Sexy In Six : Week 3 !!



  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Deb, thanks but I sure can't say size 8 just yet :wink: ..but the fact that an 8 is the next size down still confuses me to no end :laugh:

    AmyLou, the important part is just to move on from it!

    So, I'm doing a good job right now of fighting off the urge to let the scale determine my mood. I've still been weighing in every day although after Tuesday I'm going back to 1x / week. Seeing weight fluctuate UP is a pain when you know you deserve it, but seeing it fluctuate like that when you know it's unwarranted is such a bummer. I know I'll have a loss this week although today the scale read at least 2 lbs higher than it should. I did some good muscle work yesterday which I know can really retain water, but it's still just annoying to see, you know? Plus I still never know when TOM is near. As I've mentioned before, I've only recently started getting AF again since the birth of my son (which is awesome - I got pregnant with him the first cycle after my daughter's birth and it took 18 months for AF to come back after Leith so I haven't had to deal with this since the beginning of 2004!!! :noway: SO, my body is still totally unpredictable since I've only had a couple of cycles. That's annoying from a scale-watching perspective!!)

    Anyway, just wanted to check in. Off for a couple hours at the gym!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    SLOW DAY!!

    Had a great time at the gym - did work-out 1 of C25K running program before my class. Cass, thanks for telling us about it!!! I hope everyone is out enjoying the weather!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    what a weekend glad it's over with and all the bad gone.
    thanks shanell been thinking about the new lap all weekend. dad agreed. he said my stomache use to almost teach my knees.
    shanell told me this weekend i now have a lap. she has never seen me with one.:noway:
    tomorrow i have my 1 hour free personal trainer at the gym i joined. checked it out yesterday, really liked what i saw. can't wait to go. might even take a sauna afterwards.
    well, off to take a bath and put my jammies on.
    night all.
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Weekends are so rough for me. :ohwell: I find that sometimes I forget to eat. I skipped lunch today maybe it was because I had such a late breakfast. But came dinner time I had over 1,000 calories.:noway: Here's my menu for today.

    B- Egg and cheese sandwich
    S- Pumpkin cookie that my daddy made that are soooooooooo good.
    D- Baked chicken strips and fries w/salad and spray dressing
    S- I have over 600 cals so I'll have something later tonight for my treat.

    Well, tomorrow starts my work week. Hope everyone has a good night. I'm hoping to really get back into it and I want to start exercising.

  • orkide
    orkide Posts: 20
    I just gained 2.5 pounds, have had the worst week and am trying to get back on track
    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Cathy, Shanell, a new week and a new start! You can both do it! And Cathy, congrats on the lap! :wink:

    So, I just sat down and planned out an exercise schedule for myself for the next 3 months (since you should switch things up in your work out routine every 2-4 months depending on how varied it is). I have something every day but some days are fairly light. Obviously the constraints of the inherently unpredictable schedule of 2 little children will mean it can't be set in stone, but I'll do my best! I decided to do this because I am starting the C25K challenge as well as the 100 push-up challenge and I wanted to fit those in along with the rest of my work outs, classes and schedule so that my muscles will get proper recovery time. Here's what it looks like:
    Mondays: Dance Class (evening)
    Tuesdays: C25K outdoors (I live in a temperate rain forest climate so we have super mild winters) then 100 push-up challenge both in the morning, then advanced step class at noon
    Wednesdays: advanced step class (evening)
    Thursdays: C25K & muscle work at the gym (evening) .. probably abs, glutes, lower body, lower back?
    Fridays: NYC Ballet Workout (early morning at home), 100 push up challenge (mid-afternoon)
    Saturdays: Cardio class (morning)
    Sundays: C25K, 100 push up challenge then step class (morning)

    So I'll see how that goes. I always have room to improvise, but I figure if I've got a concrete option every day of the week it can help me stay on my toes! Oh, and I plan on taking a few days in a row off every 3-4 weeks depending on how closely I manage to stick to it. I'll also throw in 3 days of VERY clean eating but not calorie counting every 3-4 weeks opposite to when I take my rest days. The whole thing is designed to be a balance between my metabolism trusting the predictability of its rest, food and work schedule but being kept on its toes. Let's hope it works out for me :tongue:
    Well I'm exhausted and need to sleep!! Amy, Cass, Kristin... haven't heard much from you gals! CHECK IN!! :flowerforyou: And to everyone else, let's hit another Monday head-on!!! It's our last day before week FOUR begins! The end will be here before you know it. Where do YOU want to be?

