Do you really need the gym to achieve to your goal?



  • mamax5
    mamax5 Posts: 414 Member
    For me I need to go to the gym...I really don't understand the concept of "gym flirting" I have never seen it. I go there to work out like everyone else I see there. Everyone is busy getting a good burn! I do better in a gym, I push harder because I pay for the membership and I go 5-6 days a week! I also spend about 1hr 45 mins there. I could easily spend 2-3 hours there but I don't have the time. :(
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    I need the gym because it has better equipment than I can afford.
    It has a swimming pool that I can't afford
    It has people

    It has stuff that I don't have at home - but most of all - it is away from the nextdoor neighbour who spends every weekend knocking something down or building something on (that inevitably involves a lot of "knocking something down" first)

    I thought about cancelling the subscription and using the money to buy a "home gym" from Argos - but it's cold in the garage in the Winter.

    I need the gym because when I get my butt in gear to get there it would look pretty stooopid if I didn't do anything when I got there but if I had inferior stuff at home, I'd find an excuse not to use it "this evening/afternoon/morning/whatever"

    I need the gym BECAUSE I DON'T TRUST ME!
  • Litlbeast
    Litlbeast Posts: 340 Member
    I think that for most of the way to my ideal shape/level of fitness and weight, I don't need the gym. But while I'm getting in shape for myself and my longevity mostly, I'm also doing it because I'm trying to launch a career in music. So when I get to the weight I want, if I still think I could look better in pics and videos, rippage-wise, I'll probably give the gym a try.

    But I agree, nothing (for me) beats getting outdoors in the fresh air! It's the best. :)
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    In my case, I DO need a gym! The gym is where I go to get away from the bothersome people in my life. When I'm there, I am always inspired by the many people around me who are also busting their arses to reach their goals, whatever they may be. I've attempted working out at home and all I can say is, 'Fahgettaboudit'.

    I'll probably go even further and say that without the gym, I would have probably given up on my weight loss months ago and just fallen back into my emotional/bored eating patterns. The gym is my appetite suppressant also. At home there's full access to the fridge and all of the naughty little dishes/sweets the others in the home buy. When I get to the gym, there's only a machine with Powerade, water, and Monster. No eateries there! *Fistpump*
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    That depends on what your goals are and what equipment you have access to in order to accomplish your goals.

    For many people, their body composition goals make resistance training a necessity.

    The body you can achieve by walking and hiking =/= the body you can achieve with a quality resistance program.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    That depends on what your goals are and what equipment you have access to in order to accomplish your goals.

    For many people, their body composition goals make resistance training a necessity.

    The body you can achieve by walking and hiking =/= the body you can achieve with a quality resistance program.

    And to add to this, the OP is full of falsehood and fail.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    Wow! Great post, and very well said! I completely agree, exercise and healthy living should not be a chore. It's our life, live it well!
  • SummerBaby93
    I agree that the gym isn't a necessity. Anybody can achieve any weight loss goals just with simple research into the whole thing. Running and walking is free. Core training, and even some forms of strength are too, and can done outside as well as in some free classes if you look around. And there's DVDs and fitness equipment for cheap in places. And you're more likely to get involved with your friends if they don't fancy joining the gym, so it'd be more fun.

    I guess it depends on what your goals are. Not everybody does go to look like "Johnny Bravo" and not everyone that achieves their goals inevitably ends up that way, it just depends on your personal take I guess. :) Though in my case I do need it because I just don't have the same motivation at home than I do when I'm working out there. Good for you for finding what works for you though!
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Wow. I really hate your post. Strongly. Though I agree with the premise that a lack of a gym membership doesn't prevent people meeting their goals. Half of what I do is body weight and it is challenging. But the other half is heavy lifting. I need a gym for what I LOVE doing because I cant afford the equipment and amount of weights.

    But your wrong if you think randomly going to the park or taking an occasional walk or swimming leisurely in any way replaces what people do when they bring it ag the gym. (Or in formal exercise not ag the gym).

    If your goal is simply lost pounds and you'll make your deficit through diet, no you don't need the gym. If you have exercise you like and will do that doesn't require the gym you don't need a gym. But wherever you do it, you get out of it what you put into it so go hard.
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    Well actually I do need the gym and I am no Naomi and try to squeeze into my size 10 pants.  I find that it's more motivational personally to be in an environment  filled with ppl working out. It's just the energy there that I do not get at home or even at the gym at my cando. Not to mention all of the equipment readily available.  It's a personal choice,  if you find the gym is not for you that's ur choice, however neither choice is right or wrong. 
  • Jaxster92708
    Jaxster92708 Posts: 130 Member
    In my case, I DO need a gym! The gym is where I go to get away from the bothersome people in my life. When I'm there, I am always inspired by the many people around me who are also busting their arses to reach their goals, whatever they may be.

    ^^^This! I took a break from the gym for about a year and did DVDs at home. Lost a lot of strength, and while I do have some weights at home, I do not have (and do not have the means or space to get) a power rack, Olympic barbell, and weight plates for home.

    So, my goal being to build strength, back to the gym I went and am loving every minute.

    Do I need the gym to achieve my goal? For building strength, yes. For losing weight? No-to do that I have to eat less.

    Thanks to the OP for posting this: Some very lively discussion indeed!

  • mylove0mylife
    I enjoy my walks with my co-workers outside for lunch, but...for me, the gym may be a necessary evil. I agree that we should enjoy life, but I live in Florida, and it's constantly either raining or humid here. I have arthritis, so humidity makes me hurt. Also, for me, when I have to go by myself I feel safer being in a gym, then outdoors by myself in the dark (morning/evening times again).

    The gym also offers weight machines that I don't have access too, though I'm sure I can do all those exercises some how at home, it's more convient to go somewhere that has it all set up already.

    That being said, I still wouldn't give up my 30 minute walks around the lake by my office with my co-worker. They're relaxing.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    I dont need a gym to acheive my goal. I have a fantastic yoga class I go to twice a week where the teachers and friends I meet there are just lovely. It's one of the few places that I as a fifty plus year old am accepted as an equal by people half my age and that does wonders for my self esteem.

    I hate the gym because they are usually over subscribed and you spend more time cooling down while you wait for a machine or even free weights while the gym bums hog everything.

    I hve an allotment garden which keeps me fit, yoga of course and I am fortunate to live near the sea where I can swim wild. I also cycle to work and I have just started 30 Day Shred which I do at home instead of raiding the fridge at night.

    So no, I don't need a gym but I respect those who do. Each to their own.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    The gym is a must for me.

    Like others have said, I walk a lot, my eating is quite healthy, but it's not like i am moving furniture everyday or lifting heavy boxes. I work as an accounting clerk. I go to the gym and for an hour I push as hard as I can and get stronger and stronger.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I don't need to go to a gym, but I don't have the space or money for an at home weight room. I've been anorexic and know that I can be skinny without exercise, but I want to look good naked and be healthy so I do cardio, lift weights (both heavy and endurance), and I eat. That's just me. I enjoy the strength it gives me, I enjoy the results. I listen to music and enjoy that. I banter with other members. If I didn't like the gym I'd have to figure out a way to convert my garage.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'm on again/off again about the gym. They have more equipment than I have at home, so I like that. Plus I can watch what personal trainers are showing other clients and try the techniques out for myself.

    Right now I'm off the gym. I have a lot of work planned to get my flower beds rehabbed (too many weeds; poor soil) and don't want to give up any hours that I could be gardening to go to the gym.

    I'm sure I'll get tired of the limitations of working out at home at some point (dead of winter maybe) and re-join. We'll see.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member

    And to add to this, the OP is full of falsehood and fail.

    I think that is a little harsh, isn't it?
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    I enjoy my walks with my co-workers outside for lunch, but...for me, the gym may be a necessary evil. I agree that we should enjoy life, but I live in Florida, and it's constantly either raining or humid here. I have arthritis, so humidity makes me hurt. Also, for me, when I have to go by myself I feel safer being in a gym, then outdoors by myself in the dark (morning/evening times again).

    The gym also offers weight machines that I don't have access too, though I'm sure I can do all those exercises some how at home, it's more convient to go somewhere that has it all set up already.

    That being said, I still wouldn't give up my 30 minute walks around the lake by my office with my co-worker. They're relaxing.

    It rains in Florida? <gasp>
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I've done great without stepping foot in a gym once. I have all the tools I need at home. I don't have a treadmill, weight machine, elliptical. I have 4 kettlebells of different weights, resistance bands, kinetic bands (google them), Pilates O ring, foam roller, medicine ball, step to do all kinds of work on, fitness ball, workout mat, balance board, 3 sets of hand weights of varying weight, leg weights, zumba dvds, youtube videos to go along with every item I have & them most important thing..... RUNNERS.

    We all use the items & it's become a godsend :)
  • Ella_Bee
    For me I do need the gym, but I think that's because it's all I know. I've had room mates who are bodybuilders & trained with them (that was 5+ yrs ago). But I think it's great that there are people who don't need gyms to get fit & healthy bodies.