Juice fasting



  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Hi everyone. I saw this movie 2 weeks ago and juiced for one week. Just wanted to share my experiences, but first my background. I was a heavy drinker-3 to 5 glasses of cab, 3 to 6 beers after, and 3 or more tequilas after that, about 4 times a week. I would succomb to the late-night munchies by pigging out at Jack in the box.. I am(was?) also a foodie and had friends who loved to feast whenever we had the chance. We wouldnt hesitate to run our bill upto $1600 for 3 at Nobu or Crustaceans. The drinking in addition to the sedentary lifestyle resulted in me adding 35lbs the last 3 years.

    After a week of juicing, I lost all cravings for alcohol! Heres what worked for me: I found juicing too much fruit made me feel fat and bloated, so 90% of my juice is vegetables, like Spinach, cucumber, kale, celery, romaine, and parsley. I might add half an apple or carrots for better taste.

    I also had to juice only organic produce, or I would get stomach pains followed with diarrhea. I have a feeling I was getting a concentrated amount of pesticides in my juice which gave me the negative symptoms. I make constant trips for fresh produce, and even with the cost of buying organic, I am saving so much not going to restaurants.

    This is an awesome testimony.....thanks so much for sharing! I agree with you about the pesticides. I buy organic when I can at farmer's markets, etc. But I wash EVERYTHING, even the organic stuff, with a really good veggie wash. Even if you don't use the peel (oranges for example), wash the whole thing first because when you cut into it you can get it into the part you are juicing. Maybe I'm just OCD but it works for me!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member

    Moxley: I don't know if you've tried frozen bananas for your shakes but it seriously makes your almond milk blend like ice cream! We use protein powder and almond butter in ours also and it was delightful!

    I have tried frozen bananas in my smoothies. I almost put one in this morning but I was looking at my carb & sugar intake from yesterday so I held myself back.
  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    This might be my favorite one yet!

    Fennel Root
    Mint ( a huge bunch)
    Aloe Vera

    This is served over ice, because we put enough aloe in to give it a little bit of a thick texture. But the taste is light, yummy, fresh and refreshing.
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    Since I have been doing this my digestive system is amazing... I had my gallbladder removed and since that ...vegetables would give me severe pains and blotting... by juicing them I have none of that ....my skin looks better.. I feel better.. its amazzing!
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member
    Glad to see everyone doing well. i am so excited for everyone..... Day 10 for me and nothing lost in the past couple days, I hope to lose by tomorrow or the next day. I've got 4 days left after today and right now I feel like I could keep on going, so I might juice for another week. we'll see how I feel on day 14. I haven't been exercising much. I want to workout more, but been busy and haven't had much time. Maybe this weekend I'll get in a nice workout...LOL Glad to see everyone posting their favorite recipes, I'll be trying some of them. looking forward to it.

    Happy Juicing
  • TonyaJ83
    TonyaJ83 Posts: 155
    I'm on day 2. Just heard about the documentary a week ago. I tapered off coffee for a few days prior. I did not ask a Dr. The Dr. hasn't cared that I'm 45 lbs. over weight. The Dr. didn't care when I was eating toxic food! I don't want his input on this. If I had a good Dr., one that actually cared about me rather than belittling me and making me feel like a waste of his time maybe I'd feel different. Small town, not a lot of choices. Hard to find a good one!

