People judge - that's just "reality" - BULL****!

So, I am keenly aware of the fact that people judge me for being obese. I have a thick skin for this judging at this point. However, where the bull**** factor comes in is when someone tells me "that's just reality". Oh really? So it is "reality" for people to be hateful, stupid, and just plain misinformed? I have been reading Gary Taubes' book, Why We Get Fat and his other book, Good Calories Bad Calories and I now know that "reality" isn't what it seems to be.

We live in a dream world - where science is opinion when it doesn't meet with our expectations and prejudices, for example - when the idea that losing weight is simply about calories in/calories out and that fat people have a psychological problem that makes them fat (totally forgoing the SCIENTIFIC research that points to the PHYSIOLOGICAL REASONS for obesity). If you don't understand the cause of a problem, how can you ever come up with a solution for that problem?

What makes us fat? Most of you I am guessing will say that it's caused by overeating (gluttony) and lack of exercise (sloth). That it's simply a calories in/calories out equation - this site is certainly set up that way! But that says nothing about what is ACTUALLY happening in the body to make it convert energy into fat and then store that fat in your cells. What causes that to happen? No one could answer this question for me - until I read these books.

We get fat because of the over-production of insulin which is caused by the excess (and for some people even moderate) ingestion of carbohydrates and especially sugar. This coupled with an imbalance in other hormones and your genetics is when, where, how, and yes WHY we get fat. I am fat because my body is predisposed to put on fat when these conditions are presented (high-carb, high-sugar diet). This in turn starts a vicious cycle where the body is in growth mode (it makes no difference if it is to grow taller or fatter - it's still growth mode), thereby REQUIRING more energy (i.e. food). We all overeat when we are in growth mode - when we are growing children and when our body is getting fatter. Gluttony (overeating) and sloth (physical inactivity) are NOT the CAUSES of obesity, rather they are the EFFECTS of obesity.

So, if you want to talk about "reality" please start with the FACTS. The fact is that most people will be happy to judge but never happy to be judged. I work towards a reality where the cause is the start of the solution and where people are a little less judgmental about the things they don't understand.

Sorry for the rant!


  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I enjoyed reading your post, but I don't agree with it.
  • jamielise2
    jamielise2 Posts: 432 Member
    The whole calories in/calories out method works to a point, but there are definitely other factors at play. Otherwise I could not be 8000 calories down for the week and still only lose .2 lbs in the week before my period.
  • jjhanlon
    jjhanlon Posts: 74 Member
    I enjoyed reading your post, but I don't agree with it.

  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    I enjoyed reading your post, but I don't agree with it.

  • Gsc122
    Gsc122 Posts: 36
    Stress is known to cause weight gain.
    Though are you saying people here judge? I generally find most of them
    just correct misinformed opinion.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    So it is "reality" for people to be hateful, stupid, and just plain misinformed?

    Thousands and thousands of years of history of people waging war, fighting and killing over different beliefs tells me... yes. I'm not saying I LIKE it. I'm saying it's reality. :frown:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I enjoyed reading your post, but I don't agree with it.

    I don't completely agree, either.

    I do think we judge everyone, but not necessarily always in a bad way. I also think some people should judge themselves more. Feel free to judge me. No one on earth will be harder on myself than I am.

    And I don't agree that overeating and inactivity are the effects of obesity.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Im fat and I take responsibility for what I put into my body. Science didnt do me in, stuffing my face did.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    As a fat person myself, I have to say that I got that way from overeating and not exercising. I was an emotional eater. When I learned to deal with that is healthy ways, then I could begin my weight loss journey. I have no one or nothing to blame but myself and I am the only one who can fix it. Now, I watch my calorie, fat, carb and sodium intake and I exercise daily.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I don't understand your logical jump between it's not "reality" for people to be judgemental and misinformed to the "reality" behind why we get fat.

    Clearly, the fact that you had to read the book to know that shows that people are misinformed about this "reality." Yes, people are always going to be judgemental and misinformed. People judge all the time without knowing the whole story. Do you know other people's whole life story before calling them hateful and misinformed? No, you don't. You are being judgemental right there.
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    It's more complicated than just insulin.
    There are a whole load of hormones that regulate bodyweight, normal people remain the same age ajusted weight year in year out despite changes in eating, activity and so on because the body knows how much fat it wants to have around and will actively adjust intake and expenditure.

    Obesity is not one single thing, it can be caused by defects in any of the many hormones that regulate metabolism, leptin, ghrelin, insulin, adiponectin etc

    But yeah I agree. The whole attitude of "those fat lazy *kitten* just need to try harder" is not fair, we have a drive to eat which is just as strong as the drive to breath or go to the toilet, just that with eating we can "hold it" for longer, and some people who are miserable from constantly battling their panicking hungry bodies get angry at the people who they think aren't working as hard as them because they feel deprived. That's what I reckon.

    I look at my family, "morbidly" obese dad, overweight mum, gran had type II diabetes, brother (in his early 20s!) has type II diabetes... I hear about how only 1% of dieters manage to keep the weight off over 2 years and the ones that do, do so by continuing calorie restriction to below "normal" levels (that's right! They didn't go back up to a reasonable 2000 calories, they stayed on 1400 for the rest of their life) while still exercising significant amounts - and most of all they all were psychologically quite obsessive about it and frightened of regaining the weight to a degree that in a thinner person would be a mark of an eating disorder. THAT is the facts!

    Does it mean it's impossible to lose weight? I don't think so, moderate amounts of weightloss can be achieved reasonably easily by most people (the above scenario is for loss of 50-100 lbs). Beyond that, we're all learning more and more about the hormonal control of metabolism, I honestly believe we can have a breakthrough on this soon.

