Juice fasting



  • waylonthornton
    waylonthornton Posts: 40 Member
    I'm at the end of Day One of the fast and I feel TERRIBLE.

    I was super sluggish all through the day and now I'm getting a migraine-esque headache.

    Gonna stick with it, but man this sucks.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    I'm at the end of Day One of the fast and I feel TERRIBLE.

    I was super sluggish all through the day and now I'm getting a migraine-esque headache.

    Gonna stick with it, but man this sucks.

    Keep with it, it will get batter. I had a head ache for 2 days plus my stomach growled at me a lot, it happens, but keep it up
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    Bump for later.
    I find the concept interesting, but want to do a bit more research before committing.
  • yanick356
    yanick356 Posts: 39 Member
    For those of you in the market for a juicer: I bought the juicer in the movie the Breville Juice Fountain; $150.00 at Bed Bath. Overall its a good juicer, but doesnt juice the vegetables very well, especially spinach and kale. I do extract more juice from spinach with the stems intact, but only get a few drops with kale. It does however juice the fruits well.

    Some have argued that our bodies do not absorb the nutrients and enzymes by juicing, so I do add back some of the pulp which also gives me additional fiber.
  • waylonthornton
    waylonthornton Posts: 40 Member
    Like I said, Day One was god awful, but when I weighed myself this morning I'd lost almost 2lbs and I've been stuck at the same weight for over a week.

    Worth it.
  • cbpbro
    cbpbro Posts: 49
    Start of day 7, down another pound and i still feel fantastic. I had a strange sleep last night as my legs felt really warm and weird. I read that you can build up toxins in your legs during the fast so maybe that was it.

    I bought a refurbished juice fountain plus for 68 dollars at first but had to return it because it didnt work. I got the compact juice fountain instead. I found the best way to do kale and other leafy veggies is by wrapping them around a carrot or cucumber or packing them super tight in the chute with the machine off and then turning it on pushing slowly.

    To the person getting off day 1, hang in there it will get much much better.
  • RunLikeBelle
    RunLikeBelle Posts: 11 Member
    I saw a rheumatologist yesterday for the pain and fatigue I've been having. He diagnosed me with fibromyalgia but was adamant that it doesn't matter what's wrong with me the "cure" is the same - lose weight and exercise. It's clear to me after the one day fast that juicing works and is healthier than any other thing I've tried because of the micronutrients. So two questions.

    1. Should I return my juicer and get a vitamix blender so I will get more fiber aka feel fuller?

    2. I still don't like any vegetables juiced. I have to gag it down. Will I get used to the taste? What are some of the better tasting, milder veggies? I can tolerate carrot, spinach, and apple juiced together but am worried about having fruit with every juicing?

    3. Is it ok to not have a lot of variety at first? Or should I maybe eat one meal a day until I can tolerate more variety?
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Down another 1.5 lbs this morning, crazy! For those of you who've done short juice fasts before, how much do you gain back when you start eating 'normal' food again? I'm thinking of just adding back beans, nuts, dairy and whole / sprouted grains, and Doug at least another week completely clean, but I'm not sure about that with P90X...

    Todays juice:

    Cactus fruit
    Bok choy

    It's pretty tasty.

    Yesterday I was really tired, barely motivated myself to do kenpo. Dunno if its schedule or diet related. Today is yoga, and I'm going to try to run later too. (which I haven't done since my raw week). We'll see how it goes.
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    :drinker: Day 11 and almost there. I'm doing okay, but yesterday was terrible cause there was a lot of temptation. Fixing to juice and do my exercises. Hope everyone has a good day and keep up the good work. :flowerforyou:
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Aloha All,
    just joined MFP and decided to look and see if anyone is juice fasting. I would love to fast at least for 10days but Im a zumba instructor and I have 8 classes a week that I instruct...I feel as if it would be hard for me to fast and zumba. what do you guys think? I will be juicing all day on Sundays my only day off. really excitied to see others juicing. I did watch the documentary and bought a masticating juicer and it is my prized posession right now. I do however drink a wheatgrass juice when I wake up first thing in the morning and as I work out...love the taste and it helps me to keep my energy up. anyways have a wonderful day juicers

    Welcome! What kind of juicer? I want my next one to be a masticating juicer and I'm curious which one you got and how much it was! After about the first 5 days, you would have enough energy and stamina to get through the classes I think, as long as you were drinking enough juice. The first few days might be rough though! It kind of depends on how healthy of an eater you currently are.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Down another 1.5 lbs this morning, crazy! For those of you who've done short juice fasts before, how much do you gain back when you start eating 'normal' food again? I'm thinking of just adding back beans, nuts, dairy and whole / sprouted grains, and Doug at least another week completely clean, but I'm not sure about that with P90X...

    Todays juice:

    Cactus fruit
    Bok choy

    It's pretty tasty.

    Yesterday I was really tired, barely motivated myself to do kenpo. Dunno if its schedule or diet related. Today is yoga, and I'm going to try to run later too. (which I haven't done since my raw week). We'll see how it goes.

    Amy: I'm so impressed that you have worked out. I have only been doing the recumbant bike here and there. I now feel strong enough to do P90X but I'm out of the mode!!! Ugh! I need to get back into it! Been so busy, kids are coming over tonight, helping at church tomorrow night. I need to start getting up in the mornings again. Been nice sleeping in though!

    I think as long as you are staying clean, you shouldn't gain back more than 5 pounds. And mostly that is just what fills up in your colon! So part of what you have lost so far is your waste. Anyway, you might not gain anything which means you will be continuing to lose fat. It's hard to say, everyone is so different.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    :drinker: Day 11 and almost there. I'm doing okay, but yesterday was terrible cause there was a lot of temptation. Fixing to juice and do my exercises. Hope everyone has a good day and keep up the good work. :flowerforyou:

    Great job resisting the temptations!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Start of day 7, down another pound and i still feel fantastic. I had a strange sleep last night as my legs felt really warm and weird. I read that you can build up toxins in your legs during the fast so maybe that was it.

