10 people who need to lose 50 pounds Challenge!



  • drakies
    drakies Posts: 8
    Hey everyone,

    I looked into getting the spreedsheet online and the best way was a website :)

    If you could toodle pip over everyone should be on it, look at the bottom tabs for your name :), i need to do a bit of spring cleaning with the spreedsheet, though it does work perfectly.

    What does everyone think? Anything else anyone wants to add? I know its only one page so filler would be good :)

    Website: http://www.wix.com/agreenmess/20peopletolose50

    Hope everyone is ok!

    Nessy x x

    Yes, thanks Nessy it looks fab. You nearly gave me a heart attack though, you've put my weight as 19st 7lbs instead of 197 lbs. What a shock I got when I looked at my BMI. Could you change if you're in doing something else anyway.

    Good day so far today, thank heavens for fruit tea. It doesn't go with biscuits!
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    Hey everyone,

    I looked into getting the spreedsheet online and the best way was a website :)

    If you could toodle pip over everyone should be on it, look at the bottom tabs for your name :), i need to do a bit of spring cleaning with the spreedsheet, though it does work perfectly.

    What does everyone think? Anything else anyone wants to add? I know its only one page so filler would be good :)

    Website: http://www.wix.com/agreenmess/20peopletolose50

    Hope everyone is ok!

    Nessy x x

    Yes, thanks Nessy it looks fab. You nearly gave me a heart attack though, you've put my weight as 19st 7lbs instead of 197 lbs. What a shock I got when I looked at my BMI. Could you change if you're in doing something else anyway.

    Good day so far today, thank heavens for fruit tea. It doesn't go with biscuits!

    hehe - bet that was a shock! LOL! :P
  • vmrink
    vmrink Posts: 42
    Thanks, Nessy! Looks great!

    I'm 5'4 btw. Also, I do my weigh in Mondays, so my check-ins will be a few days late or early, however you want to look at it.. Today's weigh-in has me at 267.4. Down about 4lbs.
  • katlondoncanuck
    Any space for me - or is this group full up now?
  • airica25
    airica25 Posts: 50 Member
    I hate fluctuating weight. I was at 201 and now I am at 203,

    I am doing a Challenge that is 10 pounds for the month of August and the weigh in is on Monday... which keeps me honest over the weekend.


    or maybe I should be saying BOOHOOOHOOOHOOOOO!
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    Any space for me - or is this group full up now?

    Im sorry hunny its full :( x
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    I hate fluctuating weight. I was at 201 and now I am at 203,

    I am doing a Challenge that is 10 pounds for the month of August and the weigh in is on Monday... which keeps me honest over the weekend.


    or maybe I should be saying BOOHOOOHOOOHOOOOO!

    10 pounds! I wish I could do that in a month lol! At first I thought I could but the realisation hit me quite hard, my weight is gonna take a loooong time to come off :(

    What great motivation for the weekends! I am always rubbish at the weekend! just not got the routine of them yet :) been at this since Feb haha!!

    Hows is everyone else doing this week?

    I had a really good monday with my Body blitz class it kills me everyweek but I love it.
    Yesterday I had kettlebells and it was ok, not the best class I have ever had - I want the holiday replacemnet super cute guy to come back :( lol - I then had a chocolate bar last night! Im not gonna beat my self up about it though! Choc is a big weekness of mine I have realised.
    Looking forward to a good day today - Im going to meet some friends in town after the dentist :( We are gonn have dinner! I havnt seen them for months so Im just gonna relax and not be uptight about what im eating and just try and make some reasonable choices :)

    Pink xxx
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    I can't look at the spreadsheet right now, because I'm on my mobile. Will look at it later.

    I'm currently fasting the month of Ramadan. That means I can't eat or drink between 202am and
    906pm(changes slightly ever day depending on break of dawn&sunset) It's the 3rd day today, so still quite some time to go. It's going quite well up until now. :)
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    WOW! Go u Sarah! I could never do that I dont think - I guess its surprising what we can do when we put our mind to it and if it means enough to us! Just like this new healthy lifestyle!

    Are you finding it relativly easy then?

    Maybe you could share with us what ramadan is about so we can all have a better understanding of it?

  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    Oh yes you can do a lot more than you think!!

    It sounds really difficult to not eat and drink all day, but you do get used to it. I had a bad headache on the first day, but yesterday went much better.

    Most muslims fast the month of Ramadan. Women who have their period don't fast. And women who are pregnant or breastfeeding&people who are sick are excused from fasting aswell but they can if they chose to.

    We fast because God told us to do that, but there's a lot of wisdom behind it. It teaches patience and also like this you'll care more about other people who are really starving. Because let's face it, we eat 2 meals per day, so it isn't really unhealthy. And we aren't starving, because we know we'll eat at sunset.

    The Islamic months aren't like normal months, because Ramadan is 11 days earlier each year, which means some years it's more difficult than others. In the winter the times are the easiest, like 5am til 3pm. But obviously it's summer now, so it's a bit more difficult now.

    I think it'll really help me with my snacking behaviour, because I'm used to snacking a lot and now I can't! So I'm hoping that I won't fall into that bad habit again when Ramadan finishes. I only expect my normal weight loss of about 4kg per month,any more will be a very welcome extra, because my calorie intake is about 400 less than normal, BUT I'm exercising less than normal, so we'll see. I am trying though, but only easy things like my exercise bike,cleaning&walking. I can't do much after I have dinner, because I usually sleep early

    I will go to try to exercise with my Kinect soon (EA Active) but only the easy exercises.

    I try to drink as much water as I can at the times we can eat and drink, so I should be fine about not getting too dehydrated. But obviously it isn't the time for running I think lol.
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    Aww I can't open up the spreadsheet on my computer :( I wonder if you'd be able to easily convert it to a jpeg or another sort of image file instead of a work file?
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    How did we all do at the friday weigh in??

    I was 114.7 kg last week and today I was 112.8 kg.

    I should mention it was my TOM last week and I'm fasting Ramadan aswell,so it's probably something to do with those things aswell. (I had gained 0.2kg last week)
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I lost half a pound this week to be at 188.0 .
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    I was 183.6 :( Thats ok, Im gonna have a really good week this week! :) xxx
  • Stagezz
    Stagezz Posts: 124 Member
    I'm at 207.2...BLAH!
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    Weigh in day :D I was 215.4 and today I'm 212.6, loss of 2.8 lbs this week
  • airica25
    airica25 Posts: 50 Member
    I am at 204 yesterday. :explode:
  • airica25
    airica25 Posts: 50 Member
    Friday I was at 204 and I ate like crap and didn't exercise all weekend - ( I did go swimming yesterday.but I have a 2 year old that I hold pretty much the entire time.) This morning for my Monday weigh in - I am back down at least 2 pounds - I even had brownies last night.

    go figure.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    Im struggling this month so far! I think my thoughts are - I did so weel in July I can afford to not be soo good - but ive went the opp way and indulged in everything! Gonna kick my butt this week and hope for a good weigh in on fri :) xxx
  • airica25
    airica25 Posts: 50 Member
    I have been trying to kick my metabolism up by eating some crap food. I am not a big fruits and veggie eater but if I could somehow make them taste a bit better in a not so fating way....I am so tired of the same old same old meals we always have..... so I was wondering if everyone would post maybe 1 meal recipe that they love that is easy to make and not so bad for you. here is a recent one that I enjoy - portions vary for how much you want to make.

    1 box Penne
    1 red pepper
    1 yellow pepper
    1 green pepper
    1 onion
    2 bag diced chicken (I will sometimes buy the frozen pre cooked) *john soules foods
    2 Vodka Sauce *Classico

    dice up veggies and put in olive oil to cook
    throw in the chicken its usually frozen but you could grill your own and dice
    after that has been cooking and soft - pour on the sauce to warm

    This will feed my family of 5 with some leftovers. I have 3 children. You can take out what you don't like or add to it - or change amounts. remember portion control.