

  • ashesoh1234
    ashesoh1234 Posts: 132 Member
    I eat everything I want. I have a lot of weight to lose, but I've lost about 27 pounds in the last eight weeks, and that's with eating everything -- I've had ice cream, steak, burgers, bagels, bread, tons of delicious summer fruits and veggies - but in moderation. I know that I need to eat in a way that's realistic for the rest of my life. Am I never going to eat ice cream again? Or bread? Or a burger? I have to learn how to fit everything into what I eat. I don't do well with cutting things out entirely.
  • ashesoh1234
    ashesoh1234 Posts: 132 Member
    I eat everything I want. I have a lot of weight to lose, but I've lost about 27 pounds in the last eight weeks, and that's with eating everything -- I've had ice cream, steak, burgers, bagels, bread, tons of delicious summer fruits and veggies - but in moderation. I know that I need to eat in a way that's realistic for the rest of my life. Am I never going to eat ice cream again? Or bread? Or a burger? I have to learn how to fit everything into what I eat. I don't do well with cutting things out entirely.
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    I believe everything in moderation. I have to have my pepsi max most days (its diet so not as bad in my eyes) Iv just cut out chocolate/crisps/sweets and am eating more fruit/veg (big bowls of frozen veg as snacks as most are around 30-50cals a 100g)
    I dont cut out bread/pasta as I love the two. I dotn really eat rice or bread that much but pasta is our staple diet!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Foods to never eat?

    Uncooked bones from human sacrifices to the vegetable gods.
    Alien unicorn horns.
    Space dust.
    Easter eggs from 1989...and ONLY 1989.
    Bigfoot fur.

    I think We need to be more specific here:
    Uncooked bones from human sacrifices to the vegetable gods.
    This is a really stupid comment - its a well known fact that part of the sacrificial process involves the cooking of the bones and attempting to eat them prior to the cooking is, in effect, volunteering to be the next sacrifice. Strictly speaking it is not the eating which is bad for you! In fact, as good excuse for a long and rather fast run this could contribute positively to your program.
    Alien unicorn horns.
    These are OK in moderation... half a ground teaspoon of A.U.H. is known to be a strong aphrodisiac and, as per the above example, is likely to result in good healthy exercise. Ironically, more than the recommended dose can lead to extended romantic liaisons in which the participants often forget to eat or drink - leading to death through dehydration and or starvation.
    Space dust.
    Well DUH!
    Easter eggs from 1989...and ONLY 1989.
    I'm not quite sure of the logic behind this one. As far as I know all the Easter eggs from this period were either been eaten or have hatched into Easter bunnies. Please fill me in on the details.
    Bigfoot fur.
    This is only a problem if still attached to Bigfoot.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I would have given a serious answer but all those people who said 'everything in moderation unless you have an allergy' are correct.

    By the way - if you are training heavily carbs from the likes of pasta, bread, potatoes and rice are not only OK - they are essential - its all about portion control!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    been eating wheat pasta, the penne pasta from HEB for one year now, and it seems to help in keeping me regular.......again, if my cal count is under for the day, it was a sucess, because a few times, I ve pigged out on it, but made sure that im within myrange

    ill work out extra that day ..............I have noticed that the desire or craving for pasta seems to decrease over time.......again, all in moderation for a wishes, Lloyd
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Trigger foods are a spectrum. Most of mine I can have in loose moderation, some I can't have nearly as often, and some I just can't have. Most I keep out of the house, but it's always changing. I used to not be able to keep peanut butter in the house, but now it's not as much of a problem.
  • elly0001
    elly0001 Posts: 191
    Ok so just to clarify -reintroducing icecream/an unhealthy dessert everyday but staying under my calorie requirements won't make me gain/slow my metabolism?? I am looking to maintain weight now so I don't really need to be cutting cals anymore just wanna find balance and hopefully still be able to enjoy some of the foods I like (even if they were what got me here in the first place!)
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Elly - no, it will not change your metabolism - however I don't know that this is the best way to move to maintenance: I would look at your macro's and try and keep your protein/carbs/fat ratios the same as you did during weight loss. You will have much more energy and much less health problems if you do this.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,688 Member
    Rice can't be so bad, look at all the asian people, how skinny they are.
    BAM!!! The condemnation of carbs from many a diet program have it wrong most of the time. Like anything else, carbs if overeaten will be stored as fat. But the same happens with protein.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    rice, bread, pasta. I'm glad it's forever out of my diet.


  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Foods to never eat?

    Uncooked bones from human sacrifices to the vegetable gods.
    Alien unicorn horns.
    Space dust.
    Easter eggs from 1989...and ONLY 1989.
    Bigfoot fur.

    *quickly tries to wipe the space dust from around her mouth*


  • iTim__
    iTim__ Posts: 6,823 Member
    I'd say it is a good call to avoid foods made with illegal substances. Yeah, I'm talking about those special brownies there hippie!
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    *quickly tries to wipe the space dust from around her mouth*

    I think you're ok - that's fairy dust.
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    No chaulk....... to dry
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    *quickly tries to wipe the space dust from around her mouth*

    I think you're ok - that's fairy dust.

    FAIRY DUST?!??! REALLY? What can it do? Can I fly? Or make someone else fly if I sneeze on them? YAY! I've always wanted to be sprinkled with fairy dust!!! XD
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    what are the foods u should never eat for health, weightloss/maintence and a healthy metabolism?? Like white rice causing insulin spikes/fat storage etc? What other foods have this effect??

    rice, bread, pasta. I'm glad it's forever out of my diet. although, I did cave in and have a pb sandwich last night but the bread was low carb and full of grains, the scale was still up this morning. It's been months since I had one, so it was okay, I guess. I do avoid them on a daily basis though for the most part.

    RICE BREAD AND PASTA ARE NOT BAD FOR YOU I EAT BREAD EVERY DAY AND RICE OFTEN. I dont eat pasta much because its so high cal. just eat the wholemeal varieties

    THANK YOU! I agree!
    Rice and bread are not bad for you. They are staples, and just like EVERYTHING ELSE, they are just fine in moderation.
    I love rice, especially brown rice. One cup is a serving & I'm still losing weight even though I have it for dinner. There are worse things, you know. Like anything deep-fried.
  • zadrii
    zadrii Posts: 21
    I don't ever consume :

    juice or soda
    candy, cake, brownies, donuts, or ice cream
    potato chips
    fast food

    but i still get to eat lots of yummy foods that just aren't full of preservatives or are really unhealthy
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I eat anything and everything I want. I have no restrictions. Restrictions lead to resentment.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    FAIRY DUST?!??! REALLY? What can it do? Can I fly? Or make someone else fly if I sneeze on them? YAY! I've always wanted to be sprinkled with fairy dust!!! XD

    Depends on the type of dust:

    Blue - Makes you fly*1
    Green - Lets you talk to animals*2
    Yellow - Makes you want to wee. (not very popular)
    Red - Makes you breathe fire*3
    Pink - Doesn't do anything, but it tastes nice and girls seem to like it as a fashion accessory.
    Purple - Gives you the ability to read minds*4
    Black - This is space dust, NOT fairy dust. Spit it out at once*5
    White - This is cocaine. I do not condone use of illegal drugs, nor will I discuss their effects.
    Silver - This is glitter. It makes thinks look pretty*6

    * disclaimers

    1) Strictly speaking, fall. This is normally found on the end of long, thin stems of a very fragile plant which grows out 3 meters horizontally from cliff faces. It becomes completely invisible and untouchable if a human is attached to any sort of safety device. Lemmings are addicted to it.

    2) They have never been known to talk back

    3) Only found in active volcanic lava....

    4) Although, only in a limited capacity as everyone seems to be thinking about sex. Also known as Google dust. This is my favourite.

    5) Unless you are in space - see previous comments in thread.

    6) Many people think the effects of silver fairy dust wear off as you get older. i.e. above two years old. I disagree. You can never have too much glitter. If you eat it, even your poo sparkles ;)