Does your name describe you?



  • StacywithaY
    StacywithaY Posts: 117 Member
    Not at all. I've always disliked my name. It sounds like a dingy cheerleader name. My parents sole reason for naming me Stacy was that it rhymed with Casey (my brother's name.)

    I think kids should have proper names, not nicknames for names. My mom wanted to name me Anastasia... So many options with that... Ana, Stacy, Stasia, Stassi. Thanks Dad
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    I don't think so. It's Melody. I'm not musically inclined at all. When I'm alone in the car, I think I can sing, but I'm pretty sure it sounds like a bag of cats.
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    My user name described me when I joined WW in Jan 2013 @ 376# (now 238)

    My name James led me to research it and be reminded it's from Jacob.That led me to research Bible story about Jacob.

    Esau and Jacob were the sons of Isaac and Rebekah, and the grandsons of Abraham and Sarah. Of the twins, Esau was the first to be born with Jacob following, holding his heel (the Hebrew name Yaacov meaning "Heel-holder"). Isaac was sixty years old and Rebekah is believed to have been younger when the boys were born. Esau's grandfather Abraham was still alive, being 160 years old at that time.

    I guess the Bible is like Wikipedia, they can write anything as a "fact".

    So no, I never considered myself a heel holder.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    my name means "worthy of praise" i'd say pretty damn fitting, amirite?

  • _dixiana_
    _dixiana_ Posts: 3,262 Member
    My name means pure. I'm about 95% "vanilla" so I'd say it's about accurate.
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    Villae81 wrote: »
    melmelw03 wrote: »
    I don't think so. It's Melody. I'm not musically inclined at all. When I'm alone in the car, I think I can sing, but I'm pretty sure it sounds like a bag of cats.

    Lol record and post I wanna hear :)

  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    Yes, I am a garish red plastic bucket.
    Jimb376mfp wrote: »
    So no, I never considered myself a heel holder.

    Hey man, don't knock it. You know what they say, "Heels are the window to the soul."
  • Raechel120
    Raechel120 Posts: 659 Member
    Raechel means innocent lamb it fits everyone has always thought of me as the sweet innocent type
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Yea. Tinshel...thou mayest...means exactly what I believe. That life is about the choices you make.
  • KyleGrace8
    KyleGrace8 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Kyle -topographic term referring to a narrow channel or strait...hmmm I would say I'm more broad and bi not straight. :neutral: I feel like at some point I heard it meant "handsome" and I'm pretty vain so imma believe that one.