Ravenclaw Common Room



  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Congrats to our Prefects and their second week!! Awesome work!

    checking in, so far not good in spirit this week, been crazy busy and the time slips away from me.

    Doing great on the Fiber challenge, i have been surpassing it every day.

    Excercise, doing okay, slow going.

    Have a great day Ravenclaws!!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    ... I'm closing on my new house like uh.....tomorrow.
    A new house for the new you isn't enough!?! :wink:

    Closing and taking possession of the house is usually stressful. I bet something relaxing sounds good. How about a stroll through a local park or arboretum to enjoy the last bit of summer? Swap shoulder massages with someone? A self manicure and/or pedicure?
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    *Progress towards week of 9/18 OWLS -9/21 update*
    House Spirit (post ) - +3
    Food (fiber) - +2
    Exercise (calisthenics) - +0

    *September exercise minutes*
    Month to date total = 485
    Week 9/18 to date total = 115
    9/21 exercise minutes - 30 min walking, 10 min wall pushups, crunches, and bridges
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    what are the challenges this week I cant find them. Something with jumping jacks???
    Sami - I update the Challenge blog post each week so we can find the challenges easier!! The link is in my signature labeled "September Challenge". We are in week 3...

    Raquel - the information for House Points and Quidditch are also on the Challenge blog.
  • Hello Everyone,
    Just got back yesterday, and my hotel wifi did not work so I had total MFP withdrawals. I ate terribly but also average two hours of walking a day. I am so tired I need to sleep for about three days to get my energy back. Our beach vacation was cursed with overcast skies and chilly winds but still managed to get a little surfing in. On the awesome NSV my wetsuit from ten years ago, when I was 16, fit me. They are very stretchy and forgiving but it still felt great.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    ... I'm closing on my new house like uh.....tomorrow.
    A new house for the new you isn't enough!?! :wink:

    Closing and taking possession of the house is usually stressful. I bet something relaxing sounds good. How about a stroll through a local park or arboretum to enjoy the last bit of summer? Swap shoulder massages with someone? A self manicure and/or pedicure?

    new house is just extra work to do, I want to pick paint for it (And don't know what I'm doing so its going to end up awful or BLAND which is worse I swear) and then actually...paint it!

    something like an arboretum would be great, maybe I can squeeze in sometime to go somewhere a bit different than my usual.
  • Hey Ravenclaw - got all the bones inventoried for my new primary job, although the department won't get back to me to tell me whether or not they want it specific down to which side of the body they're from :grumble: Might just send it off and tell them to stuff it. We'll see what happens by the time my shift rolls around tomorrow.

    Also, four exams in the next eight days. :sad:
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey ravenclaws, I am not looking forward to weigh day tomorrow... Had a dreadful week, slacking on some days, eating loads of junk and not sleeping. averaging three hours a night, and then an afternoon nap. Not good enough! Boo, am grumpy with myself...
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Am leaving tomorrow yippee so excited, weighed myself today and gained a pound so am up to 103 Ibs sigh will do my best to lose weight whilst away, will continue to post on here every so often just to say hi.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    *Progress towards week of 9/18 OWLS -9/22 update*
    House Spirit (post ) - +4
    Food (fiber) - +3
    Exercise (calisthenics) - +0

    *September exercise minutes*
    Month to date total = 515
    Week 9/18 to date total = 145
    9/22 exercise minutes - 30 min walking
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    well well well- good morning fellow Ravenclaws!

    Today's Stats:
    Exercise: +1
    Food: +1
    Spirit: +1

    Weekly Stats:
    Owls: 13 House Points:266
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Checking in for my daily Spirit OWL. Question....has anyone ever had diet and exercise change the time of their cycle? I am about one and a half to two weeks early and wondered if it could be attributed to my diet and exercise. Just wondering, because I wasn't expecting it (and who doesn't like unexpected presents! lol)
  • nekoemi
    nekoemi Posts: 121 Member
    Checking in for this week.