  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Greetings from your long lost sista! :laugh:

    I got back from downstate last Wednesday, and felt I did ok, although we did eat fast food on the way up. I stepped on the scale and was up a half pound Thursday morning, although I didn't come on here and post it like I should have. Then, we had a birthday party last weekend, on Halloween, and I was pissy about the birthday kid not letting me know what kind of cake he wanted... And because we had let one of the other kids take the xbox controllers to another party, and they came home with sticky buttons. My husband started making snide comments to him about it, and when I pointed out that it wasn't as if he dumped soda on the controllers, and if someone else did, it wasn't his fault... After that, I got the brunt of the snide comments. It was not a constructive arguement, with me finally saying that if I couldn't fix them, I'd buy new ones, out of my paycheck, so it's no loss for him, so what was he all pissed off about, and why doesn't he just shut up. And he responded that I must think he's a wussy (although wussy wasn't the word he used). It only went downhill from there. Like I said, not constructive at all...

    So I ate this weekend. A lot. And every bite was delicious. Imagine my surprise when I stepped on the scale this morning, and I'm down a pound from Thursday. How the heck did that happen?

    But.... I need to get myself under control, because I know if I keep just eating the leftover burgers and cake, the scale will tip the other way. I don't usually medicate my moods with food, so I don't know really why I did this time, but I'm finding it hard to stop myself. Lucky for me, my body is making me stop... I started feeling icky last night, and still am not feeling well, so light, easy on my belly foods today.

    Hope you all are doing well, sorry to dump on everyone....
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning gals. Sorry I didn't get a chance to post yesterday. This weekend has been CRAZY! Saturday we left EARLY for Cedar Rapids to help my grandparent in-laws to move into their brand new house (which is AMAZING BTW!) We were packing and unpacking all day. I had a good breakfast that morning, but then just a few snacks throughout the day. Then they took us to the Pizza Ranch for dinner where I ate probably more than I should have...but without eating during the day, I was STARVING! Then home that evening and to bed. Sunday my husband and I tackled the yard and I cleaned the house and did laundry. I got a run in with the dogs but again didn't really eat during the day and then had a HUGE dinner. Plus...I hardly drank any water this weekend. So I feel like crap today and am SO ready to get back on the ball and step things up a bit! I'm VERY scared about weighing in tomorrow...but I guess it's part of life and if I've gained, it's just more motivation for the next week. I've kinda been stuck for a while, and it sucks because although I do have some not-so-ideal days, there are lots of times when I do really well and still no loss for the week. So...we will see. I may need to re-evaluate my meal plans and exercise. I will check back in a while with my meal plan for the day. Have a good morning!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Good morning ladies!!

    Hope everyone's weekend was fantastic!!

    I went out with friends Saturday night, had 3 drinks- 2 budlight with limes(like 110cals each) and then about 2oz of vodka and 4oz of regular sprite..not sure how many cals but I was safe on cals so I wasnt worried about it!!

    My friends were sooo amazed at my weight loss progress and they were really inspired lol. It felt good, they were all complimenting me and saying that I was such a strong person for being able to accomplish so much at the same time! (School, mommy, work, weight loss) I really have great supportive friends :) (Besides you amazing ladies!!!)

    I am battling a cold that started on Saturday... My daughter is sick along with me so we are taking a sick day from school today. I am just completely in awe at how much I have gone through this semester at school..Car accident that resulted in what 5 weeks of PT, the painful swollen lymph gland that has FINALLY subsided as of Saturday, the stomach pains which they think could be an ulcer, problems with my blood pressure still being borderline hypertensive, and I was just getting back into picking up my exercise routine and bam this cold hits..I know my professors are like wow, there is always something with her..but I promise I am normally pretty healthy lol I am keeping up with my grades and doing well luckily so they can tell I am a good student. Ahh... luckily only about 4 weeks left of school then we have winter break lol. Just had to kinda vent about that cuz its been frustrating for me to keep having these health setbacks!

