Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Look guys, some of you are talking about quitting because of this or that...It's worrying me.and I just want to say:

    This is a challenge. It's suppose to be challenging.

    I know I was a little silent this week because I was sick, and I didn't get to help out the team as much as I'd like to with numbers. But the point is that Challenges aren't meant to be easy! We need to push ourselves and each other so I want to ask you all not to quit!

    Even if we don't get anyone to replace the teammates who have already left, I know we can do it together!!!!! If you miss a day, I'll try to do double to make up for it. I want to take care of you all, please if you have an concerns about something MESSAGE ME! We can work it out, whether in the group or I can talk to ACowboyKid about it.

    Lets kick some Zombie *kitten* together!
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    I feel really disappointed, too. The results are out, and I don't even see a "challenge completed" next to my name. I worked my butt of this week.
    Today I got home at 9.15. I didn't even say hi to my kids and went directly to my computer, that very slowly started. I sent my weight for today, and I got a reply that it was too late. My job is really unpredictable. I cannot be certain that I'll make it home before 9 every monday. And I don't have access to a computer at work, and most of the time I'm in a basement where my phone doesn't work either. Bummer.
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    I just got a very rude response from mrtentaclenun. Sorry guys, I'm out! Good luck to everyone.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I am thinking we need to do a roll call and see for sure who we have as teammates still.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    I am still here :happy:

    I just think the whole time thing throws everyone out. Especially when in different time zones. They say Monday is optional but it's already Tuesday late afternoon here :frown: . I'm all for a challenge but hate playing catch-up due to release time.

    Our team definitely has had a run of bad luck but I am hoping this will change. Looking at the new challenge I am rather pleased that it's not more cardio haha. I also have been doing pushups so that should help the team a bit. I do them every second day and do 250 of them. Okay so predicted results for me will be:

    Pushups: 1000/315
    Rows: 315/315
    Tricep Dips: 315/315

    I liked how we saw the team totals to aim for in the first week as well so perhaps we could do a show of hands what each option we are intending to do so we can all aim for it.

    I plan on doing option A obviously :smile:

    And Jenny I agree a roll call is really needed as we have people coming and going.

    Anyway here's to a great week team let's rock it!!!!:drinker:

  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Oh and just a thought perhaps we should all post results here throughout the week that way, if one of us or a few of us aren't on then someone that is can send the results through.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Results so far :wink:

    Week 3 Challenge: 45 Push ups 45 Rows 45 Tricep Dips
    Mon (tue): PU 250/45; R 45/45; TD45 /45
  • sineadgrowden
    hay guys sorry i was out alday and forgot to send it..i put it on hea but 4got ta send it sorry guys i dun heaps of miles to i wasnt shua if rikki was sending it to or do we just do it our selfs now....sorry guys :frown:

    well done to the rest of the team!!:flowerforyou:
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Hey team! I'm still here :). I'll be doing option A-The River. My arms could use the work and since I'll still be running I don't want to put my legs through all of the leg exercises too!

    I really think it would be helpful if our captain (Hi Rikki!), sent in the team's results since it is already in a spreadsheet (right?). We could have an assistant captain/first mate/whatever as a back up in case of emergencies, vacations, and what not. Rikki, what are your thoughts on this? Also I agree that we should post here throughout the week. That way the spreadsheet would have something for everyone, even if it's not the final numbers (in case someone forgets to post on the last day or something).

    I think it has to be a major pain for them to sort through messages from every single person in the challenge, but it's also obviously hard on the participants to think their (extremely) hard work didn't count. I think reporting here/to the captain could really help with that.

    Anyways.... Let's get back to kicking zombie butt. I think we can really kick *kitten* again this week!!! Hang in there everyone!!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Results-Week 3 Challenge: 45 Push ups 45 Rows 45 Tricep Dips

    Monday: PU 90/45; R 90/45; TD 45/45

    Damn tricep dips hurt! :sad: :wink:

    Go Explosives!!! :explode: :explode:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Wtf r tricep dips and rows? Im most def doing the arm challenge, if only I knew wtf to

    And im still here I really wanted to quit earlier today and had every intintion on dropping out because the everyday 1hour workout like this last week was near killed me time wise..but some arm stuff I can do in a few minutes, in my room, or even at work.. I like having a scheduled activity, not something that feels like a slow painful murder of my life. I was convince week 3 would be much worse and more time consuming. I can't quite say if it will be a challenge parsay for me or not considering I don't know/understand what it is...haha

    And cowboykid sent me a message talking about something I had said earlier in week... apparently we don't have to do the whole challenge, just do what we can if we need rest days or something, and if we don't finish we don't finish etc... I asked her for some clarification of rules cuz I think all of us r under the impression that if we don't finish were docked points for the team...I mean, we have athena saying she'll make up what we miss, and losing members like lash because she felt inadequate cuz she couldn't finish, etc... id hate to see a little incomplete next to my name instead of a complete, but apparently that's not what would happen...? News to me?? Anyway, I asked clarification so ill let u know if I find out anything more
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    Whats going on explosives...?

    There are points but dang guys, if you need a break take a break lol. I mean you won't get points for that day if you take a break but its like one point out of 10 for the week and there are 15 weeks. You can have a break day or as many as you need. The reason we are setting the goals so high is because I'm going off of what you guys do and ask for. Not making it harder each week, I don't know who came up with that. I don't remember saying that, it'd be cool for sure but blah. It seems Ranged and Melee have much more relaxed players and everyone is much happier to just do what you can where as I keep hearing how stressed Explosives is. I don't want this to be stressful because that is not what this is suppose to be. This is suppose to be fun and chill. Whats going on guys? I thought it was obvious that if real life is calling then a little internet challenge can go on the back burner. I just don't get it. Is this new information to you guys? Or something? I don't want you guys flipping out. =/
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Whats going on explosives...?

    There are points but dang guys, if you need a break take a break lol. I mean you won't get points for that day if you take a break but its like one point out of 10 for the week and there are 15 weeks. You can have a break day or as many as you need. The reason we are setting the goals so high is because I'm going off of what you guys do and ask for. Not making it harder each week, I don't know who came up with that. I don't remember saying that, it'd be cool for sure but blah. It seems Ranged and Melee have much more relaxed players and everyone is much happier to just do what you can where as I keep hearing how stressed Explosives is. I don't want this to be stressful because that is not what this is suppose to be. This is suppose to be fun and chill. Whats going on guys? I thought it was obvious that if real life is calling then a little internet challenge can go on the back burner. I just don't get it. Is this new information to you guys? Or something? I don't want you guys flipping out. =/

    I don't think the team is flipping out. Yes, we've lost people as they haven't had the time, or no longer wanted to participate, etc but we're doing fine as a group. I know myself and a few others have mentioned for everyone to do the best that they can and take days off as needed. I think we are doing a great job as a team supporting each other and working on the challenges.

    I understand this has to be a difficult challenge to manage, it's elaborate and has lots of participants. So, I understand your frustration. However, I don't think that as a team we are flipping out or stressed. I don't mean any disrespect by this, hopefully it doesn't come across this way, but I think if you need to talk to anyone specifically, maybe do so via messages...because calling out our entire team as being stressed or flipping out kind of sucks. Especially when we're really working hard on this and trying to have a positive, supportive environment. I'm very proud of all the hard work my team has put in for this challenge.

    Anyways, I can only speak for myself. I appreciate all the hard work you guys are doing for this.:flowerforyou: I also am really liking the challenges so far (plus the stories behind them are cool). I think once the kinks are worked out with reporting results and different time zones, etc. then things will go much more smoothly and will be much less stressful for you two as well. Thanks again and my arms (though sore now) will be thankful at the end of the week as well. :smile:
  • agreenmess
    agreenmess Posts: 94

    Im still here, completed everything last week with a couple of miles over (YAY) but i was so depressed during the weekend and i put on weight that i thought it would be better not to send my results in (Sorry!)

    Back in the mindset for this week, and not weighing myself everyday should help with my state of mind, at least for this week! Dont know which option im going to do, but as i was in bed when it was posted im going to have to do Monday's too, hopefully ill be able to keep up with everyone :)

    Im sorry to hear that allot of people are leaving, but i do agree with everyone in that, everyone is doing an amazing job and that it is a challenge, and so far ive loved every one of them (and i would even more if my knee wasnt still dodgy lol!)


    Nessy x
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member

    Back in the mindset for this week, and not weighing myself everyday should help with my state of mind, at least for this week! Dont know which option im going to do, but as i was in bed when it was posted im going to have to do Monday's too, hopefully ill be able to keep up with everyone :)

    Don't worry about Monday's, they waived that day since the challenge was posted later than they had originally planned :)

    Also, you should definitely report your results from now on (regardless of weight), you worked hard to accomplish those miles! Good job and keep up the good work!!!!
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    I think the problem is Cowboy has been getting mixed messages from some, she was under the impression that I had a permanent leg injury and was still trying to do the challenges which was total misinformation!!. I have assured her this is NOT the case at all. If you find you are struggling with the workload then take a break no biggy, if you are loving the challenge as I am then go hard. But please whoever is sending the wrong information please ask the person concerned before telling others wrong info!!!

    Right ugly stuff out of the way let's get this week cranking Team Explosives!!! :explode:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I think the problem is Cowboy has been getting mixed messages from some, she was under the impression that I had a permanent leg injury and was still trying to do the challenges which was total misinformation!!. I have assured her this is NOT the case at all. If you find you are struggling with the workload then take a break no biggy, if you are loving the challenge as I am then go hard. But please whoever is sending the wrong information please ask the person concerned before telling others wrong info!!!

    Right ugly stuff out of the way let's get this week cranking Team Explosives!!! :explode:

    Deviant, this was me..she misread what I said. I never said you were doing urself damage, what I said was that people in general, although I named ur name, COULD be causing permenant damage to their bodies. The word COULD was not noticed and it was then turned into that you WERE causing urself damage... alls you said was that you had a old ankle injury flare up and yet I still saw 2miles a day from u...I don't know what a flare up means, for all I know it could be some little tinge, or it could be swollen to high he'll needing ice and whatever else... and I didn't just randomly send her a message to talk about u, I was talking to her about other stuff, that we feel like we have to finish in order to not disappoint, and I used my own injury as an example, and then mentioned that I wasn't alone, type of thing, not trying to call anyone out, and im sorry for the miscommunication there. I had a friend couplle years back tell me" my old ankle injury is acting up again" and I didn't think much of it, and she wasn't a terribly active person but played some soccer with a group of friends, and kicking the ball across the field broke her when someone says" my old injury is flaring up", what do u think my brain goes to?? When my ex husband had his surgery they told him that he'd be at 80% for the rest of his life and if he at any time pushed himself too hard, he would have to come back in for the same surgery, so to be very mindful if anything hurt because flare ups were a sign he was pushing too hard.. I could fwd u a copy of the message if u like...and im sry I didn't just talk to u about ur injury, as a said I was mid message with cowboy and it just kinda came up..I've been pretty much offline all weekend trying to find some balance and last week was very stressed and hurting pretty bad from the challenge so im sure I wasn't as attentive as I should've been in carrying normal conversations.
  • sineadgrowden
    its tues here in NZ so will miss Monday so i dont get confused:smile:
    weapon-dono what its called ball with spikes on it =30 mins of x-trainer (5 times a week)
    TUES - lunges 101/100
    mt climbers 50/50
    squats 50/50

    WEDS -lunges /100
    mt climbers /50
    squats /50

    THURS -lunges /100
    mt climbers /50
    squats /50

    FRI-lunges /100
    mt climbers /50
    squats /50

    SAT -lunges /100
    mt climbers /50
    squats /50

    SUN - lunges /100
    mt climbers /50
    squats /50

    also dun this with my partner laughing at me :laugh: wood of dun more if it wasnt for him lol...will do it why hes at work 2morrow !