Ripped in 30-Support Group-Starting in August



  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    So week 3 eh? A nice change from week 2!!

    Some thoughts:

    My sitting room is too short for the duck walk...
    Lots of quad work all of a sudden!
    Anyone else have trouble with the table top thingie? I can't get my torso up horizontal, my triceps strain then seize up due to the angle. I had to miss the rest of that section.
    The one with the roll back then launch upright- too fast to do with proper form. Same with the last abs, the prone pike thing, so fast i end up straining my back instead of using abs. Did a mod instead.
    Did Shelly get a boob job between weeks 2 & 3?!?

    Other than that I like, hope I can manage day 2 tomorrow before my night shift!!

    korygilliam...............................L3D1 -Done! (08/16)
    pizzygirltx................................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...................................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva).......................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent................................L3D3 -Done! (08/18)
    jojowink..................................L2D6...done!! 8/18
    SDV219 (Steph).....................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-...............L2D2 -Done! (5lb weights)
    Jenlwb....................................L3D1- Done 19aug
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)..L3 day5 -Done! (08/19)
    mariababe81(mariam)............L2D3 -Done! (08/18)
    Des92.....................................L1D3 Done! (08/17)
    gsenriquez(Grace) ................L2D1 (8/17)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd
  • gsenriquez
    gsenriquez Posts: 181 Member
    Just finished doing L2D2. I am still doing mods on most of the hard one but hopefully I can do normal in a couple of days. Feeling good though. Great feeling when you accomplished something...even just a 30min workout.

    korygilliam...............................L3D1 -Done! (08/16)
    pizzygirltx................................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...................................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva).......................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent................................L3D3 -Done! (08/18)
    jojowink..................................L2D6...done!! 8/18
    SDV219 (Steph).....................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-...............L2D2 -Done! (5lb weights)
    Jenlwb....................................L3D1- Done 19aug
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)..L3 day5 -Done! (08/19)
    mariababe81(mariam)............L2D3 -Done! (08/18)
    Des92.....................................L1D3 Done! (08/17)
    gsenriquez(Grace) ................L2D2 (8/19)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Just one more day of L1!! Then a rest day Sunday and on to level 2 :)

    korygilliam...............................L3D1 -Done! (08/16)
    pizzygirltx................................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...................................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva).......................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent................................L3D3 -Done! (08/18)
    jojowink..................................L2D6...done!! 8/18
    SDV219 (Steph).....................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-...............L2D2 -Done! (5lb weights)
    Jenlwb....................................L3D1- Done 19aug
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)..L3 day5 -Done! (08/19)
    mariababe81(mariam)............L2D3 -Done! (08/18)
    Des92.....................................L1D5 Done! (08/19)
    gsenriquez(Grace) ................L2D2 (8/19)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd
  • gsenriquez
    gsenriquez Posts: 181 Member
    Woohoo!!! L2D3 - Done. Taking a rest tomorrow (or may be not)...but it feels good.

    Just one more day of L1!! Then a rest day Sunday and on to level 2 :)

    korygilliam...............................L3D1 -Done! (08/16)
    pizzygirltx................................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...................................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva).......................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent................................L3D3 -Done! (08/18)
    jojowink..................................L2D6...done!! 8/18
    SDV219 (Steph).....................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-...............L2D2 -Done! (5lb weights)
    Jenlwb....................................L3D1- Done 19aug
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)..L3 day5 -Done! (08/19)
    mariababe81(mariam)............L2D3 -Done! (08/18)
    Des92.....................................L1D5 Done! (08/19)
    gsenriquez(Grace) ................L2D3-Done (8/20)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    k folks...I know that I haven't even started yet but this is the most updated list that I could come up with, and I wanted it to be as correct as possible...please check and see if it is right?! :-D

    korygilliam...............................L3D1 -Done! (08/16)
    pizzygirltx................................L1D6 -Done! (08/??)
    Erica79...................................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva).......................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent................................L3D3 -Done! (08/18)
    jojowink..................................L2D6-Done! (8/18)
    SDV219 (Steph).....................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-...............L2D2 -Done! (08/??) (5lb weights)
    Jenlwb....................................L3D1- Done! (8/19)
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)..L3D5 -Done! (08/19)
    mariababe81(Mariam)............L2D3 -Done! (08/18)
    Des92.....................................L1D5 Done! (08/19)
    gsenriquez(Grace) ................L2D3 Done! (8/20)

    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 24th)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (starting 8/23)
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd )
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kory-glad to have you hangin in there still...I know where you are comin from with the cardio though...lemme know how that works?

    Eva-where ya at girl?!

    gd-atta boy!! LOL I know your weekends must be as busy as mine...but way to catch back up!!! I will be startin on Wed!

    Mariam-glad to see you are still kickin *kitten*!!! I will be joinin ya soon!

    Des-you are scarin me girl...quit it!! LOL!

    Jen-you for sure can do this!!! modify and get 'er done!! I have complete faith in you and will be right here along with you!!

    Courtney-super excited to have you along on this one too!!!

