Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • Chelle_D
    Chelle_D Posts: 33
    Hi guys... you are all doing an amazing job.... unfortunately i think i'm going to have to bow out and leave my spot for someone on the waiting list. I would like to keep you all as friends as I continue my journey on mfp. I'm finding this particular game a little too overwhelming... I find myself comparing my progress to others and not feeling good about myself - and I know that that's not what this challenge is about. I'm just not ready for this type of challenge.... hopefully in the f uture!!! Keep up the good work everyone!!

    *slow motion* Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Lash, don't bow out, baby girl! You can still do this!
  • Chelle_D
    Chelle_D Posts: 33
    Monday: 2 miles in 20 minutes
    Tuesday: 2 miles in 30 minutes
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Back in April when I truly first started exercising I was struggling with a sprained ankle that wouldn't heal. SO I took Advil and wore a brace and said a prayer. I did ok for awhile but I had to wear the brace if I did anything more than walking around the house. Then I started exercising more and my legs were eating each other - after one particular run I actually had blood smeared from the seam eating a hole in my flesh!!! and I was having to hold my floppy tummy cause it hurt when I ran. Sooo, I started wearing compression shorts to help my legs not scrape each other and it also hugged my tummy flap. Yay! Then I was stepping out my front door and rolled my other ankle-ouch! Then I kicked the recliner in my living room while trying to do jumping jacks and landed on my knee.

    To get ready to exercise in May I had to put 2 ankle braces, 1 knee brace, compression shorts, and a sports bra!

    I tell you all of this to say that I have worked super hard to get to where I am.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    The zombies spotted me so I threw two Molotov's I saw them catch alight and ran for it, running through the city I spotted another group of Zombies and hit them with another Molotov, after 2 miles of running I found a safe spot to then do some strength work, these zombies are stronger than I thought so need to get my muscles pumping. I still have 5 Molotov's in my backpack I will go out a bit later and use them on some of the living dead to clear my way for more running tomorrow.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Back in April when I truly first started exercising I was struggling with a sprained ankle that wouldn't heal. SO I took Advil and wore a brace and said a prayer. I did ok for awhile but I had to wear the brace if I did anything more than walking around the house. Then I started exercising more and my legs were eating each other - after one particular run I actually had blood smeared from the seam eating a hole in my flesh!!! and I was having to hold my floppy tummy cause it hurt when I ran. Sooo, I started wearing compression shorts to help my legs not scrape each other and it also hugged my tummy flap. Yay! Then I was stepping out my front door and rolled my other ankle-ouch! Then I kicked the recliner in my living room while trying to do jumping jacks and landed on my knee.

    To get ready to exercise in May I had to put 2 ankle braces, 1 knee brace, compression shorts, and a sports bra!

    I tell you all of this to say that I have worked super hard to get to where I am.

    You are truly awesome Jenny your determination is an inspiration!!!
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    Tuesday. I did 1.5 miles of elliptical at a lvl 6/12. I did 2 sets of 15 for all arm workouts. I did CLX today as well which worked arms so I didn't want to overdo the arms. Feeling good though and strong.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Hi guys... you are all doing an amazing job.... unfortunately i think i'm going to have to bow out and leave my spot for someone on the waiting list. I would like to keep you all as friends as I continue my journey on mfp. I'm finding this particular game a little too overwhelming... I find myself comparing my progress to others and not feeling good about myself - and I know that that's not what this challenge is about. I'm just not ready for this type of challenge.... hopefully in the f uture!!! Keep up the good work everyone!!

    Lash, u can do this. I was going to quit becuz I didn't wanna let the team down since I knew I wouldn't complete...after talking to the group, I decided to disabled in a sense and feel terrible that I prob wont finish, but im giving it my all...and we r all ok with that. U shouldn't let others progress hinder your..use it to push yourself. You don't have to push urself to do extra, just push urself to do as much as YOU can..don't keep the goal number in mind, just do ur best. I know what u r feeling, but we can do this...if not all the required miles, then at least a few. So what if so and so did 20miles already, what does it matter?? Think of how far u can go in 15weeks! Ill be around 220lbs; a weight I haven't been since junior high, and thanks to all this excercise I wont have to worry as much about loose skin, etc...excercise helps skin tighten. I got to where I am today by diet alone, but have been pushing through the last month with the addition of the excercise and now I have beautiful toned legs, and can actually see some muscle in my arm, etc...and I can only imagine what I will look like by the end of all this activity. I push myself much harder then I would if I wasn't in this group.
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    So, so tired. Just quickly reporting.

