**Team D'Terminators - August Challenge** (closed group)



  • megabux
    megabux Posts: 179 Member
    August 5th: Day 5: 25 push ups-DONE, 100 stairs-DONE, 25 crab touches-DONE 64oz water-DONE Stay within Calories-DONE

    I know we are going through some major changes and people are feeling pretty defeated right now, but we are doing this people! We are doing this for us and for eachother, we need to really stick together and support one another and really PUSH! Good day today D'Terminators, you guys are super heroes, I love being here! and meeting all of you has been really amazing:)
  • RachelJE
    RachelJE Posts: 172
    Push ups done, water done, under calories. Couldn't do extra because I have double ear, sinus infections & bronchitis. So doing the basic stuff is a challenge. Next week I kill it!!!!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I'm done for the day! Did my pushups and crab touches, but I wasn't around any stairs, so I couldn't do the bonus stair climbs. I'm under calories for the day and I'm at 13 cups of water and counting...
    I also added an extra mile to my run this morning, so I'm all caught up for this week and ready for week 2!

    And, I might be jumping the gun on next week's challenge, but I have a recipe to share. On the recommendation of one of my MFP friends, I made Chicken Rollatini with Prosciutto and Cheese for dinner tonight and it was super-delicious! I actually made it for my family as I had already eaten, but it was so good I couldn't resist having one myself. The recipe is here: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2011/04/chicken-rollatini-with-prosciutto-and.html

    Great job, I'm glad you made it onto the team!

    The recipe looks YUM, i might try that next week!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Push ups done, water done, under calories. Couldn't do extra because I have double ear, sinus infections & bronchitis. So doing the basic stuff is a challenge. Next week I kill it!!!!

    You poor thing, I hope your better soon!!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    HI there~! I am a new member to this team. Regardless of being a replacement or not......I am absolutely dedicated to this challenge! I am here for the long haul ! I just started today so I will update you on my starting status~ Start weight- 235.0(taken last sun. jul.31) completed my 25 pushups(military style...which is normal man style for me...none of that one arm crap...yeah right!) JUST completed my 100 stairs....going up and down my own staircase to my house....lol...that was quite entertaining to say the least.....hahaha....already way over 64 ozs of h2o(100 ozs of h2o for the day quit counting after 70) all on top of my normal ritual workout of 45 mins-60 mins (4-6 days /week)workout on my Elliptical machine. I am so dedicated to myself these days.....I went for so long trying to please others and to comprimise for others that I sort of forgot about myself in the process of thinking with my heart and not my head. Welll................now I am ready to be ALIVE again~ I am ready to start treating myself with the respect I deserve....and Im ready to start lol....I like to call it ....DATING MYSELF!! From here on out Im gonna do ME! and of course Im in the same boat as many of you are, so I finally feel like I belong somewhere.....with as much support that I have gotten from this site....I can no longer deny this is the way to go. This is the path I belong on and I am so happy to share this experience with all of you~! I mean it when I say I am dedicated. I WILL NEVER QUIT. I can PROMISE YOU THAT! Good luck to all of you on this awesome journey~
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    HI there~! I am a new member to this team. Regardless of being a replacement or not......I am absolutely dedicated to this challenge! I am here for the long haul ! I just started today so I will update you on my starting status~ Start weight- 235.0(taken last sun. jul.31) completed my 25 pushups(military style...which is normal man style for me...none of that one arm crap...yeah right!) JUST completed my 100 stairs....going up and down my own staircase to my house....lol...that was quite entertaining to say the least.....hahaha....already way over 64 ozs of h2o(100 ozs of h2o for the day quit counting after 70) all on top of my normal ritual workout of 45 mins-60 mins (4-6 days /week)workout on my Elliptical machine. I am so dedicated to myself these days.....I went for so long trying to please others and to comprimise for others that I sort of forgot about myself in the process of thinking with my heart and not my head. Welll................now I am ready to be ALIVE again~ I am ready to start treating myself with the respect I deserve....and Im ready to start lol....I like to call it ....DATING MYSELF!! From here on out Im gonna do ME! and of course Im in the same boat as many of you are, so I finally feel like I belong somewhere.....with as much support that I have gotten from this site....I can no longer deny this is the way to go. This is the path I belong on and I am so happy to share this experience with all of you~! I mean it when I say I am dedicated. I WILL NEVER QUIT. I can PROMISE YOU THAT! Good luck to all of you on this awesome journey~