    Maybe go to the next town to find a Dr. Just be careful. But I think you will be just fine, just don't starve yourself
    The next town is quite a trip. Would be 45 minutes total traveling. I run my own child care & it's really hard to close. So I try and do the necessary things during nap time & my husband takes an extra long lunch. I just heard from someone who did a 60 day fast and they had to see their Dr. on day 32, but for something different. She explained to her Dr. what she was doing. He gave her 2 thumbs up and wished he had the strength to do the same! I'm having 5-6 juices a day with a huge variety of fruits/veggies and tons of water. Also really listening to my body if it's feeling weak, I take it easy, etc. My husband is so protective of me and he says not to waste my time at the Dr.! LOL! :)
  • TonyaJ83
    TonyaJ83 Posts: 155
    Day FOUR! I cannot believe I'm saying that! Down 5 lbs. this morning. That's almost 2 lbs. a day! If I keep this up, I'll be able to wear Abercrombie clothies in no time! My jeans are looser and my love handles have gone down enough to wear a shirt I haven't been able to wear in a long time! Pilates tonight! :)
  • BwnEyedWifey
    BwnEyedWifey Posts: 100 Member
    This is my 3rd day.. i have to say my first 2 days were a piece of cake.. today started off good.. but now I am getting the tummy growl and I feel like im hungry... Ive been drinking tons of water, but nothing seems to help... Im sticking to it.. its just hard.. ive lost 6 lbs within the last 2 days.. so that is always good to see... but man I cant wait to get over the hump and starting feeling better. :) Good luck everyone.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    This is my 3rd day.. i have to say my first 2 days were a piece of cake.. today started off good.. but now I am getting the tummy growl and I feel like im hungry... Ive been drinking tons of water, but nothing seems to help... Im sticking to it.. its just hard.. ive lost 6 lbs within the last 2 days.. so that is always good to see... but man I cant wait to get over the hump and starting feeling better. :) Good luck everyone.

    You will feel better in a couple of day! I'm on day 7 and not hungry at all! If you are sticking to pure juices (and not blends or protein shakes) you shouldn't be hungry very often after you get through the next couple of days!
  • TonyaJ83
    TonyaJ83 Posts: 155
    This is my 3rd day.. i have to say my first 2 days were a piece of cake.. today started off good.. but now I am getting the tummy growl and I feel like im hungry... Ive been drinking tons of water, but nothing seems to help... Im sticking to it.. its just hard.. ive lost 6 lbs within the last 2 days.. so that is always good to see... but man I cant wait to get over the hump and starting feeling better. :) Good luck everyone.

    You will feel better in a couple of day! I'm on day 7 and not hungry at all! If you are sticking to pure juices (and not blends or protein shakes) you shouldn't be hungry very often after you get through the next couple of days!
    I'm not really hungry - on day 4. Day 1 & 2 were awful! I'm doing 100% pure juiced veggies/fruits. So filling! I do crave things/flavors though for sure! Keep it up! :)
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    Do you guys see a problem if you juice mostly carrots and apples when on the fast? I tried doing greens and its very hard to choke down. So today before work I did a big batch to last me through the day (of apples/pears/carrots/watermelon/orange ~ about 800 calories all together), then at home i will try greens.

    I had a problem with spinach, the juicer doesn't like it, oh well need to keep juicing... I hope you can get the juices you need

    wrap the leaves in apples. Kale tends to juice better.
    My wife and I watched Fat, Sick and Nearly dead also and she did a weekend reboot. Now we just ty to have the juice in our diet at least 2x a day. You will feel great.
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    Hey all Juicers! My fiance and I decided to officially start tomorrow. 15 days. five days eating and juicing fruits/vegetables, five just juicing and five eating and juicing again. We've been expirimenting with a couple different juices and are so excited to join. :)
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Hey all Juicers! My fiance and I decided to officially start tomorrow. 15 days. five days eating and juicing fruits/vegetables, five just juicing and five eating and juicing again. We've been expirimenting with a couple different juices and are so excited to join. :)

