

  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    no real walk today up at 530 to take dogs out but they did their business and I was back on schedule just like that. Lugged 60 lbs of food plus a 30 lb kid in a cart up and down the shelves of the petsmart getting supplies for our new fur babies. 12 cups of water done. no offical work out though.
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    WHooHoo more people joined! I love this group! :happy:

    I feel sooo bad I don't have time to read everything, I just scanned. I do want to say Kudos to you danelyh for making changes to help your health. I started on mfp to avoid diabetes because it seemed inevitable for me. I found the ability to make changes that I never thought possible! and the support is great! :smile:

    I was thinking I would be on here this week to cheer averyone on, but if today is anything to go by, I may be MIA. I will be thinking of everyone and will get on quite a bit throughout the day/week. But I may not have time to comment. I will be enjoying seeing my folks and my brothers family. In a house with 13 kids~Fun! :bigsmile:

    Day 2 for me. . .a flop :grumble:
    1. Stay under in calories 6 days. (that excludes the day I go to Outback)~~ Over, but on my feet all day, but for a few min on here and a few erands in the van. So maybe I balanced?
    2. Drink my 120 oz of water all 7 days. ~~ NO! only got in 100oz. again
    3. Zumba Monday and use my Mom's exercise equipment Wed - Fri.~~ NO! I thought I could, but no time, :-( I did do my weights.
    4. Say NO at least 2 times a day Tue - Sat. (next Sun I'll start this goal again) ~~I should have started this one today!

    Everyone have a blessed week! :flowerforyou: ((hugs))
  • sheridyz
    sheridyz Posts: 7 Member
    Monday Day 1 check in -

    1. 45 minutes exercise 3x - haven't done this yet. I struggle most with finding time and motivation to do this! I don't know why but there is always a list of other things that have to get done at home. Didn't get home last night until 9p and was in bed by 10p. Need to make this a priority in my life.

    2. Log calories - complete - and I was honest!
    3. 64 oz. of water daily - didn't make this Monday. It was the first time I've missed it in awhile but missed none-the-less.

    Tuesday will be a better day!!!!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    UGH...right out of the gate I messed up. I started eating after 8pm and then it was like I couldn't stop. I think I let myself get too hungry during the day. Then I was too embarrassed to log. Messing up one goal had a trickle-down effect to the rest and now I feel like crap today and very angry at myself. I'm also realizing that because I get home at 7:30 or 8pm that I'm actually eating three meals a day at my desk! Yuck. Regardless, I'm starting my week over and am going to take it day by day. A6nd I'll eat dinner at my desk at 6:30 before leaving so that I don't arrive home ravenous at 8pm.

    From yesterday:
    1. NO EATING AFTER 8PM -- nope
    2. LOG EVERYTHING -- nope, didn't do this either
    3. WALK FOR AN HOUR EVERY OTHER DAY -- will strive to do this today
    4. DRINK GREEN TEA WITH ONE MEAL PER DAY -- will strive to do this today

    I need a do-over!
  • qofspades
    qofspades Posts: 41 Member
    My goal 7/25-7/31 - wake up early enough each weekday morning and go jogging/walking before work; wake up saturday and sunday early enough to go jogging/walking.

    I did get up this morning and walk, but not the 45 minutes that I need to. I will make up those 20 minutes after work.

    Le' go!!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    My goal 7/25-7/31 - wake up early enough each weekday morning and go jogging/walking before work; wake up saturday and sunday early enough to go jogging/walking.

    I did get up this morning and walk, but not the 45 minutes that I need to. I will make up those 20 minutes after work.

    Le' go!!

    I need to start getting up earlier as well. I've been skimping on my dog's walks! If we both succeed tomorrow I will give you an electronic high-five. :happy:
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Monday Day 1 check in -

    1. 45 minutes exercise 3x - haven't done this yet. I struggle most with finding time and motivation to do this! I don't know why but there is always a list of other things that have to get done at home. Didn't get home last night until 9p and was in bed by 10p. Need to make this a priority in my life.

    2. Log calories - complete - and I was honest!
    3. 64 oz. of water daily - didn't make this Monday. It was the first time I've missed it in awhile but missed none-the-less.

    Tuesday will be a better day!!!!

