Week 1 – C25K Running Group



  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    Well, I'm terribly frustrated!! After experiencing terrible pain in my knee this week, I found out that I have a Baker's Cyst. So- for now, I"m out for C25K. I feel like crying. I am finally at a point where I am actually determined to get into shape, and get rid of all this weight... and then this happens. For now, it's ice, rest, elevating the leg and advil. AAAHHHHRRRRGGGG!!!!

    Sorry to hear this. I'm struggling with knee issues also and unsure how this will play out. Your cyst will resolve; so find an alternative activity so that you don't give up on the big picture of YOU!
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    My current weight, as of (7/31), is 154 lbs
    I did meet my goal this week!
    I believe I met my goal because I stuck with the program and told myself that if I wanted to see results I have to get out there and jog!
    I believe I did not meet my goal because: N/A (I met mine:bigsmile: )

    So yesterday was W1D3 for me!:drinker: I was really happy that I stuck with the program all week.

    Before I was excited. I couldn't wait to start jogging and finally be done with W1.

    During I was in some pain :laugh: lol. My leg was burning every time I jogged! But I pushed through it and finished

    After I was so happy and filled with so many emotions. I even had enough energy in me to jog the rest of the way home, which is like .1 mile.

    I am so glad that I am doing this and that I found out about this program. Thank you everyone for doing this with me!:flowerforyou:

  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ATTENTION:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Great job everyone for completing this week!

    I can't believe how fast this week went by.

    I will be posting a new thread "Week 2 - C25K Running Group" later on this evening, so keep your eyes peeled.

  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    I really want to do this but I'm so nervous. How did everyone do it. I'm so sedentary that when I did the Leslie Sasone 1-Mile Walk at home program, I'm out of breath after 10 minutes and my heart is racing. Is there anyone out there like me that was really able to do the C25K and run 5k by the end of 9 weeks?

    Runner's World has a similar program they call Run Your Butt Off (my favorite named workout program). They recommend not starting a running program like this until you can walk 30 minutes comfortably 4 times a week - if this is where you are, you should be able to start the program (and always start slowly, pace does not matter while you're building up your endurance); if not, work on getting in some consistent walking that feels good and then try adding some running later. No hurry - walking is excellent exercise as well!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Just finished my 1st day today. :bigsmile:
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Okay, I'll start wk 2 tomorrow. I started at 193.7 and today I am 189.4 (WHOOO HOOO). I have been walking for 30 minutes on days that I do not do C25K and I have been cutting major carbs....I'm hoping for a 3lb loss by next Sunday!!!!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Did Day 3 of week 2 (without a rest day from Day 2 b/c of my schedule). Legs felt pretty strong - I go very slowly - and so I extended the length of the last 2 run sequences to 3 min run/2 min walk. Felt good, so I feel ready to move onto Week 3, with a rest day of course :)
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Week 1, day 3 done!

    Before C25K today I felt: Excited to try out my new music mix (with verbal running cues!)

    During C25K today I felt: Pretty good -- ran on a better treadmill, which made a big difference; mentally had to push through the jogging, had some soreness in the legs (mostly very low on the calf). Walked at a pace of 2.5-3.0 mph (tried to be consistent with 3.0, but sometimes it was too fast for me to catch my breath between jogging), ran at a pace of 4.0 for all intervals except the very last where I ran at 4.5!

    After C25K today I felt: Happy to have completed week 1! Sore (but not as sore as the previous 2 runs). Curious to see how next week goes.

    I have a question about: Nada.

    So far I think C25K is: Challenging! I feel like I'm getting a good workout, pushing myself, but not feeling burnt out afterward.
  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    Thank you so much. That makes a lot of sense. I'm walking 3x/week 20 minutes. I will work my way up to 4/week - 30 minutes. When I'm comfortable with that, I will try C25k program.
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    Getting ready to start week three tomorrow!! I have done week three before and that is when I got off track last time. Three minutes just seems impossible. Last week I did an in between of weeks 2 and 3 to try and help prepare myself for week three this week. I just try to keep telling myself, "I can do this, I can do this!" Is anyone else out there doing week three? Suggestions? Are you struggling too?
  • HeyGrlHey
    HeyGrlHey Posts: 640

    Hey everyone!:bigsmile:

    I posted the Week 2 - C25K Running Group thread. Please start posting your comments, questions, suggestions, and success on the new thread!:flowerforyou:

    Week 2 Thread:

    (I decided to create a new thread each week so we don't hit the 500 post mark and get the thread deleted).

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