    Yesterday I didnt exercise, was really tired and just studied and did some HW. I ate a protein bar for breakfast yesterday..then lunch..:ohwell: I didnt choose well- Wendy's fast food- a homestyle chicken sandwich(the fried one) with no mayo and the FF... It was good, and I was still within cals since I didnt eat anything else yesterday..just had no appetite from this cold after lunch (and proly the high cals in Wendy's food kept my body satiated for the rest of the day). Its been literally like 3-4 months since I had FF, so I think that is okay.

    Today the plan..
    Foodwise- probably just some soup and crackers. Cheese string thing and fruit for snacks. May get a protein shake in if I am hungry later.

    I am going to go light on exercise- just weight machines at the gym, and 30 min on elliptical or treadmill or 20 min on both on low settings.

    I will check in later lol :wink:

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Okay, so there were some questionable weekends around here it seems! Just get back on ladies!! :happy:

    Kristin, I know how it feels to look forward to getting back to it!! Good for you :smile:

    Katy, not another cold!!! How frustrating! I'm really healthy too and I know once when I had a few months that just kept bringing SOMETHING my way I felt like such a wuss. We know it's not YOU. Get better hon :flowerforyou:

    Robin, sounds frustrating!! Get back on track today :wink:

    As for me, I am absolutely :explode: this morning. I'm STILL weighing in above where I should be although a pound less than yesterday... which at least suggests it is probably (or hopefully) water. But it still doesn't add up. I know weight fluctuates naturally but it's usually because of deviations in water consumption, sodium intake and so on and so on. I just don't get it! But I just need to keep chugging along and doing what I'm doing because the right choices are far more likely to get me where I want to go than the wrong ones!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm posting so much these days because I'm feeling so unnerved at this stupid scale issue. I'm trying so hard not to let it get to me or get depressed about it but I just am. I feel like I want to curl up in a ball on my bed and cry. I worked so hard this weekend to avoid the NUMEROUS temptations and I succeeded! I usually don't. So that's a triumph in itself I know, but I've already got a HUGE job ahead of me to try to get back on track with my goal timeline after my 5 week plateau that messed things up so badly. Part of me thinks I should reconsider my timeline based on that but I'm stubborn and I don't want to. I'm just working so hard and seeing such minimal movement on the scale after that plateau has made it really tough to muster my morale sometimes. Right now is a big one :cry:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey Rhiannon...I am understanding how you are feeling, and let me tell you...with so little left to lose, it is HARD. I've battled with this for what seems like for EVER! How long have I been 160-165...feels like an eternity! I am SO wanting to get into the 150s! So SO bad!!! I was 155 when we were married...and hitting that would be such an accomplishment for me (and my 20 pound mark!) I think we just need to tough it out, my dear. Maybe be a little stricter (which I think you are already pretty good at...but I need to work on it). I have been measuring things less and less which I should start doing religiously again...and maybe step up my workouts or something. But I understand the frustration...I am there...makes me want to throw in the towel some days. But we WILL get through this. We WILL accomplish our goals. We WILL acheive the success we so badly desire. We will do this TOGETHER. I am here for you and we will take whatever babysteps we need and get through the stumbles that we will certainly have. Let's start today...and take it one day at a time. Today...lets stay within our calorie limit (mine in 1200). I have BodyPump and a half hour run tonight. Let's do it, friend! We will WIN!!!!!!!
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Good luck Pedalhound!! I know you can do it. Plateaus suck. I am in one right now. After working out several hrs last week I am still at my same weight 230. Good luck and don't give up (which I know you won't....... because giving up is the only way you don't finish). You can do it!!!

    Isn't this week 4??
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good luck Pedalhound!! I know you can do it. Plateaus suck. I am in one right now. After working out several hrs last week I am still at my same weight 230. Good luck and don't give up (which I know you won't....... because giving up is the only way you don't finish). You can do it!!!

    Isn't this week 4??

    Week 4 starts tomorrow...always Tuesdays. SO...look for a new thread tomorrow morning.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Thanks Kristin, I know this is why this process is NOT for sissies. I really think it's my timeline that's contributing to my stress about it. I may have to delete it for now. It just feels like pressure now that I've had this big derail... I want to keep losing at a healthy pace and eventually I'll get where I want to go. I should focus on that and not deadlines. Let's both be more strict and thanks for the encouragement! What would I do without you?! :flowerforyou:

    drtamm, thank you as well. My plateau back in September was SO hard. Just crazy. Mentally, that is. Too much! I hope you see results soon. Have you checked your measurements?? Because you may still be losing inches.
  • mellymlk
    mellymlk Posts: 187
    I'd like to join your guys challenge? What are you guys doing and when are you checking in : )
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I didnt get on here at all this weekend. It was a busy one. I did a new class today , well sort of. It was a step class but it was an interval one and she did the intervals on a bosu. Talk about needing to practice. IT was fun though. She teaches a class on Thursday for it but I dont think Im ready for a whole class on that thing. I sort of overate on Saturday. I had been gone all day long for cubscout training and I was tired and just wound up eating a bunch. But I worked out yesterday and today and I plan on working out everyday this week. That will be a first in over 2 weeks. I had been slacking on the workouts for the past 2 weeks but it was more because of timing than me not wanting to go. THere were days that I really wanted to go but just couldnt.

    I hope everyone had a good weekend.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'd like to join your guys challenge? What are you guys doing and when are you checking in : )

    Hi melly! We would LOVE to have you! We start a new thread every Tuesday (so someone will start one tomorrow morning "Sexy in Six Week 4") and that's when we weigh in. We then check in daily with our food and exercise as well as questions, concerns, vents, and motivation. This is a WONDERFUL group and you can totally benefit from joining. Please share a little about yourself and your goals. We look forward to getting to know you!
  • mellymlk
    mellymlk Posts: 187
    Hi guys, I'm Melanie ad I love challenges. I love to motivate and be motivated.
    I have 3 kiddos ages 10, 7, and 19 months. I'm not going to use them as an excuse for being fat anymore.

    I have a gym membership and just recently found someone to go with me. So we will be going everyday.
    I battle with food. It's a huge habit for me and I have to fight with myself to avoid it.

    I'm doing it this time. I will not fail.

    Thanks for letting me join your team. I'll weigh in tomorrow : )
  • pdxmomof2
    Good afternoon!

    Sounds like everyone had a rough weekend! My weekend was ok but there was no time for myself which equates to yet another weekend with no exercise. I am really struggling with this. But there are no excuses. That is what makes it so hard to accept. I have a gym membership and I dont use it. I am getting bored with all the walking that I am doing. A change is needed! Enough of that same old, same old!

    Pedal, I am sorry to hear you are having a rough time. We need to figure out how to change things up so we can all get going on getting to our goals. I think running is it for me. You do so well with your execise and eating, your body is just happy with your you think your body wants more food?! Just a thought. We will all get through this together. That is why we make such a great team!

    Welcome Melly! I am glad you found us. I am also glad that you joined the gym! I belong to the same one. We will have to meet up at some point and workout together!

    Here is my day
    Exercise- walked 6 miles, burned 911 calories!

    Kashi Cinnamon Harvest Cereal w/ 3/4 cup fat free milk
    1/2 small pear

    no snack as was out walking

    2 Tblsp hummus
    1 piece Trader Joes Middle Eastern Flatbread
    other half of pear

    snack will be a Kashi TLC Crunchy Pumpkin Spice Flax Granola Bar(2 in package)

    Dinner will be
    Carne Asada taco's (2) with Lettace, Tomatoes, Cheese and Avocado

    I am staying focused on logging everything on this site and on Weight Watchers Site this week. I will weigh in here tomorrow and WW on Thursday. I dont think I will have lost for tomorrows weigh in but have hope for Thursday.