Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Wow Sara! Glad you are here now!

    I was a skinny kid and everybody stuffed me full of food all the time and I just thought that was how I was supposed to eat. Now I have 2 skinny kids of my own and I try really hard to teach them how to eat healthy - even though I am still learning too.

    I have done low cal, low carb, weight watchers and finally landed here.

    This is also the first time in my life that I have really pushed my body physically on a regular basis. Back in April I started 100 days of intentional movement and could not believe how great I felt. I quit at 51 days when I got a kidney stone - but I am considering starting back up again.
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Monday: 2.1 miles in 30 mins for a pace of 4.3 mph / 45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm / 30 mins of hatha yoga (stretching)
    Tuesday: --
    Wednesday: --
    Thursday: --
    Friday: --
    Saturday: --
    Sunday: --
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    So, final weight 136.7. SW 138.2.

    I need to drink water (not soda or tea). My goal is 12 glasses a day. My weapon is hand grenade. At the end of the day I hope I'll have thrown all my 12 hand grenades to zombies.

    I'm getting a treadmill today. Ready to run!!!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    My back story: I have always been big..135 in 3rd grade, 198 in 6th, 240 freshman/sophmore year (1999 to 2001) like 2005 (i dont remember at all; it coulda be 2004? or even 2006?), I was 290 and went on the trim spa diet (Where i was eating about 700calories a day and was so stuffed i felt like i would puke; i lost 30lbs in a week and a half!! I was 260, but the pills stopped working for me, so i stopped taking them, and by 2007 i was 325; my highest weight. I got in a car wreck september 2007, flipped a car 4x while on first day of a long awaited vacation. i had been with my boyfriend turned husband from 2001 to march 2008, and got divorced..I gained all the weight cuz I was a office worker who ate out alot and went to dinners alot with my once I got divorced, I moved outta the rural country into town and then had ability to walk to work or the movies, or even to the bar or a party..I also had 3flights of stairs in my new house, so I was constantly up and down them. by summer 2009 I was at 275, without trying, just being a lil more active and not eating out as much since I was divorced. I was however living in a party house and drinking alllll the time, no idea how I lost 50lbs by drinking several nights a week and having a ****ty diet.

    Then in mid 2009, I started to be in alot of pain, constant, due to my bad hip from car wreck. At first it was only bad if i did something really strenuous, but then after awhile, even walking a block was too much for me to handle. I also started having heart problems a day after drinking...scary stuff when u think ur about to die... so I cut out drinking for the most part by early 2010. I got with my current bf october 2009, and he's been very supportive with me and at the beginning I wasn't able to do alot without needing pain pills..I went from being 275 slowing back up to being 313.5 due to not being active.

    In december 2010, I moved out of my house and back to my moms cuz I was tired of living in a party house when I couldn't drink anymore and roommates throwing parties without me being aware of what was going on...

    By january 2011, I realized the reason my hip was so bad was because of the 3flights of stairs at my old house, and I was finally able to start moving a lil more...

    so one day, march 6th, I searched calorie counter in the phone aps, and found mfp, I had no intention on dieting prior to that day, I had come to grips that I would be heavy forever, and had even given away some of my XL shirts I had been holding onto for years, because I knew I would never fit into an XL again...but I fell in love with using the ap and obsessing over making sure I got enough vitamins, and ohhh no, sumthing was in red and couldn't be over fat or sodium, etc, so now I've lost almost 50lbs because I accidentally came across mfp :-) I didnt discover the website until aobut week 3; so now I use both the ap and the website.

    Ive been here everyday since march 6th; 135 days i think it said this morning.. thats 19 weeks... Ive hit many palteaus; ranging from 1 week one time, 2 weeks another, 3 weeks another, and even a month another time; but even though ive been plateaued half of my time here on MFP, i fought through, and have managed to hold a average of 2.6lbs a week loss... so even though half my time I havent lost, the other half of the time Ive lost over double what i was suppose to have :-D
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Hi everyone, I may be slightly absent from the message board for a couple of days. My car broke down on the highway last night and I am now stuck in Golden, CO until it is fixed. When it rains, it pours. BUT I saw the new challenge and I'll be jogging/running. I'll try to do a bunch of extra miles for anyone that needs them! I'm stuck here again tonight so I'll wait til it cools then take my dog out for a run...he's been cooped up in the hotel all day. My weapon will be a.22 rifle aka water ;) Hopefully I can shoot 8 zombies a day!!! Keep up the great work everyone!

    Oh and my name is Michele :) I'll post more about myself another day when I'm on an actual computer!
  • agreenmess
    agreenmess Posts: 94
    Hey Everyone

    Monday: 6.4 miles walking took 1hour 55 minutes, took Joey (my baby, cocker spaniel lol)
    Tuesday: --
    Wednesday: --
    Thursday: --
    Friday: --
    Saturday: --
    Sunday: --

    I have quite a bad back storey which i wouldnt like to disclose as its very personal and emotional, i dont make esxcuses for my weight, most of it is because i lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve my food and didnt exercise! !

    Im going to use a chainsaw as my weapon of choice ( i do like a bit of distruction lol ) and im wanting to try and hit 4 litres of water a day, and as a bonus id like to use an axe as a personal challenge of trying to get myself to eat 5 fruit and veg as i never do!!!!
  • sineadgrowden
    final weight is 156.3 =) im more than happy to do extra
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    For me my back-story is, I was the skinny girl. I am short and was very petite. I ate whatever and rarely was into fitness. Then I got married, moved overseas. And that was hard for me, gained 5 pounds, then 10. Then I got pregnant and then pregnant again. After that I had the hardest time losing weight as I wasn't used to eating right and working out. It's taken me almost 5 years to finally get in that mind set to lose weight the right way. My husband is a fitness freak and it was hard trying to live up to his expectations in that area. That actually turned me into eating emotionally. He thought it would have the opposite effect. nope. Anyway, I've met awesome people on mfp and facebook that have helped me change my mindset. Now I LOVE working out and strive to eat healthier everyday. My husband of course is happy.
    And just for the record please don't hate on those skinny girls who seem to eat like crazy and never gain. that was me and you never know that maybe in 10 years they'll be struggling too.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    everyone needs to weigh in; and not just post on here; let...uhm... the other leader besides a coyboykid know... i cant for the life of me spell her name... i posted as my status her name if u really dont have a clue who im talking about. She has our stair totals, but not our weights (just a couple of us she has already)... i went ahead and told her my stair total as well as weight, but to be sure the number she had is correct for my stairs.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    On the arms - Is it 45 of each type of exercise? Like 15 rows, 15 straights, and 15 chops?
  • sineadgrowden
    Monday: 3.1 miles in 15 mins for a pace of 5 mph , 0/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm
    Tuesday: --
    Wednesday: --
    Thursday: --
    Friday: --
    Saturday: --
    Sunday: --
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    everyone needs to weigh in; and not just post on here; let...uhm... the other leader besides a coyboykid know... i cant for the life of me spell her name... i posted as my status her name if u really dont have a clue who im talking about. She has our stair totals, but not our weights (just a couple of us she has already)... i went ahead and told her my stair total as well as weight, but to be sure the number she had is correct for my stairs.

    MrTentaclenun :)
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    So I just walked to the Coors brewery for their free tour. It was 6 miles away from my hotel. I'm so pissed I'm stuck here but at least I got miles in and free beer. Also I drank all of my water for today, which is good because I would have passed out otherwise. I might still run later spas to "get ahead" while being stuck driving for 2 more days.
  • mrtentaclenun
    mrtentaclenun Posts: 179 Member

    Check it out guys!!
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Amazing job everyone!!!

    So I have a couple of MVPs to dish out.

    Most Valuable Player in our Challenges:
    brokenxglass- 9800 steps, more steps than anyone else on any other team. AMAZING JOB! You were our most valuable player for this challenge!

    Most Valuable Player(s) in the Weigh-ins:
    agreenmess- for the highest number lost by one person on our team with a whopping 6.2 lbs dropped!!!! You're one of our most valuable players in weight loss!
    annacataldo- for the 2nd highest weight loss, thank you so much for putting up such a great number!

    Most Valuable Player(s) Supportive:

    The 2 of you were voted by your team mates as 2 of the most supportive players this week. Thank you for all your amazing words of encouragement, you two helped push us to be the amazing group we are!

    Go Team EXPLOSIVES! :explode:
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Monday: walked 6 miles @ 4 mph. Since that's "brisk" not sure if it counts as jogging pace?
    60 reps (20 each type) on each side: so 120 total. I don't have weights in the hotel room, so I used the iron.

    Also great job last week everyone!!!!!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Sorry about my weigh-in, it was tacked on to the bottom of a message sent out Sun and it got overlooked. I look forward to my dramatic weight loss next week! :laugh:

    Go Team:explode:
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    CONGRATS Team how awesome are you all!!! Fantastic work :flowerforyou:

    Thanks heaps for the votes people :blushing:

    Okay day one started running through the city got halfway but needed a break darn zombies started closing in so I threw a Molotov Cocktail :explode: haha set them on fire mwhahahaha. Will rest up and continue running I still have a few Molotov's to throw as well !!!

    GO TEAM EXPLOSIVES!!! :explode:
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Monday: walked 6 miles @ 4 mph. Since that's "brisk" not sure if it counts as jogging pace?
    60 reps (20 each type) on each side: so 120 total. I don't have weights in the hotel room, so I used the iron.

    Also great job last week everyone!!!!!

    You used the iron!! I love it. :wink:
  • Chelle_D
    Chelle_D Posts: 33
    Monday: jogged 2 miles. HOLY CANOLI!!!! I haven't jogged since middle school, but I'm determined to do this!!!