    Sounds like you might need to snag one of missdee's and blessedmom's goals. Say NO! When so many things come before yourself that you have no time left for yourself, you have to say NO to something! I've learned this the hard way! 28 years of spending every waking moment for someone or something else, and here I am, 44, just now learning to do something for me! I've figured out how to say no, having some problems with the follow through!!!!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Report Day 1
    1. Get up on time in the morning, no more than 1 snooze! I'm so proud of me! I did it! Not even 1 snooze! Remember that on time for me is 4am!!
    2. Spend at least 1 hour a day on a home improvement project(I have 5 projects going!) Spent well over an hour clearing out a closet I didn't even know existed! (moved in with boyfriend and discovering his hoarding spots!)
    3. Minimum of 30 minutes a day exercise Knew I would be exhausted after work and errands today, so I did a 40 minute walk around the business complex
    4. Vitamins daily! Vitamins swallowed with a full 16 oz water!

    Fab --Great job on meeting all your goals today! 4am is awfully early -- you should get a gold star for that one!

    Thank you! It's a completely selfish thing! I work in an industrial building with no AC, no insulation...just a big metal building! Even at 5am I'm sweating within minutes. Earlier I get there the less likely I am to be there when it hits 100 degrees!!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Gosh! There's so many new faces this week! Isn't this just the most awesome group you've seen? To all I haven't said Hi to....HELLO!!!! I'll be trying to catch up over the next couple of days!!!
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    WELCOME to all the new people who came on board this week. This is the best group to be a part of because everyone gives the support needed to be successful!!

    Goals for 7/24-7/30:

    1. Get in some kind of exercise especially the days we're driving for 8 hours. - today walked around the campground for approx 30 minutes. Yesterday was still at home and got lots of exercise running back and forth loading up our camper for our trip.

    2. NO EATING after I go to bed. - Last night was not good. There really wasn't anything "bad" in my house, but I kept waking up and looking for something to eat. I managed to finish cantaloupe, Italian ice and a spoonful of peanut butter. I didn't NEED any of it and I think it's just a bad habit I have to break. Hopefully, I'll sleep better tonight in the fresh country air here at the campground. :smile:

    Good luck to you all. I'll be checking in when I can so have a great week :flowerforyou:
  • AmandaR910
    AmandaR910 Posts: 991
    I'm a little late but my goal for this week is to get 8 glasses of water a day everyday (this is where I've been really lagging).
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 476 Member
    Day 3: Not as good today :frown:

    1. Eat only one "treat" after dinner 150 calories or less (only if cals available) - No - ate my 3 squares of hershey bar and didn't have the calories. -- but I have to say in my defense that was at 6:30 so I could have done a lot more damage but didn't!!
    2. Stay at or below 1400 net calories all seven days. No - 1528
    3. Drink at least 6 8oz glasses of water a day. No - only 4 glasses - had diet coke in place of my water!

    Okay, I won't beat myself up -- I was aware of what I was doing and decided to do it anyway so tomorrow will be a better day :drinker:
  • shapestocome
    shapestocome Posts: 476 Member
    1. Get in some kind of exercise especially the days we're driving for 8 hours. - today walked around the campground for approx 30 minutes. Yesterday was still at home and got lots of exercise running back and forth loading up our camper for our trip.

    2. NO EATING after I go to bed. - Last night was not good. There really wasn't anything "bad" in my house, but I kept waking up and looking for something to eat. I managed to finish cantaloupe, Italian ice and a spoonful of peanut butter. I didn't NEED any of it and I think it's just a bad habit I have to break. Hopefully, I'll sleep better tonight in the fresh country air here at the campground. :smile:

    danlyn -- I love camping -- have a great time!

    Monday Day 1 check in -

    1. 45 minutes exercise 3x - haven't done this yet. I struggle most with finding time and motivation to do this! I don't know why but there is always a list of other things that have to get done at home. Didn't get home last night until 9p and was in bed by 10p. Need to make this a priority in my life.

    Sounds like you might need to snag one of missdee's and blessedmom's goals. Say NO! When so many things come before yourself that you have no time left for yourself, you have to say NO to something! I've learned this the hard way! 28 years of spending every waking moment for someone or something else, and here I am, 44, just now learning to do something for me! I've figured out how to say no, having some problems with the follow through!!!!

