Atkins Support Group



  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Hi Ginny! Please, please read over the atkins website before you start the diet, or read the book if you haven't already. The most important thing about Atkins is that you need to follow it pretty much to the letter so that you remain healthy and happy during the lifestyle change. Also, if you register on their website, they'll send you a free kit with some coupons, protein bars and a carb counter booklet :)

    Hi thanks! I've been researching it for awhile now, but not much of a meat eater, I like chicken and seafood. I have celiacs disease and I pay a lot of money for gluten free products (anything containing carbs basically) so I had thought this might be a good lifestyle for me, and I'd for sure be gluten free!
    You'll do great just eating chicken and seafood; no red meat is "required". I also eat eggs and Greek yogurt (not during induction) for protein. Greek Yogurt isn't actually on the "what you can eat" lists but the plain only has 7 carbs per 6 oz. serving (and 18 grams of protein) so I think it fits quite well.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Yet more research that low carb works and helps get rid of dreaded belly fat - just remember to have that cheese on your salad and that dollop of cream in your coffee! (Story from today's Daily Mail):


    A high protein, low carbohydrate diet has long been hailed as a successful weight-loss method, but a new study has found that protein-rich dairy foods can help aid this further.

    Researchers found that those consuming higher-protein, high-dairy diets experienced more abdominal fat loss and the greatest amount of whole-body fat.

    The study monitored three groups of obese and overweight pre-menopausal women – each group undertaking either a low, medium or high amount of dairy foods along with high or low amounts of protein and carbohydrates.

    The women then took part in aerobic exercise five times a week and circuit weightlifting two days a week over a four month period.

    Researchers found that the women on higher-protein, high dairy group lost the greatest amount of whole-body fat and belly fat.

    The lead author of the study, Andrea Josse, from the Department of Kinesiology at McMaster University, said: ‘100 per cent of the weight loss in the higher-protein, high-dairy group was fat.

    ‘And the participants gained muscle mass, which is a major change in body composition.

    'The preservation or even gain of muscle is very important for maintaining metabolic rate and preventing weight regain, which can be a major problem for many seeking to lose weight.’

    The study will be published in the Journal of Nutrition in September.

    Read more:
  • anewrac
    anewrac Posts: 52 Member
    Hi guys,

    I'm on day 2 of induction and feel great!!

    Rach x
  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    I think I'm doing this right! I need to get the book...
    Breakfast 3 eggs with spinach mushrooms and cheddar cheese
    Lunch was spinach salad with whole chicken breast cheese and dressing with 1 g net carb
    I snacked on raw cauliflower and broccoli
  • kcrojas630
    kcrojas630 Posts: 145 Member
    Back on the wagon this week. Just need to make myself eat more veggies. Glad to see everyone doing well!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I think I'm doing this right! I need to get the book...
    Breakfast 3 eggs with spinach mushrooms and cheddar cheese
    Lunch was spinach salad with whole chicken breast cheese and dressing with 1 g net carb
    I snacked on raw cauliflower and broccoli
    Sounds like you're on the right track. :)
  • jatcat310
    My skin is a MESS....what the heck is that about? I did have some soda and a pop tart but man, my body is giving me some serious payback.
  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    So I had an emotional breakdown yesterday (going thru a divorce) forgot to eat dinner, did Zumba, then snuck in chicken before bed bc I don't like to be in a calorie deficit which I was anyways not meaning to. But this morning I cooked two eggs in the microwave with some cinnamon and splenda and some sausage too. I'll try to eT better today. I looked up some recipesomline for induction so I dont get bored but some of them it seemed like I couldn't have them bc items were in them that weren't on the list of appropriAte foods.