  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Halfway thru week 3, rest day then 3 more days! Enjoying this one, but my triceps hate it. Lots of good leg work. Having to up the glucosamine to help the knee joints, the hopping at the end damn near finish them off!


    korygilliam...............................L3D1 -Done! (08/16)
    pizzygirltx................................L1D6 -Done! (08/??)
    Erica79...................................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva).......................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent................................L3D3 -Done! (08/18)
    jojowink..................................L2D6-Done! (8/18)
    SDV219 (Steph).....................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-...............L2D2 -Done! (08/??) (5lb weights)
    Jenlwb....................................L3D3- Done! (8/21)
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)..L3D5 -Done! (08/19)
    mariababe81(Mariam)............L2D3 -Done! (08/18)
    Des92.....................................L1D5 Done! (08/19)
    gsenriquez(Grace) ................L2D3 Done! (8/20)

    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 24th)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (starting 8/23)
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd )
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Just checking in- still pushing through, definitely doing better each day ;)

    korygilliam...............................L3D1 -Done! (08/16)
    pizzygirltx................................L1D6 -Done! (08/??)
    Erica79...................................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva).......................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent................................L3D3 -Done! (08/18)
    jojowink..................................L2D6-Done! (8/18)
    SDV219 (Steph).....................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-...............L2D4 -Done! (08/21)
    Jenlwb....................................L3D3- Done! (8/21)
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)..L3D5 -Done! (08/19)
    mariababe81(Mariam)............L2D3 -Done! (08/18)
    Des92.....................................L1D5 Done! (08/19)
    gsenriquez(Grace) ................L2D3 Done! (8/20)

    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 24th)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (starting 8/23)
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd )
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Hey guys. Still here. Busy weekend and my race is just under 3 weeks so need to step up my game. Will continue to do ripped when I can. Hope you are all good
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    I am so excited to be starting tomorrow. I did not keep up with my plan of doing every other day of 30ds. I joined a gym instead and have been swimming and playing racquetball and even started taking a yoga class. I have still been doing banish fat boost metabolism some and my Leslie Sansone videos. I am still sore from yoga yesterday. I bought ripped and haven't even glanced at it yet. It will be all fresh and new when I put it in tomorrow. I will check in late tomorrow night to let you all know how I do.
  • mareed123
    mareed123 Posts: 85 Member
    Well did Level 4 day 1 today, and it was pretty good, except i didnt put much effort in. two of my 3 kids are sick and ive had sleepless nights....and now i think im getting it too as i dont even feel like eating luch and its almost afternoon tea time :(

    I have walked 20mins to school and back this morning and im about to go again to pick up my daughter so that will count towards my exercise for the day. The weather is way too nice to be taking the car!

    korygilliam...............................L3D1 -Done! (08/16)
    pizzygirltx................................L1D6 -Done! (08/??)
    Erica79...................................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva).......................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent................................L3D3 -Done! (08/18)
    jojowink..................................L2D6-Done! (8/18)
    SDV219 (Steph).....................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-...............L2D4 -Done! (08/21)
    Jenlwb....................................L3D3- Done! (8/21)
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)..L4D1 -Done! (08/22)
    mariababe81(Mariam)............L2D3 -Done! (08/18)
    Des92.....................................L1D5 Done! (08/19)
    gsenriquez(Grace) ................L2D3 Done! (8/20)

    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 24th)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (starting 8/23)
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd )
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Mariam-I know you will get it done are a pro at t his now!

    Courtney-I am in the same boat as you...have never even looked at it! lemme know whatcha think tomorrow!

    Maree-sorry to here about your kiddos...hope they are feeling better soon! and way to get it done still! 5 days left for you only!

    AFM-2 days until I start (24th) tomorrow is elliptical, and Tues is a rest day..then Wed it's on!
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    OK, I am going to give Ripped a go, even though I am worried! ;)

    I have another question for you experienced experts... since finishing the Shred 3 weeks ago, I have only lost a pound! And I have been doing the Shred every day. I know I am gaining muscle and getting toned and fit, but I REALLY need to lose some weight to keep motivated, because I have only lost 11 pounds since starting in June, and I have 60 left to go, which feels like a LONG way! I have tried upping my cals a bit, and that is how I lost the pound, but I am feeling like I need to see some better progress. Here are my thoughts: I will start walking or doing cardio in addition to Ripped, and won't eat back those calories. Do you think that is a good idea or have any more tips for me, anyone?

    MFP gives me 1370 cals per day, plus 300 for breastfeeding (older baby), plus my exercise cals, FYI.

    Let me know what you think might get me going in the right direction!
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    L2 D1 done!! It's not too bad. I had a few moments of confusion watching them...some weird new moves in there, lol! But I think I figured everything out eventually (except the crow push ups! WHAT!?) So tomorrow I should be able to go all out, and not be so lost! Way to go everyone, I'm super happy for all of us doing this :)

    korygilliam...............................L3D1 -Done! (08/16)
    pizzygirltx................................L1D6 -Done! (08/??)
    Erica79...................................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva).......................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent................................L3D3 -Done! (08/18)
    jojowink..................................L2D6-Done! (8/18)
    SDV219 (Steph).....................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-...............L2D4 -Done! (08/21)
    Jenlwb....................................L3D3- Done! (8/21)
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)..L4D1 -Done! (08/22)
    mariababe81(Mariam)............L2D3 -Done! (08/18)
    Des92.....................................L2D1 Done! (08/19)
    gsenriquez(Grace) ................L2D3 Done! (8/20)

    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 24th)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (starting 8/23)
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd )
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jen-when I first started MFP in Oct 2010 it gave me only 1200 cals without exercise (that was with putting a moderately active lifestyle and ZERO workouts in case I didn't do any) I did NOT eat back any (or 50 at most) of my exercise cals, and that is how I had my best success! the closer I get to my goal the more of them that I eat back! I def think that you should eat your breastfeeding cals, I def think that you should add cardio at least 30min- 3 times/week, but I am NOT a believer in eating back your exercise cals by any means...especially in the beginning! most will prob not agree with me...but I am just giving you muy input and letting you know what worked for me :)
  • mareed123
    mareed123 Posts: 85 Member
    Level 4 day 2 done today, im still feeling a bit off :sick: but pushed through, im determined to get to the end of this!!
    Good work everyone, keep it up! The kiddies are much better today, at least i got to sleep the whole night again haha

    momwithcamera - im a bit the same as you, im managing to eat my calories MFP allows however im b/f an older baby also (10mths 3x per day) i wonder if i should be adding extra calories in because of that? i can usually eat back some of my exercise calories but can never eat them all. Ive managed to loose 1.5kgs this month doing that.

    korygilliam...............................L3D1 -Done! (08/16)
    pizzygirltx................................L1D6 -Done! (08/??)
    Erica79...................................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva).......................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent................................L3D3 -Done! (08/18)
    jojowink..................................L2D6-Done! (8/18)
    SDV219 (Steph).....................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-...............L2D4 -Done! (08/21)
    Jenlwb....................................L3D3- Done! (8/21)
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)..L4D2 -Done! (08/23)
    mariababe81(Mariam)............L2D3 -Done! (08/18)
    Des92.....................................L2D1 Done! (08/19)
    gsenriquez(Grace) ................L2D3 Done! (8/20)

    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 24th)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (starting 8/23)
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd )
  • gsenriquez
    gsenriquez Posts: 181 Member
    Level 2 Day 4 - still progressing :-)
    How is everyone doing? It's quiet here:smile:

    korygilliam...............................L3D1 -Done! (08/16)
    pizzygirltx................................L1D6 -Done! (08/??)
    Erica79...................................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva).......................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent................................L3D3 -Done! (08/18)
    jojowink..................................L2D6-Done! (8/18)
    SDV219 (Steph).....................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-...............L2D4 -Done! (08/21)
    Jenlwb....................................L3D3- Done! (8/21)
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)..L4D1 -Done! (08/22)
    mariababe81(Mariam)............L2D3 -Done! (08/18)
    Des92.....................................L1D5 Done! (08/19)
    gsenriquez(Grace) ................L2D3 Done! (8/20)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 24th)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (starting 8/23)
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd )
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    Day one of Week one! Wow, I loved it. I have not been doing much besides my walk at home videos so I missed REALLY exercising. I am so glad that there are NO jumping jacks. I can't wait for tomorrow. Hubby is along for the ride again and liked it as well.

    korygilliam...............................L3D1 -Done! (08/16)
    pizzygirltx................................L1D6 -Done! (08/??)
    Erica79...................................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva).......................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent................................L3D3 -Done! (08/18)
    jojowink..................................L2D6-Done! (8/18)
    SDV219 (Steph).....................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-...............L2D4 -Done! (08/21)
    Jenlwb....................................L3D3- Done! (8/21)
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)..L4D1 -Done! (08/22)
    mariababe81(Mariam)............L2D3 -Done! (08/18)
    Des92.....................................L1D5 Done! (08/19)
    gsenriquez(Grace) ................L2D3 Done! (8/20)
    courtneylwatson ....................L1D1 Done! (8/22)

    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 24th)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (starting 8/23)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    just updating the list...some got missed :)

    korygilliam...............................L3D1 -Done! (08/16)
    pizzygirltx................................L1D6 -Done! (08/??)
    Erica79...................................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva).......................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent................................L3D3 -Done! (08/18)
    jojowink..................................L2D6-Done! (8/18)
    SDV219 (Steph).....................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-...............L2D4 -Done! (08/21)
    Jenlwb....................................L3D3- Done! (8/21)
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)..L4D2 -Done! (08/23)
    mariababe81(Mariam)............L2D3 -Done! (08/18)
    Des92.....................................L2D1 Done! (08/19)
    gsenriquez(Grace) ................L2D4 Done! (8/22)
    courtneylwatson ....................L1D1 Done! (8/22)

    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 24th)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (starting 8/23)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Maree-you are doing great! keep on pushing through, you are almost there!

    Grace-I'm still here...but I don't know how many are still?! I can't wait to start on Wed!

    Courtney-YAH!! exciting that you started today...and that your hubby is join you again!! did you redo your pics and measurements right before you started this round?? I think that I will...just to be sure :)