Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • sineadgrowden
    dont no what weapon to use so a axe will do for the moment =)(axe= water)

    Monday: 3.1 miles in 15 mins pace of 5 mph
    0/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Tuesday: 5.5 miles in 30 mins pace of 6 mph
    135/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Wednesday: 6.2 miles in 34mins pace of 6 mph
    60/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight

    Thursday: 4.3 miles in 24mins pace of 6 mph
    0/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Friday: ... miles in ...mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Saturday: ... miles in ... mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Sunday: ... miles in ... mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    NEED TO DRINK MORE WATER (8 glasses+)!!

    we can do this team explosives :explode:
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    My update:
    Monday: 5 miles jogged (4treadmill +1 mile real life) 9/9 bouncing betties
    Tuesday: 2 miles jogged (in place) 45 reps of 3 arms 10/9 bouncing betties
    Wednesday 4 miles jogged (elliptical) 9/9 bouncing betties
    Thursday: --
    Friday: --
    Saturday: --
    Sunday: --

    It took way longer to do the arms than I thought it would. I am soooooo wiped out tonight, I have bowled, ellipticaled, and danced my booty up.
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    Strange question, I was on the treadmill earlier and was jogging (the fastest I've ever done) at 4.5.

    When I entered my exercise it called it "Walking" and "very, very brisk pace" Was it not jogging?

    ...because I was practically running...or does it call it walking because that's what it is for most and because I had short legs it was jogging for me...

    ...I don't know, looking at that over again, it makes me feel weird....

    It can be both. If you are on the treadmill you notice it better. You can either walk, really really fast, or jog really slow. Yesterday I was jogging at 4.5 but I could make long steps and walk as well, to give it a rest. I think that is the limit speed between walk and jog. Unless you are super-duper tall. At 5mph it is definitely running.
    I carry a gps tracking device every time I go for a walk and I notice that when I'm late to pick up the kids I average 4.5 from home to the school.
  • agreenmess
    agreenmess Posts: 94
    Hey everyone,

    Sorry ive not put anything in here for a while but i didnt want to confuse anyone with what i was doing and just thought i would do one post at the end of the week, but just noticed a few things, ive been doing both sides since monday :| for the weight training! argggg guess ive done enough to not to anymore lol

    on the treadmills and my gym i walk at 6 and have the hill gradent up at 6.5 is that counted as running then???? Any slower and im not really walking at the speed i want to lol.

    Monday: 6.4 miles walking
    270/135 reps of all three arm exercises on each arm (used a baked beans tin)

    Tuesday: 3 miles walking
    270/135 reps of all three arm exercises on each arm (used a baked beans tin)

    Wednesday: 3 miles walking
    270/135 reps of all three arm exercises on each arm (used a baked beans tin)

    Die Zombies Die lol, oh and im starting to really love this challenge!

    Nessy x :)
  • Chelle_D
    Chelle_D Posts: 33
    Hi, everyone!

    Sorry I haven't been very vocal lately. Been in a slump and trying to get out of it (I'm bi-polar). Anywhoo!!! I want to wish everyone well and tell you guys how fantastically awesome you are!!! Keep up the great work!!!

    Go team explosives!!!! :explode:
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Hey everyone!!! I finally made it home and am now waiting for my plane to Sacramento, it's never ending travel. Eek.

    Lash: Please don't go, just do the best you can and have fun with it! We have such. Great team going. :)

    Here are my results so far:

    Monday: walk/jog 6 miles (not sure how to log this for the challenge), 120 arm reps, and used my .22
    Tuesday: jogged 1.5 miles, 120 arm reps, and used my .22
    Wednesday: jogged 2 miles, no arms, and used my .22

    I'm really loving this challenge and I'm so glad I have such awesome teammates! keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    Reporting in for Wednesday and Thursday.

    Wed --- 2 mile walk

    Thurs ---- 2.5 mile walk/jog, All arm exercises completed

    Did you get my Monday and Tuesday reports. I forgot what they were so I didn't repost them? I'm feeling like Superwoman now! My dog is happier now too.
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Monday: 2.1 miles in 30 mins for a pace of 4.3 mph on 1% incline (jogging - treadmill) / 45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Tuesday: 3.1 miles in 50 mins for a pace of 3.7 mph on 1% incline (fast walking - treadmill) / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Wednesday: 2.1 miles in 30 mins for a pace of 4.3 mph on 1% incline (jogging - treadmill) / 45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Thursday: 2.1 miles in 30 mins for a pace of 4.3 mph on 1% incline (jogging - treadmill) / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Friday: --
    Saturday: --
    Sunday: --

    Today is also abs (did 126 crunches over the course of 5 sets) and Zumba class tonight. Feel the burn, right? I realized last night while sitting on my butt watching TV that my bras don't fit any more. :noway: The 40C bras that I've been wearing just aren't doing their job right these days. Luckily, I had some old ones that are 38D that I pulled out and they seem to be fitting just fine. :laugh: That's my random NSV for the day! I'm glad I hadn't gotten rid of these handful of em, cause I really don't have the extra $ to go out and buy more! They're really freakin' expensive, and that's an article of clothing I won't buy at a consignment store. :wink: LOL
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member

    my bras don't fit any more. :noway: The 40C bras that I've been wearing just aren't doing their job right these days. Luckily, I had some old ones that are 38D that I pulled out and they seem to be fitting just fine. :laugh: That's my random NSV for the day! I'm glad I hadn't gotten rid of these handful of em, cause I really don't have the extra $ to go out and buy more! They're really freakin' expensive, and that's an article of clothing I won't buy at a consignment store. :wink: LOL

    I went from a 52H, to a 40J... i havent bought new bras... i keep waiting for my boobs to shrink a little before I start buying bras; but they went UP... I was buying 46G before knowing it was the wrong size, and putting extenders in them to make them go around my back all the way; and the cup size was wrong but just dealt with bein a tad cramped (easier to find pretty bras in smaller sizes, nothing pretty about a 52H unless ur 90. Im 26. HELLOOO!!?? lol... anyway... Im wearing 46G's while being 40/42 J's.. dont know why i went up two cup sizes after losing 50lbs, its messed up.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Just thought I would pop in quickly and say how awesome you all are!! Fantastic work!!!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I ended up taking the day off. But I went to the beach and walked and swam a lot. then we hit a pool. I am sooooooooooooo tired, but strangely my kids are soooooooooooooo wired so I'll be up for a bit.

    Go Team :explode:
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Oh yeah and I caught a catfish at the beach today with a minnow net, while holding my 2 year old on my hip! I felt like I was on the show Survivor. lol. and really it's a good skill to have, I am not sure the grocery stores will be well stocked with protein after the ZA.
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member

    Reporting in for Wednesday and Thursday.

    Wed --- 2 mile walk

    Thurs ---- 6 miles of walking, All arm exercises completed

    Did you get my Monday and Tuesday reports. I forgot what they were so I didn't repost them? I'm feeling like Superwoman now! My dog is happier now too.
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    Posting for Wednesday and Thursday, too.

    Wednesday walked 1.88 miles. Not much. Thrown 6/12 hand grenades.
    Thursday walked 4.5 miles, run 2.5 miles. 1 hour of yoga ( too bad it doesn't count). Thrown 13/12 hand grenades. With the Heath wave I managed to drink all my water. I think today was the hottest day so far.

    Forgot to add, did all the arm exercise foe every day, pluse some legs ones.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Oh here are results so far....

    19/7: 2 miles and Strength completed
    20/7: 2 miles and Strength completed
    21/7: 2 miles completed
    22/7: 2 miles completed

    I sorry I haven't done extra but with the work load I already have that would be over doing it!!! :explode:
  • brokenxglass
    I'm taking your results thingy DeviantDarkwolf. :P

    19/7: 10 miles and Strength completed
    20/7: 6 miles and Strength completed
    21/7: 5 miles and Strength completed
    22/7: 5 miles and Strength completed

    Team, I haven't been able to do much extra this week. I'm incredibly busy with my job(I'm at work by 5:30am and home at 5-7pm, depending.) I usually work 7-9 hours a day, but I need extra hours to pay for my next year of school. I almost have enough money to pay for it, but not quite. I start on the 17th of August. I promise I'll try really hard to do some extra, but there doesn't seem to be enough time in the day. I have the best team ever. :-)

  • brokenxglass
    I almost forgot!

    My weapon this week is a frag grenade and my job with these little babies is to sleep 8 hours every day(I'm an insomniac and with my work I have a crappy sleep schedule..) A side from throwing frags at only 2 zombies on the 19th and at 5 zombies on the 20th, I've been successful. Good luck to everyone else.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Monday: Jogged 2miles
    Tuesday: Jogged 1mile; Walked 4.5miles.. 45 of each dumbbell excercise on each arm
    Wednesday: Jogged 1 mile; Walked 1.5miles.. 45 of each dumbell excercise on each arm
    Thursday: jogged 8minutes (1mile is 12), to get ahead for friday.
    friday: (its only 8am, just wanted to update for thursday)

    So just to be clear between tuesday/wednesday: Ive jogged enough to cover Tuesday (2miles), and walked enough to cover Wednesday/Thursday (3miles each day/6miles total).
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Monday: 2.1 miles in 30 mins for a pace of 4.3 mph on 1% incline (jogging - treadmill) / 45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Tuesday: 3.1 miles in 50 mins for a pace of 3.7 mph on 1% incline (fast walking - treadmill) / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Wednesday: 2.1 miles in 30 mins for a pace of 4.3 mph on 1% incline (jogging - treadmill) / 45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Thursday: 2.1 miles in 30 mins for a pace of 4.3 mph on 1% incline (jogging - treadmill) / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Friday: 3.1 miles in 50 mins for a pace of 3.7 mph on 1% incline (fast walking - treadmill) / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)/ 45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm
    Saturday: --
    Sunday: --

    I just wasn't feeling running today, so I walked instead (I got permission to do so as needed at the beginning of the week). I must have slept funny or did something in Zumba last night, because my lower back is bothering me today. On the up side, I can actually tell a difference in my flexibility from doing yoga every day (gotta throw those concussion grenades!). I'm still not flexible by any stretch of the imagination, but I am getting farther into the poses and holding them better as the week goes on.

    Oh, and this morning I weighed in at 206.2. Just gotta keep this up over the weekend so that I have a great number to put up for our team this week!!
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    I almost forgot!

    My weapon this week is a frag grenade and my job with these little babies is to sleep 8 hours every day(I'm an insomniac and with my work I have a crappy sleep schedule..) A side from throwing frags at only 2 zombies on the 19th and at 5 zombies on the 20th, I've been successful. Good luck to everyone else.

    I'm an insomniac too! This week I had my M-32s be water (seeing as I always float around 5-6 glasses and wanted to get a full 8...but next week I might have to steal your idea of 8 hours of sleep! That would probably be very helpful!

    BTW: Great job!!!!