Rainbow Warriors: Getting Fit & Fabulous!



  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Hey Warriors,

    I know it said invitation only, I saw CeeJay post about it and thats what brought me here, hope that counts! =)

    Im 36, I am from San Diego, CA. I have decided enough is enough. Im tired of feeling unhealthy, not to mention the complete inability to look cute in clothes any more! lol

    My biggest motivators: Myself, My 17yr old daughter

    I have 125lbs to lose, have lost 18 so far! =)

    It was only by invitation at first. You're more than welcome to join!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Gah! Double post. So not my day.
  • YAY! Thanks for letting me join! How is everyone doing today? My mini challenge for this week: WATER!

    Getting in my 80oz of water each day minimum is always my challenge, so I am making myself accountable!

    Day 1: _oz out of 80oz.
    Day 2: _oz out of 80oz.
    Day 3: _oz out of 80oz.
    Day 4: _oz out of 80oz.
    Day 5: _oz out of 80oz.
    Day 6: _oz out of 80oz.
    Day 7: _oz out of 80oz.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Just to warn everyone, I probably won't be on the boards as much as usual in August. I decided to participate in Camp NaNoWriMo (www.campnanowrimo.org), so I'm going to be spending most of my time attempting to reach my daily word goal. I'll still try to post questions and whatnot, though.
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Question Of The Week:

    What food have you given up that turned out to be a huge disappointment when you tried it again at a later date?

    Fast food maybe. But I'm going to turn that question around:

    What food have you eaten more of that pleasantly surprised you? :)

    When I'm eating right, I really like the taste of raw carrots and spinach. I realize the flavor is subtle, but I really love them :)


  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Question Of The Week:

    What food have you given up that turned out to be a huge disappointment when you tried it again at a later date?

    Hmm, so is this another way of saying, what food did I give up that I don't really miss anymore?? SODA...I gave it up years ago, and I've tried going back but even just diet sodas make me gain weight! I don't miss them AT ALL. Every once in a while I might get a craving, but really....it's fictitious. lol I had a sip of my gf's Sprite yesterday, and couldn't take it...too sweet. I couldn't even tell you the last time I had a sip before that.

    As for debbiequack's question, What food have you eaten more of that pleasantly surprised you?
    I think I used to not like brussel sprouts, but when they are cooked to my liking and not bitter, I :heart: them!
  • Day 1: 80oz out of 80oz.
    Day 2: _oz out of 80oz.
    Day 3: _oz out of 80oz.
    Day 4: _oz out of 80oz.
    Day 5: _oz out of 80oz.
    Day 6: _oz out of 80oz.
    Day 7: _oz out of 80oz.

    As for food, fast food, soooo greasy, blech.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Bump, so people can find this.
  • I need more Warrior guys to friend me! I love all the ladies (of course) but where are all the other guys! :drinker:
  • Ok guys.... I know its the 2nd and all but how bout everyone make a goal for the month. Mine is to lose 10 pounds for the month of August and up my water to about 90 to 100 oz a day. We can do this people. Ok so i will post my weekly weight loss in my signature for this month. Any one up for the challenge?
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Alright, my goal is simply 30 min of exercise, 6 days a week! :)

  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I've started making goals every month, then updating them at the end of the month when I make my new goals (posted in a separate blog) - it helps keep me accountable!

    So, here are my goals for August:
    1. 1000 fitness minutes.
    2. strength train 2-3x week.
    3. track all food even on bad days
    4. Dog walks
    5. Bedtime of 10-10:30pm at the latest!
    6. Get up early enough to make breakfast, or make ahead.
    7. train for a 5 minute burpee challenge
    8. goal weight 190 (that's a 6.6lb loss)
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Hello?? *hears echoes* :frown:
  • Hiyas!! =)

    I have mini goals to, my biggest is water as that has always been my hardest and I am kicking *kitten* with water this week! =D Got my HRM last night, so today ima burn those calories i ate yesterday from going to rubios *hangs head*
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    I know what food I tried lately that surprised me. SPAGHETTI SQUASH. OMG its like so creative to cook (seriously) and EASY and.... its SUCH a great substitute to pasta!

    Sorry I havent been active. I work out a lot during the day and its hard to write in here so I tend not to come on as often. I know that im am burning a ton and getting at on stronger. I cant wait for my first month of this to be done. I cant wait to see how far I have come!

    Hope you are all well!
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    My goal for August is to break my plateau and lose 7-8 pounds. I really want to lose 14 total by Sept 27th, my birthday.

    I am also trying to eat lower carb this month, because it helps my weight loss. Nothing drastic like Atkins, but sticking to the 50-100g range max.
  • My goal for August is to break my plateau and lose 7-8 pounds. I really want to lose 14 total by Sept 27th, my birthday.

    I am also trying to eat lower carb this month, because it helps my weight loss. Nothing drastic like Atkins, but sticking to the 50-100g range max.

    You can do it CJ.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Ok guys.... I know its the 2nd and all but how bout everyone make a goal for the month.

    My goal is to not use my involvement in Camp NaNoWriMo as an excuse not to exercise for even ONE day, this month. I will hit my word goal AND my exercise goal every day, no matter what. Both of which I should probably be doing right now...
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    I love spaghetti squash too. Partner doesn't. Bummer.

    My goal is to excercise more. I'm doing okay on the food, but slacking on excercise. I feel sooo much better when I do yoga, but I've been too lazy/busy/tired/fullofexcuses to do it daily.

    Food I tried and was disappointed with: reese sticks. Used to be a favorite. Now I want them with more peanut butter, dark chocolate and lesssweet. Dissapointing now. Thank goddess.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Food I tried and was disappointed with: reese sticks. Used to be a favorite. Now I want them with more peanut butter, dark chocolate and lesssweet. Dissapointing now. Thank goddess.

    Oh, man, when I had some cheap chocolate after existing on good, dark chocolate for a month, I almost puked. It was all gross and waxy. It didn't even taste like food.