    Also a question; what can I drink? Yesterday I had a cup of decAf coffee with my sugar free 1net carb soy milk and 100 oz of water
    Also is it a good idea to buy ketone strips yet? And yet Another one, what about my headache? Lol ok that's all for now folks ha ha

    Ps forgot to add at least my emotional breakdown didn't lead to carb bingeing
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    So I had an emotional breakdown yesterday (going thru a divorce) forgot to eat dinner, did Zumba, then snuck in chicken before bed bc I don't like to be in a calorie deficit which I was anyways not meaning to. But this morning I cooked two eggs in the microwave with some cinnamon and splenda and some sausage too. I'll try to eT better today. I looked up some recipesomline for induction so I dont get bored but some of them it seemed like I couldn't have them bc items were in them that weren't on the list of appropriAte foods.

    Also a question; what can I drink? Yesterday I had a cup of decAf coffee with my sugar free 1net carb soy milk and 100 oz of water
    Also is it a good idea to buy ketone strips yet? And yet Another one, what about my headache? Lol ok that's all for now folks ha ha

    Ps forgot to add at least my emotional breakdown didn't lead to carb bingeing

    Sorry about your divorce. :( I actually went through it the same way when I had mine a decade ago. I was dieting and such and it was hard to stay on track with all of the stress, but you can do it! have faith in yourself :)

    You can drink water, decaf tea/coffee and other sugar-free drinks. Try to stay away from those with aspartame in them, though. If you absolutely have to have a diet soda, get Diet Rite(it has splenda).

    You don't need the ketone strips, but since you are brand new to Atkins I would suggest them for a month so that you can get the hang of being in ketosis. Your headache should go away after about 3-5 days :)

    In my signature below, I have a website that also has some tasty recipes that are good for induction. :)
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    So I had an emotional breakdown yesterday (going thru a divorce) forgot to eat dinner, did Zumba, then snuck in chicken before bed bc I don't like to be in a calorie deficit which I was anyways not meaning to. But this morning I cooked two eggs in the microwave with some cinnamon and splenda and some sausage too. I'll try to eT better today. I looked up some recipesomline for induction so I dont get bored but some of them it seemed like I couldn't have them bc items were in them that weren't on the list of appropriAte foods.

    Also a question; what can I drink? Yesterday I had a cup of decAf coffee with my sugar free 1net carb soy milk and 100 oz of water
    Also is it a good idea to buy ketone strips yet? And yet Another one, what about my headache? Lol ok that's all for now folks ha ha

    Ps forgot to add at least my emotional breakdown didn't lead to carb bingeing

    Good job on not binging on carbs. Water is a must, especially on induction. You can buy the ketone strips, but guessing by your headache, you may already be in ketosis. I have the strips, but I only check after a carb up. If you're that curious (like me), buy them. Wondering if I was in ketosis would bug me.

    The headaches will pass. The first week and a half or so, I had pretty bad stomach pangs, and serious brain fog. Tough it out. The "Atkins flu" symptoms should be completely gone before the 3rd week (assuming you've been in ketosis the whole time). By then, your body should be used to running on ketones.

    Keep up the good work!
  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    Yea I've been restricting my carbs to fruit before this my aunt said I might already be in an early stGe of ketosis. She did Atkins well still does, but modified it and hasn't gained any weight back. Yea I'm making surety drink water. I didn't really feel like working out yesterday so I did Zumba but lowered my intensity I usually do it at.

    I'm an emotional eater so it felt good to not binge for once. I think I'll buy the strips today she suggested it for the induction phase. And haven't drank any soda in a few months I like unsweetened tea so definitely will do that, and my soy milk is sweetened with splenda :)
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Interesting... Gary Taubes cholesterol numbers.

    Edit: Numbers posted. Blog post from 4/18/11

    Total: 204
    Total LDL: 116
    VLDL: 19
    HDL: 68
    Tri: 64
    CRP: 0.72
  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    Hey is it ok to eat the protein bars by Atkins yet? I burn so many cal at the gym I'm trying to eat some back. I used to use carbs ha ha ha
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Interesting... Gary Taubes cholesterol numbers.

    Edit: Numbers posted. Blog post from 4/18/11

    Total: 204
    Total LDL: 116
    VLDL: 19
    HDL: 68
    Tri: 64
    CRP: 0.72

    Those numbers are perfect!!!

    My naturopathic Dr told me those that are the healthiest have Total Cholesterol numbers between 190 and 220. His 204, right smack dab in the middle of that range she has asked me to get my numbers to.

    Mine, is too low according to my Dr.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey is it ok to eat the protein bars by Atkins yet? I burn so many cal at the gym I'm trying to eat some back. I used to use carbs ha ha ha

    With Atkins you don't have to worry about eating back exercise calories or even counting calories.

    You just eat when your hungry and don't eat when your not.

    As for those bars and shakes - I don't advise eating any processed foods.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    So I had an emotional breakdown yesterday (going thru a divorce) forgot to eat dinner, did Zumba, then snuck in chicken before bed bc I don't like to be in a calorie deficit which I was anyways not meaning to. But this morning I cooked two eggs in the microwave with some cinnamon and splenda and some sausage too. I'll try to eT better today. I looked up some recipesomline for induction so I dont get bored but some of them it seemed like I couldn't have them bc items were in them that weren't on the list of appropriAte foods.

    Also a question; what can I drink? Yesterday I had a cup of decAf coffee with my sugar free 1net carb soy milk and 100 oz of water
    Also is it a good idea to buy ketone strips yet? And yet Another one, what about my headache? Lol ok that's all for now folks ha ha

    Ps forgot to add at least my emotional breakdown didn't lead to carb bingeing
    Great job controlling your emotional eating. It's a major step towards maintaining your weight loss into the future and you have every right to be proud of yourself!

    I might also suggest the strips while you're in induction. You'll probably find that you have some physical "symptoms" of being in ketosis. These symptoms are different for everyone but can include bad breath, a change in the way your urine smells, etc. Once you know your physical reaction(s) while the strips say you're in ketosis, you won't need the strips any more. You'll know just by those physical reactions alone.
  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    Hey is it ok to eat the protein bars by Atkins yet? I burn so many cal at the gym I'm trying to eat some back. I used to use carbs ha ha ha

    With Atkins you don't have to worry about eating back exercise calories or even counting calories.

    You just eat when your hungry and don't eat when your not.

    As for those bars and shakes - I don't advise eating any processed foods.

    My problem is mostly that I burn so many cal at the gym I'm ravished. Just trying to find an equal middle ground. Lol! I used to snack and soy and blueberries and strawberries blend it upland bam instant energy.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Hey is it ok to eat the protein bars by Atkins yet? I burn so many cal at the gym I'm trying to eat some back. I used to use carbs ha ha ha

    With Atkins you don't have to worry about eating back exercise calories or even counting calories.

    You just eat when your hungry and don't eat when your not.

    As for those bars and shakes - I don't advise eating any processed foods.

    My problem is mostly that I burn so many cal at the gym I'm ravished. Just trying to find an equal middle ground. Lol! I used to snack and soy and blueberries and strawberries blend it upland bam instant energy.
    Atkins wouldn't make and sell the bars if they weren't okay to eat while following their plan. If it's the easiest thing to grab during a workout, then do it. I just wouldn't eat them more than once per day or the soy can interfere with your weight loss.
  • ido10612
    ido10612 Posts: 51
    I wish there was a way that MFP could track Net Carbs in our diary setting instead of just carbs. It would make my life a lot eaiser. (Sigh) Sorry, just need to vent that ;)
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I wish there was a way that MFP could track Net Carbs in our diary setting instead of just carbs. It would make my life a lot eaiser. (Sigh) Sorry, just need to vent that ;)
    Agreed! I've actually posted this in the suggestions/feedback thread but it's been awhile.

    In the meantime, I've made it as easy for myself as possible by choosing food entries that have the sugar alcohol (if any) grams already subtracted from the total carbs and placing the fiber entry in my diary right next to the carb entry so I can easily subtract.