Ripped in 30-Support Group-Starting in August



  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    level one day 6 done! rest day tomorrow and then level 2 sunday! getting used to 5lbs now so will stick to them! not run this week as weather hasnt been great and ive been too sore! lol! have a good weekend everyone

    korygilliam.........................L2D4 -Done! (08/10)
    pizzygirltx............................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...............................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva)..................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent............................L2D3 -Done! (08/12)
    jojowink..............................L2D4...done!! 8/12
    SDV219 (Steph)................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.........L1D3 -Done! (5lb weights)
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)...............L2D3 -Done! (08/11)
    mariababe81(mariam)....L1D6 -Done! (08/12)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (L1D2 - 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    and thats my 2nd blast at level 2 for tonite in the bag. was hard going but fortunately it flew in.

    hadnt weighed myself in a bit so jumped on the scales after and was delighted to have lost another 2 lbs since my last weigh in so i'm just 1lb away from my goal weight! whoohooo! where's a smiley face when u need one?! lol

    korygilliam.........................L2D4 -Done! (08/10)
    pizzygirltx............................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...............................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva)..................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent............................L2D4 -Done! (08/12)
    jojowink..............................L2D4...done!! 8/12
    SDV219 (Steph)................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.........L1D3 -Done! (5lb weights)
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)...............L2D3 -Done! (08/11)
    mariababe81(mariam)....L1D6 -Done! (08/12)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (L1D2 - 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    Michele0912 L1D0 (plan to start Aug 3rd)
    BeccyBerry L1D0 (plan to start on the 1st)
    earthsember (plan to start August 1st)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    gd-Great job!

    I am removing those names of people that were going to start/haven't updated since the beginning of the month, but you are welcome to add yourself back if you come back online or get started (or have to start over...that happens). I am finding it very hard to motivate myself this week...but I am trying to push thru it. Halfway thru, so I can't give up now...right? lol

    korygilliam.........................L2D6 -Done! (08/12)
    pizzygirltx............................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...............................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva)..................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent............................L2D4 -Done! (08/12)
    jojowink..............................L2D4...done!! 8/12
    SDV219 (Steph)................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.........L1D3 -Done! (5lb weights)
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)...............L2D3 -Done! (08/11)
    mariababe81(mariam)....L1D6 -Done! (08/12)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (L1D2 - 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    off work today so got up early to get my jillian meeting over and done with. with 2 workouts last nite i ended up doing 3 ripped in 30 workouts in 16 hours. but my weight loss when i weighed in last nite put a wee spring in my step and i killed it. sweat sweat sweat!

    so i jumped on the scales again and it said the magic number! 12st!/168lbs. its been a long time since i was this weight but it feels good to get there. 40lbs off since last summer. i like the sound of that.

    so i think this moment deserves a thankyou speech....i'd like to thank, in no particular order, all my MFP buddies for continued support, my wife for keeping me motivated, a close friend for setting me a weight loss challenge and i suppose i should also thank miss jillian michaels!

    today is gonna be a good day!! and its also the wifes birthday so we're going out for dinner and drinks with friends. may have to make it a double celebration.

    if the smileys were working i'd fill a page full of them! lol

    korygilliam.........................L2D6 -Done! (08/12)
    pizzygirltx............................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...............................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva)..................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent............................L2D5 -Done! (08/13)
    jojowink..............................L2D4...done!! 8/12
    SDV219 (Steph)................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.........L1D3 -Done! (5lb weights)
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)...............L2D3 -Done! (08/11)
    mariababe81(mariam)....L1D6 -Done! (08/12)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (L1D2 - 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Hey everybody- sadly I am reporting that I need to take at least 2 days off of all exercise. I pulled my achilles tendon while running on Wednesday and the stubborn b**** that I am I kept running and working out and now its pretty bad. You can actually feel it from the outside pulling and stretching when I flex my foot (feels like and old worn out rubber band). Anyway, I have a doc appointment on Monday- hopefully it has healed by then. When I start I will jump right into level 2

    korygilliam.........................L2D6 -Done! (08/12)
    pizzygirltx............................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...............................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva)..................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent............................L2D5 -Done! (08/13)
    jojowink..............................L2D4...done!! 8/12
    SDV219 (Steph)................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.........L1D5 -Done! (5lb weights)
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)...............L2D3 -Done! (08/11)
    mariababe81(mariam)....L1D6 -Done! (08/12)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (L1D2 - 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Finally got my package in the mail! Hooray! I'll be starting Monday since I want Sunday as my rest day. 2 days until I'll be joining you!!! :D
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Ooh, just discovered this thread! I didn't do the 30DS, but am well into the RI30 now, halfway thru week 2. Not enjoying all the plankage, but doing less modifications and higher weights each day!

