Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    So I did the first 200 steps of the day on a milk crate until my hubby pointed out that is 'one hell of a big step.' lol He is right it measured 11 inches!!!!! SO, I put the kids to bed and I am using their 6" potty step now.


    I'll be back!

    Hehehe GO THE POTTY STEP!!!!
  • sineadgrowden
    I am curious where everyone lives - I am in south Alabama.

    from waikato- new zealand
  • sineadgrowden
    ok time to do some steps =)
    after a very long afternoon...had my poor little 11 month old son vomit on me and himself twice :frown: will let u no how the steps go soon :smile:
  • brokenxglass

    Done. Lol. I'm going to Reno today and will be on vacation with no internet. Will anyone be able to text me the challenge? I would love it so much, because I don't want to be 3-4 days behind on it... My cell is 707-393-7344. Someone please text me the challenge when they get it. Thanks. :)
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    I am curious where everyone lives - I am in south Alabama.

    I live in Austin, Texas (the live music capital!)

    Although I'm from 2011's fattest city in America (also in Texas) and Texas is considered the fattest state, Austin is listed as one of America's Leanest I was born and raised in the Fattest and getting losing weight in one of the Leanest...interesting....
  • sineadgrowden
    sorry for the nz stuff it will stop me being confused lol
    tues(wens NZ)=1000
    wens(thurs NZ)=1500
    thurs(fri NZ)=1100
    fri(sat NZ)=400
    sat(sun NZ)=1120

  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    I'm going to Reno today and will be on vacation with no internet. Will anyone be able to text me the challenge? I would love it so much, because I don't want to be 3-4 days behind on it... My cell is 707-393-7344. Someone please text me the challenge when they get it. Thanks. :)

    Don't worry, sweetie, one of us will text you...if fact you might get bombarded with texts haha :)
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Tuesday: 400
    Wednesday: 320
    Thursday: 480
    Friday: 640
    Saturday: 0
    Sunday: 320

    Total (so far): 2160

    Did another 320 stairs this morning. I know I didn't bring huge numbers like a lot of you amazing people, but I am happy with my 2160 for the week!

    Yesterday was a day trip to Huntsville, AL to Big Bob Gibson's BBQ, the Space and Rocket Center and followed by The Nook. Ate too much, had too much beer, but walked ALL afternoon (from about 1--5) at the museum. Today I was up, but I think it was from all the sodium I had. I'm gonna really hit the water and exercise today so hopefully tomorrow I won't have a horrible number to put up. Mid-week also starts TOM for me, so I know I'm gonna be higher tomorrow when I weigh in then I would other wise be. Oh well, it happens.

    And I live in Memphis, TN. Home of the blues and Elvis. Its a great place to be! :)
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    ok time to do some steps =)
    after a very long afternoon...had my poor little 11 month old son vomit on me and himself twice :frown: will let u no how the steps go soon :smile:

    Oh no- they are so pitiful with a tummy bug at that age. Hope it's all in the past already!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Looks like I won't be bumping into you guys at walmart -unless you come to the beach for vacation :)
  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    450 steps for me today... is deadline today or tomorrow?
  • Chelle_D
    Chelle_D Posts: 33
    Alright, Ladies.

    300 steps today.


    Bring on the next challenge, baby!!!!
  • Chelle_D
    Chelle_D Posts: 33
    I am curious where everyone lives - I am in south Alabama.

    I live in Fort Worth, Texas. :)
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    450 steps for me today... is deadline today or tomorrow?

    Today is the final day for steps. I'm still missing a few from someone of you, if the following people can message me your totals (even if you had a 0 day, I would like to know, I want this spreadsheet to be complete):

    LASH3S (I only have 3 days from you, and no starting weight)
    miw14 (I only have 3 days from you)
    makena78 (I only have 1 day from you)
    Jennyisbusy (I only need today's numbers)
    Chelle_D (I don't have a starting weight for you)
    annacataldo (I only have 4 days from you )
    DeviantDarkwolf (I only have 4 days from you, but I know your a Kiwi so the days are off...)
    gnoccola (I only have 4 days from you)
    agreenmess (I only have 4 days from you)
    sineadgrowden (I only need today's totals, but I know your a Kiwi so the days are off...)
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx (I only have 1 day from you)

    I'll send out messages individually in the next couple of hours.

    Also everyone, PLEASE don't forget to weigh in!

    Also, how do you feel about a little in-team awards like MVPs (one for whoever had the most steps, the one who lost the most weight, and we all vote for whoever was the most supportive teammate?)

    I think it could be fun and a great way to pump us up for next week :)
  • sineadgrowden
    ok so weigh in to day for me and wasnt to good =( but wasnt a gain just lol


    TOTAL= 6820 steps :bigsmile:

    go team :explode: (explosives) we have got this

    ive also sent this to acowboykid and mrtentaclenum
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I think the little award would be fun but I would keep it simple and quantifiable so feelings don't accidentally get hurt :)
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    I think the little award would be fun but I would keep it simple and quantifiable so feelings don't accidentally get hurt :)

    Well, I know it will be hard because everyone is extremely supportive. I feel like since this is a 15 week challenge that everyone will win :)

    I'm not apposed to putting the top 3 supportive people so its not just 1 person winning each week :) I won't list everyone totals. Only I will see them.
  • sineadgrowden
    ok so weigh in to day for me and wasnt to good =( but wasnt a gain just lol


    total=8120 steps
  • Chelle_D
    Chelle_D Posts: 33
    My start weight is 380 lbs, Athena.
  • sineadgrowden
    i also think we shuld get to no each other by our 1st names as some dont have there name as there user names :happy:
    mines Sinead