    Monday jogged 2.25 miles speed 5mph. Thrown 7 hand grenades. (Didn't use all 12)
    Tuesday jogged 1.69 miles speed 4mph. My muscles are sore from yesterday's run. Couldn't go any further or faster.
    Thrown 6 hand grenades. Damn water. Why are you so hard to drink?
    Do you think the zombies got me?

    Do we have to run 2 miles per day or we sum up the week?
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Monday: jogged 2miles
    tuesday: jogged 1mile; walked 4.5miles.. well..I actual jogged part of the way during our walk, but im counting it as walking cuz I don't know for how long I jogged...

    Before the week is over ill walk another 1.5miles in order for todays walk to count as 2days, and ill jog for 1mile to count for another day.

    I was gunna start the strength stuff today but the walk killed me (I didn't wanna go that far, but the group I was with pushed me farther than I should've..if I were on my own I woulda done 3miles, cuz I had to pop pain pills in order to make it back home :-(.

    But I don't forsee a problem with doing multiple days strength training in one day..I have a hip problem, not arm ones.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    So, so tired. Just quickly reporting.

    Monday jogged 2.25 miles speed 5mph. Thrown 7 hand grenades. (Didn't use all 12)
    Tuesday jogged 1.69 miles speed 4mph. My muscles are sore from yesterday's run. Couldn't go any further or faster.
    Thrown 6 hand grenades. Damn water. Why are you so hard to drink?
    Do you think the zombies got me?

    Do we have to run 2 miles per day or we sum up the week?

    Zombies didn't get u...and the 2miles a day is just. Way to look at it, its not what u have to do...u could do all the miles on one day if u wanted (although who would want to??) Lol
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Oh and I know im suppose to do some strength things...I have weights...know im suppose to do 45 a day.. but 45what...??

    For option A: You'll be required to do 30 reps of one arm dumbell rows, dumbbell straight punch and cross wood chops every other day in addition to your regular strength training regemin (easily divisable into 3 sets of 10 reps, modify as you see fit).

    For option B: You're required to do 45 reps of one arm dumbbell rows, dumbbell straight punch and cross wood chops every other day in addition to your regular strength training regemin (easily divisable into 3 sets of 15, modify as you see fit).

    If you are wondering what a cross wood chop is here's a link to show you :

    Great to see you Pink Princess thanks for being our cheerleader :bigsmile:

    Im sorry to be so moronic here...
    I did 45 dumbbell rows on one side, and 45 on the other side..
    I did 45 dumbbell chops on one side, and 45 on the other...
    and punches im guessing r as exactly how they sound, punching in front of u? I did 90 which would be 45 per side...

    Did I do that right? I used a 6.6lb weight..

    So now im still behind one day...unless im only suppose to do 45 total per excercise, and not 45 per side for each excercise, then im caught up?? Prob not with my luck lol
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Oh and I know im suppose to do some strength things...I have weights...know im suppose to do 45 a day.. but 45what...??

    For option A: You'll be required to do 30 reps of one arm dumbell rows, dumbbell straight punch and cross wood chops every other day in addition to your regular strength training regemin (easily divisable into 3 sets of 10 reps, modify as you see fit).

    For option B: You're required to do 45 reps of one arm dumbbell rows, dumbbell straight punch and cross wood chops every other day in addition to your regular strength training regemin (easily divisable into 3 sets of 15, modify as you see fit).

    If you are wondering what a cross wood chop is here's a link to show you :

    Great to see you Pink Princess thanks for being our cheerleader :bigsmile:

    Im sorry to be so moronic here...
    I did 45 dumbbell rows on one side, and 45 on the other side..
    I did 45 dumbbell chops on one side, and 45 on the other...
    and punches im guessing r as exactly how they sound, punching in front of u? I did 90 which would be 45 per side...

    Did I do that right? I used a 6.6lb weight..

    So now im still behind one day...unless im only suppose to do 45 total per excercise, and not 45 per side for each excercise, then im caught up?? Prob not with my luck lol

    Wait...every other day is all im suppose to do, not every day?

    Also, just to be clear... somedays im walking and others im jogging, but figured it'd be easier to stay consistant with the weights part of it and just keep that at 45, instead of 30 on walking days and 45 on jogging days.
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Strange question, I was on the treadmill earlier and was jogging (the fastest I've ever done) at 4.5.

    When I entered my exercise it called it "Walking" and "very, very brisk pace" Was it not jogging?

    ...because I was practically running...or does it call it walking because that's what it is for most and because I had short legs it was jogging for me...

    ...I don't know, looking at that over again, it makes me feel weird....
  • sineadgrowden
    dont no what weapon to use so a axe will do for the moment =)(axe= water)

    Monday: 3.1 miles in 15 mins pace of 5 mph
    0/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Tuesday: 5.5 miles in 30 mins pace of 6 mph
    135/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Wednesday: 6.2 miles in 34mins pace of 6 mph
    60/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight

    Thursday: .... miles in ...mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Friday: ... miles in ...mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Saturday: ... miles in ... mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Sunday: ... miles in ... mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    NEED TO DRINK MORE WATER (8 glasses+)!!

    we can do this team explosives :explode:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Strange question, I was on the treadmill earlier and was jogging (the fastest I've ever done) at 4.5.

    When I entered my exercise it called it "Walking" and "very, very brisk pace" Was it not jogging?

    ...because I was practically running...or does it call it walking because that's what it is for most and because I had short legs it was jogging for me...

    ...I don't know, looking at that over again, it makes me feel weird....

    Its running.. im 5'11 and 4.0 is such a fast walk im almost falling off treadmill, so id prob die at 4.5. I have shorter legs for a 5"11 person though, most of my height is in my torso (italians r built like that), but still..everyones pace is different. I can never keep up with my bf on walks, he's 6'1 and is normally portioned with longer legs. I can't imagine 4.5 being walking for anyone, but whatever...
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Ughh my calves r back to killing me, hard to walk again...jogging should be fun today.
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member

    Wait...every other day is all im suppose to do, not every day?

    Also, just to be clear... somedays im walking and others im jogging, but figured it'd be easier to stay consistant with the weights part of it and just keep that at 45, instead of 30 on walking days and 45 on jogging days.

    I asked that question thru the email system and its run/walk every day and only do the weights every other day. You're not supposed to weight train the same muscle groups on back to back days so that the rest day gives them a chance to heal.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member

    Wait...every other day is all im suppose to do, not every day?

    Also, just to be clear... somedays im walking and others im jogging, but figured it'd be easier to stay consistant with the weights part of it and just keep that at 45, instead of 30 on walking days and 45 on jogging days.

    I asked that question thru the email system and its run/walk every day and only do the weights every other day. You're not supposed to weight train the same muscle groups on back to back days so that the rest day gives them a chance to heal.

    Keep up the great work everyone!

    Its my legs that need to heal grr lol. My legs were killing me from stairs still when I started this challenge...and this challenge works legs 20x harder then the previous challenge and can't afford to take a couple day break like I could last week or else ill fall behind and not beable to catch up.
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Monday: 2.1 miles in 30 mins for a pace of 4.3 mph on 1% incline (jogging - treadmill) / 45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Tuesday: 3.1 miles in 50 mins for a pace of 3.7 mph on 1% incline (fast walking - treadmill) / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Wednesday: 2.1 miles in 30 mins for a pace of 4.3 mph on 1% incline (jogging - treadmill) / 45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Thursday: --
    Friday: --
    Saturday: --
    Sunday: --

    Did a different yoga video on Netflix today. It was called "Healing Yoga: For Aches and Pains." I was a pretty good video for stretching, but it uses a chair a lot. I really did get some great leg stretches out of it tho! If you have Netflix instant streaming and want a good, but gentle, stretch you should check it out. Its only 32 minutes long so its nice to do after a run/walk.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Monday: Jogged 2miles
    Tuesday: Jogged 1mile; Walked 4.5miles.. 45 of each dumbbell excercise on each arm
    Wednesday: Jogged 1 mile; Walked 1.5miles.. 45 of each dumbell excercise on each arm
    Thursday: (Off Day?)

    So just to be clear between tuesday/wednesday: Ive jogged enough to cover Tuesday (2miles), and walked enough to cover Wednesday/Thursday (3miles each day/6miles total). Ive done enough arm excercises to cover Monday/Wednesday (so still have Friday&Sunday to do strength).

    Depending on how I feel tomorrow (Thursday), I may beable to not skip a day of excercise; but my left leg is hard to walk on since last night, which is why I built up enough to cover me so I could take a break. My right leg is a lil tight, but not hard to excercise on. Stupid left leg, grrr