

  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Mak, you're so active, and great job on some difficult activities as well. Glad you're enjoying your doggies.

    My check-in:
    I logged in everything.
    I did excercise only to stay in goal because Thursdays will be challenging go-out-with-coworkers day.
    And I stayed in goal (thanks philosohoe for the swim) thanks to going over in food and then actually appreciating eating the calories I burn for excercise.
    Overall, not a bad day.
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Check in:
    1. Get back to the exercise regime. One week of illness plus a week of vacation didn't do me any favors. - zumba class tonight. So fun!
    2. Stay under sodium everyday this week. -done
    3. Try something new-exercise, food,etc to keep the spice going in this lifestyle change. -not today, but twice so far this week.

    Hey LadyGloria! Good job on your Sodium for the week so far! I'm up and down a little bit too much this week, so I can definitely see this as a recurring goal for a while.

    Thursday night:
    1) Logged everything
    2) Checking in
    3) Weird better choice followed by less good choices later--said no to the cookie offer at work, but then followed swim with high sodium Del Taco offerings to catch up on calories (I was supposed to go to Jamba Juice, but I didn't want to get out of my car after 14 hr day.) Lame! Oh well.
    4) So again, I WAS doing fine on sodium before last meal stop of the day. Ended up almost 1800 over. My rationalization was that if I went to JJ, then I was going to be over on Sugar, and if I went to DT, then I was going to be over on sodium, so either way it wouldn't be great. I decided to give in to the thing that I've been craving for a few days anyways. I think that in retrospect, I should have just taken the lower calorie hit for the day (about 1100 for the day instead of planned 1400 + 350 exercise) and work on a more balanced day tomorrow.

    I really like what Heart's Desire said about learning from not-so-good days. I feel like this is another one of those days for me. The numbers are a big part of the process, but I have to dig a little deeper, look at overall healthier food choices, and try to distinguish when I'm eating to make up calories because I genuinely NEED them or just because I CAN. Tonight was more of a "because I can" scenario. I would have been perfectly fine without the extra, and I would have achieved my goal 4 for the day too.

    However, I also liked the part about tomorrow is a brand new day, and the part when MAK said that one of the big differences between now and Pre-MFP life, is that it really can just be a bad DAY rather than a bad spiral of days/weeks/months. One day--I can totally recover from 1 day. ;)

    Happy FRIDAY (soon)! Night all~Jenn
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285

    I really like what Heart's Desire said about learning from not-so-good days. I feel like this is another one of those days for me. The numbers are a big part of the process, but I have to dig a little deeper, look at overall healthier food choices, and try to distinguish when I'm eating to make up calories because I genuinely NEED them or just because I CAN. Tonight was more of a "because I can" scenario. I would have been perfectly fine without the extra, and I would have achieved my goal 4 for the day too.

    However, I also liked the part about tomorrow is a brand new day, and the part when MAK said that one of the big differences between now and Pre-MFP life, is that it really can just be a bad DAY rather than a bad spiral of days/weeks/months. One day--I can totally recover from 1 day. ;)

    Happy FRIDAY (soon)! Night all~Jenn

    I'm with you, I also like Heart's Desire and MAK's positive attitudes and have greatly benefitted from the shared wisdom.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Thursday Goals:

    Get my water in
    Keep control of my food diary and eat as I've planned
    Check back in with you all tonight.
    Checking in for Thursday:

    Not bad on the water
    Not good on the food though I did just eat a salad and it felt great to be eating healthy food that I know is good for my body.
    No workout today

    I think overall Today was far better than yesterday, today though didn't eat everything healthy I didn't feel quite as out of control.
    So here's looking for a good Friday to end the week. I think the Salad helped me to get started on a good Friday as it was really tasty and I think I'd forgotten how much better I feel with veggies in me. :o)

    **Goals for Friday:

    eat healthy
    track it on my food diary
    get in a nice workout
    get in plenty of water
    quit beating myself up for not doing everything perfect...