    Weight - 255.4

    Exercise - 2 (These are part of my normal workout routine, but knee pain prevented me from finishing my 3rd set of them this week)
    Food - 6 (I always try to eat lots of fiber!)
    Spirit - 3

    House Points - 256 (Still not quite back on track with working out 6 days a week... there always seems to be something new cropping up preventing me from getting it all in)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good afternoon Ravenclaw!! had another workout with the trainer today. funny, during this week off i haven't gotten any housework done!! on the other hand, my workouts have been great!! my running yesterday didn't seem to cause me any problems. hoping for good numbers with weigh in on sunday. hope everyone is having a great day!!
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 277 Member
    So, I need some ideas from everyone and since we are all Ravenclaws I think you guys can help.

    I hit my halfway mark to my first big goal this week - I feel like maybe I should give myself some kind of reward?

    But I don't generally deny myself things (Alone time/fun or buying stuff) AND I'm closing on my new house like uh.....tomorrow. And thus we are totally totally cash broke because we dumped all our savings into the house AND we have to pay overlapping rent for a month and a half. So purchases are kind of out right now.

    Any ideas?

    Do you have any fitness buddies you are doing this with. Me my mom and my sister and cousin are all losing weight together and when ever we hit a mark we buy each other presents and at the end we get a big present and when we all reach our goals we are going to the outlet malls in napa CA to buy new clothes.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Do you have any fitness buddies you are doing this with. Me my mom and my sister and cousin are all losing weight together and when ever we hit a mark we buy each other presents and at the end we get a big present and when we all reach our goals we are going to the outlet malls in napa CA to buy new clothes.

    I really like this idea! I may start this with some of my friends.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Thursday Ravenclaw! Wow! I can't believe another week is nearly done!! I'm struggling with my chocolate monster this week but today I decided to not give it power over me. I will try to change my perspective and accept that I am the one in charge and I am making the choice to eat the chocolate. It is ok if I eat the chocolate because it is my choice and I'm not going to attach any "shoulds", "woulds" or "coulds" to my decisions. My gut tells me that if I attach negative feeling to the chocolate, it will dominate me. If I just accept it as my choice - neither good nor bad - maybe the monster will go into hibernation again.

    Here are the challenges for week 4 - you can start on these after you weigh in this weekend!
    Food: Get your protein in!!!! Last week's focus was fiber, this week's focus is protein- every day you meet or exceed you protein allownce you earn an OWL!

    Exercise: Lots of folks mentioned knee and/or back pain as an obstacle to last week's challenge. Gwen did some research, plus her own experience with her physical therapist to provide a moderated plan.

    Goal: 1 set of 10 good squats or squat variations each day to receive an OWL (the emphasis here is "GOOD" squats). Using a chair for balance might be helpful. Feel free to add sets or weights if you are able. Ball squats don't focus on form, but do give good support.

    video instructions: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/no_pain_squat.htm
    variant suggestions: http://exercise.about.com/library/blsquatFAQ.htm
    In other news, the Hufflepuff Head of House has deactivated her account and disapparated. Our Head Master is recruiting a new Hufflepuff Head, but this week's House results might be a little delayed. But don't worry - the challenge is still in full swing!

    Weigh ins for Week 3 start tomorrow. Good luck everyone!!
  • hello everyone,
    I am still trying to shake the post vacation funk, and get back into some semblance of a routine. and catch up on housework. Not really looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    ... the Hufflepuff Head of House has deactivated her account and disapparated. Our Head Master is recruiting a new Hufflepuff Head, but this week's House results might be a little delayed. But don't worry - the challenge is still in full swing!
    Oh dear! I hope the Hufflepuff's have a new head soon.

    And that reminds me...

    Sue, you do a phenomenal amount of work for our house. Thanks so much for being our Head of House.

  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 277 Member
    Sue, you do a phenomenal amount of work for our house. Thanks so much for being our Head of House.


    yes yes you do thanks so much sue my head of house!!! You truly do belong in ravenclaw!!!