law in Canada... I have still been following this case since 2008).

    I wanted her to get GUILTY and still think she is guilty. But many posters here are right - there was a reasonable doubt in the prosecution's story. Unfortunately in this case, a lack of evidence (WHICH DOES NOT MEAN IT DOESN'T EXIST) enabled Casey to go home scott-free.

    I CAN'T WAIT to watch Nancy Grace tonight... she is going to have a hayday!
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    I am one disgusted Floridian about now.