    There was a kid who lacked a functional gene to code for leptin, and while he was massively obese he was also suffering all the metabolic symptoms of starvation, his body thought he was not just semi-starving but starving. Then they supplemented leptin and he lost all the weight, lost the extreme appetite he had, and became like a normal kid.

    But people will say that's "excuses" or that only incredibly rare cases of obesity are caused by "real" problems, everyone else is a lazy fat gluttonous slob. Science ain't on your side.

    Yet I am still going to diet... even though I know it might mean I gain back even more when I get old and tired of policing every single morsel, but dammit I want a few years where I get to be pretty (and I want to be slightly calorifically deprived when I conceive my children because of the positive epigenetic effects that can have on the following generation, or the one after that).
  • wonrob
    wonrob Posts: 66 Member
    No offense but I don't think that you're in "reality" believing that obesity is not caused by gluttony or sloth. I'm not saying that you in particular gained weight because of overeating or laziness (because gaining weight can be attributed to many different things), but the reality is that the majority of obese people got that way because of that.

    I myself put on weight really easily, and it doesn't help that I am lazy and I like to eat. But I try to modulate my weight. I don't blame the scientific way in which my body reacts to food, instead I try to work against it to modulate my weight and keep healthy.

    And being judgmental is a part of human nature. People are judgmental against super skinny people, ugly people, short people, etc. So there's nothing that you can do to change that. I'm not judgmental though, because I don't have a great figure and I know how it feels.
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    "We get fat because of the over-production of insulin which is caused by the excess (and for some people even moderate) ingestion of carbohydrates and especially sugar. This coupled with an imbalance in other hormones and your genetics is when, where, how, and yes WHY we get fat. I am fat because my body is predisposed to put on fat when these conditions are presented (high-carb, high-sugar diet). This in turn starts a vicious cycle where the body is in growth mode (it makes no difference if it is to grow taller or fatter - it's still growth mode), thereby REQUIRING more energy (i.e. food). We all overeat when we are in growth mode - when we are growing children and when our body is getting fatter. Gluttony (overeating) and sloth (physical inactivity) are NOT the CAUSES of obesity, rather they are the EFFECTS of obesity. "

    I think your paragraph I quoted above is incorrect. I think we get fat because of overeating and physical inactivity. We train our bodies to be in the growth mode you refer to above. You are making it sound as if our bodies would be obese naturally and this is not the case. While we might be genetically predisposed to gain in certain areas or be "bigger boned" than others, that does not mean that we are naturally obese. I became obese because I ate the wrong things, ate a LOT of the wrong things, and remained inactive. My whole family is heavy, but that does not mean that I can't lose weight! I'm losing weight right now! I made choices in my life that CAUSED the physiological changes in my body that you mention. You state: "I am fat because my body is predisposed to put on fat when these conditions are presented (high-carb, high-sugar diet)" - this means that you choose to eat high carb, high sugar items and that CAUSE you to get to a growth period and CAUSE obesity. Basically, its not a cycle, it is a choice to maintain that type of lifestyle. It is up to you to break that lifestyle and re-train your body to respond naturally to an active lifestyle, smaller portion sizes, and healthier food choices.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I don't agree that it is strictly science. My entire family is thin and I am fat. I had issues, I ate a lot of bad food and didn't exercise and I put on nearly 50 lbs in 6 months. I take full responsibility for what I did to myself.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    I don't agree either. I gained weight because I like potato chips and pasta and I didn't do any physical activity. This caused my weight gain. I wasn't in any sort of growth mode. I agree that sometimes it's more than just a simple in/out calories per day but in general this is it. Genetics plays a part in which areas we have that are larger, or what kind of metabolism we have.

    and to the person above who has an 8000 defecit in calories, you're not losing weight because you're not eating enough - not because you are having your period. By that theory, after your period is over, you should drop all that weight. Doesn't that sound weird?
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    I enjoyed reading your post, but I don't agree with it.


    dittto. i felt myself getting a bit angry as i read this. but that's all im gonna say.
  • jknoell
    jknoell Posts: 254 Member
    Let me also add that I do not think people should be judgemental either. People will judge, that is out of our control. However, on a site such as this, we should be more focused on trying to help each other and be supportive than being judgemental. But as far as it being a reality, there is absolutely NOTHING we can do to stop people from being judgemental. It is human nature - everyone does it. Maybe not for weight loss or physical appearance, but everyone does it in one way or another.
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    I don't agree either. I gained weight because I like potato chips and pasta and I didn't do any physical activity. This caused my weight gain. I wasn't in any sort of growth mode. I agree that sometimes it's more than just a simple in/out calories per day but in general this is it. Genetics plays a part in which areas we have that are larger, or what kind of metabolism we have.

    and to the person above who has an 8000 defecit in calories, you're not losing weight because you're not eating enough - not because you are having your period. By that theory, after your period is over, you should drop all that weight. Doesn't that sound weird?

    AMEN. I used to be almost 200 lbs in college.. why? because I smoked weed, laid around all day, got drunk as ****, ate whatever i wanted. had the munchies all the time, ate everything in sight, watched movies in bed, slept, woke up got drunk, smoked weed, ate whatever i wanted.
    I'm 151 now.. why? because I work out every day, I have a physically demanding job, I eat good, I stay away from junk. I'm active, and I eat healthy. SIMPLE.
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    I enjoyed reading your post, but I don't agree with it.


    I agree. I was slim in high school because I ate healthy and exercised everyday. I got fat because I stopped doing physical activity and ate like a horse. I'm losing the weight because I eat much better, and exercise regularly.