    Welcome to the team, I"m glad that you are here!! I love that your "dating yourself" lol ...
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    OK.........I know that I am new here.........and I am just trying to be honest. Sooooo...............Don't any one of you get offended when I say this....... BUT........I really believe that if you join a challenge, you should all be accountable and reliable on your acceptance of the challenge. I am just going to throw this Idea out there.........If we are all serious...and I mean REALLY serious about our journey to a better SELF...then maybe we would be willing to do a txt to phone update/uplifting statement to keep eachother motivated~? IF you AGREE...then please make it known. Im sure that we can work this out~! Our team captain has been working her BOOTAYYYY off!! And to tell you the truth....I am so proud of her! I was jealous that I wasnt able to get in on this challenge as a first spot member...but I feel priveledged to be here now! So ....all Im trying to say is....IF YOU ARE HERE FOR THE LONG HAUL.......THEN SAY SO~~~~ IF YOU JOINED FOR THE FUN OF IT........SAY SO..............but most of us that joined....IM SURE...are here for OURSELVES and to better ourselves. I am not trying to start any drama...I just want people to know that we are absolutely serious about all of these challenges! I wish you ALL the best of luck on your journey~ If you have an opinion on the txt to phone idea let us know? thanks so much and I truly hope I didn't offend anyone in this matter. I am just a very forward and to the point type of person! :)
  • I did the challenges today plus my water and am under calories! Won't be on much tomorrow. I am going to be gone most the day tomorrow. A whole day of car washing. It is a good calorie burn. Have a great day!
  • everything donE!!
  • marlabelle
    marlabelle Posts: 55 Member
    Done for the day. Under on cals, over on water & challenges complete.

    I realize people are choosing to opt out of this challenge but I want you all to know I will not be one of them! The way I see it, this challenge is only 4 weeks long & one of them is almost complete. So that is 3 lil' ol' weeks left of committing to a very worth while cause! Yes, there may be a day or two when "I don't wanna". Times when my schedule will make it difficult to complete. BUT, it's only 3 more weeks! 3 weeks is doable.

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! Awesome jobs today!! :)
  • mochama12487
    mochama12487 Posts: 130 Member
    Okay everyone, I just wanted to write our challenge group and let you know the dilemma I have going on..... I very much want to be a part of this group because I feel that I need some sort of competition and drive to get myself going and to better myself and lose more weight. However, I also feel that beginning this challenge has made me second guess myself and my abilities, because being almost 300 pounds, I am very limited to the things I am able to do. I have NOT been exercising very long, and therefore many of the challenges we have throughout the week terrify me. I don't know whether or not I should drop out of this challenge and allow someone who is truly able to complete the challenges each day in order to not cheat the team their points, or maybe stay in the challenge so I have the motivation I need, even if attempting the exercises and failing makes me feel bad. I don't know what to do, and could really use some help/motivation/advise.

    Any ideas?
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    Okay everyone, I just wanted to write our challenge group and let you know the dilemma I have going on..... I very much want to be a part of this group because I feel that I need some sort of competition and drive to get myself going and to better myself and lose more weight. However, I also feel that beginning this challenge has made me second guess myself and my abilities, because being almost 300 pounds, I am very limited to the things I am able to do. I have NOT been exercising very long, and therefore many of the challenges we have throughout the week terrify me. I don't know whether or not I should drop out of this challenge and allow someone who is truly able to complete the challenges each day in order to not cheat the team their points, or maybe stay in the challenge so I have the motivation I need, even if attempting the exercises and failing makes me feel bad. I don't know what to do, and could really use some help/motivation/advise.

    Any ideas?

    If you're willing to try to do all of the challenges, I say stick with it. We're already close to a quarter of the way there; only a little more than 3 more weeks to go. We're here for support if you need it. Ask for the modifications for the challenges you can't quite do and break up the large sets into something manageable. Even if you have to spread out the smaller sets throughout the day, just do whatever it takes to get it done. And never feel bad about having a hard time with it; we all had to start somewhere. These challenges are hard, as long as you're trying your best, you should be proud that you're pushing yourself!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I agree with miovlb6. You've already finish a quarter of it. The point of the challenge is to lose weight. I agree that being almost 240, I'm terrified of next week's challenges. They're really daunting and not for people my size. Burpees are not for people my size either. But I did the modified versions and lets face it, these are NOT exercises I'd do on my own. I think you should stick with us. It's not 100% about winning, it's about making changes in our lives and this challenge is definitely encouraging us to do it. If at the end of this month, I'm able to do a burpee, then I don't care if we've won, that's enough for me. I think you should stick with it since you're dedicated. Just do the modified versions and maybe spread them over the course of the day (do 10 when you wake up, when you get home from work, after dinner and before bed, etc.) As long as you're doing extra movement, you're going to succeed and we'd love to have you!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Ok got all my squats and water done. I sure don't drink as much water when I'm not at work! I will be under on calories today, I will make sure. Tomorrows another story :)
  • marlabelle
    marlabelle Posts: 55 Member
    Okay everyone, I just wanted to write our challenge group and let you know the dilemma I have going on..... I very much want to be a part of this group because I feel that I need some sort of competition and drive to get myself going and to better myself and lose more weight. However, I also feel that beginning this challenge has made me second guess myself and my abilities, because being almost 300 pounds, I am very limited to the things I am able to do. I have NOT been exercising very long, and therefore many of the challenges we have throughout the week terrify me. I don't know whether or not I should drop out of this challenge and allow someone who is truly able to complete the challenges each day in order to not cheat the team their points, or maybe stay in the challenge so I have the motivation I need, even if attempting the exercises and failing makes me feel bad. I don't know what to do, and could really use some help/motivation/advise.

    Any ideas?

    I read somewhere that you can discuss alternative exercises with the team captain & modify the moves to suit your fitness level. BUT I want you to know that you CAN do this! It is time to rise to these challenges and not let them intimidate you!! There is no doubt this challenge is going to be hard...it's a challenge but you have to get it in your head that you are able to whatever you put your mind to. Being someone who used to weigh over 300 lbs, I can honestly tell you that challenge or no challenge, fear is going to stand in the way of reaching your full potential. You have to be open to putting yourself out there & trying new things, which you've done by signing up. Now it is time to prove to yourself that you can do anything you want by finishing what you started!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    25 lunges completed and 64 oz water down. Can't wait to weigh in tomorrow! Going out on a date night with the hubby tonight! So overdue!!! Will be under cals tonight as well. Making sure I don't overinduldge. Night! Good luck tomorrow everone!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Mochama - I pmed you my thoughts on your situation.

    As for everyone else, I just want to remind all of you that ... YOUR DOING AN EXCELLANT JOB!! ..


    All exercises can be done in sets... can only do 5, fine... do 5 - 10 time throughout the day...

    Push yourself, you will never know your limit unless you do... and before you know you will be like "one time I could not do that, now I'm doing 50"

    If by any means you cannot do an exercise, weather this be you just can't do it, or you feel pain - STOP - email me for an alternative!!

    This isn't the end folks - it's just the beginning... don't give up on yourself, because you are far more worth what you think!
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    Hi guys!! Just checking in since I didn't get a chance to yesterday since I was out and about in NYC and didn't have internet access. I was over my water, under my calories, but unfortunately didn't get my 25 pushups done. So, I'm glad we're getting a wash this week.

    Today, I have had 12 cups of water, under my calories, and did my 25 squat lunges! Tomorrow is my half marathon!! Oh, and I don't have access to a scale since I'm traveling so I will have to keep my weight the same as last Sunday :-(

    Welcome to all the new team members!!!!
  • megabux
    megabux Posts: 179 Member
    August 6th Day 6- DONE! everything, Great job today all!
  • mochama12487
    mochama12487 Posts: 130 Member
    Everyone who responded to my previous post-

    I want to first thank you all for showing me so much support. I have decided that I will be sticking to the challenge even though I know it will be a rough few weeks, but I also know that I need to push myself in order to learn that I can do this life-transformation, and do it for me.

    Again, thanks so much for all the support, you guys rock!
