Week 1 – C25K Running Group



  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Hoping to finish week 1 day 2 tomorrow. Wish me luck x)
    GoodLuck! Let us know how it goes.:bigsmile:

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Before C25K today I felt: Good that I was going to get back into it. I am a Week 5 dropout

    During C25K today I felt: Good as I practiced my breathing and running techniques

    After C25K today I felt : Extremely hot. Slightly disappointed I could not finish the last 5 without stopping. I was going uphill, I have a
    crazy border collie that likes chase cars and it was hot, hot, hot.

    So far I think C25K is: making my legs look fine :smokin:
  • Today was tough, week 1 day 3 attempted

    I have a weird schedule today so didn't get a chance to workout until later, and it's super hot here right now =\

    Before during Couch 25K I felt distracted and overwhelmed, had so much to do an think about today

    During C25K I felt a little more clarity but my calves were cramping and so painfully sore

    After , I was sweating everywhere and felt discouraged for not running through all the jog segments, the heat is tough!

    Happy it's the weekend though!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I've been taking it easy this week - kind of stayed in week 3 for another week because I was running with someone who hadn't been doing it with us the whole time... but I'm making it up tomorrow because I'm running a 5K trail run tomorrow morning! I'm excited! Also a little trepidated because I have only been doing the c25k on the track, and since I started working out regularly at the end of May, I haven't done a single workout or run in shoes. So running a trail in my shoes is going to be a bit different!

    Maybe it's for the best though, to not push my foot too far -- I hurt it last week by doing too much, too soon in the first place, so maybe this will give it a rest. Crossing my fingers that the trade off isn't that I end up with shin splints!

    Wish me luck, guys - I'm really looking forward to this! :bigsmile:
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Week 1, day 2 done!

    Before C25K today I felt: Sore! And nervous that the soreness would make the workout difficult.

    During C25K today I felt: Pretty good! The soreness wasn't as big of an issue as I thought.

    After C25K today I felt: Invigorated; proud that I completed the whole workout; happy to be getting back into a healthy routine.

    I have a question about: Nada.

    So far I think C25K is: Neato. :wink:
  • lovinlulu
    lovinlulu Posts: 65 Member
    W1 D3 completed!!!

    Before I was tired. I am SO not a morning person and trying to train myself to stay up after I hit the hubby to get him out of bed has been a challenge..
    During I was hot and sweaty and energized. I go in spurts of being able to run at a 5.4 to the next time only being able to fester up 4.5..
    After I was energized and finally AWAKE :)

    I am SO excited to up the time next week!
  • aray379
    aray379 Posts: 131
    Week 3 complete!

    Before my run today I felt energetic after taking my pre-workout supplement ( I did not want to go at all before that!)
    During my run I felt GREAT! I uped my speed to 6.0mph even for the 3 minute runs and felt like I could run forever, I did three extra minutes at the end of todays run too. I have realized that Day 1 is an alright day, day 2 SUCKS and day 2 is great every week.
    After my run I felt great as well. My boyfriend kept commenting on how hyped up I was while we were stretching hah

    I love C25k and can't wait to be a runner!
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Week 3 complete!

    Before my run today I felt energetic after taking my pre-workout supplement ( I did not want to go at all before that!)
    During my run I felt GREAT! I uped my speed to 6.0mph even for the 3 minute runs and felt like I could run forever, I did three extra minutes at the end of todays run too. I have realized that Day 1 is an alright day, day 2 SUCKS and day 2 is great every week.
    After my run I felt great as well. My boyfriend kept commenting on how hyped up I was while we were stretching hah

    I love C25k and can't wait to be a runner!
    That's great! I find myself wanting to keep running as well after the interval is over with :]

  • carmentownes
    carmentownes Posts: 46 Member
    I did WK 1 DAY 1 of C25K. I am so proud of myself for even trying. I won't lie, it was rough. I have a question. I have been trying to see people's progress with their weight doing this and I have read people that say they really don't lose. Does anyone have weight loss on C25K? If so, how far along were you before you started seeing results and how did it end (if you are done with the program)?
  • klewis81
    klewis81 Posts: 122
    I'm going to jump in here a few days late as well, hope that's ok. I just did the W3D1 today and it was a great run! I was a bit nervous about the three minute run although I know I can run about 6-7 minutes at one time but I did really well. My biggest problem has been my calves and subsequent shin splints and I know a lot of you have mentioned that issue too. I've been doing a lot of reading about the problem and taking the advice of stretching, ibuprofen, and ice and it seems to help. Today, instead of running on the asphalt streets around my neighborhood, I ran at the local high school's brand new track, which felt so soft and cushioned. It was a nice change. Anyway, if you are having calf/shin splint issues and have some good advice on how to alleviate it, let me know! I had a stress fracture in my tibia about 8 years ago and I am terrified of getting one again.
  • abcerc
    abcerc Posts: 58
    Well, I'm terribly frustrated!! After experiencing terrible pain in my knee this week, I found out that I have a Baker's Cyst. So- for now, I"m out for C25K. I feel like crying. I am finally at a point where I am actually determined to get into shape, and get rid of all this weight... and then this happens. For now, it's ice, rest, elevating the leg and advil. AAAHHHHRRRRGGGG!!!!
  • jvinmill
    jvinmill Posts: 279 Member
    Started this program this week. Have my last day of week one tomorrow. I've been working out approximately 4 days a week for a month now, so I have found this first week pretty easy to start...to the point that I have done either additional cardio or weight training after I finished. Looking forward to starting week two next week and having the program step up a notch. I am registering to do my first 5K the beginning of November and am very excited. I am making some big life style changes and with races to look forward to I believe they will be long lasting. I'm always looking for new friends to support and get support from, so feel free to add me. I will update on my progress with this program regularly. Good luck everyone!!
  • andreaie
    andreaie Posts: 369 Member
    completed week 3 yesterday... i never thought when i started this i would make it to week 4.. week 1 day 1 nearly killed me ha and here i am ready to start week 4 tomorrow... i feel great for it and ive lost 5lb in the process :) good luck to everyone :D
  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    I really want to do this but I'm so nervous. How did everyone do it. I'm so sedentary that when I did the Leslie Sasone 1-Mile Walk at home program, I'm out of breath after 10 minutes and my heart is racing. Is there anyone out there like me that was really able to do the C25K and run 5k by the end of 9 weeks?
  • archers
    archers Posts: 24 Member
    Enjoy reading about all your progress! I know I need to just do it but kind of scary.
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    completed week 3 yesterday... i never thought when i started this i would make it to week 4.. week 1 day 1 nearly killed me ha and here i am ready to start week 4 tomorrow... i feel great for it and ive lost 5lb in the process :) good luck to everyone :D
    This is so inspiring!

  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    Enjoy reading about all your progress! I know I need to just do it but kind of scary.
    You can do it! The first step is over coming the fear ^_^
    If you read all of our posts and what we felt on the first day before our run most of us put
    "nervous, scared, afraid, terrified, etc." But we pushed through it and did it! It's okay if you can't do it the first time. You just try again :]

  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    I really want to do this but I'm so nervous. How did everyone do it. I'm so sedentary that when I did the Leslie Sasone 1-Mile Walk at home program, I'm out of breath after 10 minutes and my heart is racing. Is there anyone out there like me that was really able to do the C25K and run 5k by the end of 9 weeks?
    IMO, Take it slow. Try the first day, if you think it's too much, start off slower or repeat a week/day. There is no harm in trying :]

  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Hi, everyone. I did Week 2 Day 2 after taking a few days off this week (working out with a friend who was walking only, I thought it would be too difficult to run while talking with her, may have to try to do that sometime soon though or I'll never get enough days in per week). I felt strong, it was not too tough, so I think one more day will be fine and then off to Week 3 - I think for my program that will be 3 minutes running.
  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    I got off track this week but did get my runs in on Mon, Thurs, and Sat. I found that running at the gym is WAY easier than at the dog park/track; but I prefer to be outside in the fresh morning air with the birds and trees! I down loaded a C25K app on my blackberry for 99cents that has the walk/run switched, but it is useable! I found that when I have something that times my 60 sec and 90 sec, it doesn't seem long enough for me to get into a rhythm of breathing and jogging. When I did my first few runs (prior to this week), I found it easier to just start and stop on my own time when I knew I was done - and it seemed that I ran longer that way. The dog park is 1.6 mile round. So today.... I decided to try making 2 trips; 1 using my app with the mixed up times and then the 2nd using the app in the corrected way. I still found that I do better jogging at my pace untimed; but 3/4 of the way through the 2nd lap, my knee began seriously complaining. I have knee issues and have been trying to find replacement activities for skiing and hiking that I can no longer do because of my knees. I'm hoping that this running thing pans out because I've discovered that whole "runners high" when I run on the treadmill.
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