Challenge of the Living Dead - TEAM EXPLOSIVES! [CLOSED]



  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    So far I did 730+520 = 1250 I might get more done tonight. I'm down in the basement right now and eventually will have to go back upstairs. :)
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    1000 done so far I will see if I can manage to do some more after my other exercises. Total =2000 so far :)
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    So far I did 730+520 = 1250 I might get more done tonight. I'm down in the basement right now and eventually will have to go back upstairs. :)

    Ha ha - I hope it is still a zombie free basement!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    My weekly is at 650up now. I have a sinus infection so I am hoping that it will get better soon so I can step it up a little.

    Real stairs users - As for the going down stairs not counting - in the end it is to our benefit, we are burning some extra calories and burning some extra muscles to boot! I am grateful they cleared it up at the beginning of the week so we can adjust accordingly. Which leads me to the following story:

    I thought there was a stair-stepper at my apartment gym so I bebopped down there, flung the door open, only to see... no stair stepper. I groaned and let the door close. Halfway home I realized there was only one black man in the gym and he may have thought my reaction was to him, so I spun around and walked back and said, "sorry if I seemed rude or crazy I was looking for a stairstepper to fulfill a zombie challenge." to which her replied "Were you in here before?" He never heard or saw me. lol
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    BTW- Thanks for the post Athena!
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    I wonder how many extra we will have to do to get the bonus? I may have to go into spy mode and see how the other teams are doing. I think we are doing fantastic already but if I know I need to boost it I will :)
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Ok, everyone, here is the new update:

    Total Steps Needed by Group: 27,000
    Team Explosives Totals: 18,542
    (This includes Me, cobylea, babybluz33, miw14, DeviantDarkwolf, annacataldo, scantrll, brokenxglass, agreenmess, sineadgrowden, LASH3S, makena78, gnoccola, and Jennyisbusy)

    I'm just waiting to hear from xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx and we'll have out full totals!

    But.... GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!!!

    All right so ACowboyKid asked me to post the rules so here it goes:


    1. NO CHEATING. Seriously people, its not like we're going to hunt you down to find out if your fibbing but if we find out you will be booted from the team. Its pretty lame if you're lying on a little online competition that is aimed to help you. Not to mention you'd only be hurting yourself.

    2. WEIGH-INS AND CHECK INS. are Mondays from July 11th to October 24th. So that makes this challenge a 15 week competition which, honestly, is a good amount of time for people to reach their goal weights/goal fitness level/whatever you kids are doing these days.You don't check in one week then you are penalized a pound. If you know you are going away or cannot reply one week please notify your captain of the week or whatever and we'll make sure you'll be excepted. If you go two weeks without a notification sent to a captain then you will be booted off the team.

    4. ACCEPTING/NOT ACCEPTING NEW INDIVIDUALS. When the teams reach 15 members each we close the teams. If someone is booted off the team they will be played out to either be dead or zombified in the scenario then we will be more than happy to open up and accept a new member or someone from the waiting list into the spot.

    5. GRADING. Seeing as we want this to be fair for all individuals the teams will be graded in a little unusual manner. Members will go off of their own weight loss percentage (so the weight they have lost from their total weight will be added into the teams... er... fat pot). This will account for 50% of the total team's grade. The other 50% will come from the physical challenges (remember people we are preparing for the zombie apocalypse) where each person is able to gain 10 points each week by doing the challenge.

    6. CHATTING ON TEAM/MAIN THREADS. Please do so! Make friends. Build a support system. Besides chopping/shooting off imaginary zombie heads that's the fun of this thing. This is not some roleplaying game but this isn't intended to only be something where you talk about zombies either (although always welcome!).

    7. CHALLENGES. Our challenges are physical and will last over a weeks period of time and on Monday weigh-ins members must post their challenge results as well. Reporting your progress through out the week is highly encouraged but not required (this might change as time goes on). I'm also currently tossing around the idea of giving a few point bonuses to teams who complete the physical challenges the fastest as a whole. Also we are hoping to make it so challenges will be both a strength challenge for the week and a cardio challenge seeing as both are very important. If you find a challenge to be too easy or too difficult please contact your captain or myself and we can try to modify it to better suit your abilities. As time goes on we will be making the challenges more difficult.

    8. WANNA MAKE THIS BETTER? Please, if you guys have any ideas how to make this even better let us know. We might not take your idea but we will definitely love to have some input. I want this to be awesome for you guys and I'm just getting it off the ground so any ideas/tips/etc are more than welcome and greatly appreciated. =]

    The rules are also on the original topic!
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Seriously, Team Explosive is rocking this Challenge!

    We have less than 8,500 steps left!

    We are so close to getting out of this building! AND WE'RE NOT EVEN HALFWAY THROUGH THE WEEK!!!!!! Great Job!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    In the rules we might get extra points for being the first team done...Idk how other teams r, but we r kickin *kitten*! We'll prob have it done tomorrow lol...or today depnding on ur time zone ;-)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    Xxx princess hasn't done any yet, so the number u posted athena is correct.

    Athena, there's a set of rules ur missing, she wanted u to post the rules regarding negativity, and such... I saw a post about it on the melee team forum.
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Oops, ok...stolen for the Melee team board:

    "This will be our thread throughout the whole challenge so please do not lose this page. Also I want to make note that anyone who is seen being negative towards another player, talking down to another player or anyone letting a discussion get heated will lead you to receive a swift boot off the team and out of the game. There are plenty of others who would love to play. "

    Got it?!?

    We don't have to worry about that, right? We're an awesome team who can get the job done, right? RIGHT!
  • agreenmess
    agreenmess Posts: 94
    Morning everyone,

    Seems i am the first to wake (might help being in the UK lol!)

    How did everyone do yesterday??

    Nessy x
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Well, I work nights so I'm up too!

    I did another 300 when I got home from work, couldn't hurt right? right calf muscle is in agony.... just the right one.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    All I can say is AWESOME this team truly is the BOMB!!! and speaking of which I thought I would list some Explosive Weapons please feel free to add to it as I got distracted hahaha.

    *Cluster Bombs
    *Roadside Bombs
    *Blast Bomb
    *Nail Bomb
    *Stun Grenades
    *Chili Grenades
    *Time Bomb
    *Molotov Cocktail
    *Lob Bomb
    *Land Mine
    *Mine-clearing line charge

  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Oh and one more thing I was thinking of "P.O.D Boom" as our team song just a suggestion, it's a good sound to workout to as well :)
  • sineadgrowden
    mon=1000 steps
    tue=1500 steps
    :bigsmile: keep them coming peps we are doing AWESOME!!!!!!

    my weapon isnt very explosive but will do damage...chainsaw lol

    hava good night/day/afternoon or what ever is is were you are xx nite guys
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Xxx princess hasn't done any yet, so the number u posted athena is correct.

    Athena, there's a set of rules ur missing, she wanted u to post the rules regarding negativity, and such... I saw a post about it on the melee team forum.

    I have I have done 300 :(

    Sorry I just noticed this notice board

  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    Not to worry, xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx, you're doing great!

    Now I have officially heard from everyone, keep me updated with your totals and I'll add them to the spread sheet I'm working on :)

    Oh, and DeviantDarkwolf, I'd like to use the M-32 (Grenade Launcher), it's my personal favorite :)
  • athenawho
    athenawho Posts: 253
    By the way everyone, please stretch before and after the challenges, I'm feeling the strain on my right calf muscle.

    If you know any great stretches to get rid of the stiffness, please share :)

    I like the butterfly position.

    Also sitting on the ground with the stiff leg outstretched, flex and bend your foot then lean over and pull your to foot toward you.

    Remember if your sore don't over do it! Stretch it out, take a break, try again later. This is a Competition but I'd rather we all be safe and healthy!

    You guys are awesome!
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    By the way everyone, please stretch before and after the challenges, I'm feeling the strain on my right calf muscle.

    If you know any great stretches to get rid of the stiffness, please share :)

    You guys are awesome!

    My favorite stretching DVD is called "Candlelight Yoga" which is on Netflix instant watch (if you have netflix). Its around 45 minutes long of purely stretching and relaxation yoga - no power yoga. I love to do this video if I'm feeling stiff after a hard workout! Its total body from shoulders, to hips to legs. :smile: