Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    Monday jogged 2.25 miles.
    Thrown 7 hand grenades. (Didn't use all 12)

    Congrats team for the victory!
    I think, being the last team on, on the waiting list, and really wanting to get in, really motivated all of us.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I jogged 5 miles and set 9 out of 9 Bouncing Betties. So, yeah - don't walk where I just came from :explode:
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Fantastic work peeps!!! As much as I was dreading this challenge I think it will be great :drinker:

    I am doing the whole running in place has been a bit of fun as the kids are joining me. so.... from where I left off last time.

    While resting I managed to get in some strength training with a couple of tin fruit cans I picked up along the way. I continued running got 2 miles done with only 2 Molotovs thrown (water is my enemy, such a challenge on it's own). Those zombies are going to get more Molotov's tomorrow!!! Set them on fire I will :explode:
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Monday jogged 2.25 miles.
    Thrown 7 hand grenades. (Didn't use all 12)

    Congrats team for the victory!
    I think, being the last team on, on the waiting list, and really wanting to get in, really motivated all of us.

    We are hands down the most awesome team. There were a couple of chart problems that kept it from completely being reflected in the numbers. Look at what we have accomplished - look at the support that was given to team members when they needed it! And most importantly look how we got off our *kitten* and really got some great exercise this week!

    Go Team :explode:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Athena...not that brokenglass didn't do an amzing job...but she's not the only one who did 9800 steps...the numbers r wrong. We have a tie. Miw I believe it was, also did the ungodly amount of stairs.

    As for me for day 1, I jogged a bit over counting my extra over 2miles in for tomorrows... im going by minutes jogged.. 12minutes being a mile, I did my 24minutes, plus an extra two for a heads up on tomorrow, and no idea how far 2minutes is, so im just counting it for another day! If tomorrow my body feels ok, I will do my two miles, plus an extra couple minutes, so that maybe by the end of the week I will have built up enough spare minutes to equal something on a day im hurting too bad..

    Also, I got permission to jog days and walk others, so actually I guess tomorrow ill be walking the 5miles because my biggest loser competition meets for an activity and we r all going on a 5mile walk awesome that our activity matches to what this group is doing...!!

    I am so proud of all of u! U r all doing great! I think many of us were freaked out by the compeitition when it was first announced, but now that the idea has floated around in our heads, I think it will be a breeze..ha, prob speaking too soon, but its not making me devastated thinking about it anymore lol. I really appeciate all of ur kind words and encouraging me to stay, it really meant alot to have my team support me!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Oh and I know im suppose to do some strength things...I have weights...know im suppose to do 45 a day.. but 45what...??
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Hey, the. Challenge has been changed... 3miles a day walking instea d of 5...its on the main board...I didn't read it, but coyboy made a note about it on team melee's board...

    Their team had 2ppl drop out today..sad, I couldn't imagine losing any of u guys. I wonder who our new teammate will be now that princess is gone.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Hey guys! I just wanna say u are all doing fantastic!!! Keep up the good work! :) xxxx (ps I still wanna be around to support u guys) xxx
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Oh and I know im suppose to do some strength things...I have weights...know im suppose to do 45 a day.. but 45what...??

    For option A: You'll be required to do 30 reps of one arm dumbell rows, dumbbell straight punch and cross wood chops every other day in addition to your regular strength training regemin (easily divisable into 3 sets of 10 reps, modify as you see fit).

    For option B: You're required to do 45 reps of one arm dumbbell rows, dumbbell straight punch and cross wood chops every other day in addition to your regular strength training regemin (easily divisable into 3 sets of 15, modify as you see fit).

    If you are wondering what a cross wood chop is here's a link to show you :

    Great to see you Pink Princess thanks for being our cheerleader :bigsmile:
  • sineadgrowden
    dont no what weapon to use so a axe will do for the moment =)(axe= water)

    Monday: 3.1 miles in 15 mins pace of 5 mph
    0/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Tuesday: 5.5 miles in 30 mins pace of 6 mph
    135/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Wednesday: ..... miles in ....mins pace of 6 mph
    ..../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Thursday: .... miles in ...mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Friday: ... miles in ...mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Saturday: ... miles in ... mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Sunday: ... miles in ... mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    NEED TO DRINK MORE WATER (8 glasses+)!!

    we can do this team explosives :explode:
    cant believe how well we all dun in the last challenge what you say we give it another shot at beating the other teams??? =)

    also congrats to Rikki for getting the captain roll :bigsmile:
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Does anyone know how to log the arm stuff? I found the dumbbell rows but not the other two. Thanks!
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Monday: 2.1 miles in 30 mins for a pace of 4.3 mph on 1% incline (jogging - treadmill) / 45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm / 30 mins of hatha yoga (stretching)
    Tuesday: 3.1 miles in 50 mins for a pace of 3.7 mph on 1% incline (fast walking - treadmill) / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Wednesday: --
    Thursday: --
    Friday: --
    Saturday: --
    Sunday: --

    Today I also did 113 crunches for the Sexy for Christmas challenge and it's Zumba class night. I'm bound and determined to put up and AMAZING number next Monday. Go Team Explosives!! :explode:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Does anyone know how to log the arm stuff? I found the dumbbell rows but not the other two. Thanks!

    There's a strength training in the cardio section that I was going to use for all.
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Of course, miw14 and brokenxglass got a tie for highest amount of steps thin this challenge, we are so lucky to have 2 amazing people on our team!

    I am so sorry, miw14! Please forgive me, you are one of our MVPs this week (and every week because all of TEAM EXPLOSIVES are valuable).

    Also, if anyone is still having a problem picking their weapon, let me know and maybe we can come up with something fun :)
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    So can I just say I LOVE being on Team Explosives! :explode: This is such a fun and supportive group! I went and peeked at the other teams' pages and we have SO much more discussion going on! I love it!

    All in all, thank you lovely people for pushing me to want to do the best I can each day. Here's to us! :drinker:
  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    Hi guys... you are all doing an amazing job.... unfortunately i think i'm going to have to bow out and leave my spot for someone on the waiting list. I would like to keep you all as friends as I continue my journey on mfp. I'm finding this particular game a little too overwhelming... I find myself comparing my progress to others and not feeling good about myself - and I know that that's not what this challenge is about. I'm just not ready for this type of challenge.... hopefully in the f uture!!! Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Hi guys... you are all doing an amazing job.... unfortunately i think i'm going to have to bow out and leave my spot for someone on the waiting list. I would like to keep you all as friends as I continue my journey on mfp. I'm finding this particular game a little too overwhelming... I find myself comparing my progress to others and not feeling good about myself - and I know that that's not what this challenge is about. I'm just not ready for this type of challenge.... hopefully in the f uture!!! Keep up the good work everyone!!

    Please don't go! All we really expect is that you give the challenges a shot, and do what you can. We do our numbers as a team and the stronger players do what they can just the same - in the end it works out. I think our goal as a team should be to keep all of our members moving and grooving!
  • sineadgrowden
    Hi guys... you are all doing an amazing job.... unfortunately i think i'm going to have to bow out and leave my spot for someone on the waiting list. I would like to keep you all as friends as I continue my journey on mfp. I'm finding this particular game a little too overwhelming... I find myself comparing my progress to others and not feeling good about myself - and I know that that's not what this challenge is about. I'm just not ready for this type of challenge.... hopefully in the f uture!!! Keep up the good work everyone!!

    dont go =(!!! we have such a awesome group...its not about who can do the most or who can do the best.we are all here for the same reason...only reason im geting high numbers is because im pushing my self to the limits dosnt mean you have to! just do what you can we are a team dont make your self try do more than you can do,we are all different some will do better at other challenges than others and thats just the way is is unfortunately :grumble:

    but we can all do this! come on team explosives :explode:
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    One of the BIG reasons I wanted in this group is that it's not an elimination group which are super popular right now.

    Go Team :explode:
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Hi guys... you are all doing an amazing job.... unfortunately i think i'm going to have to bow out and leave my spot for someone on the waiting list. I would like to keep you all as friends as I continue my journey on mfp. I'm finding this particular game a little too overwhelming... I find myself comparing my progress to others and not feeling good about myself - and I know that that's not what this challenge is about. I'm just not ready for this type of challenge.... hopefully in the f uture!!! Keep up the good work everyone!!

    LASH darl you shouldn't be feeling like that. This weeks challenge has definitely made a few of us cringe. But please don't let that bring you down. As I said before there will be challenges that some of us won't be so good at and that is why this Team is awesome!! We want to see each of us do our best, whether that be less or more than the challenge states. It's about doing what YOU can do. We are all at different stages of our life changing journey and it's to be expected that some people will be power houses already, but if you keep on chugging along you will get there in time. If you surround yourself with people that push their limits every day it will make you try harder and the rewards will definitely come!! Don't feel discouraged when you can't do a certain amount just know that everyday you try your hardest you will become stronger and before you know it YOU will be that person that everyone looks up to. YOU CAN DO THIS LASH!!! I will not let the Zombies take you, you are far more valuable to this team than that, just do what you can darl, we are behind you no matter what!!!! NEVER SURRENDER!!!!