    Great advice -- and I would add to maybe lessen your goal just to make it doable at first. Instead of saying 45 minutes that may seem overwhelming in your already busy day so I would make a goal to say "Exercise 10 minutes 3X a week" This way it won't look so daunting and you will feel like you can at least get 10 minutes in and then it may even turn into more if you do feel like you have the time. When you feel you are successful at 10 minutes then up it to 15 and so on. Build on your successes!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Sick, so the only goal I made was rest. No work tomorrow, so sleeping late for sure. Great job form those who met their goals. For those who didn't, tomorrow is another day. :)
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Monday and Tuesday check in :happy:

    This weeks goals:
    1. Week 7 P90x -
    Monday - Core Synergistics;
    Tuesday - Cardio X

    2. 3-4 non P90x workouts -
    Monday - none :(
    Tuesday - Took a nice walk with the dog.

    3. Pack afternoon snacks for work -
    Monday - did good! No extra snacks for me, just what I brought
    Tuesday - Worked from home today, so I did ok, though I did a little extra grazing

    4. Better control over the weekend. - stay tuned for Friday.

    Keep focusing on your mini goals everyone. One day at a time, one meal at a time, one snack at a time. Keep up all the hard work. Time to go hang out with the puppy and hubby. Have a great evening! :flowerforyou:
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Happy Tuesday to all!
    I wasn't able to check in yesterday, but logged food, stayed under calories, drank my water and did Zumba today and yesterday!

    Missdeehere-hope you survived another long day. My thoughts were with you:heart:

    Think it has been said before, but tomorrow is another day!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Report Day 2

    1. Get up on time in the morning, no more than 1 snooze! Overslept again...ugh! In my defense, I only hit the snooze once! My clock is so screwed up! Tomorrow's shopping list includes new alarm clock!
    2. Spend at least 1 hour a day on a home improvement project(I have 5 projects going!) Still working on the scary closet!
    3. Minimum of 30 minutes a day exercise Same walk at work, did 2 30 minute walks today
    4. Vitamins daily!Yes! 2 days in a row! It's a new record!
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    UGH...right out of the gate I messed up. I started eating after 8pm and then it was like I couldn't stop. I think I let myself get too hungry during the day. Then I was too embarrassed to log. Messing up one goal had a trickle-down effect to the rest and now I feel like crap today and very angry at myself. I'm also realizing that because I get home at 7:30 or 8pm that I'm actually eating three meals a day at my desk! Yuck. Regardless, I'm starting my week over and am going to take it day by day. A6nd I'll eat dinner at my desk at 6:30 before leaving so that I don't arrive home ravenous at 8pm.

    From yesterday:
    1. NO EATING AFTER 8PM -- nope
    2. LOG EVERYTHING -- nope, didn't do this either
    3. WALK FOR AN HOUR EVERY OTHER DAY -- will strive to do this today
    4. DRINK GREEN TEA WITH ONE MEAL PER DAY -- will strive to do this today

    I need a do-over!

    I totally feel your pain about after work starvation! I don't usually get home til almost 7 or 7:30, and by the time we figure out something to have for dinner, then fix it, it's almost 9:00 by the time I finish, and then I'm supposed to go to bed by 10 or 10:30. Ridiculous. So my dietitian told me that I should be using one of my two daily protein shakes as a meal replacement. I think I'm going to use one of those for my late night dinner days. Big hugs & hang in there. Tomorrow is your opportunity to have your "do-over day" :)

    Tuesday check in:
    1) logged everything--check! (I even messed around with the food diary and made it more specific to my schedule. Didn't know I could do that.)
    2) Check in with the group--check! *It is so cool to read/scan everyone's check-ins and encouragement. Best support group ever!
    3) Make at least one better choice--had "apple fries" with my cheeseburger instead of french fries.

    Keep up the awesomeness everyone!
    :glasses: Jenn
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Well 12 cups of water early morning "walk" with the dogs, nothing that really counts as a workout.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Monday & Tuesday check in :

    Have no idea what happened to the last two days, they flew by! :blushing: :ohwell:

    -Did great on my workout goals the last couple days, 2 hr. workout yesterday, 3 hour today. Working to push for 5 days in a row each week, then weekends off for rest and catch up.
    -Both days were good water days. I seem to be getting back my good water habits, these mini-goals are really helping!
    -Tracked food on paper but no clue why it never made it to my food diary.:tongue: Unable to post much most likely. Wanna work on that!
    -Checking in here- when I realized it was already Tues. evening I knew I better jump back on here and check in and catch up with you all. .:wink::flowerforyou:

    Have a great Wednesday Friends!:drinker: