Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • sineadgrowden
    Monday: 3.1 miles in 15 mins pace of 5 mph
    0/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Tuesday: 5.5 miles in 30 mins pace of 6 mph
    135/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Wednesday: 6.2 miles in 34mins pace of 6 mph
    60/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight

    Thursday: 4.3 miles in 24mins pace of 6 mph
    0/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Friday: ... miles in ...mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Saturday: ... miles in ... mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Sunday: 4.3 miles in 25 mins pace of 6 mph
    0/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    TOTAL MILES= 23.4

    NEED TO DRINK MORE WATER (8 glasses+)!!

    we can do this team explosives :explode:

    will weight in in the morning..just a heads up guys i think its a gain :grumble:
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    I'm excited to see what the new challenge is going to be. Any guesses???
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I'm excited to see what the new challenge is going to be. Any guesses???

    Im hoping it will be fighting dust mites cuz since the zombie apocolyse started I havent done any cleaning in my house. I wore my pjs to work today cuz i didnt have any clean laundry, lol.
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    I'm excited to see what the new challenge is going to be. Any guesses???

    Im hoping it will be fighting dust mites cuz since the zombie apocolyse started I havent done any cleaning in my house. I wore my pjs to work today cuz i didnt have any clean laundry, lol.

    Hahahaha that made me crack up!!!
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Bummed!! I was hoping Cowboy would've posted the new challenge I hope she gets it in before my day is over otherwise I will be a day behind already Tuesday here :frown:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    yea; i just started work 2hours ago... and at this rate will need to give up time with my boyfriend in order to do any type of challenge... and im dead tired
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I'm excited to see what the new challenge is going to be. Any guesses???

    Spend 30 min a day shoveling zombie parts, followed by some yoga?
  • sineadgrowden
    157.4 sorry guys it was a gain
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    4pm and still no challenge. sad. (its 7pm eastern time where the challenge originates). would be helpful if she said what time she gets off work instead of just "will post when i get off work".. keep coming back every 30minutes to check to see if its posted, to excited lol. she had posted that like 10something hours ago; dont even know if that was right before she left for work, or hours before she had to leave for work, lol. la de da. last week it was posted before i even went to bed sunday night; but knew that was earlier then she had scheduled.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Hate to say team but if the challenges progress like this I may have to drop out. I am one of those people that like to plan my week and I am finding it frustrating not knowing what the challenge is. As I said before it's Tuesday here 11am and still no word from Cowboy. It makes it hard as I do majority of my workouts before lunch and at this rate I will be required to do a double challenge workout just to make up for the already lost day, which is really not going to happen as my workload is already intense enough. Idk :frown:
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Hate to say team but if the challenges progress like this I may have to drop out. I am one of those people that like to plan my week and I am finding it frustrating not knowing what the challenge is. As I said before it's Tuesday here 11am and still no word from Cowboy. It makes it hard as I do majority of my workouts before lunch and at this rate I will be required to do a double challenge workout just to make up for the already lost day, which is really not going to happen as my workload is already intense enough. Idk :frown:

    Don't quit! My guess is since it is so late that the challenge will be a day short/ we'll get a day off. That's what I hope anyway. But don't quit, I love this team and don't want to lose anyone! If we don't get a day short, just take one anyway :)
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member

    mrtentaclenun OK Challenge of the Living Dead members, I am still missing the weight and challenge results from the following people: ericjcook, beckyard, markaylarenee19, bubblesburst80, trishtrish84, missxchelly, LASH3S, makena78, Chelle_D, gnoccola, agreenmess, Theweebarrel, sineadgrowden, and ladychi306. Please get them to me within the next two hours!

  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member

    mrtentaclenun OK Challenge of the Living Dead members, I am still missing the weight and challenge results from the following people: ericjcook, beckyard, markaylarenee19, bubblesburst80, trishtrish84, missxchelly, LASH3S, makena78, Chelle_D, gnoccola, agreenmess, Theweebarrel, sineadgrowden, and ladychi306. Please get them to me within the next two hours!


    so we are only missing makena cuz chelle d and lash both dropped out.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Doh did we not get any replacements?
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Hate to say team but if the challenges progress like this I may have to drop out. I am one of those people that like to plan my week and I am finding it frustrating not knowing what the challenge is. As I said before it's Tuesday here 11am and still no word from Cowboy. It makes it hard as I do majority of my workouts before lunch and at this rate I will be required to do a double challenge workout just to make up for the already lost day, which is really not going to happen as my workload is already intense enough. Idk :frown:

    Yes, at this rate i feel the same as well! its monday at 5pm and still no word, i have no idea how my night is going to go, let alone the whole week. I also feel like Im cutting out my life in order to meet the challenges... like earlier when I said I havent cleaned my house since we started this, im serious, i have not even done dishes, luckily my mom is so nice--but dishes is about all she is doing cuz nothing has been vacuumed or wiped down, etc, I havent spent longer than an hour at a time with my boyfriend all this past week because 3miles was so demanding of me, and i already cant keep up because I promised myself 15-20minutes of excercise a day and 3miles takes an hour at a fast pace and i cant physically always walk the fast pace. I feel discusted when Im home because theres garbage sitting around and laundry all over the place, and not being able to take days of rest for fear of falling behind is making me so exausted physically, and mentally exausted trying to find time for everything, yesterday i woke up with 10lbs of water retintion over night because of excercise, and i just handle this much work!!

    also tomorrow i have a 5mile walk planned with my biggest loser group (3miles physically kill my body; i cant make 5 without pain pills).. but im sure a 5mile walk wont count in some other type of challenge... and even if i got permission for it to count for that days worth of work, id be too sore to do work the following day either, and id already be behind from missing today..

    and this is week 2.. if they progress, how will week 5, 10, or even 15 look???
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Doh did we not get any replacements?

    not sure if lash did anything more than post in here that she wanted to drop out; we all begged her to stay, and none of us heard from her again... im assuming she is officially gone, dont know if anyone told cowboykid, and if she was told, then no replacement yet, and chelle d just dropped out within the last day or so, dont know if cowboykid was told there either...
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Doh did we not get any replacements?

    not sure if lash did anything more than post in here that she wanted to drop out; we all begged her to stay, and none of us heard from her again... im assuming she is officially gone, dont know if anyone told cowboykid, and if she was told, then no replacement yet, and chelle d just dropped out within the last day or so, dont know if cowboykid was told there either...

    For that matter, did we ever get a replacement for pink princess? I know chelle replaced cobylea (yea yea spelling), but who replaced princess??
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member

    mrtentaclenun OK Challenge of the Living Dead members, I am still missing the weight and challenge results from the following people: ericjcook, beckyard, markaylarenee19, bubblesburst80, trishtrish84, missxchelly, LASH3S, makena78, Chelle_D, gnoccola, agreenmess, Theweebarrel, sineadgrowden, and ladychi306. Please get them to me within the next two hours!


    so we are only missing makena cuz chelle d and lash both dropped out.

    my bad, i skipped over a couple of our team mates names in there. im tired!! so we are missing more than makena--agreenmess and sinedgrowden LOL.. is gnoccola on our team? god where is my brain??
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Totally there with you Anna, it's one hell of a mission getting everything done in a day. I had to go back to writing a schedule just so I could have a bit of balance back. The problem is by the time afternoon comes I feel totally drained. I just wish Cowboy would maybe post what the new challenge would be a bit earlier as then we could plan around it.

    On the replacement front, I doubt we ever got any replacements, I am now getting confused as to who exactly is on the team apart from the ones that actually post here. Hmm Athena I think we will need a new updated list for this!!. Bummer if we have no replacements as that puts us behind :grumble: and we have all been trying so hard this week as well!!! :devil:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Totally there with you Anna, it's one hell of a mission getting everything done in a day. I had to go back to writing a schedule just so I could have a bit of balance back. The problem is by the time afternoon comes I feel totally drained. I just wish Cowboy would maybe post what the new challenge would be a bit earlier as then we could plan around it.

    On the replacement front, I doubt we ever got any replacements, I am now getting confused as to who exactly is on the team apart from the ones that actually post here. Hmm Athena I think we will need a new updated list for this!!. Bummer if we have no replacements as that puts us behind :grumble: and we have all been trying so hard this week as well!!! :devil:

    yes gnocolla is on our team, i knew it was familiar, but not on my friends list for some reason, musta missed her before, which is why i was unclear lol