    korygilliam.........................L2D6 -Done! (08/12)
    pizzygirltx............................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...............................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva)..................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent............................L2D5 -Done! (08/13)
    jojowink..............................L2D4...done!! 8/12
    SDV219 (Steph)................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.........L1D5 -Done! (5lb weights)
    Jenlwb................................L2D3- Done, 1 and 2KG weights
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)...............L2D3 -Done! (08/11)
    mariababe81(mariam)....L1D6 -Done! (08/12)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (L1D2 - 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    You are all doing great! I can't wait until I start! :) In the mean time, I am redoing half of 30ds (let's just call it the 15ds, LOL!)... 5 days on each level... and you know what? It is still HARD and makes me SWEAT!!! I am a little worried about what Ripped In 30 has to bring me, but you all are still alive, so I am encouraged!

    I am impressed by all of you who are knocking it out here!

    And gd, WAY TO GO on your goal weight!!!! :):):) How awesome!
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    I chose a start date so I figured that I would go ahead and add my name to the list:

    korygilliam.........................L2D6 -Done! (08/12)
    pizzygirltx............................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...............................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva)..................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent............................L2D5 -Done! (08/13)
    jojowink..............................L2D4...done!! 8/12
    SDV219 (Steph)................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.........L1D5 -Done! (5lb weights)
    Jenlwb................................L2D3- Done, 1 and 2KG weights
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)...............L2D3 -Done! (08/11)
    mariababe81(mariam)....L1D6 -Done! (08/12)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (L1D2 - 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd)
  • korygilliam
    korygilliam Posts: 594 Member
    Des-Glad you finally got your video! :) Time to get RIPPED!

    Courtney--Can't wait to have you join us is awesome that so many of our 30DS group has continued on to push each other thru the RI30! (along w/ our new friends!)

    Jen-Welcome to the group! The more, the merrier...and sweatier! I haven't heard anyone say that they love the plankage..cept for the plank holds in level one...

    Jen--Way to keep yourself going while you are pending your start date!

    gd--awesome job on the goal weight! Congrats!!!

    Tori--Wow, sucks on the tendon :( Take care of it so it doesn't cause you long term grief! We will be here for you regardless if you are doing RI30 or couch in 30!

    Mariam-great on pushing up the weights! I have been sore the past couple of days...think its because of starting zumba to compliment the RI30 (needed more calories loss to go w/ my toning). Plan is to do Turbo Jam Sun/Mon/Fri...Zumba Tue/Wed/Thur...RI30 Sun-Fri. (did first round of turbo jam tonight. Not as fun as zumba, but I love to bellydance. I used to do martial arts, but I like dancing I burned 300 more calories doing zumba)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    sounds good kory! glad u enjoyed zumba! i love it! are you going to be going more regularly? I had a rest day yesterday and will start level 2 tonight! wish me luck!
  • mareed123
    mareed123 Posts: 85 Member
    OMG Level 3 day 1 done, im still shaking as a type this lol. Its pretty hard out!! The duck walks are hard!! Im going to take some more pics today, half way though!!

    Congrats on reaching your goal weight gd!

    korygilliam.........................L2D6 -Done! (08/12)
    pizzygirltx............................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...............................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva)..................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent............................L2D5 -Done! (08/13)
    jojowink..............................L2D4...done!! 8/12
    SDV219 (Steph)................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.........L1D5 -Done! (5lb weights)
    Jenlwb................................L2D3- Done, 1 and 2KG weights
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)...............L3 day1 -Done! (08/15)
    mariababe81(mariam)....L1D6 -Done! (08/12)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (L1D2 - 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd)
  • mareed123
    mareed123 Posts: 85 Member
    I tried adding pics (day 1 till now) and it didnt work. I will try saving them to my profile if you want to have a look.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    updating for yesterday! ouch ouch! level 2 kicked my butt! wow, that was intense! dont say that a lot these days but it did work me hard!

    korygilliam.........................L2D6 -Done! (08/12)
    pizzygirltx............................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...............................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva)..................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent............................L2D5 -Done! (08/13)
    jojowink..............................L2D4...done!! 8/12
    SDV219 (Steph)................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.........L1D5 -Done! (5lb weights)
    Jenlwb................................L2D3- Done, 1 and 2KG weights
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)...............L3 day1 -Done! (08/15)
    mariababe81(mariam)....L2D1 -Done! (08/14)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (L1D2 - 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd)
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    Ok, y'all, I need your opinion. I am going back through 30DS and it is still REALLY hard for me, I sweat like crazy and everything burns. But, I can do everything, just not easily, and I am still following Anita for some of it. FYI, before I started 30 DS, my only forms of exercise were sitting on the couch and carrying a baby around. I started 30DS right when I started to focus on losing weight and getting healthier.

    I am getting really nervous thinking about doing Ripped because it is harder.... do you all think I am ready for it, or should I stick with 30DS until I am more fit? I am ok either way, but since I have no experience with Ripped, I don't really know which way to go. Opinions?

  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Ok- so basically I said screw it and exercised today (ran and did Ripped). I know I was supposed to wait until I saw the doctor, but what the hell can 1 day do right- and in all honesty I feel SO much better (my outlook over all demeanor-not my foot)!!! So did L2D1 today- I can not crawl up my leg for those crunch moves in circuit 3- seriously just can't do it. And I must be deformed because I can NOT lift my butt off the ground for the ab hold into table tops :ohwell:

    korygilliam.........................L2D6 -Done! (08/12)
    pizzygirltx............................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...............................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva)..................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent............................L2D5 -Done! (08/13)
    jojowink..............................L2D4...done!! 8/12
    SDV219 (Steph)................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.........L2D1 -Done! (5lb weights)
    Jenlwb................................L2D3- Done, 1 and 2KG weights
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)...............L3 day1 -Done! (08/15)
    mariababe81(mariam)....L2D1 -Done! (08/14)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (L1D2 - 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    Des92 (when DVD arrives)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd)
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Ok- so basically I said screw it and exercised today (ran and did Ripped). I know I was supposed to wait until I saw the doctor, but what the hell can 1 day do right- and in all honesty I feel SO much better (my outlook over all demeanor-not my foot)!!! So did L2D1 today- I can not crawl up my leg for those crunch moves in circuit 3- seriously just can't do it. And I must be deformed because I can NOT lift my butt off the ground for the ab hold into table tops :ohwell:

    If you're deformed, so am I!! I thought my arms were too short... I couldn't do the crawl-up-the leg thing at first, but i just did day 4 and am getting there. Still can't do the first cardio- plank jacks and mountain thingies without mods for most of it!
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Week 1 Day 1 just finished!! I now have an even deeper respect for everyone who's moved on to level 2! Wow!! Good workout (i'm still shaking and dripping sweat - calorie burn of 360). I really enjoyed it though, I surprised myself and completed the whole thing without a single break. Way to go everyone! Happy to finally be joining you and not just watching from the sidelines :)

    korygilliam.........................L2D6 -Done! (08/12)
    pizzygirltx............................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...............................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva)..................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent............................L2D5 -Done! (08/13)
    jojowink..............................L2D4...done!! 8/12
    SDV219 (Steph)................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.........L2D1 -Done! (5lb weights)
    Jenlwb................................L2D3- Done, 1 and 2KG weights
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)...............L3 day1 -Done! (08/15)
    mariababe81(mariam)....L2D1 -Done! (08/14)
    Des92.................................L1D1 Done! (08/15)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (L1D2 - 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd)
  • mareed123
    mareed123 Posts: 85 Member
    Level 3 day 2 done, feeling a bit sore in the shoulders and arms today. I can see a real difference in my muscles compared to day 1. I cant wait to see what they are like in a couple of weeks!!

    Good work Des!!

    korygilliam.........................L2D6 -Done! (08/12)
    pizzygirltx............................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...............................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva)..................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent............................L2D5 -Done! (08/13)
    jojowink..............................L2D4...done!! 8/12
    SDV219 (Steph)................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.........L2D1 -Done! (5lb weights)
    Jenlwb................................L2D3- Done, 1 and 2KG weights
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)...............L3 day1 -Done! (08/16)
    mariababe81(mariam)....L2D1 -Done! (08/14)
    Des92.................................L1D1 Done! (08/15)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (L1D2 - 8/8)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd)
  • gsenriquez
    gsenriquez Posts: 181 Member
    Sorry, I've been missing in action for a few days...been sick for several days but went back to exercising again this morning. I couldn't do everything...still whole body hurts from the flu I got.

    korygilliam.........................L2D6 -Done! (08/12)
    pizzygirltx............................L1D6 -Done!
    Erica79...............................L2D1 -Done! (08/09)
    Evotchka (Eva)..................L1D2 -Done !(08/02)
    gd50cent............................L2D5 -Done! (08/13)
    jojowink..............................L2D4...done!! 8/12
    SDV219 (Steph)................L2D3 -Done! (08/08)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.........L2D1 -Done! (5lb weights)
    Jenlwb................................L2D3- Done, 1 and 2KG weights
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ)...............L3 day1 -Done! (08/16)
    mariababe81(mariam)....L2D1 -Done! (08/14)
    Des92.................................L1D1 Done! (08/15)
    hdreher1117(Heather)- (starting 8/6)
    gsenriquez(Grace) - (L1D4 - 8/16)
    shels67 (gone camping 2nd week of August)
    tjradd73 (Tara)- L1D0 (starting Aug 20th)
    momwithacamera (Jen)- L1D0 (Plan on starting 8/23
    courtneylwatson - L1D0 (starting Aug 22nd)