    Have a wonderful Friday my Friends! xo

    Check - in for Friday:

    Woo Hoo! Healthy planned eating ALL day!
    Wrote everything down in my food diary
    Kept up my water
    Extra long workout today, it felt good!
    Didn't beat myself up today for food choices because I made wise ones.

    It was a GOOD Day, I'm really proud of myself for getting back on track. WOW, parts of the day were so NOT easy but I knew if I didn't today it'd only go on another day and I didn't want that. We all know how that goes! xo

  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Friday check in:
    1. Week 9 P90X - today was yoga. I like this workout. I don't like that it's 90 minutes. But I did get my self up and moving and did it before work. Which is good because TOM came early I was so sick from cramps I left work early I have been miserable all night :(
    2. 3 nonP90X workouts - not today
    3. daily check in's - hi all!!

    My weigh in went well this morning felt pretty excite about that. Feel like I'm starting to get the hang of this healthier lifestyle and I'm getting better at healthier choices when I'm out side of my usual schedule. Pretty excited about that.
    I'm still feeling not so great so I'm heading to bed. HUGGS to you all. You all make me smile so much. I thank you for that :)
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Aww, MAK, feel better!! <<HUGS>>

    Friday night:

    1) logged everything
    2) checked in
    3) avoided potluck at work today and all the dessert type stuff that went along with it
    4) less than 400 over on sodium--better than yesterday, so that's good and closer to goal.

    SOOOO glad this crazy work week is over. Hope everyone has a great Saturday. Check in with you tomorrow night!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    MAK hope you feel better. Philosohoe, great job on sodium!!

    My check in:
    I logged in everything
    I excercised (lightly playing with kids in pool)
    I did not stay in goal (went quite a bit over)

    For some reason I've been so hungry and it's not even my chunk-up-female-monthly time. :( very sad, but oh well, tomorrow is another day
  • sl1mmy
    sl1mmy Posts: 185
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    1. Get back to the exercise regime. One week of illness plus a week of vacation didn't do me any favors. - tried turbo fire today, was fun.
    2. Stay under sodium everyday this week. -done
    3. Try something new-exercise, food,etc to keep the spice going in this lifestyle change. -see #1, plus I tried jamaican patties, so there!

    Sorry for the late checking for Friday. Didn't feel good last night.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Thanks everyone! Still had cramps when I woke up, but doing better. Even did my workout and I guarantee 8 months ago (before I joined MFP) I would NOT have worked out on a day like today.
    Check - in for Friday:

    Woo Hoo! Healthy planned eating ALL day!
    Wrote everything down in my food diary
    Kept up my water
    Extra-long workout today, it felt good!
    Didn't beat myself up today for food choices because I made wise ones.

    It was a GOOD Day, I'm really proud of myself for getting back on track. WOW, parts of the day were so NOT easy but I knew if I didn't today it'd only go on another day and I didn't want that. We all know how that goes! xo
    Way to get back on track and kick some mini goal bootie. Keep it up!
    Aww, MAK, feel better!! <<HUGS>>

    Friday night:

    1) logged everything
    2) checked in
    3) avoided potluck at work today and all the dessert type stuff that went along with it
    4) less than 400 over on sodium--better than yesterday, so that's good and closer to goal.

    SOOOO glad this crazy work week is over. Hope everyone has a great Saturday. Check in with you tomorrow night!
    I hear you about this week being over. Those potluck at work are DANGEROUS! Nicely done!

    1. Get back to the exercise regime. One week of illness plus a week of vacation didn't do me any favors. - tried turbo fire today, was fun.
    2. Stay under sodium everyday this week. -done
    3. Try something new-exercise, food,etc to keep the spice going in this lifestyle change. -see #1, plus I tried jamaican patties, so there!

    Sorry for the late checking for Friday. Didn't feel good last night.
    Good job with Turbo Fire! I've heard good things about those workouts. What's a jamaican patty?

