Gryffindor Common Room



  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    cw: 176 (no weight lost)
    Water: 2 points (I had my goal at 12, but most days did around 10)
    Rainbow: 4

    TIme to get my act together and really utilize MFP, started off strong, then waned, need to get back to it! School started this week, so this week might be a little crazy, but I am determined that at least starting this weekend I will make a weekly menu so that I can still eat healthfully. I am determined I will be at least half way to my goal by December!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Gryffindors, I am SO sorry for the bleh week last week! I was a tad emotional plus busy, and it was a bad combo for motivation and free time :(

    The good news is, lots of you still worked your lion hearts like crazy, and I'm SO proud of you all!

    Here is our Prefect chart for the last 2 weeks of numbers. I haven't heard from the names in bold for one or both of the weeks, negative numbers mean gains, positive numbers mean losses, 100% means no change, and anything else means you haven't weighed in recently enough to calculate it.
    There's also a new column for House Points, so don't forget to keep track of them and post them during your check in on Mondays! They're going to factor in to choosing Prefects from here on out!

    If you want me to have your missing numbers for the next chart, feel free to PM me, otherwise, I'll send reminders on Friday or so.

    Prefects for both weeks are:

    Peariel and Blondie2285 (for percentage lost), and TourThePast (for House Points)!

  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    CHALLENGES THIS WEEK (8/22 to 8/28):

    Some of us either are close to our goal weights and have Non-Scale goals, or are getting discouraged with the scale, so I want to DOUBLE emphasize the House Points portion of the challenges to give us all something to work towards that we can control a little better than that dumb scale!

    I'm open to suggestions on how to officially decide this, but here is my new idea for choosing Prefects:

    One prefect will continue to be the Gryffindor with the highest weight loss percentage for the week.
    The other prefect will be the Gryffindor with the most House Points earned (as long as they are not also the weight loss Prefect, for fairness). If more than one person has the same amount of House Points and it's the highest number earned that week, we'll have a tie.

    I want to keep us encouraged by things we can actively do to compete against ourselves and each other. And if you have a bad week, NO ONE will be getting kicked out! This group is for motivation, so if you don't participate you're only hurting yourself.

    For the challenges! I'm going to loosen up the amount of House Points you can earn to make it more competitive, but I don't want anyone pushing themselves harder than they can healthily push! SAFETY FIRST, GRYFFS!

    FOOD CHALLENGE: None this week, officially. I need your suggestions of what would help you for next week!
    Try to keep up your water tho, it's always good for you!

    EXERCISE CHALLENGE: Jumping Jacks! I'm going to experiment a little and say you get 5 House Points for every day you do at least 25 Jumping Jacks this week. I encourage you to make your daily/weekly goal even higher if that sounds easy, and only give yourself the full points when you meet that goal. Also, if you complete less than 25 Jumping Jacks on any day, you can earn partial credit: 1 point for every 5 Jumping Jacks per day, up to 5 House Points total per day.

    This is just to try out my idea, and see if it will help motivate those having scale issues :) We can modify as necessary, and PLEASE let me know if you have suggestions!

    Let's bounce back and make this week AMAZING, Gryffindors! I know we got this!!!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    In other news, I just stayed up past 3 am to finish a drawing for a deviantART contest...only to just miss the deadline by SECONDS! I'm sharing with you because my drawing was HP related (for those interested in seeing it):
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    Eep! Sorry I haven't weighed in this week yet! I have forgotten the last two mornings. Will definitely weigh in tomorrow! Seems it has been a busy week for all of us. :)

    Also, @bronwenhilary your art is gorgeous! What medium did you use?
  • Honeybee511
    Honeybee511 Posts: 97 Member
    bronwenhilary that was some awesome art!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Eep! Sorry I haven't weighed in this week yet! I have forgotten the last two mornings. Will definitely weigh in tomorrow! Seems it has been a busy week for all of us. :)

    Also, @bronwenhilary your art is gorgeous! What medium did you use?

    Thanks guys! It's mixed media, actually. I did the background with watercolor, then colored the figures on top of it with black colored pencil. I touched it up in Photoshop at the very end.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Looking forward to another week of being "good" I'm so happy this is continuing, and excited to be a prefect for the first time!

    Can't do jumping jacks right now due to a flare up of an arthritic toe which HAS to be better in a few weeks, might even have to stop zumba until then if it's bad after tomorrow's class. Can you suggest an equivalent low impact exercise, so I can still join in the challenge? :smile:
  • deepakris
    deepakris Posts: 31 Member
    Sorry this is late, but I'm 130.2 this week. <_<
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Looking forward to another week of being "good" I'm so happy this is continuing, and excited to be a prefect for the first time!

    Can't do jumping jacks right now due to a flare up of an arthritic toe which HAS to be better in a few weeks, might even have to stop zumba until then if it's bad after tomorrow's class. Can you suggest an equivalent low impact exercise, so I can still join in the challenge? :smile:

    No prob! What about this:

    It's all the same moves, just slowed down without the high impact. I hope this helps so you can join us!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    No prob! What about this:

    It's all the same moves, just slowed down without the high impact. I hope this helps so you can join us!
    That's great thanks. I nearly suggested something similar, but they're a lot easier - I'll do twice as many to make it a real challenge :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    No prob! What about this:

    It's all the same moves, just slowed down without the high impact. I hope this helps so you can join us!
    That's great thanks. I nearly suggested something similar, but they're a lot easier - I'll do twice as many to make it a real challenge :)

    Great attitude! I love it :)
  • hufflepuffin
    Greetings, Gryffindors!

    I've heard from your Head of House that Hufflepuff House fell by the wayside after the movie release. I will be appointing myself Hufflepuff Head of House and will be working on forming the group as soon as possible. When our group is formed and organized, I'll post the link to the Hufflepuff Common Room here so you can look in on us if you wish.

    Start brainstorming for friendly cross-House competitions!


  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Greetings, Gryffindors!

    I've heard from your Head of House that Hufflepuff House fell by the wayside after the movie release. I will be appointing myself Hufflepuff Head of House and will be working on forming the group as soon as possible. When our group is formed and organized, I'll post the link to the Hufflepuff Common Room here so you can look in on us if you wish.

    Start brainstorming for friendly cross-House competitions!



    Gryffs! I think this is exciting, and maybe once in a while we can coordinate our weekly challenges just for some friendly competition :) Woo!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Ooh a bit late but I'm in! When does the next challenge start or what is the current challenge?
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Ooh a bit late but I'm in! When does the next challenge start or what is the current challenge?

    Go back to page 9 and see this week's challenge (towards the bottom).

    I'll need your weight from this week (or asap, if you haven't weighed yet), and goal weights for Sept 1 and Oct 1 (when the Hogwarts Express leaves and when opens).

    We weigh in on Mondays (just post it here) and don't forget to keep track of your house points from the challenges and post them when you check in on Mondays!

    Welcome to Gryffindor!! :)
  • randomgyrl
    randomgyrl Posts: 111 Member
    I love the jumping jack idea!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hey guys! If any of you are wondering, if you miss your jumping jacks on a certain day you can totally make them up on another day! But you can only earn 30 points for the week (6 days, Tuesday thru Sunday + 25 jacks per day = 150 jumping jacks total for the week MAX).

    I wanted to make it seem less daunting, but if you need catch up, feel free! And if you can do more, awesome!

    Good luck guys!
  • hufflepuffin
    Greetings Gryffindors!

    Hufflepuff Head of House here. Just wanted to let you all know the Hufflepuff Common Room is up and running.
    You can look in on us here:

    Looking forward to our first inter-House competition!
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    Greetings, Gryffindors!

    I've heard from your Head of House that Hufflepuff House fell by the wayside after the movie release. I will be appointing myself Hufflepuff Head of House and will be working on forming the group as soon as possible. When our group is formed and organized, I'll post the link to the Hufflepuff Common Room here so you can look in on us if you wish.

    Start brainstorming for friendly cross-House competitions!



    Gryffs! I think this is exciting, and maybe once in a while we can coordinate our weekly challenges just for some friendly competition :) Woo!

    i am so for doing inter-house competitions! we gryffs will kick butt!