Juice fasting



  • FlipThis112
    FlipThis112 Posts: 49 Member
    Bump for later!
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    According to my recent research, be very careful with beets... Adding only 1/2 of a small one to your juice drink concoction :happy: The same for wheatgrass. If I remember right, it can *drastically* clean out your system if you use too much.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    We saw the film several of days ago and have watched it a few more time since. Our juicer arrives tomorrow. :bigsmile:
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I saw the documentary! Ok, I will say it is VERY inspiring! I already am drinking a shake in the morning instead of solid foods so I might switch my shake for a juice instead! Or even switch out my dinner for a juice! I might do this and go on to doing weekend fasting since I can't blend at work!
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Best of luck! I wouldn't be able to do it with the hours I work and when my sugar levels drop too low I have a tendency to feel faint and have fainted in the past! I have asked my doctor about doing a drtox like this before and bis reply was a big Fat NO!!
    I'd love to be able to do it though!
  • ELewisReed
    ELewisReed Posts: 12 Member
    I am so inspired by those of you that are sticking with it!! I really want to do it myself, but I don't have a juicer. I'm okay with making the investment, but wondered if you get the same benefit from blending the same ingredients. I read on the posts about how the juice is processed into your body faster, but will I get the same benefit from blending the ingredients?
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    I am glad I came across this post. I was very interested in trying this but I think I would miss like eatting, could you eat fruit or veggies as well as drinking the juice or does everything have to be in liquid form?
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    It all depends on what you want to get out of it. A true juice fast removes the fibers from the vegetables from juicing, which supposedly has some benefits for your digestive system. Blending wouldn't really be any different form just eating the fruits and veggies raw, I think.
    If you're doing it to increase your uptake of fruits and vegetables, then blending or eating is totally fine!
    I'm doing it as a way to kickstart my commitment to eating "clean" - sometimes it's easier for me to quit things cold turkey, then ease back in. So I'm just going raw for a week - I still eat fruits for bfast, and dinner is a salad with just spinach and fresh veggies. I'm juicing for lunch...
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    I am so inspired by those of you that are sticking with it!! I really want to do it myself, but I don't have a juicer. I'm okay with making the investment, but wondered if you get the same benefit from blending the same ingredients. I read on the posts about how the juice is processed into your body faster, but will I get the same benefit from blending the ingredients?

    I definitely think there are differences to consider. First of all, when drinking juices with little pulp your digestive system gets a break and allows rest for your body. It can focus on healing other parts of the body. I'm not an expert but this is what I've read by many other experts. Also, after so many days on a juice fast you really tend to stop getting hungry (because your digestive system is not running at full speed). However, if you just blend foods, I believe that you will experience more hunger. I did have a protein shake last night with bananas in it and I feel fine today. It wouldn't hurt you to do the shakes instead of the juices but the results/benefits will probably vary depending on what you are doing.
  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    For all of those worried about not getting enough protein:
    It is a common misconception that you must eat animal products in order to supply your body with adequate protein. In fact, if you compare meat and dairy to dark green vegetables, soybeans, and other plant sources, you will find that the plant foods often contain more protein -- based on an equal number of calories -- than their animal counterparts.

    To read the whole article (which has multiple parts), start here:
  • yanick356
    yanick356 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi everyone. I saw this movie 2 weeks ago and juiced for one week. Just wanted to share my experiences, but first my background. I was a heavy drinker-3 to 5 glasses of cab, 3 to 6 beers after, and 3 or more tequilas after that, about 4 times a week. I would succomb to the late-night munchies by pigging out at Jack in the box.. I am(was?) also a foodie and had friends who loved to feast whenever we had the chance. We wouldnt hesitate to run our bill upto $1600 for 3 at Nobu or Crustaceans. The drinking in addition to the sedentary lifestyle resulted in me adding 35lbs the last 3 years.

    After a week of juicing, I lost all cravings for alcohol! Heres what worked for me: I found juicing too much fruit made me feel fat and bloated, so 90% of my juice is vegetables, like Spinach, cucumber, kale, celery, romaine, and parsley. I might add half an apple or carrots for better taste.

    I also had to juice only organic produce, or I would get stomach pains followed with diarrhea. I have a feeling I was getting a concentrated amount of pesticides in my juice which gave me the negative symptoms. I make constant trips for fresh produce, and even with the cost of buying organic, I am saving so much not going to restaurants.
  • cbpbro
    cbpbro Posts: 49
    Day 5 is in the books and i felt amazing and i had tons of energy. If the rest of my fast is like today then its gong to be easy. Other than gagging on the veggie juice that is.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    So I bought a whole bunch of adventurous veggies:

    aloe vera, fennel, mint, bok choy, cactus fruit, along with the regular carrots, cucumber, apples and oranges. This should be an interesting experiment!

  • Jaxdyn
    Jaxdyn Posts: 1
    I am really looking forward to joining all of you on this reboot. My sister had me watch the documentary and I found it completely inspiring. I thought a lot about it and came up with a small list of benefits I would like to get out of it:

    to get rid of or lessen the back pain I have been getting after having my two kids
    to loose my "sweet tooth" sugary food are a huge weakness for me
    to gain more energy and be able to keep up with my little ones (5yr and 3yr old)
    to help with the depression and mood disorder. i what another documentary about the benefit of micronutrients and it mentioned how they can help that as well. I see a doctor who is fine with the juicing =)

    I cant start until next week. I am hoping to find a good juicer in the store so I do not have to wait longer for shipping. Really do not want to pay more than 150 for one.

    Good luck and congrats to all and I will be joining you soon =)
  • cindaroses
    cindaroses Posts: 117
    I'm on my 3rd day of the juice fast. In 2 days I've lost 6 pounds. I'm so excited. It isn't easy. I really want to eat food. Commercials, people grilling outside, everything makes you want to stop except seeing those numbers on the scale. So far I don't feel much different, but it is only day 3 :)
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    Well, I did start yesterday! Jumped right in. My first concoction was a disaster! I used the food processor & 1 apple, 1 cucumber seeded, 1 cup blueberries ...then tried to strain it through a sieve. Yuck! My next attempt was the blender: almond milk, half banana, blueberries & 1/2 Tbsp of flax oil...Yummy! I had to take my daughter to driver's ed. So dinner was Green Goodness by Bolthouse Farms from the health food store. I also added some whey powder to another almond milk, banana, blueberry blend midafternoon because I was feeling light headed.

    So, I guess mine's not a juice fast as much as a "Blend Fest! " I felt a bit foggy & tired last night and woke this morning with a dull headache.

    I had a kale, spinach, blueberry, almond milk blend for breakfast. Now I'm enjoying 8 oz of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar , Grape juice All Natural Drink.

    Have a happy juicing & blending day!
  • cbpbro
    cbpbro Posts: 49
    Day 6 start, i feel on top of the world. I lost another 2 pounds making it 15 total. Tons of energy and im stuck at a desk job. :/
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Well, I did start yesterday! Jumped right in. My first concoction was a disaster! I used the food processor & 1 apple, 1 cucumber seeded, 1 cup blueberries ...then tried to strain it through a sieve. Yuck! My next attempt was the blender: almond milk, half banana, blueberries & 1/2 Tbsp of flax oil...Yummy! I had to take my daughter to driver's ed. So dinner was Green Goodness by Bolthouse Farms from the health food store. I also added some whey powder to another almond milk, banana, blueberry blend midafternoon because I was feeling light headed.

    So, I guess mine's not a juice fast as much as a "Blend Fest! " I felt a bit foggy & tired last night and woke this morning with a dull headache.

    I had a kale, spinach, blueberry, almond milk blend for breakfast. Now I'm enjoying 8 oz of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar , Grape juice All Natural Drink.

    Have a happy juicing & blending day!

    Moxley: I don't know if you've tried frozen bananas for your shakes but it seriously makes your almond milk blend like ice cream! We use protein powder and almond butter in ours also and it was delightful!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Day 6 start, i feel on top of the world. I lost another 2 pounds making it 15 total. Tons of energy and im stuck at a desk job. :/

    Awesome! We are on day 7 and I feel fantastic! I'm stuck at a desk job too!!! :)
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    So I bought a whole bunch of adventurous veggies:

    aloe vera, fennel, mint, bok choy, cactus fruit, along with the regular carrots, cucumber, apples and oranges. This should be an interesting experiment!


    Aloe Vera...awesome! My parents had a little stint where they were selling aloe vera juice when I was a kid. Really thick and kind of nasty by itself but it's supposed to have great benefits. Not really much of a taste actually, it was more the texture that disgusted me, but I was a kid. lol. Let us know how it goes!