Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Everyone is doing fantastic!!!!

    Keep up the great work!!!

    Midweek totals are as follows:

    Steps needed as a group to complete the goal: 27,000
    Steps we have taken as a team: 26,521
    The difference: 479!!!!!!!!!

    That's right, less than 500 steps to go!

    Hey guys, what do you think about showing those other teams up? Lets say the new goal for the group is 50,000? What do you think?

    Do you think we can do it? I think we can!!!!!!!!

    We have some powerhouses on our team but I think that everyone could get at least 1800 steps for the week! (Chelle_D, seeing as this is you have come in mid-week, your goal is at least 900 steps.)

    I think we can show Ranged and Melee what we're made of!

    Again, great work, everyone!
  • mrtentaclenun
    mrtentaclenun Posts: 179 Member
    ATTENTION: Challenge of the Living Dead members: Weigh in's are do by Monday at 9PM!!! And no later! This will not be a weekly thing, however I make the spreadsheets and track loss etc and Tuesday I fly out to Michigan and will have zero time to make/post the sheets. If I do not have you weights by the time I finish the spreadsheets you will be put as +1lb. If you cannot give it to me Monday for whatever reason, please weigh in Sunday. Also: Be sure to tell me how many stairs you did when you weigh in!! Thank you guys!!!
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member

    Hey guys, what do you think about showing those other teams up? Lets say the new goal for the group is 50,000? What do you think?

    Do you think we can do it? I think we can!!!!!!!!

    I think we can show Ranged and Melee what we're made of!

    I am totally keen for it!!! We are rocking and can so do this!!!! I will try to pump out a big number tomorrow!! :)
  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    Hey guys.. sorry that i've not been around.. these past couple days have been solid with appointments for me.... tonight is going to be a night of stairs though.. so i will post back then.. :)

    Happy Friday!!
  • brokenxglass
    Frid/1000 so far.

    Now that I know we're shooting for 50,000, I'll put in another 1000-2000 today. It's only 8am anyways. Also, I realized yesterday morning that I'm not counting the stairs I go up each day without actually exercising. I go up and down the stairs a million friggin times a day! 2 story house and my room's at the top. In the morning I come up and down the stairs tons(I know we just count up) because I always forget something. Yesterday I counted the times I went up the stairs and it was 33 times! There's 13 stairs , so that's 429 stairs without trying!

    Now I don't know what I should do. Should I add 429 stairs to each day or just yesterday and from now on?
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    Last night I was too tired to log in. Sorry.
    Here are my numbers so far

    Day1: 730
    Day2: 520
    Day3: 432

    With today I'll go over 1800. Where do we stand compared to the other groups? It looks like everybody is doing lots of stairs.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Someone asked about how many lbs we've lost...I've lost 3lbs so far, and expect prob close to double that cuz this week every month I lose the most weight..just how my body does it...lose nothing for 2weeks or lose the same 2lbs over and over for those 2weeks, and lose alot the other two weeks of the month...awh the pleasure of being female.

    Yesterday when I finished the stairs I was fine, but hours later, before bed, my calf muscles were pretty tight. Now that its morning, I can hardly walk they r so tight...hopefully they'll feel better later, but I've already done my 1800 so I wont fall behind... ill do extra when I can; but can't guarentee I can double my number by monday..
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Tuesday: 400
    Wednesday: 320
    Thursday: 480
    Friday: 640

    Total (so far): 1840

    YES! Reached my goal of 1800! :bigsmile: I'm going on a day trip tomorrow for a BBQ pilgrimage (don't judge, I'm from Memphis, bbq IS a religion in these parts :laugh: ) to Big Bob Gibson's BBQ in Decatur, AL and then to the Air and Space Museum in Huntsville so I don't know how many stairs I'll be getting in. I'll try and do some before we leave and then when we get back, plus who knows how many stair cases are in the museum!?

    I'm not the stairs powerhouse a lot of you lovely folks are, but I think I'm holding my own! :happy:

    Lets go Team Explosives! :explode:
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Ok here are my stairs so far:

    Tuesday: 400
    Wednesday: 500
    Thursday: 320

    Total (so far): 1220

    I'm definitely going to do a bunch later tonight. I made the mistake of doing all of the step ups on Wednesday leading with my right leg (I just didn't even think about it) and it is sooooooooo beyond sore. I will be leading with my left tonight to even it up...definitely won't make that mistake again.

    I leave on Sunday for a cross country road trip, so I'll be weighing in early and also trying to get as many stairs done in the next two days as possible. Go Team Explosives!!!!
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Goal: 27,000



    You guys have really pushed me to up my game! I'm gonna start stretching so I can help get us to 50,000 :)

    GO TEAM!
  • brokenxglass
    I'm contimplating whether or not to do more stairs today...I've done 3500 today, but feel like I should do some more. I like the feeling in my calf muscles when I do it. Lol.

    Verdict:I'll do some more. I have a birthday party tomorrrow, I'm going to Lake County the day after that, and I'm going to Reno the day after that, so I'm pretty stretched for time. If I want to help us get to 50,000 steps, I have to put in a major effort! My goal is to do another 1500 today and 800-1000 tomorrow(I don't have time to do more with the party. We can do this people! Good Luck!
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    I decided to just go use the stairmaster at the gym and to take the routes through campus that have stairs.

    Tuesday: 400
    Wednesday: 500
    Thursday: 320
    Friday: 1360!!!!!!!!!!

    Total so far: 2580

    I will do a bunch again tomorrow, but Sunday will be pretty much stair-less since I'll be spending 12 hours in the car! Anyone have any road trip exercise tips? I'll be driving 12 hrs/day for 2 days! Yuck!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I decided to just go use the stairmaster at the gym and to take the routes through campus that have stairs.

    Tuesday: 400
    Wednesday: 500
    Thursday: 320
    Friday: 1360!!!!!!!!!!

    Total so far: 2580

    I will do a bunch again tomorrow, but Sunday will be pretty much stair-less since I'll be spending 12 hours in the car! Anyone have any road trip exercise tips? I'll be driving 12 hrs/day for 2 days! Yuck!

    Dancing in the car; keeping abs tight. it always works for me LOL
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Goal: 27,000



    You guys have really pushed me to up my game! I'm gonna start stretching so I can help get us to 50,000 :)

    GO TEAM!

    Woo-hooo - take that Zombies!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I did 425 steps today. Unfortunately the (mean) people that live 3 stories up were moving today and the stairwell was occupied mostly all day.

    I am having a big disconnect between how many calories I am burning v what I think I have done. I don't feel like I burned as many calories as MFP says I did today. and yesterday. I hope the scale moves soon.:ohwell:
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    1800/1900 total

    Just add 100 for friday...the down stairs r killing my calf muscles...I can do the upstairs just find. I tried to do my 30day shred and I couldn't do part of it cuz of my calves.. hopefully better tomorrow. A friend of mine is on team melee and she's talking about how she did 2400stairs in 30minutes and now she's gunna do steps while she watches a movie for an hour and a half..... my first day I did 1200 and couldn't move next day, now sure how ppl r crankin out multiple thousands a day. Although last week I considered myself disabled due to my hip, so these stairs r more difficult for me than a regular person I suppose.

    Im about to go up some stairs to get in my house, maybe ill end up doin sum more, if I can even walk to the sitting in the car... lol. Legs hurt to bad to get out.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Ok! 2000! Lol. Instead of running up stairs and back down, I just did one step over and over again and that helped my calves alot...but too slow and boring to continue on with that...just gunna wait till im better and do a **** ton in one day
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    I just want to say that I am so, so, so proud of all of Team Explosives. We are seriously kicking this challenge's butt! I don't think we've even needed to use any explosives against the zombies, we're just too fast for them!!!!!!!!! Keep up the great work, can't wait to see what our final number is!
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Heya all so I did a bit of an experiment today. As it has been raining here I have been having to use a make shift step. It was taking me 9 mins to do 300. Well finally had a fine day and I have 3 steps out my back door. Tried on those and completed 300 in 5 mins. So that kind-of sucks for me, as the inside step I am having to step up with both legs then back down with both legs for it to be counted as 1 grrrr. So moral of the story inside step takes a lot longer and is way more effort, so if you all can find a flight of stairs that is the way to go. *vent over* :)
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Okay totals for me so far:

    Day1: 1000
    Day2: 1000
    Day3: 500
    Day4: 1400

    Total: 3900