    I bought a refurbished juice fountain plus for 68 dollars at first but had to return it because it didnt work. I got the compact juice fountain instead. I found the best way to do kale and other leafy veggies is by wrapping them around a carrot or cucumber or packing them super tight in the chute with the machine off and then turning it on pushing slowly.

    To the person getting off day 1, hang in there it will get much much better.

    In previous fasts, I have had major leg pains. Definitely the toxins. Haven't had it on this one but I've been eating really well. But last night my face got flushed and really hot, it was strange! :)
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Bumping to continue reading later... and I have a question...

    what are the effects of this on your GI system? Or to be more blunt... how does this effect your pooping? Are you spending more time, or less time on the toilet? It seems like it could go either way.

    Thanks for sharing this process. I also watched the movie on Netflix, and while I'm not interested in doing this myself now, it's certainly an interesting idea. If I hit a plateau sometime I could give it a try. Why not?

    Definitely less if you are doing only juices and not adding pulp! But if you don't give yourself an enema, you will be surprised that you still go #2 on occasion even weeks into the fast! it's gross. Best to do an enema....helps with the detox symptoms also.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member

    I went to my doctor because I have strange rashes and acid reflex and you know what his remedy was...JUICE FASTING. And I only weight 120 pounds :/ So to help maintain my weight and detox I'll be adding some bananas and avacados in the beginning. Nuts later on -that was my choice because I'm positive I'm not allergic to nuts and I don't want to loose weight too quickly. I'm sure If I drink enough I wont. Anyways-

    So that was two weeks ago that I went to the doctor and I still haven't done any fasting completely :/ little self control I guess --BUT I have been having only juice for like half a day and maybe a whole day once a week-I know I won't get well until I do it completely but I've been on and off vacation and family events.

    I need to plan better for my juice fast. Any ways- Haven't read every ones post but am definitley curious to see why and how everyone's juicing is going.

    One thing I did notice while juicing is that the longer I stay clear of bread the less acid reflex I get. :( so sad news- gluten may be my issue.:( But I guess I'll see when I really get serious and go for ten days.....still have the rash.

    Also-I'd love help and support from anyone who's done a detox fast or is going through one.

    Amazing healing power in juicing. I had tennis elbow terribly and after a 21 day fast, gone! You will breathe better, your organs will work better, you will feel amazing! In the animal kingdom, when there is sickness, animals fast to heal. Except humans because we think we're going to die or something, it's crazy. Anyway, I hope you can get your plan together and really get this going. It's not easy, some days are really hard, but it's so worth it!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    Day 3: Bad morning! Woke with a horrible headache. Caffeine withdrawal I think. I finally had to break down & have 1 cup around 10 am. I'm going to try to do more veggies & less fruit today. I think the over 120 sugar count on my MFP calculator yesterday also had something to do with the headache.

    I tried to forgo the coffee but I have 6 kids counting on me to take them to a pool party today...no time off!
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Down another 1.5 lbs this morning, crazy! For those of you who've done short juice fasts before, how much do you gain back when you start eating 'normal' food again? I'm thinking of just adding back beans, nuts, dairy and whole / sprouted grains, and Doug at least another week completely clean, but I'm not sure about that with P90X...

    Todays juice:

    Cactus fruit
    Bok choy

    It's pretty tasty.

    Yesterday I was really tired, barely motivated myself to do kenpo. Dunno if its schedule or diet related. Today is yoga, and I'm going to try to run later too. (which I haven't done since my raw week). We'll see how it goes.

    Amy: I'm so impressed that you have worked out. I have only been doing the recumbant bike here and there. I now feel strong enough to do P90X but I'm out of the mode!!! Ugh! I need to get back into it! Been so busy, kids are coming over tonight, helping at church tomorrow night. I need to start getting up in the mornings again. Been nice sleeping in though!

    I think as long as you are staying clean, you shouldn't gain back more than 5 pounds. And mostly that is just what fills up in your colon! So part of what you have lost so far is your waste. Anyway, you might not gain anything which means you will be continuing to lose fat. It's hard to say, everyone is so different.

    Haha, I haven't lost 5lbs, so I hope I don't gain that much back!!! :p I don't know about running tonight. I did half of yoga, and I'll do the other half later. We'll see. I still feel week and hungry :(.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Haha, I haven't lost 5lbs, so I hope I don't gain that much back!!! :p I don't know about running tonight. I did half of yoga, and I'll do the other half later. We'll see. I still feel week and hungry :(.

    Sorry to be so personal but have you had any bowel movements since you started?
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Haha, I haven't lost 5lbs, so I hope I don't gain that much back!!! :p I don't know about running tonight. I did half of yoga, and I'll do the other half later. We'll see. I still feel week and hungry :(.

    Sorry to be so personal but have you had any bowel movements since you started?

    No worries! Yah, for sure, I cleaned out pretty good the first and second day, nothing since then! Remember this is only my 4th day, we'll see if I'm still down more tomorrow. I was pretty shocked at the 3.5 lbs I HAVE lost lol, not thinking it's small. :p (Specially cause I've been pretty consistently doing only a pound a week).
  • Thickmami05
    Please let me know how that goes. It sounds like something I could try, Im a Medical REceptionist so I sit at my desk during open hours, I need something to keep me satisfied so I dont start snacking and a good cleanse would be a nice release!!! Good luck!!! :)