  • swinginchandra
    swinginchandra Posts: 418 Member
    Man, I've gotta say, the mint in this juice is truly fantastic! If you see a big bundle of mint at your local farm stand, in your garden, or at the grocery store, you've gotta try adding it to your juices!
    I don't think it's worth it if you use just the small amount grocery stores usually sell in those plastic containers... needs to be a big bunch - like 2, 3 inches diameter. I used a bunch about 3 inches in diameter in my ~16 oz and it's perfect! Not too minty at all.
  • mommiedanes
    Aloha All,
    just joined MFP and decided to look and see if anyone is juice fasting. I would love to fast at least for 10days but Im a zumba instructor and I have 8 classes a week that I instruct...I feel as if it would be hard for me to fast and zumba. what do you guys think? I will be juicing all day on Sundays my only day off. really excitied to see others juicing. I did watch the documentary and bought a masticating juicer and it is my prized posession right now. I do however drink a wheatgrass juice when I wake up first thing in the morning and as I work out...love the taste and it helps me to keep my energy up. anyways have a wonderful day juicers
  • ELewisReed
    ELewisReed Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you for the info!! :) That makes sense.
  • TonyaJ83
    TonyaJ83 Posts: 155
    Aloha All,
    just joined MFP and decided to look and see if anyone is juice fasting. I would love to fast at least for 10days but Im a zumba instructor and I have 8 classes a week that I instruct...I feel as if it would be hard for me to fast and zumba. what do you guys think? I will be juicing all day on Sundays my only day off. really excitied to see others juicing. I did watch the documentary and bought a masticating juicer and it is my prized posession right now. I do however drink a wheatgrass juice when I wake up first thing in the morning and as I work out...love the taste and it helps me to keep my energy up. anyways have a wonderful day juicers
    For me I was down for 3 days. Only able to work & do housework. Other than that, I was shot! Today is day 4 and I'm feeling almost normal. I'll make it to my Pilates class tonight! Then I hope to start walking my dog and bike riding tomorrow! If you have a few days in between classes, maybe start then?
  • BwnEyedWifey
    BwnEyedWifey Posts: 100 Member
    Thanks... I am staying strong.. my husband was going to do this with me, but quit the first day lol... so I am in it by myself... I am happy ive made it 3 days...
    This is my 3rd day.. i have to say my first 2 days were a piece of cake.. today started off good.. but now I am getting the tummy growl and I feel like im hungry... Ive been drinking tons of water, but nothing seems to help... Im sticking to it.. its just hard.. ive lost 6 lbs within the last 2 days.. so that is always good to see... but man I cant wait to get over the hump and starting feeling better. :) Good luck everyone.

    You will feel better in a couple of day! I'm on day 7 and not hungry at all! If you are sticking to pure juices (and not blends or protein shakes) you shouldn't be hungry very often after you get through the next couple of days!
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    Bumping to continue reading later... and I have a question...

    what are the effects of this on your GI system? Or to be more blunt... how does this effect your pooping? Are you spending more time, or less time on the toilet? It seems like it could go either way.

    Thanks for sharing this process. I also watched the movie on Netflix, and while I'm not interested in doing this myself now, it's certainly an interesting idea. If I hit a plateau sometime I could give it a try. Why not?
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member

    I went to my doctor because I have strange rashes and acid reflex and you know what his remedy was...JUICE FASTING. And I only weight 120 pounds :/ So to help maintain my weight and detox I'll be adding some bananas and avacados in the beginning. Nuts later on -that was my choice because I'm positive I'm not allergic to nuts and I don't want to loose weight too quickly. I'm sure If I drink enough I wont. Anyways-

    So that was two weeks ago that I went to the doctor and I still haven't done any fasting completely :/ little self control I guess --BUT I have been having only juice for like half a day and maybe a whole day once a week-I know I won't get well until I do it completely but I've been on and off vacation and family events.

    I need to plan better for my juice fast. Any ways- Haven't read every ones post but am definitley curious to see why and how everyone's juicing is going.

    One thing I did notice while juicing is that the longer I stay clear of bread the less acid reflex I get. :( so sad news- gluten may be my issue.:( But I guess I'll see when I really get serious and go for ten days.....still have the rash.

    Also-I'd love help and support from anyone who's done a detox fast or is going through one.