


  • Woodster83
    Woodster83 Posts: 71 Member
    I took this about 3yrs ago now on the recommendation from my sister who had a lot of success with it.

    I found it awful, insomnia mixed with feeling paranoid and teary all the time.. it did help me lose weight as it took away the urge to eat, but I wouldn't go on it again.

    My sister didn't have any other those symptoms though, so it's hit and miss.
  • paschtat85
    DITTO to comment from Jasmine_Moons ....and I agree with your comments as well....I too started last week on the 6th and have lost 9 lbs - I am sure lot of water...but it has given me the boost I needed to start eating healthy and portion control. I have tried so many times only to fail and my Dr. prescribed it for me and knows my medical history and I trust her. I will only take it for 3 months as well - then the logging my food and eating sensible will be habit.
    This is something I will do the rest of my life - not just to lose the weight - then it would come all back. I have no mood swings - in fact - I am happier....and I am already a happy person. Only side effects - dry mouth - and I drink gobs of water....and be sure to eat enough fiber so you do not get constipated. My Dr. also said it is important to eat at least 1200 calories a day too.....not take the pill and only eat 500 calories like many have done and had problems.
    I warn you - MANY will think you are trying to take the easy way out and give you know your body and if you felt funky you will stop. I will see my Dr. every 2 weeks...and I am glad - she is monitoring me. I would not order on-line and not have a Dr.'s care.
    I am happy for you and feel free to friend me so we can praise each other on our road to success.
  • gandydancer
    gandydancer Posts: 171 Member
    Just read your post and good for you on your weight loss...I posted a question as to why I can't seem to lose an ounce...I weigh 157 and am 5ft 4 1/2 and need to weigh 145, I pretty much stay at 1200 and rarely go over it, any advice? Thanks in advance Sally
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    I wouldn't do it except under the control of a doctor either. My doctor too had me do complete blood work, and EKG, and takes my blood pressure every month. She is very into nutrition. Some of the stuff she likes, I won't take. Like protein powder shakes. I like eating more natural. Problem was, I was eating lots of fruits and vegetables in addition to junk food -- lots of carbs, ice cream, cookies, pizza, wine. Lots of empty calories.

    I am leaving out the junk food now, and still eating lots of fruit and vegetables. I don't get any stomach problems like some people have mentioned. When I first started taking it, I was up at night and jittery. That doesn't happen anymore. I really love the control I have.

    What's most important to me is to be able to continue eating healthy like I have been able to do since I started Phentermine. I am thinking that if I continue logging my food and exercise after I stop taking it, I will be able to do maintenance.

    It really helps me to log food and keep track of the calories. This is the first time I have done it. I hope I can continue logging, continue eating healthy, and keep the weight off for good.

    I also am taking Phentermine, and actually starting my second month. There are no doubts that the drug, like any drug can be dangerous, but if you are using under the care of a PCP then you should be fine. Before my Dr prescribed anything to me she made sure I could take the drug and be healthy. She made me take a full blood work test to ensure I didn’t have any issues, checked my breathing as this drug can cause issues if you have respiratory issues, and then made me take a echo cardiogram and other checks to ensure my heart and valves were functioning properly. After all of this she started me off my first month with a very low dose of only 15MGs to ensure I could handle it without getting to freaked out!
    After all of this I am now on 30MGs, once per day, with monthly testosterone boosts and B12 injections. It is really paying off, but I would not have done unless I was sure I was healthy enough and it was a good fit. Also, my Dr is letting me do it for 6 months, no longer.
    Side effects, I am super happy , have tons of energy, and am losing weight… However, sometimes I just sweat for no good reason and am pretty amped out most of the times. So if your spouse and friends can handle someone that talks a lot for a few months, go for it…
  • agman90
    agman90 Posts: 15 Member
    I have done the phentermine in the past as well. I started the first time by taking a whole pill once in the morning. I got jittery, had cottonmouth with the bad taste and insomnia like you wouldn't believe. So my doctor recommended I try half a pill. That was the exact thing I needed. I still had dry mouth, but not so bad, and you should drink plenty of water anyway. insomnia was better. Didn't go away completely, but manageable. I took the 1/2 pill only during the work week, and had my weekly weigh in on mondays. It worked for me so I could have accountability. I lost from 240 down to 159 in 5 months by eating healthy and exercising regularly. I kept it off for over a year because I changed my eating habits and lifestyle. Then we had some family drama and I fell into old habits. I am on it again now, with 75 =/- to lose. I know I can do it because I already did it once. It is great for a kickstart and I didn't become addicted to it taking it in such small amounts.

    Good luck! I know you can do it!
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    That's impressive, Agman, that you went from 240 to 159 in 5 months! That does happen, though, to slide back into old habits, and have to do it all over again. That's what I have done over and over again. This is the very first time on Phen that I am changing my eating habits. This is also the first time I have ever logged food, calories, and exercise. I don't ever want to be in a Plus Size again!
  • marckromano
    I think the best thing in this case it is speak with your doctor, he/she will give you the best advice in order to use it in the best way.
  • gandydancer
    gandydancer Posts: 171 Member
    Wanted to say that I have been on very similar med as that and at first it works and then the weight pretty much came back and it got to be so ineffective there was no difference taking it or not, so for me definitely not the answer....good luck