**Red Team Kick the Crap Out of August Challenge**

Hi everyone! This will be our forum for the August Challenge. Everyone please, post at least a bump. I'm friends with most of you as of now, and hope to be friends with the rest of you soon. I encourage you all to friend each other for added support and through this challenge.

So here is everyone that is on our team. Like I said, I do suggest you friend each other for encouragement and support. I believe encouragement and support is vital to everyone's continued success not only for our challenge, but for our continuous journey on MFP. So here it is:

1. edmontonm
2. lisa_lotte
3. mmpriemer
4. KARAsene82
5. sweetness623
6. Hottness4Lyfe
7. missliz89
8. Charlie175
9. msdunny
10. gr82run
11. Bourds
12. 500lbs2marathon
13. Kreutzy
14. Collegegal13
15. gnoccola
16. amwat
17. cpearcy
18. Denise310
19. freeloaves
20. carol2710

We are still in need of a kick @$$ team name, and I'm open for suggestions. I'm so excited to be part of this team!!! I will be posting all of the specifics of the challenge later this evening. I'm so ready to kick the other teams b-double"O"-t-ies!!!! How 'bout you? (Insert fist pump here) LOL

Let's get it guys!


  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member
    Hell yeah :)
    RRT_RCP Posts: 169 Member
    Awesome, can't wait to start!
  • Kreutzy
    Kreutzy Posts: 29 Member
    Let's do it!!
  • mmpriemer
    mmpriemer Posts: 19
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    I just sent you a friend request. Want to be in the challange. Can't wait to have lots of friends and support. I am new to MFP, so I will need help! Thanks
  • msdunny
    msdunny Posts: 12 Member
    I am here, and am bumping this up. I love the suggestion of the team name being the 'red hot chili peppers'!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    If you want a Kick-*kitten* team name, how about Red Mist ... from Kick-*kitten*. lol
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    Bump. Bump. Bump. Can't wait to start! We'll kick some booties!
  • 500lbs2marathon
    500lbs2marathon Posts: 542 Member
    Hey team!! Its gonna be a kickass August, Im in the middle of my half marathon training plan, so I plan on kicking some major *kitten* this month!!!

    Feel free to add me if I havent added you yet!
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    WooHoo!!! Excited to Kick some August *kitten*!!!!
  • lukybug
    lukybug Posts: 209
    Here's a few ideas. I do like the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

    *Unleashed Arsenal
    *Arsenal Unleashed
    *Red Hot Arsenal

  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    bump - Can't wait to kick some buns!
  • 500lbs2marathon
    500lbs2marathon Posts: 542 Member
    Frank's red hot, I put that *kitten* on everything! Lol
  • lukybug
    lukybug Posts: 209
    It's official. We're Red Hot Arsenal!!!!! Let's show 'em how it's done.

    Also, pounds will be due to me every Sunday night. Please message them to me. Also, Gary said there will be "bonus" challenges too every week.
  • o0oBonnieo0o
    Cant wait:)
  • lukybug
    lukybug Posts: 209
    Can everyone please message me their August weight loss goals? Thanks so much!!!
  • kjpollard
    kjpollard Posts: 68
    I'm newbie, so I might be confused...is this the lose 10 lbs in august challenge? I thot I was on the red team...:huh:
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I'm newbie, so I might be confused...is this the lose 10 lbs in august challenge? I thot I was on the red team...:huh:

    This is not the same thread as the "Lose 10 lbs in August Challenge". The one you joined was started by SommerJo, and that's the one where I'll be posting our team updates.
  • carol2710
    carol2710 Posts: 13
    cant wait to get started : )
  • KrissyChefBaby
    KrissyChefBaby Posts: 68 Member
    I'm excited!! We are gonna kick butt!