    Saturday check in:
    1. Week 9 P90X – Day 5 done. Plus I did my Friday and Saturday challenges.
    2. 3 nonP90X workouts – Did 2 days’ worth of challenges PLUS cleaned the house top to bottom to get ready for company.
    3. daily check in's - hi all!! Doing my check in early, now I have to go and get ready for company.

    Just to let you know LadyGloria and I are going to start doing the mini goals thread. I plan on starting a new thread tomorrow. Once i do I will lost a link to the new link in this thread.

    Have a wonderful Saturday night. Let's finish this week strong everyone!
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    I have to ask, what are spice drops... sounds interesting! Hope you have a wonderful evening as well!

    Hi Meg,
    Spice drops are gum drops and of course since they're pure sugar I LOVE THEM!!!!! :) Thanks to you and Lady Gloria for keeping the thread going. I'm back home now and really looking forward to getting back into my routine. Congrats Meg on your weight loss, 2 more pounds since the last time I was on MFP - GREAT!!!!

    I'll look for the new thread. I think I did okay weight-wise on vacation, but tomorrow morning I'll check.

    Have a great evening everyone!!!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Saturday Night!!

    1) Logged everything & was over 1200 but close/under goal
    2) Checking in
    3) Went shopping and planned out a super healthy goodbye dinner for LaLa & Trav. I hardly ever cook a real meal, and for six people that's a big deal for me. Everything was fresh, tasty, and no added salt!
    4) 221 UNDER Sodium!!!! Woot!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Didn't check in yesterday (my husband and I are across the country from each other, and by the time I was done spending time with him on the phone, I fell asleep).
    I did meet my goals however.
    I logged in everything
    I excercised (twice, but both were light and easy)
    And I stayed in goal.

    Can't wait for the thread on the mini goals, may be easier than scrolling/keeping track.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Mak, Jamaican patties are spicy meat filed pastries. It was interesting. Hope you're cramp free now!

    Lttee, that has ro be hard. I hope your time away ends soon!

    Philsohoe, impressive on the cooking. I'd weird out my family if they lived nearby and saw what I ate now. It would be an interesting meal though....also, yay you on the sodium!

    Danlyn, welcome back!

    Check in for yesterday, can't wait for the new thread.

    1. Get back to the exercise regime. One week of illness plus a week of vacation didn't do me any favors. - weights and zumba complete!
    2. Stay under sodium everyday this week. -done even with ordering out for pizza because we had clogged pipes which forced us to stop using water for half the day.
    3. Try something new-exercise, food,etc to keep the spice going in this lifestyle change. -hmmm, none today but a lot this week. It was a fun goal.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Thursday Goals:

    Get my water in
    Keep control of my food diary and eat as I've planned
    Check back in with you all tonight.
    Checking in for Thursday:

    Not bad on the water
    Not good on the food though I did just eat a salad and it felt great to be eating healthy food that I know is good for my body.
    No workout today

    I think overall Today was far better than yesterday, today though didn't eat everything healthy I didn't feel quite as out of control.
    So here's looking for a good Friday to end the week. I think the Salad helped me to get started on a good Friday as it was really tasty and I think I'd forgotten how much better I feel with veggies in me. :o)

    **Goals for Friday:

    eat healthy
    track it on my food diary
    get in a nice workout
    get in plenty of water
    quit beating myself up for not doing everything perfect...

    Have a wonderful Friday my Friends! xo

    Sat. Check in:

    great food day
    tracked everything in my food diary
    rest day
    great water day!

    whew, off my simple carbs now and back on track! It's been 2 full days now and Sunday is looking good as well. Amazing how if you get even a couple good days back under your belt, what a different and hopeful feeling it is. I was feeling emotionally out of control before I reeled myself back in. Thanks so much to you all for that support! xo

    What a delicious thing salad and baked chicken is after not eating healthy for a few days, nothing tasted better, I slept SO much better and my days have been good. It's amazing how simple foods that are good for our body make us feel. :o)
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    You all are doing so awesome and are such motivators, more than you will probably ever know!! 19.gif
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    OK I did it posted the new mini goal challage, my first new thread ever!! Here's the link: