Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • brokenxglass
  • brokenxglass
    I almost forgot!

    My weapon this week is a frag grenade and my job with these little babies is to sleep 8 hours every day(I'm an insomniac and with my work I have a crappy sleep schedule..) A side from throwing frags at only 2 zombies on the 19th and at 5 zombies on the 20th, I've been successful. Good luck to everyone else.

    I'm an insomniac too! This week I had my M-32s be water (seeing as I always float around 5-6 glasses and wanted to get a full 8...but next week I might have to steal your idea of 8 hours of sleep! That would probably be very helpful!

    BTW: Great job!!!!

    Thanks. :)

    We could swap your M-32's for my frag grenades, if that's okay?
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    18/7: run 2.25 miles. 7/12 hand grenades
    19/7: run 1.69 miles. 6/12 hand grenades
    20/7: walked 1.88 miles. 6/12 hand grenades
    21/7: walked 4.5 miles. Run 2.5 miles. 13/12 hand grenades
    22/7: walked 3 miles. 12/12 hand grenades

    Really... cannot run today with 104 degrees.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Monday: Jogged 2miles
    Tuesday: Jogged 1mile; Walked 4.5miles.. 45 of each dumbbell excercise on each arm
    Wednesday: Jogged 1 mile; Walked 1.5miles.. 45 of each dumbell excercise on each arm
    Thursday: jogged 8minutes (1mile is 12), to get ahead for friday.
    friday: jogged 16minutes (2miles including time from thursday).

    So just to be clear between tuesday/wednesday: jogged enough to cover Tuesday (2miles), and walked enough to cover Wednesday/Thursday (3miles each day/6miles total).
  • Chelle_D
    Chelle_D Posts: 33
    Hey everyone. I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while. I was recently put in an intensive outpatient program in the hospital, and it's been taking all my time. Thus, I'm going to have to respectfully drop out of the challenge. My thanks to you all for being so sweet and allowing me to take part in this as I was able to. Please take care.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Just wanted to check in and say HI this morning!
    Chelle_D we are sad to see you leave but your health is priority 1.

    The boards seem pretty quiet, I hope we are not losing people!

    Go Team :explode:

    Oh yeah, what's for dinner tonight?
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Hey everyone. I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while. I was recently put in an intensive outpatient program in the hospital, and it's been taking all my time. Thus, I'm going to have to respectfully drop out of the challenge. My thanks to you all for being so sweet and allowing me to take part in this as I was able to. Please take care.

    I'm so sorry to here that!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope everything is ok?
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while. I was recently put in an intensive outpatient program in the hospital, and it's been taking all my time. Thus, I'm going to have to respectfully drop out of the challenge. My thanks to you all for being so sweet and allowing me to take part in this as I was able to. Please take care.

    You take care Chelle D health comes first, thanks for being on our team :flowerforyou:
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member

    The boards seem pretty quiet, I hope we are not losing people!

    Sorry guys that I haven't been on much I have been really pushing myself lately trying to get balance in my life, and part of that meant I can't come on MFP as much as I like to. But I am still chugging along. However the challenge this week has flared up an old ligament ankle injury I have :grumble: I will be glad once this week is over to tell the truth!! I hope next weeks challenge doesn't involve legs hahaha, well can dream can't I?

    Also just wondering where/who we are meant to be giving our results to? Do we just post them here for you Athena or do we send them to Tentacle?

    My results so far look like this...
    19/7: 2 miles and Strength completed
    20/7: 2 miles and Strength completed
    21/7: 2 miles completed
    22/7: 2 miles completed
    23/7: 2 miles and strength completed

    I may be injured but I am trying my hardest guys :explode:
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member

    The boards seem pretty quiet, I hope we are not losing people!

    Sorry guys that I haven't been on much I have been really pushing myself lately trying to get balance in my life, and part of that meant I can't come on MFP as much as I like to. But I am still chugging along. However the challenge this week has flared up an old ligament ankle injury I have :grumble: I will be glad once this week is over to tell the truth!! I hope next weeks challenge doesn't involve legs hahaha, well can dream can't I?

    Also just wondering where/who we are meant to be giving our results to? Do we just post them here for you Athena or do we send them to Tentacle?

    My results so far look like this...
    19/7: 2 miles and Strength completed
    20/7: 2 miles and Strength completed
    21/7: 2 miles completed
    22/7: 2 miles completed
    23/7: 2 miles and strength completed

    I may be injured but I am trying my hardest guys :explode:

    Because I have not heard otherwise, I plan to post my totals here on the board and also send them in a message to mrtentaclenun.

    I got a sunburn today for the first time in years. - I am totally pouting.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    I got a sunburn today for the first time in years. - I am totally pouting.

    Not good darl make sure you get some Aloe or moisturizer on it.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I've got some spray stuff that is awesome! Aloe and lidocaine combo - plus you don't have to rub it.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    My results:
    Monday: 5 miles jogged (4treadmill +1 mile real life) 9/9 bouncing betties
    Tuesday: 2 miles jogged (in place) 45 reps of 3 arms 10/9 bouncing betties
    Wednesday 4 miles jogged (elliptical) 9/9 bouncing betties
    Thursday: -- 2 miles jogged (pavement) 30 reps of 3 arm exercises 9/9 bouncing betties
    Friday: -- 2 miles jogged (1treadmill, 1 pavement)
    Saturday: -- 2 miles jogged (elliptical) 45 reps of 3 arms 8/9 bouncing betties
    Sunday: -- 2 miles jogged (elliptical) 10/9 bouncing betties

    Start weight 196
    week 1 weight 197 (penalty)
    Current weight 195

    I am super disappointed in my weigh in. I am hoping that it is water from my muscles being sore and maybe even my sunburn??
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member

    Friday ---Rest Day

    Saturday--Jogged/walked 2.8miles also did arm workouts (all)

    Sorry, I haven't been posting much. But, I'm still in this. I will report today's accomplishments at the end of my day Pacific Time. Keep it going ladies/gents. We are doing good!!
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Everyone is doing great keep up the good work!!!!

    I'm already out in the country with 14.5 miles! I didn't realized I needed that extra 1/2 mile...but it didn't hurt. I just didn't want to overdo this week while I'm sick. Weight loss wasn't as good as I wanted it to be...just a -1.2 lbs difference...but I guess I still have a day until I need to weigh in...

    Gotta go to lunch with my boyfriend and his mom...god help me....oh one can help me now...
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Monday: 2.1 miles in 30 mins for a pace of 4.3 mph on 1% incline (jogging - treadmill) / 45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Tuesday: 3.1 miles in 50 mins for a pace of 3.7 mph on 1% incline (fast walking - treadmill) / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Wednesday: 2.1 miles in 30 mins for a pace of 4.3 mph on 1% incline (jogging - treadmill) / 45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Thursday: 2.1 miles in 30 mins for a pace of 4.3 mph on 1% incline (jogging - treadmill) / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)
    Friday: 3.1 miles in 50 mins for a pace of 3.7 mph on 1% incline (fast walking - treadmill) / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)/ 45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm
    Saturday: REST DAY
    Sunday: 2 miles in 30 mins for a pace of 4.0 mph on 1% incline (jogging - treadmill) / 30 mins of hatha yoga (concussion grenades)/ 45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm.

    I feel crummy and I'm up in weight from Friday to 207.9. :indifferent: I know its just water weight from the crap food I ate yesterday, but still. Ugh. Going on Vacation to Hilton Head Island with my family this upcoming weekend, so I hope this week's challenge will be something I can do there! On the up side, I'll be spending LOTS of time swimming in the ocean, so I"ll be getting a work out, just have to eat right while I'm there as well.

    Will be sending in this list as soon as I'm done posting here. :smile:
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Here a quick recap of my week:

    19/7: 2 miles and Strength completed
    20/7: 2 miles and Strength completed
    21/7: 2 miles completed
    22/7: 2 miles completed
    23/7: 2 miles and strength completed
    24/7: 2 miles completed
    25/7: 2 miles and strength to be completed (will have this done before time is up)

    Weight loss: 0 (as I had a big loss last week, glad it's not a gain and hope it means I am gaining muscle mass)

    You guys have done great very proud of you all :explode:
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Hi Team!!!!! Sorry I've been a little MIA, this trip has been insane so far. It was really hard to work on this challenge with the road trip, the car break down, and then flying out for a wedding....but I think I managed to pull it off ok :)

    Monday: combo walk/jog 6 miles, 120 arm reps, 8/8 from my rifle
    Tuesday: jogged 1.5 miles, 120 arm reps, 8/8 from my rifle
    Wednesday: jogged 2 miles, no arms, 8/8 from my rifle
    Thursday: walked 3.25 miles, no arms, 8/8 from my rifle
    Friday: no miles, no arms, 8/8 from my rifle (rehearsal dinner and wedding prep)
    Saturday: no miles, no arms, 5/8 from my rifle (wedding!)
    Sunday: jogged 4 miles, 120 arm reps, 8/8 from my rifle

    16.75 miles, 360 arm reps, and 53/56 from my rifle

    Current weight 174 lbs (only a .5 loss)

    Hopefully on a somewhat normal schedule the next couple of weeks, so I should be able to check MFP more! Good job team!!!
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    Week wrap up.

    18/7: run 2.25 miles. 7/12 hand grenades
    19/7: run 1.69 miles. 6/12 hand grenades
    20/7: walked 1.88 miles. 6/12 hand grenades
    21/7: walked 4.5 miles. Run 2.5 miles. 13/12 hand grenades
    22/7: walked 3 miles. 12/12 hand grenades
    23/7: out of town. did nothing
    24/7: walked 1 mile. run 3 miles.

    All arms exercises done.
  • sineadgrowden
    Monday: 3.1 miles in 15 mins pace of 5 mph
    0/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Tuesday: 5.5 miles in 30 mins pace of 6 mph
    135/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Wednesday: 6.2 miles in 34mins pace of 6 mph
    60/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight

    Thursday: 4.3 miles in 24mins pace of 6 mph
    0/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Friday: ... miles in ...mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Saturday: ... miles in ... mins pace of 6 mph
    .../45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    Sunday: 8 miles in 50 mins pace of 6 mph
    45/45 reps of three arm exercises on each arm (9lb weight)

    NEED TO DRINK MORE WATER (8 glasses+)!!

    we can do this team explosives :explode: